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Book reviews for "Moore-Hart,_Margaret_A." sorted by average review score:

Color Atlas of Sexual Assault
Published in Hardcover by Mosby, Inc. (01 August, 1997)
Authors: Barbara W. Girardin, Faugno. Diana K., Patty C. Seneski, Laura, Md. Slaughter, and Margaret Whelan
Amazon base price: $59.95
Used price: $56.47
Buy one from zShops for: $56.47
Average review score:

Color Atlas of Sexual Assault
An excellent resource book for anyone working as a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner. I recommend this book to all nurses new to forensic nursing. A must have book!

Linda Sifuentes, RN CA-SANE
Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner
Austin, Texas

Very good pictures
This book is very complete, and has many pictures describing a variety of situations. Highly recommended.

You should also consider "Sexual Assault: The Medical-Legal Examination". This book has more information on the psychology of the assailant and the assailed, and on filling out legal forms during examination, but "Color Atlas" has more pictures.

An essential resource book
My forensic nurse colleagues have provided an outstanding resource for those of us who perform sexual assault exams and forensic evidence collection. The photographic documentation of cases and information in the Color Atlas have proved invaluable to me as a sexual assault nurse examiner. Our district attorney also purchased the book as a reference. I applaud the five authors of this text for a job well done. They have produced a professional work, accurately and well written,with outstanding photodocumentation of sexual assault cases.

The Conservative 100: The Most Influential Thinkers, Writers, Statesmen and Leaders from Aristotle to Margaret Thatcher
Published in Hardcover by Citadel Pr (1997)
Author: Jonah Goldberg
Amazon base price: $27.50
Average review score:

jonah, jonah, wherefore art thou jonah?
Jonah, err, Mr. Goldberg, do you ever read the reviews to your non-existent book?

I am very confused
If Jonah never finished this book, how come you can buy it used (see above)?

Woulda' been a contender.
The author is currently the online editor for National Review Online. He mentions the following in his current column . To quote:

"Years ago, I had a contract to write a book about the 100 most influential conservatives of all time. I came up with the list but never finished the book (though it's still listed in, which is not a confidence-booster for their stockholders). Eventually I was forced to return the advance betraying 6,000 years of Jewish tradition (oh come on lighten up; please no e-mails about that joke, okay?). "

This probably would have been a great book, but alas was stillborn for reasons unknown (vast left-wing conspiracy payoff or threats from Franco-philes ?). Still, by writing a meta-review I get entered in's Customer Review Contest and put in a plug for Jonah's NR Online column - in my opinion the best conservative writer since P.J. O'Rourke.

Curious George and the Dump Truck
Published in School & Library Binding by Houghton Mifflin Co (Juv) (1984)
Authors: Margaret Rey, Margret Rey, and Alan J. Shalleck
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $1.84
Collectible price: $9.53
Buy one from zShops for: $30.00
Average review score:

Great new story
After reading the original 5 or 6 Curious George stories to my 2 year old son about a hundred times, it is refreshing to see some new adventures. We just picked up this book today after going to the dump and my son just loves it. The spirit of the original stories is still there while the artwork is slightly more crisp and detailed. I look forward to reading the other new stories!

Little Boys Love It!
A dump truck, a lever that gets pulled not once but twice, and robbers! What a combo and George is a hero again. I hope someday that they bring this version out of print. My boys loved it and my preschool boys page through it everyday! It is also a great springboard to the other great Curious George books.

A family favorite
My 3 year old loves Curious George books and all kinds of heavy equipment so combining the two means it's one of his favorite books, and just like George he is always curious especially about George and why he is doing what he is doing. In our house both my 3 year old and 17 month old would sooner read about Curious George than watch tv.

Daisy Dog's Wake-Up Book
Published in School & Library Binding by Goldencraft (1979)
Author: Ilse-Margaret Vogel
Amazon base price: $7.95
Average review score:

Bring it Back!
I read this book to my oldest daughter, now age 29, over and over and over until I had it memorized (and still have the first part memorized). She now has a daughter, age 9 months, and I wanted to get this book for her. I can't believe it is out of print. Bring it back, please!!

