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Book reviews for "Bruce-Gardyne,_John" sorted by average review score:

A Killing Frost
Published in Hardcover by Houghton Mifflin Co (27 April, 1998)
Author: John Marsden
Amazon base price: $11.20
List price: $16.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $9.95
Collectible price: $12.71
Buy one from zShops for: $5.39
Average review score:

Great Thriller, Like No Other
This book is one of my favorite books that I've read. It is the last book of a series, and after reading this one I plan on reading the others. The story was about a girl named Ellie and her friends who try to help their country when it goes into war, they try to attack the enemy without getting caught. Every time they get close to getting caught, I would get Goosebumps!

The author filled the books with tons of great, vivid details. " To come to Cobbler's Bay during wartime and find ugly growths all over it and great monstrous ships sitting in its innocent water, like big metal leeches, made me both angry and unhappy." (Page 83) I had no trouble picturing everything in my head.

I would recommend this book to anyone who likes to read thrilling and capturing books. When you start reading it, you never want to put it down. The characters that the author created were very realistic with their own personalities that make them sound even more real. I gave this book 5 stars!

This book is absolutely unputdownable! It has a huge amount of adrenalin and you really ought to check your heart rate as you read! I've read all of John Marsden's books except the new one which is coming out soon. They have got to be in the top five list of my favourite books. Why is this book called "A Killing Frost" in the U.S? We know it as "The Third Day, The Frost" in New Zealand and Australia. Thanks John Marsden for writing this brilliant series of books.

Loved the first three books of this series
This series is phenomenal up to and including the third book. I'm in Australia (where it is called "The third day, the frost") and have read the two books that follow "Frost" as well: "Darkness, be my friend" and "Burning for revenge". Numbers 1-3 really get the adrenaline pumping. You'll be addicted as soon as you pick one up. I remember walking around the house carrying my copy, finishing it at 4 am, my homework ignored. And at the end of number three... Oh man. I howled!!!! To this day the ending brings tears to my eyes. But I'm not going to tell you what happens - read it yourself, but Be Warned, you'll spend the next few weeks in mourning. 1-3 are an emotional rollercoaster, but I have to say that if you're in America and anxiously waiting for the next episode you may be disappointed. Seems to me that either "Darkness" is a spin-off of the first three, (i.e an attempt by Marsden to capitalise on his earlier success) or his publisher has been on his case to get out the next books in a hurry. At the end, the characters are left in pretty much the same situation as when this book began. None of their attempts at sabotage have any effect this time around and I was left feeling unsatisfied and cheated. Overall, boring, and fairly pathetic when compared to the earlier 3. Number 5 was slightly better, but these two have merged into one in my head. I forget what happened in which book. Yawn!!

John Shaw's Nature Photography Field Guide
Published in Paperback by Watson-Guptill Pubns (31 October, 2000)
Author: John Shaw
Amazon base price: $17.47
List price: $24.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $16.95
Buy one from zShops for: $16.23
Average review score:

Very useful information, irritating style
I've read this book cover to cover several times and I have to say it has greatly improved my understanding the technical aspects of photography and my results have improved rapidly. I highly recommend the book, especially to beginners like me. That said, I have to say that when I'm looking through the book for the umpteenth time for advice and technical information, the condescending, know-it-all tone that the author occasionally adopts to make his point gets really irritating and detracts from my enjoyment of the book. Also, although the brand-specific information is probably useful for Nikon users, and in the cases of some kinds of equipment like tripods, for people with large pocketbooks, it is of little use to people with other systems or limited budgets, and once again this makes me as a reader feel a bit like a second-class citizen. My point is that John Shaw is a very experienced photographer and decent writer who has collected a great set of useful tips into a handy book, but I wish he would stop bragging about himself and his equipment in the process.

This book answers all your nature photography questions!
With the release of this updated Field Guide, Shaw presents his incredible photography, along with his personal opinions regarding gear, lighting, lenses, accessories. His discussions delve into all aspects of the each topic. For instance, under the chapter "Teleconverters," he not only explains the theory behind them, but he elaborates as to when and under what circumstances to consider using them--and when to avoid them. There are specific gear references and opinions throughout the book, for anyone looking to build or expand an equipment base (with a heavy Nikon emphasis). The photography, as expected, is absolutely amazing and inspiring. His photographs serve to illustrate any nature photography topic you could name--filters/ film speed/ depth of field/ telephotos/ macro photography/ composition, etc., and each topic is explained in concise, yet conversational language. He writes as though he's been asked to share his wealth of nature photography knowledge with a friend--very readable and yet technically detailed. This book deserves a place on any photographer's bookshelf--you won't be disappointed!

