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Book reviews for "Broh-Kahn,_Eleanor" sorted by average review score:

Trip Around the World Quilt (Quilt in a Day Series)
Published in Paperback by Quilt in a Day (1988)
Authors: Eleanor Burns and Christine Z. Clementi
Amazon base price: $8.95
Used price: $6.79
Collectible price: $10.59
Buy one from zShops for: $6.17
Average review score:

Quick, Easy Quilt That Looks Lovely
I recommend this book to anyone who would like to be able to make a lovely quilt in a relatively short amount of time. Eleanor Burns' efficient, time-saving techniques are perfect for those of us who love quilts but aren't interested in long, drawn-out, complicated projects. When I bought this book, my sewing background consisted of three group sewing classes at the local fabric store. My only quilting experience was piecing together a pinwheel-design potholder. However, by using this book, I was able to sew my first quilt, a "Trip Around the World" baby quilt that turned out beautifully. I then used this book to piece together a queen-size "Trip Around the World" quilt top in just one Saturday (about 12 hours). Eleanor Burns' techniques are effective and easy to follow, and the results look terrific!

Trip Around the world Quilt (quilt in a day Series)
This a a great book, This was only the second quilt I made and it was very easy to follow. So beginner don't be scared off by the tubes, once you see how they are made, you will love the ease of it.

Kudos once again
Well she has done it again. Eleanor Burns has made this quilt so easy. I had tried it once before and none of my squares matched at the points but this was almost effortless. The only thing that was a bit tricky was the unsewing, but after a try or two even that was simple. The results were wonderful and very fulfilling. It never ceases to amaze me how Mrs. Burns makes her quilts easy and fast. I made the double size in about 10 hours and was suprised at how easy the cutting requirements were in this particular quilt. This is one that you have got to try.

Who Was Eleanor Rigby: And 908 More Questions and Answers About the Beatles
Published in Paperback by HarperCollins (paper) (1996)
Author: Brandon Toropov
Amazon base price: $10.00
Used price: $3.37
Average review score:

Maybe I'm biased
Maybe I'm biased because I am a contributor to this book, but I found it highly entertaining and informational. Oh, and by the way, Eleanor Rigby's grave wasn't found by Paul McCartney until sometime in the 1980s. Eleanor Rigby is really a combination of Eleanor Bron (an actress in "Help!") and Rigby's stores found all over England.

Very fun!
This book is very good. It is divided in various chapters, each one talking about one disc or year. There are short trivia questions, some are "true or false", others have complete answers. They are divided by numbers (there are 909 questions) and in the end of each chapter there are the answers. There is a nice introduction and in the end, a bibliography (useful for those who want o go deeper into the trivia). I bought it on a trip to New York, and althought I had read about it on, I would have bought it either I hadn't, because its backcover has attractive questions that incite you to buy it. It's a narrow and small book (not a pocketbook, taller), a typical paperback.

what a great book! Amazing, random info...
I have no idea how the author went about researching this book, but the end result is such enjoyable, and interesting reading. Very quick and interesting reading for a fun night with friends(who are interested in the Beatles) or when you only have a few minutes to read some quick interesting tid-bits.

A Woman of the Iron People
Published in Paperback by E-Reads (2001)
Author: Eleanor Arnason
Amazon base price: $13.97
List price: $19.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $6.50
Buy one from zShops for: $13.92
Average review score:

excellent story telling
Eleanor Arnason is a gifted writer, of whom, I am sure we will
be hearing alot more from. The story is magical. The only
exception I have with the book, is the future written about
by Eleanor of earth. The book is copyrighted 1991 and the story is set at least two centuries in the future and the author
still depicts a historically viable soviet union and a marxist, Engelian
socialist future, which on the face of the story, is absurd.
Also why do they keep putting a picture of a woman holding a
skull of the cover of the hardback and paperback? What does this
have to do with the story?

I cannot properly express how great this book is......
This is my all-time favorite fiction book. Like the other reviewer, I wish Arnason was more prolific. There are so many themes in Iron that could be explored with sequels.

This is a interesting and powerful book, for many reasons. The portrayal of human society, the portrayal of an alien society. The struggles and perspectives of the women protagonists as they journey through the alien world. The conflict of the humans and its resolution. The conflict of the aliens and its resolution.

