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College Degrees by Mail and Internet provides all of the information necessary to earn a degree (BA, MA, PhD) through distance learning. Now in its eighth edition, this book has stood the test of time.
If you're looking to change your life (more money, better work, etc), you need to check this book out.

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Used price: $2.43

The book is also an extremely useful guide to succeeding in college with chapters on getting the most from your professors, using the library, staying healthy, getting along with others, studying, and choosing a life path.
This book is currently out of print but these authors have continued to write books on this topic (none of which I've read). However, this book made such an impact on me that I felt compelled to promote it as long as it's available.

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La comunidad educativa habia esperado por mucho tiempo contar con un libro como el que acaba de publicar el Dr. John S. Levin. Su trabajo resume con mucha precision los principales retos, lecciones aprendidas y direcciones futuras que el sistema de Colegios Comunitarios tendra en el futuro proximo.
El trabajo de John S. Levin es una aportacion novedosa, inteligente y que aporta bases para una concienzuda reflexion acerca del sistema intermedio de educacion superior. Su lectura es no solo util para los Estados Unidos y Canada, sino tambien para paises de America Latina que estan buscando desarrollar sus sistemas de educacion superior intermedia, como es el caso de Mexico.

Used price: $19.50
Collectible price: $63.53
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It might have a shortcoming in that the group only used fourteen institutions in their study, but they openly admit their procedures and appreciate the fact that their scope could be considered somewhat limited. However, their conclusions and recommendations are such that they need not be institution specific. They challenge colleges and universities to not only create a mission, but to strive to meet that mission on a continuum...for it to permeate the scope of the institution from the admissions process, through campus life, and on into alumni programming.
For those truly intrigued with higher education (and especially its outcomes), this is an easy read. The picture that they paint for the "involved college" is somewhat utopian, but I argue that is what makes the book so inspiring. We should all hope to work for and/or attend an institution that can set such high goals not only for its academic curriculum, but for the community of learning that it fosters.
Anyone involved with the lives of college students can't afford to miss out on this book.
-Adam Rothwell