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Book reviews for "Ross,_John" sorted by average review score:

Six Creepy Sheep
Published in Paperback by Boyds Mills Pr (2001)
Authors: Judith Ross Enderle, Stephanie Gordon Tessler, and John O'Brien
Amazon base price: $8.95
Used price: $2.25
Buy one from zShops for: $5.89
Average review score:

Six Creepy Sheep go a-haunting on Halloween
I do not think of sheep as being particulary creepy, but that is just one of the charms of "Six Creepy Sheep," in which the six previously sleepy sheep are awake enough to decide to go trick or treating on a spooky Halloween night. John O'Brien was always one of my favorite contributors to "The New Yorker" and it is delightful to see him going all out in these illustrations as the six creepy sheep go a-haunting. But as they venture into the woods they meet a passel of pirates, a gaggle of goblins, and more, with each encounter sending one of the sheep scuryying away. Judith Ross Enderle and Stephanie Gordon Tessler come up with some tongue twisting prose for this cute little counting book, but it is O'Brien's detailed pen-and-ink illustrations that make this a winner for me.

Six Snowy Sheep
Published in School & Library Binding by Boyds Mills Pr (1994)
Authors: Judith Ross Enderle, Stephanie Gordon Tessler, and John O'Brien
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $2.20
Collectible price: $5.99
Average review score:

Six Snowy Sheep
I originally bought this book for my five yr. old but my one yr. old quickly made it his own. The dry humor and brevity of this book make it an extremely enjoyable read for kids. I'm just glad I can re-order one since our current copy is in shreds from so much use. What a great book!

Starting French (Hotshots Series , No 12)
Published in Paperback by E D C Publications (1996)
Authors: Mandy Ross, Lisa Miles, John Shackell, Angela French for Beginners Wilkes, and Judy Tatchell
Amazon base price: $2.95
Used price: $4.34
Buy one from zShops for: $1.90
Average review score:

Best deal for an excellent introduction to French
This is a small book but a great start in learning a little French. The material is well-presented, covers the basics, includes lots of pictures, pronunciation help and some simple grammar. It would be a great introduction or review of elemntary French for kids (9 and up) or adults and could also be used as a simple and INEXPENSIVE intoductory text for a beginning class (kids or adults). You can't find such a helpful introduction to French at anything near this price anywhere else!

We Came to Play!: Writings on Basketball (Io, No. 54.)
Published in Paperback by North Atlantic Books (1996)
Authors: John Ross, Q. R., Jr Hand, and Spain Rodriguez
Amazon base price: $16.95
Used price: $3.49
Buy one from zShops for: $13.78
Average review score:

Amazing Collection of basketball stories
This book has everyone from Bill Cosby to Woody Allen talking about basketball. I've been using the books the excerpts are from as my new reading list.

The EVA Challenge: Implementing Value Added Change in an Organization
Published in Hardcover by John Wiley & Sons (02 February, 2001)
Authors: Joel M. Stern, John S. Shiely, and Irwin Ross
Amazon base price: $20.97
List price: $29.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $18.72
Buy one from zShops for: $18.72
Average review score:

EVA from a Senior Management Perspective
EVA Challenge was OK. It is more geared towards senior managers who are thinking about EVA as a model for their companies. In that regard, this books does a fine job.

I was hoping the book would deal with more of the matamatics associated with defining EVA in relation to various projects and business decisions. This book contailed very little information in this regard.

Highly Recommended!
Authors Joel Stern and John Shiely advocate a total revolution in the way companies are valued and measured. They make a convincing case for using EVA ("Economic Value Added") as the primary measure of corporate performance. The authors argue that the SEC's yardstick for corporate reporting, the "Generally Accepted Accounting Procedures" (GAAP), was designed to protect lenders by depicting a company's liquidation value. As such, GAAP provides an overly conservative and only marginally accurate picture of financial health. EVA principles - at least according to the consultants who advise companies on using them - evaluate intangible assets more realistically and correspond more closely to stock market performance. We from getAbstract recommend this book to executives who seek improved corporate financial and market performance, and to investors interested in understanding how value is created and maintained.

