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Book reviews for "Gerboth,_Walter_William" sorted by average review score:

Spirit and the Flesh: Sexual Diversity in American Indian Culture
Published in Paperback by Beacon Press (1992)
Author: Walter L. Williams
Amazon base price: $21.00
Used price: $9.00
Collectible price: $42.35
Buy one from zShops for: $21.00
Average review score:

This is one of the best books you can find on this subject matter

Finally, I found a book that speaks the truth about my people. It is extremely rare to find books that cover the issues of the two-spirit people. Williams does an amazing job of fully researching the topic . . including living with/among the people he interviews. Read this book!

Mind-opening prespective on society's "Diversity-cide"
A throughly documented and detailed historical and socialological account of American Indian society's andorgynous Benache, sex and sexual interactions. This book takes you back in history to understand how the Benache fit in the Indian culture and how that culture's sexual norms were very inclusive and accepting of what our society would label "diverse" people and actions.The historical prespective includes the invasion of european westerization and "Diversity-cide" of the indian culture.If one wants to be spiritually awakened to the possibility that our culture's (society) rules and norms aren't natural and that there are (were) societies where diverse individuals can feel good about themselves then this is the book for your soul.You'll feel good about yourself after reading this book. It might not specifically relate to you but you'll see that maybe we're headed back in the right direction

Struggling With Scripture
Published in Paperback by Westminster John Knox Press (2002)
Authors: Walter Brueggemann, William C. Placher, and Brian K. Blount
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $7.15
Buy one from zShops for: $6.87
Average review score:

One Struggle we all have in Common!
When we chose Prof Bruegge's books to give away as Christmas gifts, one of those was Struggling with Scripture. It brings out one of his personal beginnings in the confirmation service by his Father. At that point he is given the Psalm verse, 119:105: "Your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light to my path." In his recorded memory, our good Professor says: "He did in that act more than he knew. Providentially, I have no doubt he marked my life by this Book that would be lamp and light..."

From his long and intimately personal love for the Psalms, he touches upon his early church tradition of "simple, irenic piety from the past..." One of those few pages in Bruegge's writings that he piles up both adjectives and adverbs like, "seemingly, utterly beyond me in its richness, concretely in my hands and unprecedented generativity!" When he comes out with creative linguistics and adds the emotion of his spoken words, it is enough to take you back into time and forward into what will surely follow...In his rapidly moving train of thought!

He touches Biblical Authority through the avenures of Inherency, Interpretation, Imagination, Ideology and Inspiration. In one of his first classes at Columbia Seminary when I was present he used these five huge words beginning with I's. That immediately hooked me into signing on for his Survey of Old Testament and next his Theology of the Old Testament.

Brueggemann's first Chapter lives up to the Preface comments by William Sloan Coffin...where he introduces Prof Blount and then Prof Placher and finally in more detail Prof Bruegge. I cannot say enough good things about this little gem of three chapters and delightful preface of Bill Coffin's. When you have heard these two similarly dramatic speakers then you surely will want to digest their magically miraculous, wondrous descriptive words. Gratefully, Retired Chaplain Fred W Hood

Breath of fresh air
This is a good read, I would not suggest is a quick read. The authors are biblical scholars in their right (Brueggmann, Placher and Blount) and they give the reader food for thought. The book will challenge your thinking and maybe the way you look at the world. Don't read it if you are not honest with your struggle.

Breath of fresh air
This is an excellent, short book. The authors have made it an easy read and it has a lot of food for thought. If you want to expand and challenge your mind, then this is a book for you. I would not recommend this book to anyone who does not want to be challenged or is not honest with their faith journey.

Angel Station
Published in Hardcover by Tor Books (1989)
Author: Walter Jon Williams
Amazon base price: $18.95
Used price: $1.30
Collectible price: $5.29
Buy one from zShops for: $20.00
Average review score:

Beautiful Maria/Ubu
This is a great of my favorite sci-fi books of alltime.

First of all, the whole idea of being able to capture and use the power of a singularity on board a ship to travel the stars is fascinating and powerfully described.

The two main occupants of the ship "Runaway" use their own unique powers, Ubu's perfect memory and and his sister Beautiful Maria's ability to shepherd electron flow, to control their ship and navigate the deep. But they have a problem...Ubu and Beautiful Maria are broke and desperate and need to do something soon. Out of such desperation comes risky ideas, conflict, money, screw-ups, drugs, sex, the law, aliens, hope, betrayal, power,and resolution.

