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Book reviews for "Bruce-Gardyne,_John" sorted by average review score:

Canyons of the Southwest: A Tour of the Great Canyon Country from Colorado to Northern Mexico
Published in Paperback by University of Arizona Press (2000)
Authors: John Annerino and John Annernino
Amazon base price: $18.95
Used price: $1.00
Collectible price: $15.84
Buy one from zShops for: $6.95
Average review score:

Compelling photographs.
Foremost are the photographs. I would call Annerino's canyon portraits the best of a really good lot, even over big-time large-format photographers. While the large-format works are stunning artistic studies of light and color shot with impossibly huge f-stops, Annerino's canyon photographs give expression to the phrase "wearing one's heart on the sleeve." His photos have an active passion that others lack. Anyone who knows him will say he is among the "hardmen' to tackle the Southwestern mountains and canyons, but that he is definitely the most sincere in his passion for place. Perhaps, because of this he lacks a calculated commercial view of the places he photographs. His images also record his own passion, creating compelling and unique photographs. More than any other contemporary outdoor photographer, Annerino's photos mirror his love of the land's people. In the text, Annerino portrays canyonlands people as part of what makes the places special. He has a deep affection for past and present native peoples, but unlike some Anglo North Americans, Annerino isn't a lost 20th century soul. Rather, he seems to have a straightfoward and genuine admiration for native people, and has learned a great deal about them. His research on each canyon's history is impressive. Annerino writes with an immensity commensurate with his subject. His style is old-fashioned, evoking an older, more grandiose era of writing of explorers like Powell and Pattie. While many modern writers seem bent on infusing themselves into as much of the story as possible, Annerino's style is not so full of himself as full of the intensity of his canyon experiences...Annerino is at his best when he writes about Mexico, especially the Big Bend passage where he talks about the injustices served the Mexican across the river at the hands of our national park there. An optimist who sees great things in the canyons, Annerino neither ignores nor dwells on the obvious problems facing the West like pollution and development. And fortunately, CANYONS OF THE SOUTHWEST is not a treasure map guidebook to these areas. -Desert Skies

Fine photographs.
Everyone knows about the Grand Canyon, but what many of us don't know is that the Southwest is laced with canyons less traveled but no less spectacular. Lucky for us, Annerino spills a few secrets in this book, describing in words and fine photographs such encticement to visit or revisit, in person, this stunning terrain. -Outside Magazine

An intimate portrait, with stunning color photographs.
John Annerino's pictorial celebration of the canyons of the southwestern United States and northern Mexico is a handsome momento for those who have heard the wind whistling in these haunting canyons, and a beckoning invitation for those who have not yet made the journey. Annerino has spent much of his adult life exploring this territory -- as a wilderness runner, adventurer, and photojournalist -- and here combines his firsthand knowledge with his expertise as a nature photographer and author to create an intimate portrait of some of the most dramatic landscapes in the world. Scores of stunning full-color photographs make plain the basis for the region's appeal. From the centuries-old Anasazi ruins to the breathtaking buttes of Monument Valley, from the Narrows of Zion National Park to the barrancas (canyons) of the frontier of Mexico, CANYONS OF THE SOUTHWEST is a memorable record of one of the earth's most spectacular bioregions.

Love Is a Decision
Published in Paperback by Word Publishing (1992)
Authors: Gary Smalley and John T. Trent
Amazon base price: $12.99
Used price: $0.01
Collectible price: $1.95
Buy one from zShops for: $0.01
Average review score:

Read this one over and over
This is a wonderful book about relationships. I give it as a wedding present to nearly everyone. Each time things start getting rocky in my marriage I pull this book back out and read it again. It not only changes my attitude, but as I change so does my husband (who has not read it yet). A real keeper. I recommend just about any book written by Mr. Smalley.

This book is for real men who want to love again!
O.K. Guys,

If you're married, you've probably discovered by now that there is no "happily ever after." Right? This marriage thing is hard work. And for some it might've turned into misery. Or maybe you've parted company.

But there was a reason you "fell in love" with the woman you married in the first place. Right? Well, in this book you hear from one of us guys. Someone who readily admits to making many mistakes. And he's figured out something really important: love isn't a feeling, it's a decision.