Revenge is Sweet
I read this book to my now 27 year old until I had lost the will to live! I pretty much had it memorized, and so did he. I couldn't skip any pages or he'd cry & cry. My mother-in-law, who still hates me after 29 years, gave that book to my son, & laughed Well, he is now a father and I Soooooooo want him to have to read it until he too goes insane. I KNOW my grand-daughter will love it. It's only fair, don't you think!!

A childhood Classic!
wake up , wake up cryed daisy dog one bright cheerful day, the sun is shining in the sky opps sorry, it was me & my sister's favorite book. we made are poor daddy read this book over & over again. so even now he has the book memorized, i still have fond memories of that book & i'm in my late 20's now. i wish the dumbos who put this one out of print would Start Printing this book again. it's the cooless children book i still have the pictures edged into brain. happy memories Please print this book, so other children can enjoy it. in front bear's blue house . that's all. Highly Recommended for kids! plus the fact, i'd like to buy this one for my nephew & others . that's all !

Dark Side of Fortune: Triumph and Scandal in the Life of Oil Tycoon Edward L. Doheny
Published in Hardcover by University of California Press (05 November, 1998)
Author: Margaret Leslie Davis
Amazon base price: $28.00
List price: $40.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $4.35
Collectible price: $10.59
Buy one from zShops for: $5.49
Average review score:

Teapot Dome - Early Oil Industry
This book is a fascinating look at the life and times of one Edward Doheny the onetime founder of Mexican Oil Company prior to the nationalization of reserves by the revolutionary PRI party in the early days of their power. The narrative follows the career of Mr. Doheny from his modest prospector days in the Wild West to the heights of his infamy during the Teapot Dome scandal.

This is perhaps a timely book as well given the questions being raised at the time of this writing about corporate malfeasance and corruption in the U.S. (Enron). Teapot Dome was one of the biggest political scandals in the first half of the 20th century and involved the leasing of government/public lands in preserve areas for energy development. More than one person went to prison and wrongdoing was proven against multiple individuals in the matter.

The book makes the case that Doheny was more or less guilty of poor judgment and being in the wrong place at the wrong time more or less. It is true of course that Doheny was found innocent on the charges and it is also true that despite this Teapot Dome is the matter for which he is best known (despite for instance being a contemporary and rival of John D. Rockefeller in the oil business). If in fact he was innocent of the charges then he paid a heavy price in terms of his health and the somewhat mysterious death of his son, which was either suicide or murder depending on who you ask and how you look at it.

For those with an interest in the biographies of the early titans of U.S. industry this is a worthy read in that it does detail Mr. Doheny's rise to power as well as his fall from grace. He came from a modest background and did not make his fortune until after the age of 40 in a time before life expectations averaged 70+. He suffered through personal loses and setbacks and managed at the time of his death, despite the misfortunes, to bequeath a sizeable fortune to his heirs. This book may also be of particular interest in the study of Los Angelos in particular and California in general in that the Doheny's were prominent citizens who built some noteworthy structures in the city including religious and educational facilities.

The author acknowledges that she had the cooperation and blessings of the descendants of Mr. Doheny and that a good body of original documentation was available for review and research. This provides an intimate look at the lives of the people in question but it also may cause the thesis to lean towards their views. The book does tend to exonerate Doheny in Teapot Dome and it does make a good argument that his involvement was not profitable and that the Navy Dept in fact sought him out because of rising fears of the Japanese Navy in the years leading up to WWII. It was a condition of Mr. Doheny's development of the area under lease to him that he build an extensive oil storage and supply facility for the Navy in the Hawaiian Isles out of his own pocket. This he did and subsequently was not reimbursed when the lease was negated despite having spent many millions in pre-WWII monies. It is also I believe true to state that it was Henry Sinclair who was the actual lease holder on the Teapot Dome acreage and that Doheny was leased an entirely separate parcel of public land. Sinclair along with Interior Secretary Albert Fall went to prison in the affair but Doheny was also tarred and feathered by the affair.
Whether the delivery of $100,000 in cash by Doheny's son to Sec. Fall was in fact a personal loan much as one might expect between old prospecting buddies (which they were) is really a matter of conjecture. At any rate there was clearly the appearance of impropriety in the matter and both Doheny's son and the man accompanying him that night were involved in a murder/suicide after indictment but before trial. With the principle witness gone and little other corobative evidence Mr. Doheny's celebrity legal representation did get him acquitted although he was convicted in the court of public opinion.

