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Published in Unknown Binding by Holt, Rinehart and Winston ()
Author: Anthony Herbert
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $7.00
Collectible price: $10.59
Average review score:

Good history
I saw Herbert interviewed years ago and always wanted this book. Just found it used. He was a decorated veteran from Korea. He was one of a few survivors from his company in Korea. He felt he deserved to die in 1952 and considered his life after that a bonus.

Apocalypse of Apology for American Atrocities
I read this shortly after its release and was moved by its honest assessment of the war. Lt. Col. Herbert stands in the ranks of Civil War's Col. John S. Mosby (see Ranger Mosby by Virgil Carrington Jones) to understand the correct tactics of guerrilla warfare. But of most importance, Herbert had the guts to tell it like it was at the time. It's time for our Government to tell it like it was and apologize to the Vietnamese people for the atrocities created by poor leadership. It was this leadership that tried to silence Lt. Col. Herbert at a military trial in Georgia. With the new revelations surrounding Sen. Bob Kerry, this book elevates itself to a must read.

Serving with Lt.Col. Herbert
I served in col. Herberts batt. while he was our 6.The 2/503rd was not doing much until he arrived.He really shook it up from top to bottom.I read the book when it was first released in 73,or74 and it is very true.The army railroded him. He wouldn't tolerate My Lai type sitituations and was hurt when he stopped them from being apart of his command. He was the best 6 I ever served under.He actually participated in company,platoon and squad size operations while our 6.He gained all of the grunts trust and respect by doing so.A must read for any soldier.

Vietnam: Reflexes and Reflections: The National Vietnam Veterans Art Museum
Published in Hardcover by Harry N Abrams (1998)
Authors: Eve Sinaiko, Anthony F. Janson, National Vietnam Veterans Art Museum, and National Vietnam Veterans Art Museum Sta
Amazon base price: $45.00
Used price: $10.33
Collectible price: $31.76
Buy one from zShops for: $12.48
Average review score:

Incredibly moving, visual history
These works of art tell so many strong and painful stories, I will never forget these images of a time (that I hope) will never be repeated.

Extremely moving.
This book is an extremely moving overview of the experiences of our nation's young men and women, who traveled half way around the world to fight in America's longest and most unpopular war.

For those interested in the NVVAM's artifact collection, check out Weapons and Field Gear of the NVA and VC and the forthcoming Viet Cong due to be released in January 1999.

A visually and emotionally stunning experience
Vietnam - the war we would all rather forget and bury, so painful are the memories and wounds it engendered on America and on Asia - is at last viewed from the standpoint of artists who lived it. This visually magnificent collection of works of art made by Vietnam Veterans, both while they were in Vietnam and in the tortured years subsequent to their return as "non-heroes", not only introduces for the first time another form of documentation about the Vietnam Experience. It provides a touchstone as powerful as the Vietnam War Memorial Wall in Washington DC where surviving veterans and the families and loved ones of veterans can begin to understand what happened there. VIETNAM: REFLEXES AND REFLECTIONS is at once a catalogue of the artists (some 95 men/women, US/Vietnamese ) represented in the National Vietnam Veterans Art Museum in Chicago, IL; with the tender forward by Director Sondra Varco and insightful essays on art and war through history and art in the Vietnam setting, this book becomes the standard for scholarly studies about a particularly painful time and the body of art it produced. This book should be required reading for all Americans: the art contained in it touches us all.

Advanced RenderMan: Creating CGI for Motion Pictures
Published in Paperback by Morgan Kaufmann (08 December, 1999)
Authors: Anthony A. Apodaca and Larry Gritz
Amazon base price: $49.95
Used price: $33.50
Buy one from zShops for: $34.72
Average review score:

Delivers more than the title suggests
The world of computer graphics books is filled with fat, pricy tomes that are frankly little better than rehashes of the manual. "Advanced Renderman" is a completely different sort of book.

While Renderman is the ostensible subject, the authors actually cover the entire graphics workflow-- and explain the "why" of it all. Their section on anti-aliasing, for example, is concise, complete, and makes clear the implications of all those little doo-hickeys in 3DS -- you remember the AR explanation better, because its based around how rendering works, rather than how a particular application works (which may change in the next rev, anyway)

Smart guys, smart book-- highly recommended.