I didn't want to read another marriage manual. I had read so many over the past 30 years, and most of them didn't do any good. Sure, I'd heard of Gary Smalley, but I just figured his book would be like the rest. But then another guy recommended it to me. (It didn't matter that my wife had wanted me to read it, I wasn't about to listen to her!)

So, anyway, after reading a few chapters alone, and having my wife read those chapters alone, we started talking about the book. It wasn't easy. But Smalley made sense. We also tried discussing the book with some other couples, which was enlightening, but the group sort of fizzled out. So, my wife and I decided to try reading it ALOUD together. Fortunately, my wife did most of the reading.

Anyway, what I can tell you, is that after reading and discussing this book together, our marriage is doing better than it has in years. We have found some common language to share. We've learned to be more sensitive (ooops, there's that unmacho word) to each other. We've learned to discuss our differences more civilly.

Hey, you'll learn about the incredible worth of a woman. Did you know that she came with a built-in marriage manual? And then there's the thing about how to energize your mate in sixty seconds. Listen, she learns how to energize you at the same time you learn how to energize her. This door swings both ways!

Then there's a chapter about keeping courtship alive in your marriage. Admit it. Courting your wife was fun! It could be fun again. Really!

If that doesn't get your attention, you might zero in on the chapter about sex. He calls it "Sex is much more than sexual intimacy." If you're like me, you'll probably admit that you got your priorities out of whack on that one. Smalley helps put it back in perspective. He even quotes some pretty exciting verses out of the Bible. That's the truth!

So, anyway. There's some good stuff in here. Gary Smalley also knows how to tell stories. And he's got a great sense of humor. And quite often he's laughing at himself. Kind of refreshing isn't it?

So whether your marriage is good, bad or just about over, there's hope to be found in these pages. You don't have to share what you read with your woman, but in my case, I'm glad I did. We're actually looking forward to spending the rest of our lives together...again.

In closing, let me add: If your marriage is tearing you apart, you may want to check out an organization called Retrouvaille (that's French for "rediscovery")...

Awesome Book...RE: David Bess
In David Bess's review, he says there are better books. This might be true. But I liked this book because, when I read it, I was not involved in any church or religion and the book did not overly "push" any certain religion upon me. It did, however, open my eyes to concepts and things I had been blind to in my marriage. It also convinced me to start going to church and other things. I read the book in one night because I couldn't stop reading. I think this book is very good for people who haven't been living like christians and who don't necessarily want a lot of biblical quotes and chrisitian teachings at first, which might, due to the fact the person isnt currently practicing faith, deter them from finishing the book. The book has certainly changed my outlook on life, love, marriage and has even convinced me that finally the time has come to re-affirm my faith and start living like I know I should. READ THIS BOOK.

12 Steps for the Recovering Pharisee (Like Me)
Published in Paperback by Bethany House (2000)
Author: John Fischer
Amazon base price: $9.59
List price: $11.99 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $7.50
Buy one from zShops for: $7.45
Average review score:

A must read!
John Fischer has touched on the one thing that I know I didn't want to fess up to. Hey, I've read the words of Jesus dozens upon dozens of times and it never sank in -- I'm a sinner in need of grace, period. Never one to leave "good enough" alone, I've figured out a way to add on to God's grace by putting my views, self-righteousness, and ego above nearly everyone around me. The difference between myself and a non-Christian wasn't the fact that I was saved by grace, oh no, it was so much more than that. I was a Christian and that meant I was superior in one way or another than those who weren't Christians. Then came John Fischer's book.

A wake up call happened once I started reading this book and it's effects have yet to wear off. John Fischer has brought to life the words Jesus spoke so long ago in a very personal and blunt manner. There is no hiding from the truth in this book. It's hard hitting and yet, at the same time, a relief to finally realize I'm not the great, self-righteous person I saw myself as. I'm a sinner in the most real sense. There's a great comfort in not having to pretend I'm someone I'm not. A load has been lifted by the truth contained in this book.

This book, as many reviews here have already pointed out, is not your typical Christian book. There are no easy answers to be found, just gut level truth told in a very personal way from a completely Biblical perspective. You will not regret reading this book.