Excellent book for the intermediate to advanced photographer
This book is an excellent resources on equipment and techniques for nature photography. The book is detailed, in-depth, and thorough in covering the major aspects of importance to a nature photographer. Unlike most authors, John Shaw provides specific information rather than vague suggestions. For example, when discussing equipment, he advises the reader on which specific tripod to purchase and what lenses to avoid.

It should be noted, however, the books seems to be geared more toward professional photoghraphers rather than amateurs. This is probably most noticeable when he discusses equipment because he gives the impression than anything less than top-of-the-line is a waste of money and will not result in good photographers. His equipment recommendations are sometimes out of the price range of most amateur photographers. In addition, he does not waste too much time on the basics of photography and presumes that the reader has at least some grasp of concepts and techniques.

I would recommend this book for the intermediate to advanced photographer. Beginners would be better served focusing on more basic texts rather than delving into this specialist book.

Walking with the Wind: A Memoir of the Movement
Published in Paperback by Harvest Books (1999)
Authors: John Lewis and Michael D'Orso
Amazon base price: $11.20
List price: $16.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $2.50
Collectible price: $8.00
Buy one from zShops for: $2.95
Average review score:

A page turner, and a stunning period in American history
John Lewis' book,Walking With The Wind,succinctly, inspiringly ,and powerfully tells the story of how we moved as a nation from two separate and unequal societies toward 'a more perfect union', John Lewis was the leader and visionary of that journey.,He prepares us for the battlefields and physically dangerous campaigns of the civil rights movement by vividly recounting growing up in a tiny rural Alabama community and experiencing the mores of life in the 1940's and 1950's. His upbringing shows us that the so called 'least of these', with intellect, faith,and determination can make this nation move mightly in the direction of achieving the 'beloved community'. He moves on to current times and has an insider's view of events and participants. I recommend this book to all who want to know American history from one who lived it.

Walking With the Wind is a soon-to-be American classic.
John Lewis chronicles his ascendancy from the backroads of Alabama to the hallowed halls of Congress - an experience which reads more like carefully contrived fiction than real life events. The struggles, the triumphs, the emotions, the meanings are all carefully woven to create a soon-to-be American classic literary canon, depicting the Civil Rights Era. Lewis, described as an American treasure, lives up to the title with his intimate details of the renown leaders of the movement and the not-so-well-known heroes, who fought tirelessly to end the social injustices of the segregated South. Twenty-first century textbook authors would be remiss, if not negligent, by not including the perspectives of Lewis' Walking with the Wind. Amazingly, Lewis remains humble, despite his successes. He is a role model, and more importantly, a 20th Century American hero. Walking with the Wind is a must-read for all.

The story of a true American hero
John Lewis was seemingly everywhere during the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960's. From the Nashville Sit-Ins, to the Freedom Rides to the famous march from Selma and more. It is akin to someone having been at the Boston Tea Party, Lexington and Philadelphia on July 4, 1776. Not only was Lewis there but he was an active participant, one of the many brave souls who risked injury, even death to bring down segregation. Lewis knew all the key figures in the Movement, such as Dr. King, and was a leader himself. Today, of course, Lewis serves his country in the House of Representatives.
It's hard to go wrong with such a compelling story to tell and Lewis doesn't dissapoint. With the help of co-author Michael D'Orso, we learn not only of one person's participation in the Civil Rights' Movement, but gain insight into the Movement as a whole.
Lewis is vastly under appreciated by Americans today. Hopefully Waking With the Wind will help future generations appreciate John Lewis, an American hero.

In His Own Write
Published in Paperback by HarperCollins (paper) (1988)
Authors: John Lennon and Paul McCartney
Amazon base price: $4.95
Used price: $50.00
Collectible price: $44.50
Average review score:

Strangely Hilarious
Yes, this is an odd book. Some of the entries were very funny, some very odd, and some were really quite disturbing. However, despite being put off by some of the stories, I did thoroughly enjoy the way Lennon wrote. The play on words were especially humurous if very hard to interpret at times.