Great all-around RenderMan reference
This is a great book, written in clear and understandable English. It proivded me (a novice) great information about the RenderMan interface. Not only did it provide a reference to the various API calls, but it also includes an introduction to the basic maths behind it, as well as chapters that discuss CG in general. A thoroughly well written, useful and informative book. It is indespensible for any RenderMan user and in fact, for any CG artist.

Art of Photosurrealism
This book is written by six renowned professionals in digital lighting field. Even you are not a shader programmer, chaper 1 and 13 show the aesthic architecture of lighting composition and tell us the beauty of 'Photosurrealism'. The depth of each paper is just amazing and you can find more beautiful tecnical information from other papers written by the same authors.

Awakening: Conversations With the Master
Published in Paperback by Loyola Pr (1998)
Author: Anthony De Mello
Amazon base price: $10.36
List price: $12.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $8.29
Collectible price: $8.47
Buy one from zShops for: $8.80
Average review score:

THE BEST...........

DeMello is a master!
Read this book, or any book by Tony De Mello, if you are interested in really waking up. If the shockingly simple wisdom doesn't do it, or the perplexing little unexpected twists don't do it, be assured that you will probably wake yourself up with your own laughter.

I am a big believer that medicine does not have to taste bad to be good, and Awakening is the perfect example of this.

Thom Rutledge
author of Embracing Fear

I loved this book. DeMello's insights and the way he writes will be enjoyed and re-read by anyone who has ever asked a spiritual question or wanted to know what 'Awake' really means.

Cisco CCDA Preparation Library
Published in Paperback by Cisco Press (30 May, 2000)
Authors: Cisco Systems, Anthony Bruno, Jacqueline Kim, and Diane Teare
Amazon base price: $120.00
Buy one from zShops for: $108.00
Average review score:

Provides full coverage
I have several books that are cited to support full coverage for the difficult CCDA exam, none of which except the CISCO written books really lived up to their promise.
If CISCO are manageing the exam, then it make sense to train up with their books.
If you buy this box set, then read all and learn all you will pass the exam.
Don't waste your money trying to save pennies - - Get the real thing and pass first time. These book are as good as it gets.

Makes my taking the exam a whole lot easier.
After passing the CCNA exam I decided to pursue the CCDA certification and since the exam was developed by Cisco, why not use their material in order to pass the exam. What I found in this prep library is 3 of the best books out on the market.

While there is no one saying which book to start with, I recommend the Internetworking Technologies Handbook as the place to start. Starting with the basics, then LAN protocols, then WAN technologies, bridging and Switching, network protocols and finally routing protocols gives you the foundation to build on.

I then moved to the Designing Cisco Networks book, which can be used in a classroom without a hitch. This book covered topics like business solutions, designing topologies, building and testing prototypes and even has a sample exam and case studies.

Rounding out the set is the CCDA Exam Certification Guide which helps prepare you for the actual exam with topics like Applications, customer support, topologies and LAN design, Wan Design, documentation and case studies. Overall there seems to more than enough information to pass the exam.

a common mistake... to confuse the CCDA design exam with the CCNA support exam. There is NO new CCDA design exam - it is the same exam Cisco has been offering for some time now - #640-441. However, the CCNA support exam has been superceded by the new #640-507.

If one cannot match the correct certification book with it's correlating exam - maybe it is time to consider a different way to make a living.

This bundled pack is excellent. One should probably not invest hard earned cash on anything else. If one wants to learn the Cisco way - buy Cisco Press books. Also worth mentioning is the high quality paper, great type set, and superior graphics.

Anthony Robbins Introduction to Personal Power II: The Driving Force
Published in Audio Cassette by Audio Renaissance (1997)
Author: Anthony Robbins
Amazon base price: $20.97
List price: $29.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $10.97
Collectible price: $161.96
Buy one from zShops for: $20.54
Average review score:

Fantastic Motivation Guide
I heard this book on tape from the local library during a time when I lost my job and broke up with a woman whom I dearly love. Couldn't be at a worst time. Robbins helps me to re-focus on my priority. Reinforced my value and stayed on course. I plan to buy the entire Personal Power II 24 cassette tapes. I am also looking to sign up for his Power Talk Series. By the way, I was a big skeptic of Tony Robbins and used to laugh at people who went to his seminar.

