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Book reviews for "Williams,_Frances" sorted by average review score:

The Boy from Bear Swamp
Published in Paperback by Bocage Books (04 December, 2000)
Authors: William Clyde Stegall, Frances Patton Statham, and Steve McAfee
Amazon base price: $15.95
Average review score:

I'm From Bear Swamp Too!
In this lively memoir, Buddy Stegall recalls his boyhood in a dirt-poor South Carolina community where men carried guns and frequently used them. The only child of a share-cropper, Buddy learned from his father how to plow a team of mules and shape a crosstie from an oak tree. But it was his mother who scrounged around for a way to send him on to college. She found a two-year college in the mountains of Georgia where he could work for his tuition. And after a stint in the Army (winning a Purple Heart) he continued his education on the GI Bill and eventually owned and operated a prosperous Heating and Air Conditioning Business in Birmingham, Alabama. Buddy tells his story with humor and humility. The last chapters deal with his love of golf, traveling, and his church. Although less appealing than the early chapters, they convey a true sense of a man who loved life in all its wonderful complexity.

Fishbait: The Memoirs of the Congressional Doorkeeper
Published in Hardcover by Prentice Hall (1977)
Authors: Miller William and Frances Spatz Leighton
Amazon base price: $12.50
Used price: $0.01
Collectible price: $0.95
Average review score:

Engaging and Informative
William "Fishbait" Miller is one of those obscure figures who were lucky enough (or unlucky enough) to observe more of America's recent political history than the majority of us could ever hope to know. We could spend an entire lifetime learning what Miller observed firsthand. For several decades, he served as the doorkeeper for the U.S. House of Represenatives. During that time, he met and got to know some of the most prominent figures of recent American history -- Sam Rayburn, Adam Clayton Powell, Gerald Ford, Bella Abzug, Richard Nixon, and many others while remaining unknown to the general public.

When Miller finally left his position in the mid-70s, he produced this engaging memoir, a good-humored look at the men and the institution that he had previously devoted his life too. Though slight on any in-depth analysis, the book is a treasure trove of anecdotes that reveal the human side of our often impersonal Congress. If you want to know about Congressman Marion Zioncheck's notorious drinking escapades of the 1930s or which Congressman was the most sensually-minded this is the book to read. This is the book is you want to know what a Sam Rayburn or a Lyndon Johnson was really like before they became just more distinguished names in stuffy history books. As well, Miller's details of the 1950 attack on Congress by Puerto Rican terrorists (a terrifying moment that, now forgotten, carries some renewed weight following the recent terrorist atrocities in New York and Washington) is both harrowing and moving.

Though a proud Democrat, Miller's book is nicely nonpartisan, treating Republicans with the same affection as Miller's comrades. In fact, the only completely negative, unsympathetic portrait in the book is reserved for a Democrat, the notorious Rep. Wayne Hays who was known as the "meanest man in the House." Miller, who lost his job as a result of Hays, takes a sly delight in showing us why that reputation was deserved.

This is an enjoyable, engaging memoir that should be required reading to anyone interested in the human side of American political history.

Les Francais (3rd Edition)
Published in Paperback by Prentice Hall College Div (20 December, 2000)
Authors: Laurence William Wylie, Jean-Francois Briere, and Laurence Wylie
Amazon base price: $48.00
Used price: $33.75
Buy one from zShops for: $44.16
Average review score:

Excellent insight!
This book gives excellent insight into the differences between the French and the American. The authors do an excellent job of describing and explaining the influences on French children and young adults that form their societal views on the world. Each section gives excellent description of essential differences and similarities between the two on the various aspects of life, including body language, history, weather, etc. It also helps if you read French fluently.

