Book reviews for "Passantino,_Robert_Louis" sorted by average review score:

Block City
Published in Paperback by Puffin (1992)
Amazon base price: $4.99
Used price: $2.24
Used price: $2.24
Average review score: 

I love this book! By using Stevenson's poem, Ashley Wolff captures the magical moments of childhood in a way that will bring a rush of memories to adults, and instant recognition to children. Staying in bed with the flu or a cold, most children devise imaginary games to occupy their time. Future quiltmakers, carpenters and other folks, will recognize themselves in this book. A delightful romp!

Body Snatchers
Published in Hardcover by Publishers' Group West (1989)
Amazon base price: $12.95
Average review score: 

I think that the Body Snatchers by R.L. Stevenson is a really good book of the macbre and of horror. This book makes his The Strange Case Of Doctor Jekyll & Mister Hyde look like a walk in the park. When I read this book, it made me hang on to the edge of my seat, because some of the tales about what the people were doing was just down right scary, like the title of the book. I just think about back in the 1800's, there was actually people who stole bodies from graveyards for a living, and some of those people made some serious money off of it, too. Reading this book makes me glad that I didn't live during that time period, where if I died, I could be dug up, and sold to a medical school for the medical students to cut me up like I was a frog to be cut open and worked on. That's how the medical students would do it, too, just like a frog for a modern day middle school science class would do it today. But if you like some serious horror reading, I suggest reading this book, even though it's out of print, it's worth getting, because it may be worth lots & lots of money later..

Cast A Cold Eye
Published in Paperback by PublishAmerica, Inc. (08 October, 2002)
Amazon base price: $29.95
Used price: $27.84
Buy one from zShops for: $27.84
Used price: $27.84
Buy one from zShops for: $27.84
Average review score: 

"Begin a war, you unchain hell." Mafia Capo Rienzi unwittingly begins the war, and hell is unchained in the rolling Kansas grasslands and sprawling prairie city of Wichita. Retired Special Forces Captain Ben Donovan runs across a failed hit on Rienzi's drug and money operation outside Wichita. Donovan consults his long time pal, Ritter Vanlaar, a retired Special Forces Major. Donovan and Vanlaar are black ops specialists, warriors of organized perfection who can and will do whatever is required to complete a mission or a goal.
Our heroes are strapping corn fed Kansas males who don't take kindly to "Cocaine Cowboys" or demented misfits dirtying their home ground. They are soon up to their winning smiles in unsavory sociopaths, foreign forces of assorted nationalities, the KGB, and a vicious deviant named The Yellow Rose. The lovely Yellow Rose has parlayed her mob connections into a successful Great Plains drug trade and she doesn't suffer competition gladly. Then there are the dirty cops, one of which has taken sexual sadism to new lows. Unfortunately for this twisted cop-sadist, both Donovan and Vanlaar are men who genuinely like women. Very soon, the "foul smelling brown stuff begins to hit the whirring blades" in Wichita.
Mr. Gideon does a fine job of off setting violence with humor and giving his characters life. Donovan and Vanlaar are as boyishly appealing as they are coldly ruthless when the chips are down. These retired warriors have lost none of their potency in love or in war. Samantha Warfield is especially believable as Vanlaar's long time one true love. Kat Killeloe his current mistress is the type who fits well with such a man and her father Black Jack Killeloe is a delightful Irish rogue.
Cast a Cold Eye goes beyond being a macho romp, although it is that. The bad guys are so unsavory that their grisly and horrible ends met in the form of planned reprisal seem well-deserved. Unapologetic good guys take delight in meting out such harsh reprisals.
It's an exciting read and would make a whopper of a movie. I cannot recommend it for those under 18 and sensitive adults due to graphic violence, implied sexual sadism, and adult sexual situations.
Our heroes are strapping corn fed Kansas males who don't take kindly to "Cocaine Cowboys" or demented misfits dirtying their home ground. They are soon up to their winning smiles in unsavory sociopaths, foreign forces of assorted nationalities, the KGB, and a vicious deviant named The Yellow Rose. The lovely Yellow Rose has parlayed her mob connections into a successful Great Plains drug trade and she doesn't suffer competition gladly. Then there are the dirty cops, one of which has taken sexual sadism to new lows. Unfortunately for this twisted cop-sadist, both Donovan and Vanlaar are men who genuinely like women. Very soon, the "foul smelling brown stuff begins to hit the whirring blades" in Wichita.
Mr. Gideon does a fine job of off setting violence with humor and giving his characters life. Donovan and Vanlaar are as boyishly appealing as they are coldly ruthless when the chips are down. These retired warriors have lost none of their potency in love or in war. Samantha Warfield is especially believable as Vanlaar's long time one true love. Kat Killeloe his current mistress is the type who fits well with such a man and her father Black Jack Killeloe is a delightful Irish rogue.
Cast a Cold Eye goes beyond being a macho romp, although it is that. The bad guys are so unsavory that their grisly and horrible ends met in the form of planned reprisal seem well-deserved. Unapologetic good guys take delight in meting out such harsh reprisals.
It's an exciting read and would make a whopper of a movie. I cannot recommend it for those under 18 and sensitive adults due to graphic violence, implied sexual sadism, and adult sexual situations.

