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Book reviews for "Ying,_Hu" sorted by average review score:

Make a Joyful Sound: Poems for Children by African American Poets
Published in Hardcover by Checkerboard Pr (February, 1991)
Authors: Cornelius Van Wright, Ying-Hwa Hu, Deborah Slier, Debby Slier, and Poets Black
Amazon base price: $12.95
Used price: $5.21
Average review score:

An excellent cross-curricular teaching tool.
A few years ago my neice and nephew received a copy of this book as a Christmas present. Since then, I have purchased several copies for gifts to friends and family members. I have also recommeded acquiring copies of this book to many school librarians, public libraries and parents. As an educator, I cannot stress how valuable a teaching tool this book is. It can be used to teach history, interculturalism, anti-racism, self-pride, reading, writing...

The only thing I would change about this book would be to return some of the poems from the original publication especially "Girls Can Too". Every student I share these poems with reacts favourably, since students are the greatest critics, this is high praise indeed. 5 STARS!

(Maybe in the future books will be published with e-mail addresses of the authors. This will allow the authors to know the impact they are having on their readers.)

My Sadie
Published in Paperback by Checkerboard Pr (April, 1993)
Authors: Efner Tudor Holmes and Ying-Hwa Hu
Amazon base price: $3.50
Used price: $1.94
Collectible price: $3.01
Buy one from zShops for: $2.80
Average review score:

The Best Book in the World!
This book is a really great book. I personally know Efner Tudor Holmes and I live in the town where this book was set. I think that it is a great book on problems faced with a farm running family in the 20th century. Its a great book for a pre-teen or teenager that loves horses.

Problems and Solutions in Mathematics
Published in Hardcover by World Scientific Pub Co (September, 1998)
Authors: Ji-Xiu Chen, Jiang Guo-Ying, Pan Yang-Lian, Qin Tie-Hu, Tong Yu-Shen, Wu Quan-Shui, Xu Shen-Zhi, Li Ta-Tsien, Chen Ji-Xiu, and Ta-Tsien Li
Amazon base price: $99.00
Average review score:

An Solution Encyclopedia of Pure Mathematics
When I hold this book, I feel worry free about mathematical questions because this imperial book could tell me where to find the solution or the direction to find the answer with its more than 500 problems and solutions on six aspects of graduate school mathematics: Algebra, Topology, Differential Geometry, Real Analysis, Complex Analysis and Partial Differential Equations. It covers the most aspects in one book I have seen. It gives me brief, straightforward and clear solutions which are easy to be understood.

Scaredy - Cat Elizabeth (Sweet Valley Kids, No 61)
Published in Paperback by Bantam Skylark (September, 1995)
Authors: Molly Mia Stewart, Francine Pascal, and Ying-Hwa Hu
Amazon base price: $3.50
Used price: $0.40
Collectible price: $1.95
Average review score:

Good girls!
The new student,Patty make mad at Elizabeth. But she doesn't hate Elizabeth. She was lonely. She doesn't know how to make friends. I'm interested in Elizabeth's plan that to become a friend with Patty.

Steven's Big Crush (Sweet Valley Kids, No 65)
Published in Paperback by Bantam Books (January, 1996)
Authors: Francine Pascal, Molly Mia Stewart, and Ying-Hwa Hu
Amazon base price: $3.50
Used price: $1.81
Average review score:

It's happy story. At last steven made his girlfriend. I like him. So he's usually extra. But this story he's hero! It's fun.

The Sweet Valley Clean-Up Team (Sweet Valley Kids, No 27)
Published in Paperback by Bantam Skylark (March, 1992)
Authors: Molly Mia Stewart, Francine Pascal, and Ying-Hwa Hu
Amazon base price: $2.99
Used price: $0.72
Collectible price: $3.56
Average review score:

a great book...
It was cool to read about children who care for nature. I mean, children or even people don't care about it. It was especially nice to see Elizabeth and Jessica teach that concieted guy a lesson. He was so obnoxious. I read this book when I was in 2nd grade, and I still remeber it, because it was a good book.

Trapped in Toyland (Sweet Valley Kids Super Special)
Published in Paperback by Skylark (December, 1994)
Authors: Molly Mia Stewart, Francine Pascal, and Ying-Hwa Hu
Amazon base price: $3.99
Used price: $0.35
Average review score:

the besssst !
Liz and jess are so excited to go to evelyn's store. They want to buy their mother's present but they're lost! and theirs a thief inside the store with them. TRAPPED IN TOYLAND WAS THE VERY BEST BOOK OF ALL!