Personally I am inclined to believe a man of his stature might loan a friend the sum in question but I also would not be surprised if a quid pro quo were expected in return. You see there was any number of companies competing in secret for the government contracts and it is interesting that both men who won had either the appearance of impropriety or were outright convicted of bribery. Part of the reason Doheny was spared prison was in fact due to the death of his son and his earnest and teary eyed appearance on the witness stand where he looked the part of a grieving grandfatherly figure who had lost something money could not replace.
It is an intriguing story and well written book, not terribly long or archaic for the casual reader. While it is a history book it is in fact also the story of an interesting chapter in American business and personality history.

Another terrific biography from Margaret Leslie Davis
Margaret Leslie Davis has done it again with another fine biography. Ms. Davis shows us the inner man of Edward L. Doheny, one of the richest and greatest Californians in history, virtually the John D. Rockefeller, Sr. of the West. Doheny was flat broke at the ripe age of 40 and yet within a few years he became one of the richest men in the country through his wild-cat oil discoveries in Los Angeles and Mexico. The break-up of Rockefeller's Standard Oil by the U.S. Supreme Court left Doheny an opening which he exploited adroitly. Most impressive is Ms. Davis's keen legal understanding and her scrupulous attention to noting her sources. In fact, the "notes" at the end of the book are arranged so that the top of the page refers the reader to the page number of the text thereby making it very easy to flip back and check the source. A small detail, perhaps, but much appreciated. Ms. Davis is a true scholar; her legal training shows itself especially when discussing the Tea Pot Dome scandal that ultimately tarnished Doheny's reputation. In short, Ms. Davis is becoming our finest historian on the West and particularly California.

Spellbinding Reading for History Lovers
Very few biographers could have sifted through the complex and oftentimes mysterious paper trails of Edward Doheny's life to compile such a mesmerizing tale of ambition, scandal, heartbreak, and murder. Margaret Leslie Davis, (winner of the Western Writers of America's Golden Spur Award for Best Nonfiction Book) exceeds her previous biographical effort to regale readers with a shadowy epic tracing the rise, fall, and tragic legacy of an American Icarus who flew too close to the sun.

Buy this book. You'll not be disappointed.

Daughters of Africa: An International Anthology of Words and Writings by Women of African Descent: From the Ancient Egyptian to the Present
Published in Paperback by Ballantine Books (Trd Pap) (1994)
Author: Margaret Busby
Amazon base price: $21.00
Used price: $9.48
Average review score:

The Greatness of the Black Woman
I have had this book for a while and it is so breath taking and awesome. It is a magnificient chronological timeline of the Nubian woman back in ancient times to the present. It reveals the spirit, intelligence, political involvement, and nature of the black woman. Despite time and the unforgiveable tragedies that occurred to her and her nation of people she has a regal inner strength that refuses and will not die but only continues to gain strength more with experience and wisdom. This book is a good indicator to the understanding of a black woman and her legacy.