Meet It Greet It and Defeat It: The Biography of Frances E. Williams, Actress/Activist
Published in Paperback by Professional Business (1999)
Author: Anna Christian
Amazon base price: $11.16
List price: $13.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $8.94
Average review score:

An interesting and inspiring biography of a great lady
Frances E. Williams was an outstanding woman who never compromised her inherent rights as a Black female American, and if doors were closed against her, she kicked them down, paving the way for many who came after her. Frances was a force to be reckoned with in the entertainment industry as aptly related throughout the book. When other Black actors and actresses were not given their due, they only had to call Frances. She was not only active in the industry, but fought prejudice and discrimination wherever she could. A particular instance from the book was when,as Assistant Director on the film, Salt of the Earth, she was asked by some of the Mexican American cast members to intercede on their behalf. She did so unhesitatingly. She led a rich life counting among her many friends Paul Robeson, Langston Hughes, W.E.B. DuBois and Maya Angelou. One has only to read the Preface to the book, where the author attended the memorial to Frances Williams and note the outpouring of love from the famous and not so famous as they said their good-byes to this fantastic woman.

Mystery of the Deadly Diamond (My Name Is Paris, Book IV)
Published in Paperback by Random House (Merchandising) (1987)
Authors: Elizabeth Howard and Michael William Kaluta
Amazon base price: $3.95
Used price: $1.50
Collectible price: $4.24
Average review score:

the mystery of the deadly diamond
The Mystery of the Deadly Diamond
By Elizabeth Howard

I read The Mystery of the Deadly Diamond, by Elizabeth Howard. I enjoyed the book mainly because it was right to the point. It wouldn't try to throw out metaphors and stuff like that to confuse me. For example, on page 73, "Perhaps she was thinking about the fist or plotting her next crime. Whatever the reason, she was deeply and unmistakably absorbed in her own thoughts." That section told me exactly (and clearly) what she was doing. The book also made it obvious that Marcel loved and cared for Paris deeply. Simply stated on page 125, "I was worried about you because I love you Paris."\

The theme is how Paris Mackenzie tries to find out why a missing diamond relates to her and her family. Also, things are rarely what they seem to be. I definitely agree with that statement. In life, you may think you know something, but it turns out it's the total opposite.

I would definitely recommend this book to others. It's a fast read that makes you keep turning pages. The print is also large enough so that people with poor eyesight can read it no hastle. It was also somewhat short which is normally good. If your looking for a good book that doesn't beat around the bush, it's a must read. This is the best mystery I have ever read. I think a mystery needs the following components to make it good: an interesting plot, a brave hero or heroine, and a surprise ending. The Mystery of the Deadly Diamond has all of those qualities. I think anyone who's looking for a fun and exciting mystery, look no further than The Mystery of the Deadly Diamond.

Picasso's Paris: Walking Tours of the Artist's Life in the City
Published in Hardcover by Little Bookroom (1999)
Author: Ellen Williams
Amazon base price: $13.97
List price: $19.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $10.49
Collectible price: $23.81
Buy one from zShops for: $10.25
Average review score:

A topographical perspective
This book contains many Picasso photographs at various stages of his life in Paris (before he moved to Vallauris). Did you know this revolutionary artist spent a great part of his life in a very "typical" flat of the most "bourgeois" district of Paris (8th arrondissement)? Paintings are displayed both along a geographical and a chronological perspective which is a refreshing and appropriate approach for such a book. This guide is practical, full of facts. You will like it.

Republic of Images: A History of French Filmmaking
Published in Hardcover by Harvard Univ Pr (1992)
Author: Alan Williams
Amazon base price: $70.00
Used price: $59.33
Collectible price: $31.76
Average review score:

Excellent portrayal of the chronology of French Films
Williams takes the reader on an exotic journey of the landscape of French Filmmaking. Williams situates French film movements against the backdrop of the simultaneous and pioneering innovations both in France and the United States that eventually led to the film revolution. Williams' lucid writing provides both beginners and seasoned film analysts with insights about the influence French films on world cinema.

Published in Paperback by Newmarket Press (1996)
Author: William Wharton
Amazon base price: $12.95
Used price: $2.98
Collectible price: $6.75
Buy one from zShops for: $2.97
Average review score:

Well worth a read!
William Wharton has written an in depth portrait of an artist with a zest for life but with the inevitable frustration and depression of coping with an aging body. This book left me with a strong image of the man and his Parisian surroundings. I am sure many men would relate to this book and it helped me, a woman, understand the emotions that can affect elderly men. Maybe it was my shortcomings but I found the short verse lines which intersperse the narrative, not always helpful and often blocking the flow of the story. Overall another William Wharton delightful novel - I am a fan!