A Child's Garden
Published in Paperback by Salt Lick Pr (1986)
Amazon base price: $6.00
Used price: $3.00
Used price: $3.00
Average review score: 

Anyone not familiar with James Haining, is missing out. Salt Lick was wonderful and unique. A treasure!

The Children's Classic Poetry Collection
Published in Hardcover by Smithmark Publishing (1996)
Amazon base price: $9.98
Used price: $0.99
Collectible price: $15.84
Buy one from zShops for: $5.49
Used price: $0.99
Collectible price: $15.84
Buy one from zShops for: $5.49
Average review score: 

I read this book and it is the most brilliant, inspiring book I've ever read. It has funny poems, along with serious ones, which makes a good combination. If anyone out there wants to be a poet, I suggest they read that!

The Classic Treasury of Children's Poetry
Published in Hardcover by Courage Books (1997)
Amazon base price: $6.98
Used price: $11.85
Collectible price: $19.00
Used price: $11.85
Collectible price: $19.00
Average review score: 

this item was great for my 10 year old who enjoys making up poetry herself

Dog Overboard
Published in Library Binding by Bt Bound (1999)
Amazon base price: $11.55
Average review score: 

This book is great. Aside from the fact that there's a cute little dog in every page, the book teaches a very important moral. If you sit down just for five minutes with this book, you'll never put it down until you're finished with it! Wishbone is great!

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
Published in Paperback by Oxford University Press (2000)
Amazon base price: $5.95
Used price: $1.50
Used price: $1.50
Average review score: 

The Great Illustrated classics are great (no pun intended) The Strange Case Of Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde is so cool. I love this book. on a scale from 1 to 10 I give it an 11. You can't put it down. I like the pic's they were made very good. This book is so cool. and if you like the word hot then this book is so hot. This book is good for all ages. I love it and you will too. Get it and injoy it. READ IT!

Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde
Published in Paperback by Scholastic (2002)
Amazon base price: $3.99
Used price: $0.15
Buy one from zShops for: $0.75
Used price: $0.15
Buy one from zShops for: $0.75
Average review score: 

A astounding collection of classic tales of the macabre. Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde takes up about half of the book; the remainder contains storie such as Markhiem, The Bottle Imp, and the Body Snatcher. Written in a fast paced, articulate demeanor, this book leaves one hanging at the edge of his seat. I hope you don't fall off.

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde After One Hundred Years
Published in Paperback by University of Chicago Press (1988)
Amazon base price: $16.95
Average review score: 

The characters in this book were great, they were decribed in full detail. The tranformation of one man, was a great idea, on the part of Robert Louis Stevenson. I would recommend this book to any, on any given day. The depth of the description was outstanding, Hopefully you will be lucky, like I was, and will get the chance to read this.
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