A Call to Authentic Christianity
If you are serious about making a postive impact for Jesus in the world today, "12 Steps for the Recovering Pharisee (like me) must be read. This book is not about the latest in vogue idea to reach the church. It is a call to become what I believe Jesus asks us to be if we call ourselves Christians. That is, real, without the pretence of behavior that we think others or even God expects of us. If we all could as John Fischer shares in this book 'learn to see ourselves through other peoples eyes to see ourselves as we really are.' we could then truly impact the world with the reality of Jesus. Thanks John for causing me to look at myself to see what I am really telling the world about Jesus.

Help and Hope for the Pharisee (like me)
Sometimes Christians (like me) begin adding things onto the gospel message. We believe that God can work only if He follows our guide lines. That souls can be saved only by following our steps to salvation. We tack these rules we make up onto other areas of the Christian life as well. In "12 Steps for the Recovering Pharisee (like me)", John Fischer offers both help and hope for those of us inclined to behave in the same fashion as the Pharisees in Jesus' day. This is a MUST read book! It has made a tremendous impact and difference in my life!

Asleep at the Wheel
Published in Hardcover by Rutledge Books, Inc. (2002)
Author: John R. Hanny
Amazon base price: $26.95
Used price: $5.00
Collectible price: $24.99
Buy one from zShops for: $15.00
Average review score:

Asleep At The Wheel
This is a fast moving,scary and extremely well written novel by John R. Hanny that is a must read for anyone. He is the new master of the political thriller and I enjoyed this book more than anything I have read in years, including Tom Clancy. If I could give this novel six stars, I would. If someone doesn't make this book into a movie they are crazy.

A Chilling Terroist Book!
Timely, spell binding in what could be a catastrophe for the United State.
In a spine chilling sequence of events in "Asleep at the Wheel," new author Jack R. Hanny demonstrates easily that he is one of the best new writers to come into print.
Displaying an in-depth knowledge of what a terrorist attack on America could be, the author also takes the reader into the lives of a newly sworn in U.S. President, his personal marriage problems and the cabinet's family lives.
With an obvious knowledge of the inner workings and layout of The White House, Hanny takes the reader through unknown tunnels, secure sub-basement rooms and then into the Oval office itself. Politics, war strategy and concern for the lives of Americans all play a prominent part in this thrilling book.
Extremely timely since the attack of 9/11, "Asleep at the Wheel" is a must read for any American. Hanny makes his fiction writer debut as a narrator of a superb political thriller.
Hollywood should definitely consider this book for one of the great motion picture stories of the year.

White House Intrigue
Once I began reading it, I couldn't stop! The book has an eerie similarity to recent events, even though it is fictional. I found myself wanting to read to find out what was going to happen next, while simultaneously fearing what I would read, out of apprehension that it would become a reality.
The author, John Hanny, is extremely knowledgeable about the White House and it's intricacies, due to his work experience within the White House. The reader finds him or herself wondering which of the details he provides in the book are true (layout, tunnels, etc.), which increases the level of curiosity and entertainment. I was completely enthralled with the book; it's format (easy to read, short, suspenseful paragraphs), story, politics, etc. In short, I loved it and you will too!

Brazzaville Beach
Published in Hardcover by William Morrow (1991)
Authors: William Boyd and John Costello
Amazon base price: $21.00
Used price: $0.47
Collectible price: $2.92
Buy one from zShops for: $0.46
Average review score:

of man and ape
Hope Clearwater sits on Brazzaville Beach, contemplates her past, and narrates the events of this novel. One strain of the story concerns her failed marriage to a mathematician whose unquenched thirst for revolutionary discoveries and their attendant fame drove him to madness. The second strain concerns the animal research that Hope had fled to Africa to participate in. Grosso Arvore Research Center is run by the renowned chimpanzee expert Eugene Mallabar, who was just putting the finishing touches on his master work, describing the peaceful ways of our close animal relatives, when Hope's own observations seemed to indicate that all was not quite as idyllic as had previously been supposed among these primates. But the evidence of aggression that she finds between two competing colonies of chimps threatens the carefully constructed image that Mallabar has built up over the years, and, most importantly, threatens to make the animals less attractive to charitable organizations which fund the project. Meanwhile, thrumming in the background is a guerilla war which threatens to swamp this African nation at any moment.