I have reread the book many times and have not been disappointed.

A+ : a wonderful anthropological first-contact novel.
There's always some trepidation when one begins to re-read a fondly-remembered book. Will it hold up? Will it be as good as I remember? Happily, Ms. Arnason's wonderful prose soon caught me once again inher spell....

The book is filled with complicated people, some of them human,muddling through life.

"When a shamaness of an alien village, having handled for the momentthe problem of an alien intruder, walks away complaining aloud, 'Why do these things always happen to me?' the reader knows she's in trustworthy hands. High marks." -- Suzy McKee Charnas

Arnason is a wonderful writer - it's a pity she's not more prolific. Her most recent novel, "Ring of Swords" (1995), is as strong as "Iron" -- and is in print (US/UK). It's a "hwarhath" novel, as are most of her recent short stories. Hearth World, the sequel to Ring of Swords, is finished but unsold: the publisher of Swords rejected it, and no one else wants to publish a sequel to another publisher's book. Sigh.


100 Boots: By Eleanor Antin ; Introduction by Henry Sayre
Published in Hardcover by Reader's Digest Adult (1999)
Authors: Eleanor Antin and Henry Sayer
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $10.51
Collectible price: $26.47
Buy one from zShops for: $16.00
Average review score:

What a riot!
I found this book on sale in a New Jersey mall. It doesn't belong on a sale rack! What a funny and inspiring book. It got me back taking pictures after a too-long hiatus. Highly recommended for anyone with a quirky sense of humor.

An Excellent Book
While taking a photography course at my school, I stumbled across this book in the bookstore. The idea of taking a series of photos of 100 boots and then mailing them as postcards appealed to me immensely, even though i was not alive at the time of of the postcards. Not only do the 100 boots tell a story through pictures, the photos themselves are wonderful works of art. Definitely buy this book.

Blast from the past!
I remember Antin's postcards and am so thrilled to see them collected in book form! Her work was considered revolutionary at the time, and it's a great pleasure to own such an elegant reproduction of the entire series.

Can You Tell Me How to Get to Sesame Street?
Published in Library Binding by Bt Bound (1999)
Authors: Eleanor Hudson, Joe Mathieu, and Jane E. Gerver
Amazon base price: $17.40
Used price: $16.10
Buy one from zShops for: $14.14
Average review score:

Great Book
My son (30 months old) falls in love with this book. He loves to know about the adventures of Elmo, pretend the animals in the book, such as duck, frog, elephant to tell Elmo how to get to Seseame Street. This book captures the imagination of the my little boy.

Elmo's Wonderful Trip Back to Sesame Street
If you are like me, you'll be humming the theme song of Sesame Street to yourself as you read this book. The book provides a remarkable set of images about finding Sesame Street that will be conjured up every time you hear the theme song. The story provides great support for the fun of books, and trusting to your purpose despite apparent hurdles to overcome. As such, it will be an important contribution to your library of beginning reader books. The book's fine illustrations help reinforce the words in the story, to make learning to read easier, and to make the story more fun to read.

The book opens with Elmo surrounded by books.

"Elmo likes books."

"Fat books. Funny books. Bat books. Bunny books. Bear-in-the-chair books. Kite-in-the-air books."

With this beginning, the story quickly takes Elmo on a wonderful kite adventure. I liked this approach very much because it shows how books can be the launching pad for many interesting thoughts and experiences. Further, you can use your imagination to build on what's in the books. The bulk of the story then involves what happens when Elmo's kite pulls him off the ground and into the air. How will he get back to Sesame Street?

By suggesting that this could be a pretend adventure, it also takes the potential fright out of the story for many children. If your child is easily upset by danger, you may want to wait until she or he can be more objective before introducing this story.

In the course of the adventure, many strange and unexpected things occur. But Elmo is always flexible and imaginative. As a result, the results of challenges turn out well. You can use this story as a metaphor for how life tends to be in talking with your child. We all have to realize that the unexpected is usually just around the corner.

After you have read the book several times, encourage your child to read the repeated words like "books" aloud when they appear. This will help with decoding words and letters. Like many excellent beginning readers, this book features lots of that valuable repetition. There are a number of situations where only one letter is different (as in "there" and "where"). When your child is ready, help him or her to differentiate between them and to then read the two aloud to you when they appear in the story.