A REAL Motivator!
I do not own the Personal Power 2, Yet! But, when I first saw his Infomercial at 1 o clock in the morning I was hooked! Now, at night I wait for his infomercial to come on! And I am disappointed when it doesn't.

My point is...he is the REAL Thing! Just watching his Infomercial made me motivated to go do what I set out to do!!!

Attend his Seminars, Buy his Products, Visit his Website, and Watch his Infomercials!!! Soon you will be on your way to Great Successes!!!!

Introduction to Personal Power II: The Driving Force
I have read most, if not all of the best selling works in the self-help field(as well as many, less acclaimed books), and I put this introduction(to a deeper and more comprehensive program) at the top of the list. This introduction has more available in the seemingly brief 4 tapes than most of the self help books out there combined. It's all but impossible to deny/defy the principles presented here. Even if you don't like 'him', his principles are completely solid, and even though he is a great motivator, he really has something to offer that goes far beyond pep talk. The value in this introduction is well worth the investment, and I honestly believe it is worth *much, much more* simply because of the return on that investment. If you're already living your dreams, and are in complete control of your life on every level, then this tape set may or may not be for you. However, I urge you to buy this introduction if you're searching for a way to not only enhance but transform your life from dissatisfaction and/or unhappiness to one of being fulfilled and content, with peace of mind.

Baltimore Catechism and Mass No. 3: The Text of the Official Revised Edition 1949 with Summarizations of Doctrine and Study Helps
Published in Paperback by Seraphim Company Inc. (1995)
Authors: Francis J. Connell, David Sharrock, and Anthony D. Ward
Amazon base price: $14.95
Average review score:

Excellent resource
Very helpful for devout Catholics, returning fallen-away Catholics, and for anyone interested in understanding the Catholic religious tradition. I especially like the biblical references that show the scriptural source of the sacrements and religious practices. This book will answer any questions you have about the Catholic tradition. The only reservation I have is that there are no answers given to the questions at the end of each lesson. Other than that, it's a great resource.

Clear, Concise and Easily Understood
This book was recommended to me by my Spiritual Confessor as a book to be studied on a daily basis. He said that is should be well understood and memorized. What I really love about this book is that it's question and answer format along with commentary and Scriptural references makes our Catholic Traditions easily understandable. Since it is a question and answer format I can also take a couple of questions a day and memorize them. This is an ideal book for New Catholics as well as Cradle Catholics. This is a great investment for the price.

Catechism for Catholic Adults
A previous "reviewer" obviously has never seen this book since it is not intended for use with children. It is clearly aimed at young adults who already have an understanding of the basic truths of the Catholic faith. These catechisms are styled after Thomas Aquinas' Summa Theologiae, which is universally recognized as one of the greatest philosphical and theological works ever! For those wanting an introduction to the Catholic religion, I would suggest the first book in this series, which is geared to children and catechumens.

Bobby Jones on Golf
Published in Paperback by Doubleday (1992)
Authors: Robert Tyre Jones and Anthony Ravielli
Amazon base price: $13.27
List price: $18.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $8.95
Buy one from zShops for: $9.77
Average review score:

One of the Best Books on Golf
I have played at golf since high school but never took the time to learn to play well. After years of duffing around the course I decided to learn to properly play the game. I began taking lessons from a highly recommended Houston PGA professional instructor and I began reading golf instruction books. I've been working on my golf, now, for 1 1/2 years. Progress is slow but substantial.

This book, BOBBY JONES ON GOLF, is one of the best instructional books available.

Over the last 1 1/2 years I've read twenty or more golf instructional books. I have found that many of the newer books, written by famous current PGA players, really aren't that good.

This book is overwhelming in the amount of information it contains. Bobby Jones, clearly, simply, explains the body movements required to produce a correct, repeatable golf swing. He does this in such a way that the reader gains insight and understanding into the golf swing no other instructional book offers.

The book also clearly discusses swing tempo and rhythm, essential to a good golf swing.

The section of putting is rather brief but gives insight and clarity to the "art" of putting.

Although this is not the only instructional book I would recommend, I consider it the best single instruction book on golf. The amount of information, the clarity of instruction and the depth of insight contained in this book are unsurpassed by any other golf instruction book available. Additionally, Bobby Jones' writing style possesses an exceptional level of refinement, intelligence and clarity.