An extraordinary compilation
This is one of the most extraordinary compilations I have ever had the pleasure of reading. The writing is extremely rich with information on the insights of women, and their various cultures and lifestyles; the reader even gets a glimpse of the various dialects of countries as she goes from piece to piece. As I was reading the book, I realized that although I am an avid reader, I was not familiar with the writing of many of the authors (nor were the majority of my friends). I find it unfortunate that there are so many women authors who never gain proper recognition for their literary talents simply because many people have never been exposed to their writing. Although Margaret Busby admits that many authors were omitted due to necessity, this book is definitely a step in the right direction. I would love to see a "Sons of Africa" anthology.

compelling, enligthening and educational
A well researched anthology which I found compelling and educational. A book I discovered several years ago and have recommended to many. An avid reader and writer (contributor to Go Girl: The Black Woman's Book to Travel and Adventure) I found this book to be first rate focusing on universal themes and many that were enlightening related to the plights (emotional, spiritual and psychological), and achievements of women from different cultures. Many of the stories were uplifting, provocative, heartwarming and humorous which gave me deeper insight into certain cultures and fired my curiosity and interest related to social and political aspects of certain countries. In addition, I learned a bit of history and was challenged to expand my literary and cultural horizons. A book everyone should have.

Detroit's Eastern Market : A Farmers Market Shopping and Cooking Guide
Published in Paperback by L. Johnson/M. Thomas (30 October, 1999)
Authors: Lois Johnson, Margaret Thomas, and Bruce Harkness
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $14.95
Collectible price: $15.84
Average review score:

Detroit's Eastern Market
Margaret Thomas and Lois Johnson did a splendid job writing "Detroit's Eastern Market". I found the book a delight because I not only shopped there many times but when I was a young I sold produce there grown on my Uncles farm in Northville, MI.. I tried some of the recipes and again I was very impressed. I conceder myself a friend of Margaret and hope to have my copy of her book signed soon and cook a dish from the book for her too.

Detroit's Eastern Market : A Farmers Market Shopping and Cooking Guide
I also as the first reviewer know the authors Lois Johnson and Margaret Thomas. Their approach to writing to me is as fresh as the produce found in the market. I was extremely lucky recently to be part of a tour of the market led by them. Their enthusiasm for the subject is very evident first hand as is their obvious repoire with the traders who generally greet the authors with smiles and hugs. The whole experience I felt was very worthwhile as is reading the book. It has become a stock "Detroit" gift, when I go back to England I take copies for my family and friends who delight in this little piece of Americana.

A great shopping and cooking guide to a Detroit jewel
Sure, Margaret Thomas is a good friend of mine, but I can still manage to be objective. This is a really great book.

Set out as a walking guide to the Market, the text is clear and informative, but maintains a friendly, informal style, just as if you are walking along with the authors in the Market. You will learn about the Market's nearly 200 year history, meet the store owners and get some great recipes while on your "walk". Of course, all the ingredients can be found right in this open air marketplace.

Michigan is a four season state, and this market is open in all seasons, not just summer. A section featuring 8 full menus is organized by seasons-A spring Mediterranean feast features lamb, summer brings fresh salads, autumn has satisfying soups, and a winter highlight is veal scaloppine.

In the index, you will also find individual recipes from appetizers to vegetables (more than 25 unique offerings for vegetables alone) The recipes come from shop owners, employees, farmers, dealers, shoppers and restaurant owners, as well as the authors themselves. Wonderful color photos by Bruce Harkness capture the hustle and bustle of the Eastern Market, and spotlight fresh Michigan Produce.

Like the market itself, this book is "highly useful, convenient and beneficial".

Developing Your Child's Emotional Intelligence. - 10 Steps to Self Control by Age Three
Published in Paperback by Wellness Community Publications (2003)
Authors: Margaret Altman, Avi Bitton, and Rebecca Reyes
Amazon base price: $10.47
List price: $14.95 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score:

I wish this book had been available
I wish this book had been available when I was raising my children. I might have been able to avoid some of those emotional impasses that occurred between my children and me. This book introduces a framework with examples to help parents cope with a child's multiple emotions and their impact on the child and family. It also provides a means to initiate emotional control both for child and parent.

a highly relevant work
I found this work extremely valuable in my day to day clinical practice. Its concepts are relevant today, were relevant in the past, and will likely be so in the future.

