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Book reviews for "Iavorsky,_Stefan" sorted by average review score:

Information Technology and Tourism: A Challenging Relationship (Springer Computer Science.)
Published in Paperback by Springer Verlag (1999)
Authors: Hannes Werthner and Stefan Klein
Amazon base price: $81.95
Used price: $59.15
Buy one from zShops for: $69.15
Average review score:

This book is rubbish! It is nothing more than a very long and pedantic list of topics. There is no explanation of anything.

The english is also near comical.

The only saving grace is the extensive list of references for which it earns 1 star.

A Solid Effort!
Information technology (IT) fits the tourism industry like those three-fingered white gloves fit Mickey Mouse - but you have to really understand what you are doing if you want to hang out with the big thinkers. Just ask authors and researchers Hannes Werthner and Stefan Klein, specialists on IT applications for the tourism trade. They teach a complex class, here, about getting destination and attraction information to travelers and about getting tourism data back to service providers. This IT theme park is a place where insiders give the professional scoop to other insiders. The language is highly technical, theoretical and complex (perhaps, now and then, even more complex than the ideas at hand warrant). Casual visitors will like the extensive source documentation, charts, graphs and arrow-filled diagrams, but the text is written for folks who live in this industry day in and day out. If you already know info technology and tourism, we from getAbstract invite you to enjoy this expert rundown on how all the internal mysteries relate. There's nothing Mickey Mouse about it.

This is an excellent book providing a comprehensive look at information technology in the tourism industry. The perspective of the authors is clearly IT. I would strongly recommend this book as a reader for senior level undergraduate and graduate level classes in this area. The authors should be commended for providing the first comprehensive look at the tourism industry.

Microsoft(r) Outlook(tm) 98 Field Guide
Published in Paperback by Microsoft Press (16 February, 2000)
Authors: Stephen L. Nelson and Stefan Knorr
Amazon base price: $7.99
Used price: $3.85
Buy one from zShops for: $4.43
Average review score:

A book without a natural audience
If you don't already know Outlook 98, don't try to learn it from this book. The information is presented alphabetically, and is thus unsuitable as an introduction. Experienced users won't need the information in this reference, so the question is, who was this written for? My best guess - users of Outlook 97 who want to see what's changed. I would be interested if anyone out there can recommend an Outlook 98 book for sophisticated programmers.

Not that great but good for the price
You can't go wrong for 6 bucks. Its no that great but I have to admit it did help me a few times.

A Nice Quick Reference Guide Especially For Support Folks
Outlook 98 is a deceptively complex and vast application. While on the surface its GUI and Wizard interface make it appear simple to use and support, anyone who users more than just the cursory features quickly learns that the beast as a maddening number of features and options. The Outlook 98 Field Guide does a good job (much better than the silly online help) as a quick reference guide to help walk you through something new or when you have forgotten some obscure operation. This is not a beginners guide, nor is it an advanced users "Tips and Tricks" book. It is just something nice to have around, especially if you find yourself having to answer Outlook 98 questions from your friends, colleagues, or clients.

Celibacy in the Early Church: The Biginnings of Obligatory Continence for Clerics in East and West
Published in Paperback by Ignatius Press (2001)
Author: Stefan Heid
Amazon base price: $13.97
List price: $19.95 (that's 30% off!)
Buy one from zShops for: $12.97
Average review score:

Intellectual Hogwash
If ever there were a work that started out with a premise and then worked toward its solution, this is it. Stefan Heid is so set on "making the case" for clerical celibacy that he puts aside common sense. Lost in his own intellectual mirage, Heid takes gross liberties with the words spoken by St. Paul, the early fathers, and Christ himself.

In 1 Cor. 9:5, Heid changes Paul's words: "Do we not have the right to take about with us a wife," to read "Do we not have the right to take about with us a sister."

When setting forth the early restrictions on becoming a bishop, one of them being you may not have married a second time, Heid makes the quantum leap to infer that that then must mean that the priest was celibate with his first wife from the time of his ordination.

When Paul is writing to the Corinthians in I Cor. 7,8,9 and tells them specifically that he is not asking them to be celibate as he is, but to live the life that has been given them, Heid says Paul is really talking to the Apostles as well, and is really asking them to answer to the higher calling: celibacy. And Heid says: "Here lies the basis for the legitimacy of clerical continence."

If this is academia, give me simplicity, Oh Lord!!!!

Merits a closer look
Contrary to the previous reviwer, in skimming through this book in a library, I was impressed by his scholarship. He may be right, or he may be wrong, but like many recent scholars, he raises some interesting challenges to conventional ideas about the origins of celibacy (which actually only date to the late 1800s). His book deserves a careful read for those who are interested in the subject. A more thourough work, however, is Cochini's book "The Apostolic Origins of Priestly Celibacy" (1981) which provided the basis for much of what Feid argues.