This book may not be for those who enjoy traditional comedy, but it's certainly worth a read if you're looking for something new. The complete randomness and, well, weirdness of Lennon's style (and, perhaps, mind) are very intriguing, whether you find it funny or not.

The introduction by Yoko Ono is also worth a look at (it's a little suprising, but oddly thought-provoking).

It's a good "larf"
I love The Beatles and I love nonsense so this was a perfect match. When you feel you've been thinking too much for one day this is the book to read it is just pure fun. The little short stories just make you giggle even if you're one of those people who never laughs when reading. This book also makes John Lennon seem more human since he has become this legend you get to see this silly but still genius side to him. Just a warning don't try making sense of this book it will just give you a headache just read it for kicks. To quote dear Mr.Lennon "this correction of short writty is the most wonderfoul larf I've ever ready."

One of the best books I read in a while. John lennon puts all his wit/humor that is his whole aura of his famous personality. I also enjoyed his little pictures though out the book. So even if your not a fan of his music you'll be a fan of his writing and maybe get to appreciate a little more by venturing in his mind a bit.

Wherever You Go There You Are
Published in Paperback by Hyperion Books (1920)
Author: John Kabat-Zinn
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $3.00
Collectible price: $5.81
Buy one from zShops for: $6.00
Average review score:

Concentrated Wisdom - A Definite Keeper
This has long been a best seller and justifiably so. Kabat-Zinn works clinically with people who are stressed and his earlier book, Full Catastrophe Living, was written for people who are almost pathologically stressed, to bring them the beneficial effects of meditation. The present book is written for average people on the street, who may not need so urgently the therapeutic effects of meditation, but in the belief that we can all of us use a healthy dose of it. It is written with no religious strings attached, and even avoiding the word "spiritual," and yet it has the ability to open up the spiritual realm for us, no matter what we wish to call it. It is an introduction for the beginner and a source of good advice for the practitioner of meditation. It's written in bite-sized chapters, in clear, easy and very readable prose. It is a delight to read. The book's three parts explore the why and how of meditation and its many applications in daily life. Many chapters conclude with suggestions for reflection or meditation. It is concentrated wisdom that deserves much rereading and a permanent place on your library shelf.

Inner peace, wisdom and harmony
Jon Kabat-Zinn¢s ability to describe and explain living in being-mode and mindfulness is brilliant. Although these things are thought to be some "eastern things", he successfully presents them as the life things, which directly have effects on our stability, development, relationships and quality of life. The chapters of the book are interesting, meaningful and inspiring, and not forcing a reader to see the world through any religion or spiritualism; they are not written in such a style.
If you want to learn what the mindfulness is, or just to be more inspired on seeking the right path and attitudes in your life, then read this book.

Sitting in the crossroads of here and now.
I have revisited this meditation guide many times since first reading it nearly five years ago. Kabat-Zinn is not a yogi, sage or Zen master. Rather, he is a meditation teacher and the director of the Stress Reduction Clinic at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center. He also teaches Massachusetts prison inmates how to meditate. He approaches meditation in a non-spiritual way. "Meditation can be a profound path for developing oneself, for refining one's perceptions, one's views, one's consciousness," he writes. "But, to my mind, the vocabulary of spirituality creates more practical problems than it solves" (p. 264). In this easy-to-read book, Kabat-Zinn shows us how to cultivate mindfulness in our lives.

The "practice, practice, practice" of meditation enables us to find our "soul path, a path with heart" (p. xvi), and to "chart a course toward greater sanity and wisdom in our lives" (p. xx). Through meditation, Walden Pond can be found in our breath (p. 24). Meditation, Kabat-Zinn tells us, "is a Way of being, a Way of living, a Way of listening, a Way of walking along the path of life and being in harmony with things as they are" (p. 88). "Dwelling inwardly for extended periods, we come to know something of the poverty of always looking outside ourselves for happiness, understanding, and wisdom" (p. 96).

Besides learning how to surf the waves of life through mindfulness training, in this book you will also find words to live by on non-doing, patience, letting go, non-judging, voluntary simplicity, the delusion of positive thinking, ahimsa (non-harming), anger and parenting. Whether you are new to the meditation cushion or a longtime practitioner, if you are looking for a simple, how-to book on meditation, "this is it."