This is a great ride, where eveytime you think it's going to turn out, it doesn't, or it does in an unexpected way. Walter Jon Williams has put together a great story that will keep you guessing. Try it's just as good as "Hardwired" and "Voice of the Whirlwind".

hero's name a play on french theatre character "Ubu Roi"
Walter Jon Williams shares William Gibson's gift for creating a believable future--of hustlers, bankers, and whores--who are immediately recognizeable. The technology may change; but human nature will not (at least not within Williams' timescale). Again, Walter Jon Williams has an ear for realistic dialogue which the has been science fiction authors who split their time writing Star Trek episodes could learn much from.

Building Regulation, Market Alternatives, and Allodial Policy
Published in Paperback by (2001)
Authors: John M. Cobin and Walter E. Williams
Amazon base price: $16.95
Average review score:

Foreword by Dr. Walter E. Williams
In contemporary society, people increasingly rely on governmentto provide many goods and services. Those who champion governmentallocation of resources fail to consider both the effectiveness of government allocation and the moral questions involved. In the last century, resistance to government intervention, from paper money to economics regulation, was far more pervasive and effective than it is today. Indeed, today's Americans only have a faint understanding of the Constitution and its envisioned restraints on government activity. The Constitution and its philosophical underpinning are rarely taught and understood by most Americans. That is a remarkable change from the time of our nation's founding when a large percentage of Americans were conversant with the ideas of Locke, Cato, Paine and the Federalist Papers.

The Declaration of Independence, one of America's most important political documents, contains statements that are today greeted with hostility, or at best, viewed as extremist. The motif of America's inauguration has become too radical to discuss without extreme qualification, and those who want to use it to assail the present political process are labeled 'radicals.' Of course, the liberty-loving American founders also carried this sobriquet. Another characteristic of the modern age is that Americans have become carelessly oblivious to the historical struggle for the vast liberties they enjoy but the preservation of which they now seem to disregard.

Dr. Cobin's book is part of the growing literature of case studies legal-philosophical treatises that provide economic analyses of public policy. While many other studies about regulation have been produced, Dr. Cobin has provided a major contribution to local regulatory issues. Building regulation and the modern system of private property rights are areas which are taken for granted by most people. However, this book reveals that there are more than trivial policy defects in our system of private property rights. Dr. Cobin has established that there is a real need to re-examine how private property rights are regulated. In the same way that public choice theory has exploded the notion of altruistic bureaucrats and politicians, who serve the interest of the public to the disregard their private interests, Dr. Cobin's book unmasks local building regulations whose ostensible purposes are to serve the public interest.

The results of Dr. Cobin's work lead us into a new dimension of public policy deliberation, i.e., whether government regulations produce more or less safety than that provided through the market 'regulation.' If government regulations reduce the safety and quality of goods or services, then it is in the public interest to revise or eliminate such regulation. Dr. Cobin has also done a commendable job of demonstrating that market provision can produce efficient and effective regulation, even for informational services that are assumed to be public goods. After demonstrating the failings of government regulation and provision of information about quality, Dr. Cobin shows us that markets can do in building and safety regulations what it has done the rare coin and gemstone industries.

Dr. Cobin's work goes even further. In addition to suggesting an adequate policy alternative for a failing system of building regulation, he also resurrects an alternate legal philosophy of real property. This system, known as 'allodialism,' is not a novel concept but has deep roots in Western civilization. However, it has been obfuscated over the years in favor of feudalism. It may surprise many readers that the American system of real property, not to mention the rest of the world's is essentially feudalistic. This fact should be repugnant in America where the Founding Fathers sought to abrogate all fetters of tyranny and oppression. An allodial real property system would make private property rights absolute and not subject to any form of coercive taxation or regulation. Subsequently, allodialism would serve to secure rights to property as guaranteed by the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence.

Hopefully, this study will provide the impetus for scholarship, in both case studies of local regulation and renewed discussion and analysis of allodial property rights. Not only can this book be added to the annals of regulatory studies which support market over government provision, but its philosophical basis can be used in basic disciplines, including law, economics, philosophy, political science and history. Dr. Cobin has made an important contribution to an important public policy area in a novel and frequently overlooked way.

A compelling example of government failure and theory why.
This book provides evidence that the state has failed to provide building safety regulation in the public interest. Useful market alternatives are suggested to replace government regulation. A must read for anyone studying urban regulation or interested in policy applications from free market economics.