Thornton Dial: Image of the Tiger
Published in Hardcover by Harry N Abrams (1993)
Authors: Thornton Dial, Amiri Baraka, Thomas McEvilley, Imamu Amiri Baraka, Paul Arnett, William Arnett, Museum of American Folk Art, N.Y.) New Museum of Contemporary Art (New York, and France) Centre Culturel Americain (Paris
Amazon base price: $45.00
Used price: $12.00
Collectible price: $13.00
Average review score:

thornton dial
this is a very nice book. the design is not that great, but otherwise it is great. the art and pictures are very nice. the book was published in 93 so it shows a lot of earlier work by this very important artist. essays by baraka and mcevilley are insightful and should be read by anyone interested in art, black culture, or the politics of art and race. dial is in the 2000 whitney biennial, and this book makes you wonder why he wasn't in it earlier. the titles of the works alone make this worth reading. another book of note very much worth reading is souls grown deep: african american vernacular art of the south, published by tinwood books.

Bedtime for Frances
Published in Paperback by HarperTrophy (1995)
Authors: Russell Hoban and Garth Williams
Amazon base price: $5.99
Used price: $2.95
Collectible price: $14.95
Buy one from zShops for: $3.93
Average review score:

It is bedtime for Frances, but Frances is not sleepy . . .
There are some children's books that I firmly believe are more important for parents to read than for children to hear and "Bedtime for Frances" may well be one of them. Frances is a determined young badger cub created by Russell Hoban who experiences the challenges of growing up with help from her devoted and honest parents. This book, with illustrations by Garth Williams, was originally published in 1960, which explains why there is a reference to spanking. Yes, today we look at that reference and even if we are not appalled outright we have to at least have second thoughts. But the strength of the Frances books is that there show how she becomes a critical and independent thinker, and certainly that is to be cherished.

The story is about Mother and Father trying to put Frances to bed at 7, when it was her bedtime. Unfortunately, Frances, like many a human child, is not at all sleepy and keeps coming up with ways to put off going to sleep. Her imagination, and her stomach, keep getting the better of her and while her parents are the most reasonable of badgers, they do have their limit as to how many of Frances' requests they will honor. I especially like the way that Father deals with the tiger and the giant that might be in France's room. Teachers interested in using "Bedtime for Frances" in the classroom should be aware that there is an excellent study guide for the book prepared by Mary Bolte, which should help deal with the "spanking" issue. This is important because apart from that one aspect, this is a wonderful book for teaching children without them realizing they are learning anything.

Give kids some credit!
This is the very best bedtime story ever! Frances uses every delicious, clever ploy that pops into that fuzzy little badger head of hers to try to stay up late with the older folks. Smart and creative kids are always reluctant to go to bed for fear they may miss something and she is no different. (Taking out the spanking scene would be akin to making Oliver Twist a boy scout.) Give kids some credit for recognizing humor when they hear it. If you don't want children who have a well-rounded sense of humor and an appreciation for literature and illustration, don't buy this book. If you do, buy this book and read it aloud everynight, with feeling. It's pure poetry. Then go get the others: Bread and Jam for Frances, etc. Hoban really makes you remember what it was to be a child and he has created one I am glad to know. My kids love this book and so will my grandchildren.

Any 5 year Old can be seen in Frances.
This book just brings home how a little child's mind works and it shows that constructive limitations always do a child some good. The idea of spanking is still one that exist today and used in the right manner can work wonders. Kudos to Russell Hoban. We need more books that handle strong willed children this way. My little girl loves these books about Frances. She honestly said after we read this book , "Mommy, this sounds familiar!" We have ordered all six Frances books and the cassettes and I can't wait until Christmas to see my childs delight at forever being the owner of such wonderful books.

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