Book reviews for "Thomas,_Robert_L." sorted by average review score:

Cases and Materials on Land Use (American Casebook Series)
Published in Hardcover by West Wadsworth (1999)
Amazon base price: $74.00
Used price: $67.16
Buy one from zShops for: $71.95
Used price: $67.16
Buy one from zShops for: $71.95
Average review score: 

I give the book a 9 out of 10 only because it needs updating. The fields of zoning and land use change daliy. In the four years which I have used this book in graduate courses in land use law, many new issues arisen and new cases have been decided. However, the book is still the best single volume on the topic and should be required reading for all zoning and land use professsionals.

Children's Health Care : Issues for the Year 2000 and Beyond
Published in Paperback by Sage Publications (1999)
Amazon base price: $41.95
Used price: $13.22
Collectible price: $39.85
Buy one from zShops for: $39.85
Used price: $13.22
Collectible price: $39.85
Buy one from zShops for: $39.85
Average review score: 

Ms. Provost is a gifted writer who provides a clear, concise guide to a complicated Federal program.

Elements of Ecology (5th Edition)
Published in Paperback by Benjamin/Cummings (29 July, 2002)
Amazon base price: $94.00
Used price: $29.95
Buy one from zShops for: $65.00
Used price: $29.95
Buy one from zShops for: $65.00
Average review score: 

a very readable text...interesting, well written, and full of colorful diagrams. a good introduction to a discipline i had taken for granted.

Emergency Medicine: Self-Assessment and Review
Published in Paperback by Mosby (15 January, 1995)
Amazon base price: $59.00
Used price: $11.97
Used price: $11.97
Average review score: 

Emergency Medicine Self Assessment and Review is a must to bring out the important clinical teaching points on the very factual and sometimes verbose chapters of the book it reviews: Rosen's Emergency Medicine Textbook. The explainations that are provided explain not only why the correct answer is correct, but also why the wrong answers are incorrect. The book enables emergency medicine attending physicians, residents and interested medical students a feedback mechanism to insure the most important points are understood, and not just memorized.

Evangelical Hermeneutics: The New Versus the Old
Published in Paperback by Kregel Publications (2002)
Amazon base price: $16.79
List price: $23.99 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $16.74
Buy one from zShops for: $15.78
List price: $23.99 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $16.74
Buy one from zShops for: $15.78
Average review score: 

Great book! Every Christian should read this book and then read it again. Robert Thomas shines an abundance of much needed light on this extremely important issue.

Health Law: Cases, Materials & Problems, 4th Ed
Published in Hardcover by West Wadsworth (15 May, 2001)
Amazon base price: $87.00
Used price: $37.99
Used price: $37.99
Average review score: 

This text is indispensible and required reading for anyone interested in health law. The book gives an in-depth overview of issues and problems that currently exist in this interesting area of law. As a law student, this book was very useful in providing concise portrayals of issues facing the health industry from all angles, not just legal perspectives. I would also suggest this book to anyone who wants to get their feet wet in health law. It is a bit advanced, so if one is just starting out, the language may be confusing and require a dictionary. Otherwise, it is highly recommended.

Journal, Volume 1
Published in Hardcover by Princeton Univ Pr (01 October, 1981)
Amazon base price: $95.00
Used price: $49.04
Buy one from zShops for: $39.99
Used price: $49.04
Buy one from zShops for: $39.99
Average review score: 

"Oct. 22nd, 1837. 'What are you doing now?' he asked, 'Do you keep a journal?'-- So I make my first entry today."
Thus begins Thoreau's Journal, made up of more then two million words and covering about twenty-five years of his life. No other work of Thoreau's better exhibits his discipline as a writer and his devotion to the natural world. In the Journal can be found the fragmented foundations of masterpieces such as Walden, A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers, The Maine Woods, and Cape Cod. But what is perhaps more interesting to a reader of Thoreau's Journal are his thoughts and insights on topics such as friendship, love, religion, nature, bravery, heroism, war, slavery, the art of writing, and, most important to Thoreau, the art of living. Anyone with any interest in Thoreau will find his Journal to be an invaluable aid in understanding and following the life of one of America's most profound prose writers

Macroeconomic Issues Today: Alternative Approaches
Published in Paperback by M.E.Sharpe (1999)
Amazon base price: $27.95
Used price: $5.98
Buy one from zShops for: $8.00
Used price: $5.98
Buy one from zShops for: $8.00
Average review score: 

I used many of Dr. Carson's books in college, and found them to be great for getting a good understanding of the issues. He usually had an overview the issues and both sides of the argument explained. I threw out alot of my college textbooks but kept all of his books. Only issue is the argments in the book may become dated so try to get the latest editions.

Measures of Effectiveness for the Information-Age Navy: The Effects of Network-Centric Operations on Combat Operations
Published in Paperback by Rand Corporation (2002)
Amazon base price: $16.80
List price: $24.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $9.99
List price: $24.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $9.99
Average review score: 

This is a great new approach to determining the impact of information on the outcomes of military combat. The results of this work are well presented, allowing the reader to understand how the theory can be applied outside the example scenarios presented.

New American Standard: Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible
Published in Hardcover by Baptist Sunday School Board - Baptist Book Stores (1982)
Amazon base price: $34.95
Average review score: 

this is a useful tool to those who have the new american standard that is before the update and makes it easier to find wirds than if you were using the regular strongs concordance which is keyed to the kjv.
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