William Boyd takes these various threads and weaves them together, along with a variety of brief comments on scientific and mathematical ideas and issues, into an exciting and intellectually compelling novel. With its Edenic setting and themes of Man's search for knowledge--and the madness the search can bring--the book taps into our primordial myths and some of the core questions of our existence. If it sometimes seems to be almost too consciously striving to be a serious novel of ideas, that ambition is justified, if not always realized, and the philosophical failures are more than offset by the good old-fashioned African adventure story that unfolds simultaneously.

The shelves fairly groan beneath the weight of books warning that when a little of the veneer of civilization gets stripped away in the jungle, Man must face the fact that he has a dark heart. And there are elements of that here, particularly in the way that Mallabar treats Hope and her discovery, but Boyd has much more to say besides just this. Perhaps the most exciting message of the book lies in the contrarian stance it takes to the modern age's tendency to romanticize Nature. It is always well to recall Thomas Hobbes's famous description of Nature as "red in tooth and claw." The reader of this book will not soon forget it.


a well-written, haunting story worthy of study and debate
Upon seeing all the excellent reviews on I decided to give William Boyd and his 'Brazzaville Beach' a try. I'd like to thank all these reviewers for informing me about such a wonderful book. Why isn't 'Brazzaville Beach' better known?

'Brazzaville Beach' is a story about a young British woman studying primate behaviour in Africa. William Boyd deftly weaves the story by including flashbacks of her life before Africa (and her failed marriage in England), and by describing the present state of the war-torn African country where she resides. When the primates (chimps) she studies start behaving unusually her life, and those of her fellow researchers, turns upside-down, and she starts questioning the behavior of herself and mankind in general.

In addition to being a mature, absorbing story, 'Brazzaville Beach' is written with intelligence. The characterizations are well-drawn without be overly elaborate. The story is thought-provoking without being too preachy. I should think secondary schools and universities should include 'Brazzaville Beach' in their curricula as part of a social sciences program. It is *that* good.

Bottom line: simply terrific. Don't hesitate from putting it on your 'must read' list.

Suspenseful and intelligent - I loved it!
I adored this book from start to finish. Hope Clearwater is in worn-torn Africa observing chimpanzee behavior when she notices a startling trend that conflicts with everything her boss and mentor believes. Her integrity - and perhaps much more - is threatened when everyone at the camp seems to turn against her. Interwoven with flashbacks to her previous life in England with her bizarre but brilliant mathematician husband and the story of her Egyptian mercenary lover who flies a Mig for one side of the civil war, the story draws powerful parallels between the two primate societies, human and chimp.

How can a novel that discusses the difference between turbulence and topology in mathematics be a page turner? You'll have to read this book to believe it. Other than the name of Hope Clearwater - a bit too much in this otherwise subtle tale - Boyd writes deftly and passionately, sometimes with horrifying precision as he describes what is happening among the chimps.

This suspenseful and intelligent novel deserves a wide readership. I only wish I had learned of it sooner!

Published in Hardcover by Houghton Mifflin Co (26 October, 1998)
Author: John Marsden
Amazon base price: $15.00
Used price: $3.19
Collectible price: $8.22
Buy one from zShops for: $13.99
Average review score:

The only waay to describe "Chekers" by John Marsden is disterbing. I was really confused at the beggining because even though I knew that she was in a mental hospitol, I had no clue why. She seemed to have a great life with a loving family. The main character also seemed like she had everything going for her. She was popular, had a lot of friends, was rich and lived in a great neiborhood. Then you find out that being wealthy wasn't everything and that she has to keep quiet on a family secret. She hates the way her family never gets to spend time with each other and how they never get to say what they are feeling. The only one she can talk to is her new puppy, Checkers. This story shows how illeagal business transactions can tear a family apart. She fells that what happened is all her fault. You also get to hear what other people went through and how others lived in a mental hospitol. Although th e book was interesting, I felt that the book was confusing. Be prepared for a terrifying endding.

A great book for intermediate readers
This is a book is a book I will never forget. In fact, it is still something I think about everynight. How Marsden puts this young girls feelings and thoughts and all that good stuff into a book I would never be able to do. I have read it at least 3 times and I still can't put it down, even though I know every little thing that happens. The haunting ending to the story broke my heart. So anyone interested in this book, get it. I highly suggest it.

