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Book reviews for "Jeffrey,_William_P.,_Jr." sorted by average review score:

Drug Prescribing in Renal Failure : Dosing Guidelines for Adults
Published in Paperback by American College of Physicians (15 January, 1999)
Authors: George R. Aronoff, Jeffrey S. Berns, Michael E. Brier, and William M. Bennett
Amazon base price: $28.00
Used price: $23.95
Average review score:

Needs an Update
As a nephrology fellow I found the concise tabular format in this book very useful and reassuring while beginning my consultation months. I still like the basic idea behind its publication, but am increasingly disappointed. Much of the dosing information is readily available now for free, and it is frequently more accessible on palmbased programs such as epocrates and medscape that avoid the need for carrying multiple pocket references. I would like to see the text regularly updated, go beyond data available in existing palm programs, such as including recommendations/cautions regarding drug combinations for transplant recipients, discuss intraperitoneal dosing for CAPD patients on relevant medications, include critical liver metabolism pathways (i.e. P450 enzymes systems) so interactions with other meds might be better predicted. I would enthusiastically support adding a palmtop version to the appropriately updated text.

Survival Source
After completing a residency in internal medicine/pediatrics and using many other sources to decide on renal drug dosing I have been most delighted with the introduction to this one at the beginning of my nephrology fellowship. The very rapid accessible concise format of key essentials I need for patients with temporary or chronic renal failure are also adjusted for types of renal replacement therapy. Only suggestion I have is: please update with new addition and more meds included as soon as possible. Wish I had known about this book from the first day of my internship.

A must have for clinicians!
Very helpful, quick reference for Physicians, Pharmacists and Nurses to determine possible effects of renal disease on drug disposition.

Foreshocks of Antichrist
Published in Paperback by Harvest House Publishers, Inc. (1997)
Authors: William T. James, Grant Jeffrey, Chuck Missler, Dave Breese, Zola Levitt, and John Walvoord
Amazon base price: $11.99
Used price: $1.51
Collectible price: $11.11
Buy one from zShops for: $7.00
Average review score:

Don't Be Swayed by One Movement
Without going into detail criticing the book, let me just say this: It is easy for people to take relatively ambiguous statements out of the Bible ("there will be wars and rumors of wars" is rather vague for one) and present them in a manner to prove your personal point. It is extremely easy for certain authors, such as these, to gather up a bunch of scary facts (like this is the only time the world has been a scary place), try to match them to the Bible, and then conclude the end of the world is near. I would argue that the reader should take into account what these authors say, but not take them seriously until they've found good reason. (For one, the notion of a one-world government the anti-christ will impose upon the world and use to attack Christians is always a favorite.... but not entirely founded in Scriptural reading either). If one remembers just one thing when reading this book, it should be that a good and truthful book does not have to use their evidence with the obvious intention of scaring you into their idea.

The time is upon us...
This book makes it frighteningly clear that the end of time is fast approaching. This book covers every insight ranging from the technological aspect (e.g.- TV, the Internet, etc.) to the Middle East struggles that continue as we speak. Without a doubt I recommend this book for anyone into studying prophecy. This book does get rather in depth, but is well-suited for those who have studied Revelation before. I fully recommend it.

Lord Have Mercy on Us
This is an amazing book. It made me realzie that the end of the world is, in fact, upon us. I was not so wise two years ago, and I missed my ride on the spaceship with my fellow San Diegans, but this book has made me realize that I must now repent and save my soul before the world pays for its sins.

Human Personality and Its Survival of Bodily Death (Studies in Consciousness)
Published in Paperback by Hampton Roads Pub Co (2001)
Authors: Frederic William Henry Myers, Jeffrey Mishlove, and Susy Smith
Amazon base price: $11.87
List price: $16.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $11.75
Collectible price: $25.00
Buy one from zShops for: $8.75
Average review score:

This book is pure nonsense. I found it in our public library, a two-volume set from 1904. It consists of poorly-written hearsay masquerading as scholarship.

Human Personality and Its Survival <BR>Human Perof Bodily Death
(Paperback edition)
In the 1890's, when F.W.H. Myers wrote Human Personality and Its Survival of Bodily Death, people didn't believe they necessarily had souls, much less that the soul would survive their death. After Myers experienced communication with his deceased wife, he set out to prove his contemporaries wrong.

Myers was a scholar who became a scientist when he began investigating paranormal phenomena. He conducted research and experiments in a variety of fields, including personality disintegration, genius, sleep, hypnosis, and trances. His goal was to "break down that artificial wall between science and superstition." He believed that questions of the soul should be subjected to the same open mind and critical analysis used in other scientific inquiries.