G. Merritt

When Worlds Collide
Published in Library Binding by Bt Bound (2001)
Authors: Philip Wylie, Edwin Balmr, John Varley, and Edwin Balmer
Amazon base price: $17.71
List price: $25.30 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $19.20
Collectible price: $175.00
Buy one from zShops for: $17.66
Average review score:

Excellent -- but certainly not perfect.
After 70 years, When Worlds Collide/After Worlds Collide remains as one of the most imaginative science fiction yarns ever. I will continue to read my newly acquired copy of the stories (yes, both books are contained in the Bison printing) every few years.

But there are weaknesses. The dialogue is overwrought to the point of silliness (example: the frequent use of "Oh", as in the following quote when the valiant band of survivor/explorers are being attacked by an armed mob: "Fall back! Oh, fall back!" Can you really imagine someone saying it that way?). Also, you may forgive the social/political angle of the second book, but the denouement seems very rushed, as if the authors had to speed up to meet a deadline.

But the descriptions of Bronson Beta and its cities, by themselves, make this story well worth reading. Although flawed, this is indeed a classic.

This is a true science-fiction classic. The reason is simple: it is plausible. I first read this story almost forty years ago when I was in junior high school, and in the intervening years, it has lost none of its' fascination for me. I especially was taken by the sequel. The basic story is this: an astronomer discovers two planets from outside the solar system that are on a collision course with earth. One of them is a gas giant the size of Uranus, the other is a planet similar to earth, which will be destroyed. The other planet will assume the approximate orbit that the earth had. The scientists of earth build space vehicles in an attempt to save the human race. When I heard it was back in print, I orderd a copy and was very happy to find that the sequel was included. After Worlds Collide deals with the adventures of the people who land on the new planet.Some of the criticisms of these books are somewhat understandable. For example, the dialogue is sometimes--to be charitable--unrealistic. And the absence of diversity will offend some. There were only whites and Asians mentioned, and the "Asiatics" were, for the most part,the villains. Ignoring these relatively minor flaws however, still leaves a story that fascinates.One disappointment in the Bison reprints is that they do not have the maps of the new planet in it, but I am still glad it is back in print.If your local bookstore does not have it, order it. I doubt that you will be disappointed.

The Grandaddy of the Disaster Genre!
I first read this book more than thirty years ago. I have read it many times since and it will always remain on my list of all-time favorites. This is a book in the tradition of Verne and Wells in that it brings many basic scientific principles to life and makes them understandable to the reader.

Against the backdrop of universal disaster, Wylie and Balmer manage to tell a story that has real human dimensions. Love, hate, ingenuity, and compassion all play out here in characters that will truly engage the reader. Furthermore, the scope of adventure the book gives will compel the reader to keep turning the pages, eager to see what happens next. In this way the book is a true success. However, for the discerning reader, the story also raises some perplexing and even disturbing questions, giving it a depth that mere adventure can't.

My career as a geographer and mathematician can trace its genesis to one book, and that book is WHEN WORLDS COLLIDE. So I personally owe its authors a great deal, and so does all science-fiction because this book epitomizes the genre's greatest strengths.

Juggling for the Complete Klutz/With Block Beanbags
Published in Paperback by Klutz, Inc (1994)
Authors: John Cassidy, B. C. Rimbeaux, and Diane Waller
Amazon base price: $13.95
Used price: $0.01
Collectible price: $0.19
Buy one from zShops for: $0.45
Average review score:

Some design flaws can't mar great instruction
The book will do what the liner notes suggest: teach a complete klutz how to juggle. By taking the book's instruction, someone who's never picked up a juggling ball in their lives can learn the basics quickly. The inclusion of bean bags adds significant value to the product. For a genuinely modest price, you can give someone the complete ability to start juggling immediately.

But it fails novice jugglers in at least two ways. Most importantly, it's not really made to be used while you're trying to juggle. It's too small to lay flat on a table. Other juggling books know that you need to read them WHILE you're juggling and so have either ring-bound them or made them magazine size. Also, I'm not crazy about the illustrations. Sometimes they're clear enough, but often, the black and white printing of line drawings doesn't really show you where your juggling objects should be in three dimensions.

Still, this fault is more than made up for by an engaging, clear writing style. The instructions are highly understandable, and the text is large enough to read from a distance. Thus, though I think the book could do with a few, essentially cosmetic changes, it's a great first step.