Aligning Shareholder and Manager Interests
One of the most difficult questions to answer is what a company's worth is. Two developments in American Capitalism have contributed to the question's complexity. First, shareholders have divorced themselves from the corporations operation, leaving the task to professional managers.

Second, generally accepted accounting principles do not align expenses with benefits, distorting economic reality. As a result, investors who want to compare the cash they can take out of a company with the cash they have invested are hampered.

The authors argue Economic Value Added (EVA) is a true measure of a company's economic performance, in addition to being a strategy for creating shareholder value. Properly implemented, they state, EVA frees the measurement of corporate performance from the vagaries of accounting principles and gives both shareholders and management a clear picture of the value the company creates.

EVA is the profit that remains after deducting the cost of the capital invested to generate that profit or EVA = Net Operating Profit After-Tax minus capital charge. Effectively implemented, the tool becomes the basis for an incentive plan that rewards managers for actions that increase shareholder returns and vice versa.

John S. Shiely, president of Briggs and Stratton and co-author of the book, notes this strategy provided the foundation of his company's turnaround. In 1989, the world's largest producer of air-cooled engines had an EVA of negative $62 million based on $1.3 billion in sales. By re-organizing and focusing its strategy while developing its EVA program, the company staged a dramatic turnaround. By 1999, it reported a record positive EVA of $50.9 million. Shareholders, who bought $100 worth of stock at the beginning of the program, saw it increase in value to $673 in 1999.

The authors claim EVA is ideal for knowledge-based companies making heavy infrastructure investments today for any anticipated return later. EVA treats cash outlays that represent investments as capital rather than expenses. The capital in these knowledge based industries consists of research, development, marketing, advertising and start-up costs. Accounts view these expenditures as expenses, but it is realistic to capitalize them and amortize them over their useful lives.

Unintended Consequences
Published in Hardcover by Accurate Press (1996)
Author: John Ross
Amazon base price: $20.27
List price: $28.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $20.22
Collectible price: $85.00
Buy one from zShops for: $20.22
Average review score:

It Changed My Thinking
I'm a pretty conservative guy. I follow rules because I find it comfortable to do so. I stop at stop lights and do a lot of things I would rather not do as well as not doing things I would like to do because I find this an orderly and secure way to live.

I do recognize that there are many stupid poorly conceived laws and rules but I still comply. I have never thought about starting a revolution because the trivial moronic little rules and regulations that we are requested to comply with are unreasonable in a free society. But that is the topic of this book.

Few books in my life have changed my thinking over the long term. Unintended Consequences did this. This book is about the gun culture. How it began and where it is today. I never never never thought about how not only many of the Federal firearms regulations are but in a more global sense how many of our regulations are ridiculous.

This may sound like a vague description of a 800+ page book. But this book is so global. It talks specifically about Henry Bowman who grows up shooting guns as a hobby like many others collect stamps or ride motorcycles. Yet he explains very slowly and methodically how his life experiences with his hobby are hampered unreasonably by Federal regulations. You do not have to be a gun lover or hater to appreciate this book. You only have to have a hobby or passion; any hobby or passion. You will see how our Constitution and Bill of Rights have been beaten and changed, how we are losing our individual rights and how dangerous the repurcussions.

Please read this book for the message, it will change you.

Remember the frog!! Let this book be our wakeup call.
In the seventies my mentor was Mel Tappan. Mel could be referred to as the father of the survivalist movement. He preached skills and self sufficiency. I wish he could read this book, but he's gone now. Ross has put into print the very lessons that our school system fails to address. And our media as well. The very lessons the majority of Americans simply refuse to acknowledge. I've had people refuse to read this book because they didn't want to know!! The illusion of security. People say it couldn't happen here because this is America....yet it HAS happened. Time and time again. We have slaughtered our own and Ross has the guts to put it on the public front page. Now, have you got the guts to read it? Are you afraid of having your eyes opened to something you know is out there but you would much rather hope it goes away? Unintended Consequences is about skills and the difference between right and wrong. Can you handle these concepts? Give this megabook a honest read. And if you sincerely believe it's totally off base, then contact me and I'll refund your money. Provided the IRS and the ATF haven't put a $200 transfer tax on it!!!