His landmark investigations set the standards for subsequent research into human consciousness. In his interpretive introduction to the book, Jeffrey Mishlove says that Myers's "classic synthesis of nineteenth century field research [is regarded] as the most important single work in the history of psychical research." He adds that it is still "fresh, vigorous, and contemporary."

Like many of the classic metaphysical texts, Myers's book has been out of print for years. Hampton Roads Publishing Company has begun to reissue the classical texts in their new series, Studies in Consciousness/Russell Targ Editions. Their current edition of Myers's book is an abridgement of the original, "prepared to make its major content more readily accessible to the modern reader."

Human Personality and Its Survival of Bodily Death documents Myers's extensive experiments and conclusions that personality does, in fact, continue after death. Readers will discover that he achieved his goal of proving that the human personality is not limited to material life.


The Secret Vietnam War: The United States Air Force in Thailand, 1961-1975
Published in Hardcover by McFarland & Company (20 November, 1998)
Authors: Jeffrey D. Glasser, Jeffrey L. Ethell, and William C. Westmoreland
Amazon base price: $55.00
Used price: $34.99
Average review score:

not enough verification of history
In The Secret Vietnam War USAF in Thailand, the author toes the bureaucratic line. For 1975, he believes historians when they tell him the C5a that was destroyed (by guerillas who wanted to discourage the extraction of Vietnamese refugees) not by "structural damage" i.e. they were practically brand new aircraft. I sat through the security/intelligence brieifing. As a result he misses the fact that Security Police had to pull the repugnate duty of sniper on off loading refugees because the brass was afraid the North Vietnamese would use refugees as cover to do suicide attacks on Thailand air bases. The author misses the fact that Security Police were escorts on US C 130s to help with the early refugee extraction during Operation Babylift. The author misses the threat of student, communist querrillas, and RTG mercenaries against US military installations. I had to endure sniper harrassment on the perimeter and I was ordered to not defend myself. The author got right the assassination threat against the base commander, but missed the fact that theives and others attacked, beat, and stole equipment and weapons of SP gate guards. This is partly inferred in "Rituals of National Loyalty." He missed the fact that bases in Thailand were used by US diplomacy to smuggle herion, when I tried to stop a shipment on a KC 135 tanker the base commander relieved me of duty and put me on the next "Freedom Flight" home. I did find a book that talks about the CIA's involvement in such activities, they paid off Thai military authorities by shipping out local leader's herion.

Great book, touches on alot of unknown history
I was there during the same time frame as Jeff, and I still learned a lot. Reading this book was like a step back in time. It was good and informative. Todays youth should read it and others pertaining to the Vietnam War. I only have one critisim though. As with all other books that are in print about the Air Was in Vietnam, one very important unit has been overlooked yet again. This was DET 2 TAWC (Detachment 2 Tactical Air Warfare Command), Project Rivet Top. This was the unit I served with during the Vietnam war and having been a Top Secret unit it has been ignored again.

Challenge of Democracy
Published in Hardcover by Houghton Mifflin Co (2001)
Authors: Kenneth Janda, Jeffrey M. Berry, Jerry Goldman, and William Lasser
Amazon base price: $91.96
Average review score:

Its a Standard
Having been in 2 college level courses that use this book, one being in my ap govt in high school and the other here at UTD, its a standard for Govt classes that are good

Fundamentals of Aerospace Medicine
Published in Hardcover by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Publishers (15 June, 2002)
Authors: Jeffrey R. Davis, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, and Roy L. Dehart
Amazon base price: $149.95
Used price: $120.00
Buy one from zShops for: $134.91
Average review score:

The authority
This textbook is largely considered the authority in Aerospace Medicine in the United States. If one wants to become familiar with Aerospace Medicine, they must read this text. It moves from history to the many aspects of medicine, which effect the aviator. It is fairly well written, and up-to-date. It is not written with just the FAA or any one military service in mind, but can be generalized to all. Space medicine is also covered. If you need info on this subject this is a good text to purchase.

PC Wars: Politics and Theory in the Academy
Published in Hardcover by Routledge (1995)
Author: Jeffrey Williams
Amazon base price: $80.00
Average review score:

PC Wars addresses broad range of important cultural issues
This collection of essays accurately reflects the state of the culture wars in the academy. Professor Williams has collected commentary from important critics addressing such issues as curriculum, the rise of theory, and the problems of politics. The essays share a common commitment to understanding the political embeddedness of all speech acts. Even omissions offer political prejudice and only through the self-conscious efforts of academic dialogue can the attempt to speak fairly and critically be gained. Contributors include Michael Berube, Gerald Graff, Henry Girous, John Howard, Bruce Robbins, and Jeffrey Williams. Published before the Sokal "outbreak" at "Social Text," PC Wars is a prequel of issues charging that very debate.