Build reading skill through repetition within the context of an interesting and entertaining story like this one!

Fun for all ages
Both my two year old and 4 year old love this book. Elmo's kite adventure keeps little ones turning the pages. My kids just love Elmo and loved this simple fun and easy to read book.

Courage in a Dangerous World
Published in Hardcover by Columbia University Press (15 February, 1999)
Authors: Eleanor Roosevelt and Allida M. Black
Amazon base price: $34.50
Used price: $21.50
Average review score:

Although Elanor Roosevelt's life and work have ispired dozens of books, her own prolific writings are largely confined to the Roosevelt archives in Hyde Park. Courage In A Dangerous World allows her own voice again to be heard. Noted Elanor Roosevelt scholar Allida M. Black has gathered more than two hundred columns, articles, essays, speeches, and letters, tracing her development from timorous columnist to one of liberalism's most eloquent and outspoken leaders. From ''My Day'' newspaper columns about Marian Anderson and experts from Moral Basis of Democracy and This Troubled World to speeches and articles on the Holocaust and McCarthyism, this anthology provides readers with the tools to reconstruct the politics of a woman who redefined American liberalism and democratic reform.

An Extraordinary Life of Letters
What an amazing collection! Eleanor Roosevelt was truly a woman ahead of her times, and this book uses her own words to illustrate just how forward-thinking she was. The depth and bredth of her opinions, her reasoning, and her skill at conveying her ideas to the general public never failed to astound me through reading and rereading the selections. Allida Black has done an incredible amount of work to bring this volume to fruition, and all the trouble she has taken is absolutely worthwhile. Every essay is full of the ideas and actions for which Roosevelt continues to be known and respected.

Who should read this book? Anyone looking for strong ideas about the world and what it should be like. Anyone looking for ways to affect lives for good. Anyone who needs a role model, something to aspire to, or something to work toward.

Awe-inspiring collection of important political writings.
Much has been written about Eleanor Roosevelt but this collection gives us the chance to read her own words. What an amazing and astute woman. There is almost no current issue that Eleanor Roosevelt did not foresee, analyze, and have a definate position on--race, civil liberties, international interdependence, government support of the arts, working women/mothers. Allida Black has assembled documents and out-of-print materials that would be terribly difficult for most people to access. Black's introductions to each section are clear and helpful and work to dispel the myth of Roosevelt as basically the "eyes and legs" of her husband or the woman of sorrow who only turned to political life after her husband's affair. Anyone reading this collection will come to appreciate Roosevelt for the powerful and courageous person she was--and see how compassionate to an extraordinary degree she was. Even a sampling of these writings will make you want to get involved and not sit by the wayside. For activists, it will be a validation for caring.

Eleanor of Aquitaine, the mother queen
Published in Unknown Binding by David & Charles ()
Author: Desmond Seward
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $5.95
Collectible price: $10.00
Buy one from zShops for: $9.95
Average review score:

Quite an Easy Read
I have yet to read a book on Eleanor that I did not find interesting. She is quite a character. My recommendation is to start out by watching the film, Lion In Winter, and then graduating to books on the subject. This one would be a good place to begin.

Balanced view of a very interesting life
The author did an excellent job informing the reader of the differing viewpoints regarding this amazing woman. I learned in detail about Eleanor's two husbands, her ten children, and the various enemies to the "Angevin empire." Thus this book is not just about Eleanor, but also about the historical period in which she lived.

Excellent! For everyone!!
I love this book. I first read it two years ago, and I was hooked. Anyone remotely interested in Eleanor Aquitaine should definetly read this. It's fascinating and absorbing. Two thumbs up for Desmond Seward!

Eleanor Roosevelt : A Life of Discovery
Published in Audio Cassette by Recorded Books, LLC (01 December, 1997)
Author: Russell Freedman
Amazon base price: $157.30
Average review score:

This is a fantastic book to look into for information!
This book is one of the books that you should really read. It contains tons of information about Eleanor Roosevelt. I had to write a biography about her for a project at school and I aced it! This book had lots of pictures too. I could not put it down!