Note--I have no connection with anyone involved in the creation or publication of this novel. I bought this book at the Dallas Gun Show in March, following a recommendation by a friend. It was a $28.95 investment, so you can imagine it was a solid recommendation. I got a lot for my money. UC is a hardback running 861 pages, and there's a lot of print per page. It is published by Accurate Press, St Louis, Missouri. If you are the impatient type, understand this: READ THIS BOOK NOW! BUY IT FOR EVERYONE YOU KNOW WHO DOESN'T UNDERSTAND THE GUN CULTURE. IMPERFECT THOUGH IT MAY BE, THIS ONE COULD REALLY MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Excuse my shouting. This is easily the best novel about the gun culture I have ever read. I don't agree with all of it, but it includes an informed, logical and passionate statement of everything I have ever wanted to express about bureaucracy and the loss of personal freedom. The novel covers the period from 1906 to 'The Present day' (which is actually the period of office of the next President of the USA). John Ross has read his 'How to Write a Novel' books. In a contemporary style the book describes how, even during the golden age of America (pick your own dates), freedom has been jeopardised. Through reconstruction of the events surrounding the passing of the gun laws in 1934, 1968 and 1986, Ross illuminates the encroachment of the freedom of all Americans. The present day harrassment of dealers and owners of restricted weapons: machine guns, suppressors, and short-barrelled long arms by the ATF, is documented in immense detail. Some firearm owners may feel this doesn't concern them, but it does. The restricted weapons' owners are just at the bleeding edge of bureaucratic totalitarianism. Waco, Ruby Ridge and a number of other atrocities are told with considerable attention to detail. The author makes no pretence of putting together a 'balanced view', rather making the case against the ATF with the precision of a high court prosecutor. The result anticipated by Ross is a bloody one. As with all revolutions, large and small, the innocent suffer with the guilty. Revolutionaries incite and anticipate revolutionary fervour in the general population. With the inertia of a large number of well-fed people to overcome, innocent blood is going to be shed. To his credit, Ross does not shirk this issue. The reader must make up his own mind. Be assured you will find no racism, homophobia or religious fundamentalism in Ross' arguments. There is some kinky sex, although this seems more at the advice of Ross' literary agent than due to any real need within the book. The dust jacket is similarly lurid. Politics and history apart, this book should be read for its arcana of firearms' matters. Here you will find good information on: -body armor; -machine gun mechanisms; -suppressor technology; -long range rifle shooting; -dangerous game hunting, and many other topics. I learned a lot, and I've been reading about firearms for twenty years. If I wasn't living in Switzerland, I'd buy a case of these books and give them away as Christmas, birthday and retirement presents to everyone I know.

Kingdom Come
Published in Audio Cassette by Time Warner Audio Books (1998)
Authors: John Whitman, Mark Waid, Alex Ross, Elliot S. Maggin, Ark Waid, and Lex Ross
Amazon base price: $11.90
List price: $17.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $14.00
Average review score:

All Plot, No Characters
Maybe I'm the wrong audience for this book. I consider myself not a fan of comics, after all, but a fan of literature in whatever form it presents itself. Watchmen? Dark Knight Returns? Both brilliant stories, drawn with style, and told in a way that welcomes both the fanboy and the neophyte. Kingdom Come, however? Blech. Though its artwork is fantastic, beyond all reproach, its story boils down ultimately to a superhero name-dropper's wet dream, a procession of DC cameos and self-references. I felt like an idiot every time a Darkseid got mentioned, a Spectre got revealed, a John Constantine fluttered by without an explanation. This book might be heaven for the Comic Book Guy on the Simpsons. To the casual reader, though, Norman McKay seems to be merely preaching to the choir.