Developing Your Child's Emotional Intelligence
I read an advance copy of this book and as a step father and grand father I know that this is a wonderful source of information for parents, grand parents and teachers. We all need to know the best ways to help young children begin to control their emotions and use their intelligent minds to solve life's problems!

Do's and Taboos Around the World for Women in Business
Published in Paperback by John Wiley & Sons (18 March, 1997)
Authors: Roger E. Axtell, Tami Briggs, Margaret Corcoran, and Mary Beth Lamb
Amazon base price: $12.57
List price: $17.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $9.90
Buy one from zShops for: $11.69
Average review score:

great exploration of gender equity issues
my middle school students have found this book useful because
it not only discusses gender issues in the world of business,
but also offers strategies how U.S. women can be successful in
cultures with even less equitable relations between the genders than our own country.

Outstanding Resource for Military Spouses on OCONUS Tours
Great information for preparing for an overseas tour. It includes a wealth of information, country-specific tips, wonderful checklists to help you prepare for the overseas tour, and an extensive reference list to continue your pre-travel research. It will alert you to cultural nuances at your destination so that you can be prepared to present yourself effectively and avoid possible embarrassment. If you plan to work (or even become involved in the native community abroad), I highly recommend this book-- it will ensure you are better prepared and confident, so you'll enjoy your overseas adventure.

"Must read" for businesswomen planning to travel overseas.
Our consulting staff recommends this book to every women planning to be, or already involved in international trade. Female business executives must realize that they will, at least for the next few years, be forced to operate in a "man's world". To help with this enigma, this excellent publication reviews the social and business protocol for most of the countries to which women might be traveling on business. There are also important tips on how to travel safely and what types of wardrobes are most acceptable and attractive in foreign countries. This is an outstanding publication that also happens to be enjoyable reading. John R. Jagoe, Director, Export Institute

The Downing Street Years
Published in Audio Download by ()
Amazon base price: $9.56
List price: $25.00 (that's 62% off!)
Average review score:

Great read
Margaret Thatcher is an incredible person and her tale of her time as prime minister is fascinating. She kept detailed notes throughout her premiership and can recall the events that informed her decision making in great detail.

Whatever your opinions on her politics, she definitely knew where she wanted to take Britain and how to get there (if only more leaders were willing to stand up for their beliefs regardless of political correctness) and it's well worth the time it takes to read.

Lover her or hate her, she was UNIQUE
This first volume of memoirs by Margaret Thatcher frankly recalls the former British prime minister's dealings with U.S. presidents, the Falkland War, and her election victories in 1979, 1983 and 1987. She also details the back-stabbing and eye-gouging that the British call politics. It may be a little less corrupt than politics in some other countries I could name, but it sure ain't an arena for the feint of heart. There were never any gray areas with Thatcher. The British either worshipped the ground she walked on, or detested her every word. There was nothing in the middle, because Thatcher was not given to taken the middle course. 'There's nothing I like more than a lively discussion' she would say. What she meant, of course, was that she loved a damn good arguement! This first part of her autobiography is as outspoken as she was. She pulls no punches, and her unequivocal opinions about world events she participated in and world leaders she encountered leave you wondering how she survived eleven years as Britain's Prime Minister. But would we expect anything else from Thatcher as she explains and defends her controversial policies, which caused the dismemberment of socialism and Britain's resurgence as a world power after many years of liberal misrule.

Inspiration to any aspiring leader
These remarkable insights provide a first hand account of what it was like to be a Britich Prime Minister. Wets (i.e. wimps) are not tolerated. These tapes and the companion ones, The Path to Power, are essential leadership training in perseverance, decisiveness, political bargaining and priority setting. The account of the Falklands armada is quite splendid. All aspiring executives and politicians can gain tremendous ideas from these tapes and the companion books. Even those with more left wing leanings will respect Lady Thatcher who reports on tricky subordinates, loyal supporters and above all her close relationship with husband. These tapes deserve a much broader audience and greater marketing.

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