The Holy Grail of Golf Books
One of my biggest regrets in life is that I never got to see Bobby Jones play tournament golf. He retired from the game early, too early for a man of his immense talent; and a few years before I traveled across the country to see tournament play.

I can only go by his unmatched amateur record and old grainy 16-millimeter film stock to grasp the greatness of Bobby Jones. Jones had a great swing...Very controlled, impeccable balance/ coordination, unbelievable tempo and rhythm. Pure ballstriking. Pure golf.

In his book, "Bobby Jones on Golf", Jones really gets to the spirit of the game. This is a great book on the idiosyncrasies, nuances, technicalities, and philosophies of the game of golf. If you read carefully and take his advice seriously, I believe you will become a better player. I can't guarantee this, but there is no reason why a beginner can't shoot in the 80's within the first year of playing. If you do the reading and practice the fundamentals; after 3 years of playing on a regular basis (at least 3 to 4 times a week) you should be shooting in the 70's.

This book is a very easy and compelling read. I think you will really enjoy Jone's prose. It's Jone's prose that makes this an enjoyable reading experience. It's by no means flowery or pretentious, but understated and distinguished. Much like reading a Jane Austen novel; it feels like Jones is actually speaking directly to you. And this is the best way to learn about something very complicated; to have the narrator / author personalize his language by using parables, analogies, and personal stories to make it easier for the reader to understand the complicated material.

Another important note: There are hardly any illustrations and no photographs in this book. There doesn't need to be either because Jones does such a great job in his explantions that his words paint pictures. I was glad that he didn't have to resort to any photos; it would have distracted from his impeccable teachings.

I highly recommend this book whether you're a beginner, intermediate, or advanced player. Not only will you learn from a golfing master, but you will have a new appreciation for the greatest game on earth. Along with this book, I also recommend the reading of Ben Hogan's, "Five Lessons: The Modern Fundamentals of Golf", Mickey Wright's "Swing the Wright Way", and Harvey Penick's, "The Little Red Book".

Bobby Jones on Golf
"A golf swing is graceful, not because it is made so, but because it is correct." Only Bobby Jones offers nearly poetic writing while tackling the ever so complex act of striking a golf ball, and playing the game.

Mr. Jones' book is without a doubt the best about playing the game of golf. Ben Hogan's Modern Fundamentals is a close second. The difference? Mr. Jones discusses the game. Mr. Hogan discusses the swing.

Beginners and high-handicappers should chuck all their golf magazines and golf-tip books. These only bring about tension and poor results. Bobby Jones on Golf will raise any interested reader's game to a level that goes beyond how many knuckels should be visible or the position of the pinky toe; all this while using the english language as well as he used his mashie.

A must read if you want to be a competitive golfer.

Chained Eagle
Published in Paperback by Brasseys, Inc. (2003)
Authors: Everett, Jr Alvarez and Anthony S. Pitch
Amazon base price: $13.97
List price: $19.95 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score:

Powerful, yet simple story of a Vietnamese POW
Everett Alvarez was shot down almost immediately after the Tonkin Gulf "incident." Immediately captured, he endured the next 7 and a half years of captivity while being beaten, brutalized, humiliated, and tortured both physically and mentally. While captured, he had to endure sporadic communication with his family back home, including a marriage that broke apart, and the treatment of fellow POWs who were friends, and family, to him.

Accompanying illustrations help to show how dramatic the story is. Since it is not written in a complex manner, it can fairly retell the story of what he went through before, during and after his ordeal as a POW to any audience.

I recommend this book to my students who want to learn about this painful chapter in American history, and am very impressed that any human being can absorb that which men like Alvarez and John McCain were forced to do.

An incredible memoir of POW captivity.......
On August 5th, 1964, Lieutenant j.g. Everett Alvarez Jr. was shot down over North Vietnam and became the first U.S. aviator to be taken captive in the Vietnam conflict. Held in confinement for eight and a half years, he would be recorded as the longest held POW second only to Army Captain Jim Thompson.

Spending the entire Vietnam war as a POW, Alvarez was held at different times in the Hanoi Hilton, Briarpatch, and Zoo prison compounds. It would be a year until he finally had contact with other American POW's and much of that first year was in solitary confinement.

Approaching 2 years of captivity, Alvarez and his fellow servicemen were subjected to brutal and sadistic tortures amidst inhumane living conditions for the duration of their stay. Forced to eat vermin infested food and given negligible medical care, he suffered frequently from Dysentery, Beri-Beri, Hepatitis, and other afflictions.