A Charmed Couple: The Art and Life of Walter and Matilda Gay
Published in Hardcover by Harry N Abrams (01 October, 2000)
Author: William Rieder
Amazon base price: $31.50
List price: $45.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $19.06
Collectible price: $31.76
Buy one from zShops for: $29.60
Average review score:

A Charmed Couple: A Charming Book
A Charmed Couple introduced me to Walter and Matilda Gay, American expatriates in France in the late 19th and early 20th century. Walter Gay was a painter, primarily of interiors of chateaus and grand houses of France and America. Matilda was a society hostess and dedicated diarist. Both were unknown to me before I received this book as a gift (and a very fine gift it makes, too). The Gays were friends with important artists, writers and political figures, as well as English and French aristrocrats and many wealthy, international socialites. Quoting often from Matilda Gay's diary with its witty, observant and often acerbic comments on people she knew, author William Rieder gives brief, anecdotal accounts of the Gays' friendships with a diverse group that included writers Henry James and Edith Wharton, the artist John Singer Sargent, Robert and Mildred Bliss (who later created a beautiful home and garden at Dumbarton Oaks in Washington, D.C.), Henry Clay Frick and his daughter Helen (whose house is preserved as the Frick Collection in New York City). The text is interesting and witty, the reproductions of Walter Gay's paintings of beautiful rooms and views are delightful, and the book design is attractive. A Charmed Couple, as a whole, is a lovely, frothy concoction -- fun to read and to look at.

A Charmed Couple
Mr. Rieder has fashioned a fascinating account, both artistically and sociologically, about a farily obscure artist and his wife. As world travellers they both entertained and were feted by John Singer Sargent, Edith Wharton, Henry James, Elsie de Woolfe, Henry Frick Clay and an entire bouquet of royalty. They seem to have helped define the great Golden Years before the First World War changed everything. Mr. Rieder has effortlessly captured this with both wit and insight. It's handsomely produced with many photographs and images of Gay's work. I've found it to be a perfect gift item.

Conscious Acts of Creation
Published in Paperback by Pavior Publishing (01 November, 2001)
Authors: William A. Tiller, Walter Dibble, and Michael Kohane
Amazon base price: $29.95
Used price: $19.95
Collectible price: $31.76
Buy one from zShops for: $23.96
Average review score:

Groundbreaking, Original Research
The field of subtle-energy sciences is newly emerging and destined to change the way we think about reality. Tiller's book provides the theory and data to support such a paradigm shift. While generally oriented toward a scientific audience, the authors also include material that is accessible to lay-persons. The idea that human thought can affect physical reality is not easily accepted by conventional science, but Tiller and his coauthors go a long way to show that our consciousness influences the world around us in more ways than we know.
(Simeon Hein is the author of Opening Minds: A Journey of Extraordinary Encounters, Crop Circles, and Resonance)

Mind Over Matter -- Proven!
In striking contrast with many books focused on next-generation physics, mathematics, biology, psychology, or medicine, Conscious Acts of Creation combines a brilliant theoretical model with several rigorous experiments that explore the influence of human intention on physical reality - in living as well as inanimate systems. It is in these convincing demonstrations that the principle "as above, so below" comes to life. Even more profoundly, the book establishes that repetition of the experiments in given locales can dramatically increase the power of the locales to reproduce the results - with some locales retaining their conditioning or "charge" for more than a year! These findings lend plausibility to that which mystics know as "sacred space."

A postulated theoretical model provides a launch point for interpreting the experimental results. Its major cornerstone is an eight-dimensional biconformal base space with two four-dimensional, Fourier transform related subspaces. One subspace corresponds to our everyday world, whereas the other subspace is a reciprocal or inverse "etheric" space - roughly analogous to k-space but with additional postulated properties including superluminal "velocities" (presumably in inverse units) and interchanged roles of electricity and magnetism. The model incorporates nonlocality, a scientific principle that may someday prove to be the underpinning for phenomena such as parapsychology and distant healing. Furthermore, the authors note similarities between their model and models proposed by other scientists, some highly prominent. Granted, the model becomes more speculative when it associates even higher dimensionalities with emotion, mind, and spirit. Even then, however, it remains consistent with various esoteric teachings, and it may yet provide the empowering mechanism for manifestation of intention (where the two subspaces, in some ways mutually symmetric, appear to play asymmetric roles) and in otherwise connecting science with spirit. Readers who disagree with the postulated model will nonetheless benefit from the authors' brilliant insights.

Mysticism aside, the postulated "mind over matter" mechanisms include a possible role for variation in atomic and molecular ground state energies. The observed space conditioning is discussed in the context of gauge symmetries. Rounding out the model are the insightful discussions of augmented electromagnetism (which the authors associate with Qi), inner self-management techniques such as Qi Gong and Yoga, and even the existence of two phases of liquid water. In Chapters 9 and 10, the authors become futurists as they suggest possible implications of reciprocal space engineering for medicine, pharmacology, communications, and manufacturing.

On the experimental side, the authors set the example in thoroughness and scientific rigor, although the in-depth discussion of the protocols as well as the order of topics may impact the book's readability. A mitigating factor is the brilliant introduction to gauge theory and the elucidation of several other topics including self-sustained oscillations, crystallography, and reciprocal space. In fact, the book is a mini physics course that presents various principles of electromagnetism, thermodynamics, solid-state physics, and quantum mechanics in a readable and understandable way. Also included is a brilliant discussion of enzymes, coenzymes and the electron transport chain as they relate to the experiments.