My Dog, Checkers
A Review by Robin

An Australian teenage girl lived with her mom, dad and brother in a beautiful home in the suburbs; and she had a dog named Checkers. She suffers from depression and she now lives in a mental hospital. She never had many friends, at school or at the hospital. She and several other teenagers attend a daily meeting called group. She has never said anything in group because she is afraid of what people will think of her. One day, she just couldn't handle it anymore. She had to tell somebody. This is her story of how she got there.

I like how this book tells a story about a teenager's life experiences. I can relate to them, such as depression and social issues. This story is suspenseful. Once I picked it up, I didn't want to put it down. Every chapter ends with a cliffhanger. You just want to keep reading. The author doesn't give away the story of how she got in the hospital until the very end. You can easily follow the book with big font and easy to read words. And if you have any troubles with some "aussie" words, there's a glossary in the front of the book to tell you what they are and what they mean. But the characters were realistic, and seemed alive. They're just like people you would meet in an everyday encounter acquaintance. They were believable.

I would recommend this book to people who like stories about real life conflicts and experiences. It would satisfy your needs if you are the type of person who likes to read other people's diaries or journals. I would especially recommend it to any teenagers who think they have it rough or bad. You think you know, but you have no idea.

Flyfisher's Guide to Pennsylvania
Published in Paperback by Wilderness Adventures Press (2000)
Authors: John Holt and Dave Wolf
Amazon base price: $26.95
Average review score:

Flyfisher's Guide to Pennsylvania
Book covered all of fundamentals of Pennsylvania fly fishing.Good for novices and out of town people. Gives needed information regarding lodging and services. The book does fall short in the amount of streams visited. Many wild trout and stocked streams went unmentioned. This was a big miss.

The Most Definitive Book Yet on Fly Fishing in Pennsylvania
"Flyfisher's Guide to Pennsylvania provides the indepth information I'll need to get started on more coldwater, warmwater and steelhead streams, rivers and lakes than I'll probably be able to get to over the next 10 years; more than 150 waters across the state."

The ONLY Fishing Guide!
" Flyfisher's Guide to Pennsylvania will put you on good fishing, and get you started with the right flies and tactics. In fact, this is the only fishing guide book I have read that is so complete yet is such entertaining reading."

Bannerman's Ghosts
Published in Hardcover by William Morrow (18 March, 2003)
Author: John R. Maxim
Amazon base price: $17.47
List price: $24.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $12.47
Collectible price: $22.24
Buy one from zShops for: $11.99
Average review score:

Bannerman's Ghosts
This book offers a nice tie-in of characters from the Bannerman books, Haven, and Whistler's Angel. Certainly a different and fun premise from other espionage books out there. However not quite up to Able, Baker, Charley or Shadowbox as far as quality. I think this book would be a difficult read for a first-time Maxim reader.

Bannerman's Ghosts is a Must Have for collectors and fans
It feels like forever between one Bannerman book and the next, but they're well worth the wait! Once again, John Maxim has done a superb job of bringing these characters to life in Bannerman's Ghosts. It kept me turning the pages to see what would happen next! The subject (bio terrorism) is timely -- and scarey -- but leaves the reader with a sense of hope for tomorrow. Mr. Maxim never disappoints!

A Great Read
What a great read. If you are a fan of John R. Maxim's work you will love this book. Great Character development, Great Dialouge and written in a style that keeps you glued to the pages. The best Bannerman book yet. This book brings out many characters and storylines from past books. This story has the Whistler's Angel story running in the background and makes for some interesting reading. I have read all his books and this 1 rates in the top 3. (Haven and Shadowbox recommended reads) I can't wait for the next Maxim book.

Handbook of Dialysis
Published in Paperback by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Publishers (15 January, 1994)
Authors: John T. Daugirdas and Todd Ing
Amazon base price: $39.95
Used price: $2.00
Collectible price: $12.71
Average review score:

hand book for all nephrologist
this is an excellent book. every nephrologist should have a copy of this book. it is very helpful in all aspects of dialysis.

