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Reason the author wrote the book:
1)Packaged 19 postulates for better teacher preparation. 2)Said schools should be and have a center of pedagogy, which includes outside sources-collaboration.
Purpose/theme of the book:
1)To be a proponent of better teacher preparation-thus having better schools 2)Center of pedagogy-school of education, arts and sciences, and local school districts make up this center. 3)Collaboration between K-12 and universities
Application to educational administration:
1)Have better teacher preparation programs 2)Have involvement in different departments-collaboration 3)Communication, collaboration, and common purpose are essential to good leadership, better schools, and teachers 4)Leadership must be shared and spread around
Key thoughts or ideas
1)Good societies have good school not the other way around. 2)Ambiguity is not a dirty word one should embrace it. Closure is a dirty word. 3)A partnership ethic must be encultured. 4)Concept of lifelong learning should be a part of the socialization process from the onset of education. 5)Inquiry and reflection should be habitual.

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"It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics one should study the masters."
This book is a publication of some of the papers presented at an international conference on the History of Mathematics held in Kristiansand, Norway in 1988. It is fitting that Abel lived in that area for some time.
Reading about the actions of the masters is always refreshing and helps to improve your self-esteem. To know that even the great ones struggled and made colossal errors reminds us that mathematical progress is not linear, but extremely chaotic. If a chart could be made of the development of mathematics, it would exhibit a gross upward movement. However, if one was to perform an expansion transformation, the local behavior would resemble Brownian motion. It is also sad to be informed about some of the spiteful actions that even geniuses are capable of.
The range of topics covered in this collection of papers is wide and includes some of the applied mathematical motivations in the development of new areas of mathematics. It is reasonable to argue that most of the development of mathematics throughout history originated in "simple" problems that had to be solved. Problems from the simplification of calculations to the trajectories of cannonballs to a set of bridges in the old city of Konigsberg all served as the impetus that led to the creation of new mathematics. Many of the papers also present problems that can be used in college classes. It is good for us all to occasionally revisit the historical origins of the topics that we present and re-present in class after class. Looking at it from the perspective of those who created it is sometimes the best way to get new insights into the material, and many such items are found in this book.
Published in Journal of Recreational Mathematics, reprinted with permission.

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The historical context of England over the centuries provides an interesting backdrop to what occurred at the university. Through a civil war and other political contests for power, the society altering features of the industrial revolution and the creation and subsequent dissolution of a mighty empire, the university has survived. However, the changes have been as profound to the university as they have been to the surrounding society. Although two of the editors are currently at Oxford, the treatment here is not in any way biased or hyped. The changes and the reasons for them are put down with the dispassionate accuracy of a historian.
As mathematics became a more significant tool in the management of society, the quality of mathematical training has been modified to suit. Long standing institutions are often criticized as being adaptability challenged. While partly true, the events described here clearly demonstrate that universities can and do change. Any history of a university is ultimately a series of mini-biographies of the people who made things happen. The sections that described some of the personalities of those who served as professors or other ranking officials was the most interesting aspect of the book.
With a history that is staid, learned and sometimes stodgy and other times colorful, Oxford has survived and thrived through incredible changes. No doubt the next few centuries will bring even more interesting and exciting challenges in the arenas of mathematics and human existence. Hopefully, the book describing the next eight hundred years will be as good as this one.

Used price: $7.50

Written in an easy-to-read style, READY FOR THE REAL WORLD covers most of the elements that college seniors must consider from the more practical aspect of the budgeting of finances to the often neglected consideration of psychological changes that take place as one goes from the rather protected status of a student to that as a job applicant and employee.
This book is an excellent one for college classes which are offered at the end of the senior year to help prepare students for life after college, but would also be helpful to individuals who are seriously thinking about the transition from college to the "real world."
The book includes checklists and activities that allow readers to assess their status financially, psychologically, and personally. I highly recommend this book.

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