Voyage to the Southern Ocean: The Letters of Lieutenant William Reynolds from the U.S. Exploring Expedition, 1838-1842
Published in Hardcover by United States Naval Inst. (1988)
Authors: William Reynolds, E. Jeffrey Stann, and Anne H. Cleaver
Amazon base price: $34.95
Used price: $11.15
Collectible price: $12.50
Buy one from zShops for: $25.00
Average review score:

Life in the pre-Civil War Navy
William Reynolds was the older brother of Maj. Gen. John Fulton Reynolds who, while commander of the left wing of the Army of the Potomac on July 1, 1863, became the first general officer killed at Gettysburg. Brother William was then a Navy commander and senior officer afloat at Port Royal, SC under Admiral Dahlgren. He was to go on to become an admiral and even acting Secretary of the Navy--twice. This book contains his letters home during the 4-year U. S. Navy Exploring Expedition (the Wilkes Expedition). It also interweaves entries from both his official and personal journal and responses from home--mostly from sister Lydia. Anyone with an interest in the pre-Civil War Navy or even social life (in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, his home) will find this book extremely informative.

Using and Understanding Mathematics: A Quantitative Reasoning Approach
Published in Hardcover by Addison-Wesley Publishing (1999)
Authors: Jeffrey O. Bennett and William L. Briggs
Amazon base price: $68.00
Average review score:

A Math Book for the Mathematically Inept
There are no numbers in this math book. What kind of math book has no numbers??

Good Math Textbook
I used this book for a class I took in college. It was very helpful. Highlights of the book include examples, language, and ease of understanding. I would recommend this book to anyone taking a class that needs it, or even a person just interested in furthering their basic math knowledge. Check this one out!

User Friendly 2nd Ed. Essential for Survey of Mathematics
Extremely User friendly text, be sure you are getting 2nd edition and not first, they are not the same!!! Uses real life examples to explain various mathematical models, a book you'll want to hold on to for future use.

Moving Mountains: Lessons in Leadership and Logistics from the Gulf War
Published in Paperback by Harvard Business School Press (1994)
Authors: William G., Lt. General Pagonis and Jeffrey L. Cruikshank
Amazon base price: $13.97
List price: $19.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $9.95
Buy one from zShops for: $13.09
Average review score:

Fascinating read on moving things around the world
This truly is a fascinating account of just how the United States military was able to move 500,000 troops and all their equipment halfwar across the world, fight a war, and then bring it all home. The numbers and statistics of the effort are truly stunning.

I am no logisticians and perhaps have missed some of the finer points of leadership as a logistician that this book apparently provides. Nevertheless, it can be an interesting for anyone who is interested in just how the US military works and what a complex organization it really is.

Gen. Pagonis only has one flaw - his ego. He really does talk himself up in this book. If one should trust his account of his military career he singlehandedly saved an entire company from annihilation in Vietnam, preserved the M1 Abrams tank program from Congressional hostility, and then did the entire logistical planning and execution surrounding Desert Storm.

But if one disregards Pagonis ego this is a great book.

Too little on Gulf War logisitcs and challenges
From a military history point of view, logisticians get far too little credit for allowing the front line to even exist. Lt. Gen. Pagonis' book does attempt to offer some insight into the challenges of supplying the Army's needs as it built up during Operation Desert Storm in 1990-91, and then through Desert Storm. Very little is said about the withdrawal process of Desert Farewell.

The problems with this book are that it is too much centered around a business school philosophy book- not to take too much away from the success that Pagonis had, but it seems less about the challenges of supply in a hostile environment than a depiction of how to solve problems. I greatly respect the efforts and solutions that Pagonis encountered and defeated, but wish this was more a military-oriented book and less of a business school effort.

Regardless of these issues, Moving Mountains will give a reader some appreciation for all of the tasks and unsung duties by the rear echelon forces in combat, and how the Army has developed its ability to deal with any potential environments it may find itself in the future.

Easy to read and understand
Anyone interested in buying this book must understand two things up front:

1. This book is written by a professional soldier and not a business school professor.
2. This book is one man's account of his duties and opinions on the subject of logistics and is not intended to be a textbook on the subject of logistics or a war novel.

If you understand these two things before you by the book then you will find this book to be very interesting as it is one of the few books written on military logistics. Moreover, you will gain insight into as to how General Pagonis used his personal leadership style to manage the logistical challenges of the first Gulf War. For someone wanting to learn about the nuts and bolts of logistics this book isn't for you. However, for those of you who want to gain an understanding of how logistics can impact the success or failure of a war while picking up a few words of wisdom in leadership from one of the best in the business will enjoy this book. I have read this book twice and I enjoyed it each time. Although I couldn't use much of the material from the book in my MBA classes, I was able to apply some of the information from this book while I was earning a graduate certificate in Logistics and Supply Chain Management from Penn State.

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