I have no reservation to recommend this book
Like its highly successful predecessor, the Third Edition of Handbook of Dialysis effectively integrates all the essential and clinically relevant information in the dialysis therapy. It is written by the leaders in this field and the layout is in an easy-to-read format. It is easy to locate what you need, whether you are reading for first-time knowledge, for review, or for support during an emergency. I have no reservation to recommend this book for all readers who are interested in dialysis therapy.

best dilysis book
most practical information on all aspects of care for patints on both hemodailysis and peritoneal dialysis,very useful for doctors in training like medical students and residents and fellows in nephrology training.It is conscise,well written and easy to understand.Many execellent referrences.

Internet Sacred Text Archive CD-ROM
Published in CD-ROM by Internet Sacred Text Archive (01 October, 2001)
Author: John B. Hare
Amazon base price: $49.95
Average review score:

Internet Sacred Text Archive CD-ROM
This CD is a collection of hundreds of public domain texts from all over the internet. They are collected, organized, and often reformatted to make them easy to access and use.

The collection seeks to include anything that even remotely qualifies as a sacred text. You will find the works upon which all of the worlds major religions are based, (except perhaps Scientology) as well as books describing or initiating mystical traditions like alchemy and hermetic wisdom.

Very interesting reading. Very well collected and compiled.

The CD-ROM is worth far more than the price requested
I found the website for this listing of books and was amazed at its breadth. I have recently taken to researching various sacred texts and in my GOOGLE search found the website. After perusing the various pages and offering, the idea of owning the CD was overpowering. Today's technology makes it possible to have an entire library in an easy to carry CD and this one is well organized. I highly recommend this to both the professional clergy, and the amateur researcher. It saves the wait for internet connections and web page loads, and provides a broad range of documents. is an Outstanding Compilation / Resource
For those unfamiliar with the "Internet Sacred Text Archive," the site is an enormous compilation of "Sacred Texts" of the world religions. Also included on the site and this wonderful CD-Rom, are various Philosophies, Mysteries, Shakespeare and much more.
Regardless of your Faith; Christian, Jewish, Islamic, Buddhist, Baha'i, Shamanism, Wicca / Witchcraft / Goddess Worship, et al...including Thelema and Zoroastrianism, you will find material on this CD-Rom that applies to your life, or your Research in Religion, Spirituality, Philosophy, and The Mystical.

I have been sharing the site with friends for a long time. I would-have written a review for this CD-Rom sooner, but I assumed it was probably reviewed numerous times, already. Apparently, word has not spread about this amazing Compilation of Documents!

This is a list of the information from the "Internet Sacred Text Archive" (World Religions, Traditions, Mysteries) :

"African, Age of Reason, Alchemy, Americana, Ancient Near East, Atlantis, Australia, Baha'i, Bible, Book of Shadows, Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, DNA, Egyptian, Esoteric & Occult, Evil, Fortean, Goddesses, Gothic, Greek and Roman, Grimoires, Hinduism, I Ching, Islam, Jainism, Journals, Judaism, Legends and Sagas, Mormonism, Native American, Neopaganism/Wicca, Nostradamus, Oahspe, Pacific, Paleolithic, Piri Re'is Map, Sacred Books of the East, Sacred Sexuality, Shamanism, Shinto, Sikhism, Sufi, Tantra, Taoism, Tarot, Thelema, Timeline, Tolkien, UFOs, Utopia, Women, Zoroastrianism"

I just checked-out my new V 1.2 version of the CD-ROM from "Sacred" and found nearly every religion / philosophy is covered on the V 1.2 CD, which has new additions, such as the "Thelema" section of the website, Shakespeare, etc. I highly recommend the Sacred Texts CD because;

a) The CD costs (Money) and this CD-Rom could save you hundreds and hundreds of dollars in the future (or inspire you to buy hard-copies of books, after Previewing them on the CD-Rom).

b) The CD Rom is much easier to Navigate, than the website, due to load time, or age of PC and/or Memory issues.

c) You always have access to the documents, even if the web connection is down.

d) Think of all the upgrades you can receive in the future.

e) Purchase of the CD supports the maintenance / preservation of "Internet Sacred Text Archive."

Suffice to say, this is The Best opportunity available for people who are serious about researching Religion, Spirituality, Occult, Mysteries, et al. I am more than thrilled with my purchase of this CD-Rom !

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