Scientists, healers, and others who investigate or work with subtle energies will appreciate the authors' insights on repeatability of experimental results. In the mainstream scientific community, replication of results is a test for credibility; yet consistent results in healing, dowsing, remote viewing, and ESP are often elusive. Armed with successful demonstrations of space conditioning, the authors shed new light on this longstanding issue - although they discuss other factors, both geocosmic and human, that can also impact repeatability of results.

Conscious Acts of Creation makes a convincing case that the powerful effects of intention and emotion can no longer be disregarded - in healing, in scientific research, or even in everyday life. The authors' findings may indeed have profound consequences for the concept of scientific "objectivity." More significantly, this book will take the reader beyond the realm of the everyday world and will expand one's view of himself or herself as a co-creator of reality. It is for this reason that Conscious Acts of Creation is essential reading - not only for scientists, engineers, and health care practitioners (both mainstream and complementary) but also for others who seek to maximize their human experiences. Conscious Acts of Creation indeed heralds and points a way ahead for "the emergence of a new physics."

Fun With String Figures
Published in Paperback by Dover Pubns (1999)
Author: Walter William Rouse, Ball
Amazon base price: $3.95
Used price: $1.69
Buy one from zShops for: $2.60
Average review score:

Très intéressant!
Les commentaires de l'auteur sont plein d'enseignement. Les figures sont connues (voir Jayne)

Très intéresssant!
Les commentaires de l'auteur sont plein d'enseignement. Les figures sont connues (voir Jayne)

The Great Book of Decorations for Buffets
Published in Hardcover by C.H.I.P.S. (01 October, 1996)
Authors: William Bickel and Walter Bickel
Amazon base price: $175.00
Average review score:

best cookbook
only book you ever need,let your creative juices GO.

The only cookbook you ever need !
Hering's has been a favorite with cooks and chef as long as I can remember,which is about 42 years.

Mathematical Recreations and Essays
Published in Textbook Binding by Univ of Toronto Pr (1974)
Author: Walter William Rouse, Ball
Amazon base price: $17.50
Collectible price: $7.42
Average review score:

Must have for any recreational mathematician.
This is a timeless classic and a primary reference
for recreational mathematicians. And the price
is unbeatable.

A Classic Compendium...
This is a classic collection of mathematical recreations. Originally written by W.W. Rouse Ball around 1900, this edition has been updated by the great geometer H.S.M. Coxeter. It is a comprehensive first source for information about magic squares, Platonic and Archimedian solids, "Knight's Tours" and other chessboard recreations, and just about any other variety of math-related puzzle you could name.

For a mathematician, Coxeter is an excellent writer, and the book is quite accessible, even to relative math novices. Fans of Martin Gardner's books, of his "Scientific American" Mathematical Games columns, will want to own this. And because it's published by Dover, the price is right, too.

Overcoming Heterosexism and Homophobia
Published in Paperback by Columbia University Press (15 April, 1997)
Authors: James T. Sears and Walter L. Williams
Amazon base price: $22.50
Used price: $10.99
Buy one from zShops for: $21.10
Average review score:

Your CoWorkers Should Read This Book
This is an excellent text. I highly recommend it for anyone involved in LGBT issues. This highly readable text will appeal to readers of all stripes, all orientations, so leave it out where others will see it... and wait to see who picks it up! Come out of the closet and bring someone with you. It's a wonderful journey.

A must read for anyone interested in LGBT issues
I have to admit that I was pleasantly surprised with "Overcoming Heterosexism and Homophobia: Strategies that Work." Given its title (which to be honest does not exactly inspire confidence as to its "readability") and its size (448 pages of really fine print. Whoa!), I was really expecting yet another dry, boring, overly academic text that I was going to have to struggle through, not just to understand but to stay awake as well. But yet, as soon as I started reading it, I was caught off guard by two things: One, I was actually able to read the essays straight through and understand them the first time I read them (as opposed to having to read the same paragraph three or four or more times because the language is so dense and cumbersome as to be incomprehensible); and two, I found myself wanting to read more of the book. I felt the book did a great job of not only incorporating a great deal of information in a fresh, easy-to-understand manner, it also managed to be comprehensive without necessarily becoming overwhelming. "Overcoming" was that rare book that actually got me from the first chapter and kept me reading. Furthermore, it has been a long time since I got this excited reading a book, i.e. it was really enjoyable to read, and incredibly informative! "Overcoming Heterosexism and Homophobia: Strategies that Work" is definitely an invaluable resource for anyone interested in LGBT issues, and particularly for those individuals or organizations looking for ways to develop and implement programs that specifically address issues pertaining to homophobia and/or heterosexism.

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