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Book reviews for "Hang,_Ting-Yung" sorted by average review score:

Sit Down, Shut Up & Hang on: A Biker's Guide to Life
Published in Paperback by Gibbs Smith Publisher (1997)
Authors: Penny Powers, Chuck Hays, and Anne Mitchell
Amazon base price: $7.95
Average review score:

Too Much For Too Few!
While this book is funny/interesting, there was nothing in this book that I had not heard before or that experience or common sense (remember what that is?) had not taught me. I believe that the the book is also vastly over priced for it's size(120 pages). Save your money, buy gas for your bike, and use the best teacher of all, get on the road, and in the wind.

Excellent Read
A great little book with lots of insightful views into the world of motorcycling and the people who live in it. The illustrations are outstanding and really enhance the thoughts expressed. Well worth the cost.

I love this book!!!
This is a fun book and with some very indepth wisdom, if you can read between the lines. Be prepared for a series of one liners, leave your troubles in the dust (except for those that are inherent in owning a bike!) and enjoy the wind in your face.

Adventure Vacations: A 50-State Guide to Rock Climbing, Horseback Riding, Spelunking, Whitewater Rafting, Snorkeling, Hang Gliding and Ballooning
Published in Paperback by Citadel Pr (1995)
Author: Stephanie Ocko
Amazon base price: $14.95
Average review score:

Good idea, but badly needs a new edition
The book contains information on a large number of types of "adventure" you might have on a vacation, including some non-typical things like train tours and ballooning. There is very brief information on a number of suppliers of each type of adventure. The commentary provided on each is brief and to the point. I found two problems, one of which was very important--The book is rather dated. It was published in 1995. As a result, there's not even a hint of the internet in it. Also, I suspect some of the suppliers are out of business, or at least have moved on to new address/phone numbers. The other problem is that it is organized by activity. So it is easy to find providers of llama hiking tours (there really is such a thing!) in several states. But if you are going to be in Poughkeepsie for several days, and want to know about adventurous things to do there, the only way to find out is to go through each category of adventure looking for references to Poughkeepsie. I'd wait for an updated edition--And I hope there is such an edition, this is a fine idea.

Very complete guide for a weekend warrior
This book helped me out tremendously in my search for new and interesting places to visit. I recomend it to anyone lloking for some adventure.

Hang Up on the Hang Low (100 Bullets, Book 3)
Published in Paperback by DC Comics (2001)
Authors: Brian Azzarello and Eduardo Risso
Amazon base price: $9.95
Average review score:

Who would YOU use your 100 Bullets on...?
If you were given a gun and 100 bullets that were completely untraceable, would you use them? What if the man that gave them to you told you that anything you do with them would be completely above the law? Even if you were caught in the act, the Police would just let you go....

This is the premise behind 100 Bullets. Agent Graves gives people a chance for revenge against someone who did them wrong......but what's in it for him...?

Hang Up On The Hang Low is the story of "Loop" Hughes; graves gives him the chance to kill his father, who abandoned him as a child. Loop is soon caught up in his estranged Father's criminal lifestyle, and the Father and Son duo soon run afoul of the Mafia.....and the question lingers: Why does Mr. Graves want Loop's Dad dead?

The story of Loop and his Dad is a compelling one, but it's dragged down by the fact that Author Azarello tells us NOTHING about Graves and his motives. His backstory STILL hasn't been made clear, and the Epilogue relies heavily on knowledge you'd gain from reading the previous issues of the book, or the other trade paperbacks. I read them, but can't remember every little detail. The book needs to be more new-reader friendly. I'll keep reading though- I want to know what the story is with Graves....

Not up to Split Second, but still strong
100 Bullets: Hang up on the Hang Low (Issues 15-19)
By Brian Azzarello and Eduardo Risso
Review by Patrick Meaney

Hang up on the Hang Low takes 100 Bullets in a new direction, using the basic premise as only a setup, and spending most of its time on the relationship between a father and son. This TPB does not do much to expand the mythology of the book's world, but it tells a strong standalone story.

The main relationship in this story arc is between Loop and his "Pops." Loop's father had left him before he was born, and, thanks to Agent Graves, Loop gets a chance to find out what his father is like. Their relationship is the core of the story, its essential to the arc that it works. Azzarello once again demonstrates his incredible skill in creating characters. Loop is well defined, and his relationship with his father is developed well. It seems legitimate, and realistic considering they don't know each other very well.

Once the relationship is set up, Azzarello destroys it. The second half of the arc is extremely well done, with Loop's rage coming through. What could have been a simple tale of revenge becomes an emotional journey, that is fulfilling when it comes to its conclusion.

The final issue ties a lot of things together. Lono returns, seeking vengeance on Loop's cousin, who assaulted him in Miami, back in Split Second Chance. What was a confusing background subplot comes to the foreground here, and nicely ties everything together, connecting Loop's story to the larger plot. One of Azzarello's greatest skills is his ability to turn silent background plots into major events in later issues. New readers aren't left out of anything, and long time readers get an added bonus.

Overall, this collection doesn't add too much to the overall story, but it's a great standalone. However, Hang Up doesn't reach the heights of the second book. There's nothing really wrong, but the ghetto story has been done before in the book, and it lacks the potent originality of some previous stories. It's still a great collection, and a thrilling read.