McAt Supercourse
Published in Paperback by Macmillan General Reference (1994)
Authors: Stefan Bosworth, Marion A. Brisk, Ronald Drucker, and Arco Publishing
Amazon base price: $35.00
Used price: $4.96
Collectible price: $16.00
Average review score:

This book was a handy guide for a review of the sciences. The practice tests are far from adequate and need to be redone...they are not good representations of the actual test and could potentially hinder your ability to do well.

The reviews of the sciences are decent and helpful. The practice tests are not helpful, however, and are not a good representation of the real MCAT.

Branding With Type
Published in Paperback by Adobe Press (1995)
Authors: Stefan Rogener, Albert-Jan Pool, Ursula Packhauser, E. M. Ginger, Stephanie Tripier, Hayden Book Company, and Publishing Hayden
Amazon base price: $18.00
Used price: $6.50
Collectible price: $8.95
Average review score:

OK, but it could've been great
The subject matter is one of my favorites. Wished it made the leap

Cactus Coloring Book
Published in Paperback by Dover Pubns (1981)
Authors: Stefan Bernath and Stefen Bernath
Amazon base price: $3.95
Used price: $2.50
Buy one from zShops for: $2.64
Average review score:

The Cactus Coloring Book
I enjoyed this coloring book. Each picture included details about the particular plant. It would have been nice to have a bit more background around each cactus featured and quite a number of the featured cactus were very similar in look. However, colored examples were included inside the cover and the book features an introduction page giving information and advice for planting and caring for cactus plants.

The Dying of the Light
Published in Paperback by Hogshead Publishing Ltd (01 November, 1995)
Authors: Hogshead Publishing, Lea Crowe, Lief Erikkson, Stefan Karlsson, Phil Masters, Sandy Mitchell, Chris Pramas, Anthony Ragan, Andrew Rilstone, and Jo
Amazon base price: $17.95
Average review score:

A mish-mash of ideas and themes
As a longtime player of Warhammer Fantasy RolePlay (WFRP) I was very happy to see Hogshead pick up the rights to WFRP after Games Workshop abandoned this great product. This is the first new adventure material produced by Hogshead and while welcome, is not neary as good as some of the older adventures in the Enemy Within campaign (Death on the Reik, Power Behind the Throne).

In this adventure, the players are racing against time to forstall an ancient prophecy about the return of a Daemonic entity in and around the city of Marienburg. The problem is in trying to maintain a coherent storyline when each chapter is being plotted by different authors. In the end, the adventure comes across as a mish-mash of interesting ideas but the coherency is lost. It is still a good book, however, just not great. There is a good balance of investigation and action and would suit pretty much any gaming group.

Lincoln: A Picture Story of His Life
Published in Hardcover by HarperCollins (1976)
Author: Stefan Lorant
Amazon base price: $12.98
Used price: $8.00
Collectible price: $25.00
Average review score:

It's Old But Still Good
This book provides over 600 pictures and is certainly sufficent for any school project that might need to be done about Abraham Lincoln. Being published in 1952 does not make this book out of date. It provides huge quanities about every detail of his whole entire life. An excelent choice for any Lincoln fanatics.

Oracle9i XML Handbook
Published in Paperback by McGraw-Hill Osborne Media (26 September, 2001)
Authors: Ben Chang, Mark Scardina, and Stefan Kiritzov
Amazon base price: $34.99
List price: $49.99 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $2.67
Buy one from zShops for: $5.67
Average review score:

Useful, but not for beginners.
I bought this book in order to learn XML and how Oracle implemented it. This book assumes you know XML and Java very well, and glosses over many details. There is no reference for the myriad functions used in the examples so you really have to look elsewhere, like Metalink. I still don't know what book covers the details left out of this one! I will buy it when I find it.

I must own 8 or 10 Oracle Press books . . .

Pervasive Computing: Technology and Architecture of Mobile Internet Applications
Published in Paperback by Addison-Wesley Pub Co (15 January, 2002)
Authors: Jochen Burkhardt, Horst Henn, Stefan Hepper, Klaus Rindtorff, Thomas Schack, and Thomas Schaeck
Amazon base price: $49.99
Used price: $3.08
Buy one from zShops for: $3.08
Average review score:

Not quite pervasive
This is a very euro-centric books (where ... is assumed to be considered a success and ... will be here anyday). Despite this perhaps flawed view point, the book is interesting to read
and the example in the second half of the book showing how to write a concrete application in Java on a server to deliver content to a PDA, a WAP phone, a PC web browser, and to a voice device is very well done.

There are some things which are not clear - for example, why would someone give their PIN to an applet (12.1.2 pg. 316) which could then sign anything via the smart card! Another questions is
why is WAP so useful, if you have to test you application with each specific device and code around its behavior (13.2.1 pg. 338).

Although the back cover talks about "ubiquitous embedded computer systems, consumer electronics" other than pictures of IBM's web watch and some digital jewerly all of the devices seem to be assuumed to have considerable computing power (at least a complete Java environment). Perhaps this book is best read in conjunction with "The TINI Specification and Developer's Guide" by Don Loomis, which looks at things from the small device rather than the server point of view.

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