Very well researched and fascinating!
As a fifth grade student, I did not think that reading a biography would be interesting. However, this book captured my interest from the beginning to the end. The author provides many details about Eleanor Roosevelt's life both before and after she met FDR. After reading this book I really admire Eleanor Roosevelt. She was truly a determined, caring woman.

This book really reveals the life of an American Heroine!
This book is truly one you should read. I read it for english and loved learning about a first lady who wasn't afraid to stand up for her rights. But when you read you will discover her life wasn't all glamour. The book is easy reading and enjoyable. There are some parts that you may skip and won't really make a difference. So buy this book now and read until your done!

Eleanor the Queen
Published in Paperback by Fawcett Books (1981)
Author: Norah Lofts
Amazon base price: $2.50
Used price: $0.51
Collectible price: $4.49
Average review score:

Historical Fiction at its Best
I read this book back in 1978. I was still in middle school back then and it intrigued me so much that I eventually came to do a lot more reading about Eleanor of Aquitaine, Henry II, Richard the Lionhearted, King John (Lackland)and the Plantagenet intrigues and accomplishments of the 12th century. Ms. Lofts had a way of really engaging the reader in making Eleanor a real woman: a woman both vulnerable and truly strong. Indeed, she was both. I recommend this book wholeheartedly for those who might like to get a feel for what medieval life for the Plantagenets was like as well as what it might have been like for a very priveleged noblewoman of great intelligence and legendary beauty.

Excellent Read
I started this book with doubts that it would interest me enough to keep me reading through to the end of it. I was surprised to find that it was REALLY interesting. I know it is based on factual events, but how much of it IS fact? That was part of the interest to me, was wondering how someone could live through all of the things she did and survive. It was a really good read and I would recommend it to anyone lucky enough come across it.

Eleanor the Queen
Eleanor the Queen is great book. Norah Lofts wrote a believable story about Eleanor. Eleanor is famous for being the Duchess of Aquitanine, and the Queen of France and England, and she is a believable person in this book. The story believeably tells why certain things happened and the reasons behind them.

Martin Pippin in the Apple Orchard
Published in Paperback by David R Godine (1990)
Author: Eleanor Farjeon
Amazon base price: $10.95
Collectible price: $119.95
Average review score:

Reprint This Book!
Farjeon is a remarkable writer with a wonderful imagination. She uses the tone and the style of British fairy tales to create her own stories with great skill and charm. It just occurred to me that she should be required reading for scriptwriters of TV evening soaps, with her ability to tell stand-alone short stories within an encompassing, ongoing narrative.

Like the other reviewers, I read this book and its companion, "Martin Pippin in the Daisy Field," when I was a child, probably pre-teen. They were my mother's books, and I discovered them in the cellar. Happy day!

The stories in this book are for older children, and probably would appeal more to girls. They're sophisticated enough for adults, however, and stay in the memory. I think they'd be wonderful read aloud to 10 to 12-year-olds.

Like the rest of the reviewers, I wish this book and "...Daisy Field" were still in print. I'd buy multiple copies and distribute them far & wide.

Lyrical, whimsical writing and stories unlike any others
I agree with the other two reviewers. I too read this book and 'Martin Pippin in the Daisy Field' when I was a teenager. The stories are unlike any others--there is an amusing one about a little pig who ends up getting the magic gift of forever staying thin(and therefore ummarketable!)In a totally different vein, there is a beautifully crafted story about a woman who appears good and lovely on the surface but has evil in her soul--not very original, you say? Ah, but the way she is ultimately saved by the man who is strong enough to literally root out the blackness is very different. The descriptions of the West Country in England have made me long to go there--maybe one day I will.

It have to be reprinted!
I am a Japanese woman and I read this book again and again since when I was around 10. The auther's other books which are mentioned in the previous review are all still well selling here in Japan. You can find her books in almost every libraries.

Ever since I was fascinated by the exoticism of the Farjeon's good old British atmosphare, I've been longing to read these books in the original text.

I was very disappointed to find out that most of her books are out of print even in her own country. It is a shame. There are gems of short stories which gives very good influence to the children's fantasy. It is also ideal for the story telling text.

Thanks to the, I could find 'The little book room" but Martin pippin series...

Please do reprint, it's a very charming magical book.

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