If you buy one juggling book - this is it!!!
This is a simple, funny, easy to read and understand book. It takes the COMPLETE novice and teaches how to juggle 3 and four objects, including clubs. This also discusses simple passing patterns. If you ever have wanted to juggle, THIS BOOK CAN TEACH YOU HOW. It's funny, and great. If you want to get started in juggling, buy this book!

Now I am a Complete Klutz!
I received this book with the 3 beanbag cubes from my children for Christmas several years ago. Much to my surprise (and to their delight), I found that I was able to juggle using all of the cubes after about an hour of driving everyone crazy with constant cries of "Look out" or "I meant to do that". I would recommend this book to anyone. When you are juggling, you have to use all of your concentration, which is a great way to relieve stress and boredom, after which you will be able to go back to whatever task you were doing previously, with a clearer head.

The Dead of Night
Published in Hardcover by Houghton Mifflin Co (29 September, 1997)
Author: John Marsden
Amazon base price: $11.20
List price: $16.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $11.12
Collectible price: $15.00
Buy one from zShops for: $10.20
Average review score:

Riveting, not at all mediocre!
I've read 2 of these books and disappointed that I can't get more of them..however this weekend I am picking up one I managed to order. The Dead of Night was just as good as Tomorrow, When the War Began; actually I preferred it although they were both awesome. It's not "medicore" in the slightest, it was beautifully done, and really makes you care about the characters. It's really refreshing just to sit down and read a truly good book instead of sitting in front of the TV and being sickened by commercials. I loved how in the Dead of Night they have Chris's poems in it. I couldn't make sense of them, neither could Ellie, but like her I thought the poems were beautiful and had a wonderful sound. The romance with Lee was good. I like Lee's character. The series has inspired me in my own writing. I love how they mix deep, serious thinking and analyzation of death, hot and cold blood, with action packed scenes, as well as romance. I definitely recommend you read this, if you don't read this, you're missing out on a treat from Marsden. Great job!

I loved it!
I really loved this book. I wish I could read the rest of the series, but all I can find is the first 2! The characters are so real. My favorite character is Lee. The characters have matured a great deal since the first book, yet are just as likeable. I liked how they put in some of Chris's poems, like ELlie I couldn't make much sense of it, but they were beeautiful sounding. It's interesting how the author works in drunk driving in a survival book. I also thought the book had a good romance. I'm glad Ellie's with Lee and not with her original crush, Homer. I like the character FIona, she's great. One good part of the book was Harvey's Heroes! It made laugh until I read the twist at the end! (If you read it, you know what I Mean.) I urge you to read it1 I'm not into action stories, but Marsden's characters won a place in my heart.

The greatest war story/ comming of age tail ever told
I was first introduced to this serioes at school, we were assigned to read it for English, before this book all books assigned to us in school were all garbage and I expected the same, as did most the other students in my class, most wouldnt bother to read it, so the teacher read it aloud in class, for most of it upuntil the half way mark I ignored most of it, until it dawned on me that this book was actualy sounding o.k. When I got home i got my copy from the bookshelf and actualy started to read it, and I read at any chance I had, and when I finished I read the second and third and then had to wait while the rest were written and released
The amazing story starts off with a group of teenagers going camping, and when they return the find the Australia has been taken over by another country, they go to the bush again to hide, but can't just sit back and do nothing and decide to fight back in what ever way they can, although unconventional, when all is said and done and the series is over they made a huge impact on the war, sometimes planned, sometimes fluked, of coarse not all survive and with every loss you can not help but feel the emotional pain of the others, it is the best comming of age story I have read, and although it is listed as a young adult series, it will be unforgetable to all ages and you will develop a bond with Ellie, Homer, Kevin and the rest of the gang, I have never fell in love with any fictional charactors the way I did with these guys, not even in T.V series
A story like this comes along once in a life time, do not, and I mean do not missss this book

Bob Books First! Level A, Set 1
Published in Paperback by Scholastic (2000)
Authors: Bobby Lynn Maslen and John R. Maslen
Amazon base price: $11.87
List price: $16.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $11.77
Collectible price: $12.50
Buy one from zShops for: $11.12
Average review score:

Perhaps the best way to help your child begin to read!
This the beginning of an outstanding series of books, first introduced to me by my son's Montessori school. They are far better than the "see spot run" books of yore. They are intended to build upon a phonics-based learning program, either pre-school or home-taught. Once your child has mastered the sight and basic sounds of the alphabet, you can help them begin to "sound out" this series of "Bob" books. Let them work their way through the letters, sounds and words - you'll be amazed what they can do! We now routinely read one story to our 5 year old son, and then he reads a "Bob" book to us. It's a great investment in your child (Note - you can later donate them to a local school or library and write them off - save the receipt...of course, I'm not a tax professional....:-)

These books work. You need these before your child can get to "Dr. Seuss", and they beat "see spot run" to pieces. Trust me - I didn't believe it until I saw my son launch into them and practice his letter recognition and phonics skills in front of me. It's worth the investment!

Try it ! You won't believe your ears!
I gave Bob Books to my son when he was four years old and quite proficient with his letters of the alphabet. He started reading, and he has been doing so ever since. Bet I don't have to tell you how happy it made me feel (althought now we have to stop at the library almost every day and pick up new "Easy Readers"). The Bob Books start with very simple words that can be sounded phonetically without knowing any of the rules, and then progress gradually, usually adding one or two new sounds per book. The books are very short and very simple in meaning, able to hold children's attention and giving them a huge sense of accomplishment upon completing each book. They are color coded for easy recognition of different levels. Excellent also for children learning English as a second language (my son). You can't go wrong with them, trust me, I am a savvy buyer.

My Three-Year-Old Can Read!
Of all the books I have purchased for my son, this is has been the most encouraging. I have been teaching my son phonics on my own, and sounding out words on a flashcard was becoming dull. I knew he understood the basic concepts of reading, but I couldn't find anything interesting to him that he could actually read. Bob Books are amazing! The little storybooks are THE perfect first reading books for any child. They feature simple, easy-to-sound-out three letter words with interesting storylines. There are 12 mini-books which progress phonetically as each book has been completed. Included are character finger puppets, which I recommend saving for after the books have been read the first time (so the child can focus). The puppets provide extra motivation. My son adores these books. He read the books the very first time I opened the box! Both mommy and son are thrilled! I strongly urge parents to jumpstart their children's reading with these books.

Mind Prey
Published in Audio Cassette by Simon & Schuster (1996)
Author: John Sandford
Amazon base price: $14.40
Average review score:

A page turner to the power of 10!
I am in the process of reading #8 of 10 (so far) of the "Prey" series. I re-read the first 3 and have continued through the entire series. Mind Prey is #7 and by far the best yet. This story kept me locked in from the first pages. It has the hidden secrets, the "thing" Lucas Davenport just can't get ahold of, empathy for the victims, and surprises until the very end. Instead of "burning out" on the saga, I eagerly start the next book. WOW! What a storyteller is John Sandford!

Love the creativity of the Kidnapper, and of Davenport!!!!!
The third book ive read in the Prey series, and i loved it. None of them have disappointed me. Love the way Villian John Mail and Lucas Davenport kind of play games with eachother and have a battle of wits with eachother. Davenport using witty ideas to find where he is, lure him into traps, while Mail, mentally ill but very intelligent, uses his brain to dodge Davenports traps and tricks, but to send Davenport and his men into booby-traps of his own. The suspense was thrilling. I loved the irony of Davenport having fun with Mail, claustrophobic, in the end, after Mail got to have all the fun leading Davenport around through most of the book. I finished in three days only because school wasted my time, but every chance i could get my nose was buried in it. For a good thrill i would recommend this or any Sanford book in the Prey series.

Seventh in the Prey series
Lucas Davenport faces a new challenge in Mind Prey. He is not hunting a killer through clues left at a murder scene, but instead is trying to find a kidnapped family, who may still be alive.

Davenport's fame helps him out because the killer cannot help but call him and challenge him to a duel of wits. Lucas and his team must unravel clues given by the kidnapper, as well as decide who would profit the most from the families death.

If you have read the other Prey books, you will be happy to know that Lucas' love life is still cruising along in one-woman gear. I would also add a warning that, although Sandford does not describe the attacks in detail, the woman who is kidnapped is repeatedly raped and beaten. If that sort of thing disturbs you, you may want to skip this book.

Read this book, and keep reading the Prey series.

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