Jessica's Cat Trick (Sweet Valley Kids, No. 5)
Published in Paperback by Bantam Skylark (February, 1990)
Authors: Molly Mia Stewart, Francine Pascal, and Ying-Hwa Hu
Amazon base price: $3.50
Used price: $0.01
Collectible price: $0.95
Buy one from zShops for: $3.50
Average review score:

cat tric
When Jessica and Elizabeth played outside, they found the cat who was alone. They were going to have her but their family had allergenic as cat. So Jessica and Elizabeth had secret that they took care of the cat for their family. I think this twins are kind girls.This story is nice and excite.

Excellent book!
They hid the kitte in their room. Jssuca and Elizabeth are very gentle girls. So they are very good to loves the kitte. The kitte is very cute.

Miranda's gossip of jessica's cat trick
Jessica's cat trick was an enjoyable book for me because I like cats a lot and I also like hearing or reading and espesialy watching a new life entering our human world.

Sweet Valley Trick or Treat (Sweet Valley Kids, No. 12)
Published in Paperback by Bantam Skylark (September, 1990)
Authors: Molly Mia Stewart, Ying-Hwa Hu, and Francine Pascal
Amazon base price: $3.50
Used price: $0.01
Collectible price: $1.55
Buy one from zShops for: $0.99
Average review score:

Very fun of twins & their brother
Steven usually make fun of his twin sisters. After that, however, he's ususally give tit for tat. But he never thinks him over. I think he is foolish boy. But I like him. I also think no to chenge his mind forever.

Twins girls is cute!
I thought Halloween will fun. Because everybody put on many kind of clothes. I felt this event can enjoy from children to adult. I thought this event is nice. I read this book happily.

Twelfth Book in the Sweet Valley Kids Series
It's almost Halloween and everyone in Mrs. Otis's second-grade class is excited. In preparation for the upcoming school parade, each student draws a pumpkin and then votes on the best one. That picture is then added to the school-wide contest, where the final winning drawing determines which class is chosen to lead the Halloween school parade. The picture Mrs. Otis's students choose to represent their class is drawn by Todd Wilkins, and it looks exactly like Elizabeth, gap-toothed grin and all. (Elizabeth just lost her front baby tooth.)

Meanwhile, the twins (Jessica and Elizabeth Wakefield) are arguing over who will get to wear the princess costume on Halloween, while the other twin is left with the witch costume, which neither twin really wants to wear. Jessica insists she should be the princess this year since she has all her teeth and "princesses should have perfect smiles". However, Jessica's logic fails her when she also loses her front tooth before Halloween. Now who will get to wear the princess costume? And which grade will get to lead the Sweet Valley Elementary School parade? Find out in "Sweet Valley Trick or Treat". Recommended for 5 to 8-year-old girls.

Jessica the TV Star (Sweet Valley Kids, No 16)
Published in Paperback by Bantam Skylark (February, 1991)
Authors: Molly Mia Stewart, Francine Pascal, and Ying-Hwa Hu
Amazon base price: $3.50
Used price: $0.25
Average review score:

Jessica or Elizabeth
This book was about when Todd Wilkens by accedent tells Jessica that he is making a movie and can use her but he doesn't know Elizabeth is ill so Jessica goes to his house to do it and Elizabeth gets suspicouis because Steven is also going over and so Elizabeth goes to Todds house and everybody finds out a lesson and then Elizabeth Todd AND Jessica all get to do it.

The twins are the TV star
When Elizabeth was absent from school, Jessica didn't tell Elizabeth that she pretended to be Elizabeth and appeared in a television movie. I thought she were wrong to lie. the last of the story, I was happy Jessica and Elizabeth appeared in a television movie!

"Lights! Camera! Action!"
While second-grader Elizabeth Wakefield is home sick with a stomachache, Jessica Wakefield pretends to be her twin sister for fun. However, when Todd Wilkins invites her to play a small part in a TV movie that's being filmed at his house (thinking that she's Liz), Jessica is conflicted about whether or not she should tell Liz--or just take the part for herself since she really wants to be on TV.

Whether or not Jessica learns her lesson by the end of the story is never really crucial to any Sweet Valley book--including this one--since Jessica always acts the same--selfish and underhanded--by the next book. Still, for those of you who are Jessica fans, you might like this 16th addition to the Sweet Valley Kids series. Recommended for readers age 5 - 8.

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