Easily the most amazing comic book series ever made
Kingdom Come is an extraordinary work of illustrated fiction, and I call it this because the term "comic book" doesn't do this masterpiece justice. The story, scripted by Mark Waid is a complete original (interpreting the Book of Revelations as a war between metahumans) and the artwork by Alex Ross is absolutely breathtaking. He paints (and redesigns for the future) nearly every DC character you can think of exactly as they would appear in the real world. The result is awesome. Probably his best work in a career that has produced nothing but greatness. The story is by no means a happy and pleasant tale, but it starts down a dark path and culminates in an incredible climax, yet despite the apocalyptic tone of the story, it ends on kind of a high note. Everyone picking up the pieces of a devestating battle and looking ahead towards a better tomorrow. Writing this powerful has seldom been equaled in a comic before (except maybe Watchmen and The Dark Knight Returns) and there has never been a comic book artist with the talent of Alex Ross.

I coudn't put it down for two readings in a row
I normally just skip over all the 5 star reviews....

Anyway almost every list of best graphic novels you will ever see looks something like this:

1. Watchmen
2. Everything else

In my mind the list should now look like this:

1. Watchmen
2. Kingdom Come
3. Everything else

I always was kind of disappointed with Comic Book art, some of it is well pretty bad and almost none of it is the kind of stuff you would want on your wall. Then I found some work by Alex Ross. The art is simply amazing and if you haven't seen his work before you owe it yourself to get something that he has done just so you can see. has some samples if you really want to see something before you buy it.

The story itself is excellent as well. Not as good as Watchmen but certainly better than that "other" iconic graphic novel "The Dark Knight Returns." (For those of you who don't know Dark Knight starts off really strong but ten goes downhill once we get Batman involved with mutants and 13 year old girls, whatever you think of its story its influence can not be denied though).

The many many sub plots and references (there is a copy of "Under the Hood" in a bookstore) will keep long time DC comics fans busy. However, this is also my mane point of criticism of the work. So many of sub plots assume you know what they are talking about that readers without an understanding of the comics history will miss out on a lot. The reunion of Nightstar and Dick Grayson, for example, is a minor sub plot told mainly with pictures, is meaningless if you have no idea who Nightstar is. These many references are something of a double-edged sword in that respect as many people will miss most of them but those who do will enjoy them greatly.

If you don't know a lot about the DC universe I suggest you scroll down and look at reviews by other people who don't before buying, for people who do this is a definite "must have" graphic novel on the level of Watchmen.

The Polar Bear Strategy: Reflections on Risk in Modern Life
Published in Hardcover by Perseus Publishing (1999)
Author: John F. Ross
Amazon base price: $23.00
Used price: $4.50
Collectible price: $7.36
Buy one from zShops for: $3.50
Average review score:

A great book! An excellent survey of risk in our lives.
Mr. Ross has done an excellent job of putting the risks all around us in perspective. He does this through a perfect blend of personal stories, historical events and pure facts. The tough topic of risk analysis is made crystal clear. A great summer read!

A worthwhile book which opens your eyes to risk
You've got to read this book! Ross has taken a scary subject and used vivid graphic examples, as well as humor, to bring it into the reader's everyday life. Chapter 8 on toxins is especially enlightening. And I am changing my mouthwash -it contains alcohol! I've recommended this book to my monthly book discussion group.

It opens your eyes to the real truth about risk in life.
I first learned of this book by watching Book TV and seeing John Ross (author) speak about his book in DC. I was captivated by what I heard and had to read the book. You don't realize how much "risk" or "risk management" is a part of your everyday life. Mr. Ross does an excellent job of explaining the history of "risk management" and how it has evolved in this complexed world of ours.

He reminds me of my favorite teacher in High School. This Physics teacher would explain complexed theorys and equations with entertaining short stories. All of these short stories where from his own experiences or based on true historical events. In somewhat the same way, this book teaches you about a relatively new science (risk management).

I truely enjoyed the unbias and common sense way the book was written. Don't think of it as a science book. It is an eye opening truth in "Reflections on Risk in Modern Life". I have recommended this book to many of my friends and family.