8 out of 10

Do Your Ears Hang Low? 50 More Musical Finger Plays
Published in Hardcover by Doubleday (1980)
Authors: Tom Glazer and Mila Lazarevich
Amazon base price: $13.95
Average review score:

Great music for young children!
This book is great for teachers who want to share fun songs with their young classes. Songs are what children love!

Hang Gliding According to Pfeiffer: Skills for the Advancing & Pilots
Published in Paperback by Publitec Editions (1984)
Authors: Rich Pfeiffer and Maggie Rowe
Amazon base price: $9.95
Average review score:

A great book on the mental aspects of winning hang gliding.
I had met Rich Pfeiffer when I read this book, but I did not know him. After I read this book, I thought I might know him pretty well. This book is the ultimate book on winning hang gliding competitions. Not particularly the section on the equipment. It was written when the equipment was much less sophisticated than today. But it describes the mental preparation for winning that one must have in order to win consistantly without depending on luck. In a fairly esoteric sport, this is the only book which deals with "Inner Hang gliding". This would be a trite phrase except that for Hang Gliding it is so true. If you want to win, you must go prepared to win and it starts inside your head. This book has been out of print for at least ten years and was probably not printed in great quantities in the first place, directly appealing as it does to only a few thousand people, but it should be considered the book to have for the aspiring hang gliding competitior.

Hang on to Your Diapies, Babies, We're Going in
Published in Library Binding by Bt Bound (1999)
Author: Kitty Richards
Amazon base price: $10.40
Average review score:

Rugrats Trivia
All you need to do for this cute book is open it up an read the first few pages. It may be a challenge for you to answer some of the questions but show this book to your TV-absorbed kids they'll LOVE it. The Rugrats are cute, lovable, and extremely cool babies. I think the fact that they came up with the idea and were able to make this book is good enough for a four star fare.

Hikayat Hang Tuah
Published in Unknown Binding by Terbitan bersama Yayasan Karyawan dan Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka ()
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:

A classic!
Hang Tuah is a malay legend whom many Malays till this day believe that Tuah is still alive. This book is full of adventures in a far away Malacca 500 years ago.

Out of the Bleachers and Onto the Field: How to Witness Without Hang-Ups
Published in Paperback by Concordia Publishing House (1996)
Author: Michael E. Gibson
Amazon base price: $8.99
Average review score:

Actually Going Fishing with Jesus
Relates apathy in the church of Christ to story of his young son learning to watch a baseball game only by looking at the scoreboard (which the boy was so proud he'd just learned) without paying any attention to all the action on the field.

Thus, out of stands and into the game, Christians. Good work on letting Jesus use each and every believer as a witness to their friends, relatives and acquaintances in our lifepaths.

Great advice on focusing on salvation and not letting our witness get sidetracked and off-course with other doctrines initially with unbelievers.

Liked his last chapter "on helping rookies," the much needed talk about integrated new believers into the life of the church and congregation.

Peace in the Red Rock Valley: As Long As Them Guns Hang There
Published in Paperback by (2001)
Author: James E. Gilmer
Amazon base price: $14.95
Average review score:

This recovery stuff is serious business
Yes, it really is a game of life and death. This book shows, though, that you can still have a laugh or two along the way. The stories which James tells distill the lessons of recovery down to good old boy stories you might have heard on the porches and at the picnics of the Georia country society.
The sincerity with which he sheds the trappings of ego and explores new heights of self depracation, are nothing if they are not touching. He tells in the book that it started as a way for him to leave something for his children as a way of explanation that the man they knew as father was not alcoholically absent from their lives because of anything they did.
The home spun philosophy and rural anecdotes may proove hard for some to grasp in their symbolic entirity. The language of the heart and honesty that is employed is understandable to those before and after him who choose not to drink or use, one day at a time.
This is a fine piece of work and belongs on any person with an interest in recover's bookshelf.

How to Meet and Hang Out With the Stars: A Totally Unauthorized Guide
Published in Paperback by Citadel Pr (1995)
Authors: Bret Saxon and Steve Stein
Amazon base price: $12.95
Average review score:

this book was stupid as hell.
they wrote small biographys on each star they met, instead of writing what happend when they met them. what a waist of paper. i mean what the hell? they rate each star and then these guys write stuff like "billy crystal started out on soap" no sh*t . we want to know what happend when you met the guy and why you rated him so damn low.

Tips are worth trying.
This book teaches you how to gain access to celebrities by a) Semi-truthfully suggesting that you're a member of the press, b) Cultivating contacts by setting up back-scratching deals with people close to celebrities like limo drivers, and c) In general marshaling all your chutzpah. Kind of like what gossip columnists do, except these guys seem to get off on just "hanging out" with the famous.

These strategies will indeed work and may get you into some cool parties, though not 100 percent of the time as the authors imply. You can follow as many or as few of their tips as you like, depending on how much free time you have and how much you really care about doing any of this.

Many of the book's celebrity bios, which fill nearly half the book, are dated by now, and some of the authors' opening line suggestions are pretty corny. Next time they should try more anecdotes and less filler.

This is just too sweet.
So far I have read the book and it is fantastic. I can't believe that it is this easy. I should have had this book ten years ago. The book is an easy read and very understandable. Go for it!

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