Far along into captivity, Alvarez finally received mail from his family concerning events at home. Sadly, he was to learn that one of his sisters had become an anti-war activist and in what must have seemed like one of the worst examples of betrayal and cruelty, his wife divorced him and then remarried.

During the worst of times, Alvarez never wavered in his beliefs of pride, patriotism, and self-determination to survive and continually assisted his fellow POW's as they assisted him. Upon a joyous and welcome return home, he diligently and proudly re-entered society with his honor and integrity intact culminating with his second marriage to a wonderful woman that made his life complete.

Chained Eagle is an exceptionally good book of one man's heroic struggle and endurance in the face of complete despair and hopelessness. Vividly poignant, inspirational, and heartfelt, this book is deserving of much more than five stars and is very highly recommended to everyone.

An American POW
This was a great story about an American POW who was captured in the Vietnam War (A POW is a prisoner of war). I would recommend this book to every one of all ages. It is a great and moving book about a man who goes through many trials.

The book starts with the main character and author of the book on his ship the U.S.S. Constellation. The author is commander Everett Alvarez Jr. lieutenant junior grade. He starts his story with his squadron going out to help to other ships who where being attacked by PT boats. Later they went and bombed them at a bay farther inland and Everett or Ev for short was shot down by flak. North Vietnamese civilians captured him and turned him into the military. He was interrogated, but would not answer their questions. A man the POWs nicknamed Owl took him to a jail for a time and continued to interrogate him. At the jail he met two men he called Mr. Sea who spoke English and Mr. Blue who didn't. Shortly after arriving there he was moved yet again to a farmhouse and locked in solitary confinement. A few days later they put him in a jeep and drove to Hanoi a large city in Vietnam. There they brought him to a jail that the POWs called the Hanoi Hilton. For several months he stayed there in a room with the numbers twenty-four on it. The Vietnamese fed him a soup with some kind of animal or animal part in it. This caused him to vomit and have horrible diarrhea. He was interrogated often and would always lie. He was able to walk around in an area behind his cell and made a small sanctuary. Ev carved a cross and wrote out all the important dates and a quote to lift his spirits. The food improved later, the Vietnamese were just testing his limits. Owl would tell him they had shot down eight of his planes, but in reality they only shot down two. He tried to prove this to Ev they had eight piles of plane parts, but Ev noticed they were all from two planes. Later Ev was moved to a smaller prison and met Crazy Man. He also started to hear other POWs. Cray Man was a prisoner who went insane he never talked, but would mime everything. Later Ev was moved again they blindfolded him and put him in a truck. In the truck he met three other POWs. They went to a place they nicknamed the Briar Patch and Ev learned a code that allowed them to talk through tapping on the wall they continued to use and teach this to the new POWs. At the Briar Patch the people were meaner and they tortured the people to get what they wanted. They moved again to another place nicknamed the Zoo and were later sent to Hanoi. At Hanoi they had to walk down a street. People crowded around and hit them and beat them as they passed. Ev and the other people kept getting moved around and after eight and one-half years later they were set free. Ev was reunited with his family, but his wife had deserted him. He was soon famous as the first POW of the Vietnam War and did many speeches and such. It was on his way home from Washington that he met Tammy, whom he later married. This was a wonderful book and quite sad.

My favorite part was when Everett got home safely. It is a very happy and funny part and great end. When they arrive at the Philippians and their way home (the POWs I mean) Ev says he has worms and the doctor says to bland foods. However since he had been in captivity he hadn't had good for almost nine years so he grabbed whatever he wanted and told them to go away when they said he couldn't eat it. When he was in his bed nurses came to take his temperature, but when they tried to take his neighbors temperature he bit her on the [behind]. That is my favorite part.

Concepts of the Self (Key Concepts (Polity Press).)
Published in Paperback by Polity Pr (2001)
Author: Anthony Elliott
Amazon base price: $26.95
Used price: $19.99
Buy one from zShops for: $24.00
Average review score:

The book covers everything on the self from Freud to Foucault. Excellent.

Theory Made Clear
This is, quite simply, the best theory book around. Period.

Social theory of the self
This is quite simply the best book on self-identity and the changing social context of identity that I have read. Simple, elegant and thought-provoking.

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