Anesthesia (2 Volume Set with CD-ROM for Windows & Macintosh)
Published in Hardcover by Churchill Livingstone (15 January, 2000)
Authors: Ronald D. Miller, Edward D., Jr Miller, J. Gerald Reves, Michael F. Roizen, John J. Savarese, Roy F. Cucchiara, and Allan Ross
Amazon base price: $285.00
Used price: $250.58
Buy one from zShops for: $235.00
Average review score:

ISBN 0443079951
This is the book to read for anesthesia resident to complete their training

Knowledge About Cerebrospinal Fluid Fistula
We have got the textbook and we thought that the book our main anesthesiology resource.

Recently we have a case of cerebrospinal fluid-cutaneous fistula following spinal anesthesia used for indirect inguinal hernia repair. But we couldn't see any comment in the textbook about the management of cerebrospinal fluid fistula from inthratecal space to skin due to postdural puncture for purpose of spinal (intrathecal) anesthesia.

Cutaneous cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) fistula are known to occur rarely under spinal puncture during spinal anesthesia, and CSF leaks via that fistula. This complication is often self-limiting but sometimes needed some treatment procedures such as intravenous fluid restruction, patient prone position, strecth dressing of wound, epidural injection of autologous blood patche or fibrin glue, or uncommonly use of CSF drainage system.

We think that if this complication and its' management is included in new edition of the textbook it will be better.

With our regards,

Hakan Erbay, M.D. Assisstant Professor of Anesthesiology Pamukkale University, Medical Faculty Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, Denizli, Turkey

Erkan Tomatir, M.D. Associated Professor of Anesthesiology Pamukkale University, Medical Faculty Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, Denizli, Turkey

Knowledge About Cutaneous Cerebrospinal Fluid Fistula
We have got the textbook and we thought that the book our main anesthesiology resource. Recently we have a case of cerebrospinal fluid-cutaneous fistula following spinal anesthesia used for indirect inguinal hernia repair. But we couldn't see any comment in the textbook about the management of cerebrospinal fluid fistula from inthratecal space to skin due to postdural puncture for purpose of spinal (intrathecal) anesthesia. Cutaneous cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) fistula are known to occur rarely under spinal puncture during spinal anesthesia, and CSF leaks via that fistula. This complication is often self-limiting but sometimes needed some treatment procedures such as intravenous fluid restruction, patient prone position, strecth dressing of wound, epidural injection of autologous blood patche or fibrin glue, or uncommonly use of CSF drainage system. We think that if this complication and its' management is included in new edition of the textbook it will be better.

With our regards,

Hakan Erbay, M.D. Assisstant Professor of Anesthesiology Pamukkale University, Medical Faculty Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, Denizli, Turkey

Erkan Tomatir, M.D. Associated Professor of Anesthesiology Pamukkale University, Medical Faculty Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, Denizli, Turkey

Puppy Preschool: Raising Your Puppy Right-Right from the Start!
Published in Hardcover by St. Martin's Press (1996)
Authors: John Ross and Barbara McKinney
Amazon base price: $16.07
List price: $22.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $4.45
Collectible price: $10.00
Buy one from zShops for: $4.95
Average review score:

Even better the second time!
I read this book before we adopted our first puppy over a year ago. We just brought home our second puppy, and I am re-reading this book. Having surviived puppyhood once, this book makes even more sense this time. This book explains how dogs learn, allowing the dog owner to communicate in the dog's language. This book is a must for anyone considering a puppy.

A great book to help you train your puppy in dog terms.
John Ross and Barabara McKinney have written a wonderful book that helps you understand how to train your puppy according to how it thinks. You will growl, smile, and have success if you follow the instructions in this book. It also gives good information on different breeds of dogs, as well as dog toys and food. My dog has turned out wonderfully and most people are very impressed with his behavior.

Outstanding book for the new puppy owner!
This book is outstanding in preparing you for all of the things to come with owning a new puppy. It helps you to understand the way that a puppy thinks, therefore, you can train them much more effectively. I used this book's method of training on my Samoyed puppy, which Samoyeds are not known for their obedience training, but these methods seemed to work with him terrificly. I recommend this book to anyone that is getting a new puppy, especially if you have never owned a dog before!

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