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Good job Mr. Gilbert on reviving a very obscure character who only appeared in one story many decades ago.

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List price: $24.95 (that's 30% off!)
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The book is written pre-September 11, and thus seems incredibly out-of-date, and I daresay, completely irrelevant. There is no update in the paperback version. Moore's screeching diatribes that there are no differences between Democrats and Republicans (and that Ralph Nader is our savior??? Spare me!!) seem completely out-of-touch given the post-9/11 "war on terrorism" and Republican-led attacks on civil liberties, civil rights, and complete destruction of U.S. credibility in foreign policy.
His argument that there are no differences between Bush and Gore just don't ring true given what the Bush Administration has done in the name of "security."
Moore also ignores broader matters such as the environment, health/medical rights, race relations, and gender issues.
If you want to read a great book about how corporatization is destroying America, check out "Fast Food Nation" by Eric Schlosser....

As usual, Michael has done his homework, researched and re-researched to bring us reporting worth reading.
Whether you're right of, left of or dead center, this is a must-read book if you're at all concerned, truly concerned about our country and its future.
If you're a shallow flag-waving jingoist, this isn't for you but if you're a thinking, sensitive concerned American citizen (one who votes-or intends to)this is a must-read.
Keep it up Michael, we need guys like you!
Gib Miller
State of the Disenfranchised Voter

List price: $15.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $10.95

Used price: $5.50
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Honestly, you're much better off with Moore's Watchmen, V for Vendetta, From Hell, or Miracleman series...you'll lose very little by missing this.

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Then this beautiful setup dissolves into pointless interaction between characters, and suddenly you have no idea what's going on anymore. I kept thinking, oh, this is going to be the part where it is all going to come together, but it never happened. Then i got to the ending, and I was like, huh?
But I don't think this is a book of filler. I just think the point is far too subtle, as I completely missed it. At first I though it was just me, but then i read the other Amazon.com reviews, and it seemed nobody understood what he was talking about. I picked up that there was a theme of running away, that's about it.
The good news is, there's still a slot open for ME to right the Great American Young Adult novel =)

Used price: $16.50
Collectible price: $18.52

Used price: $1.94
Collectible price: $14.82
Buy one from zShops for: $1.94
It is a fun book to go thru and read about how another culture uses various plants and herbs. Not to mention the names they have for them, and that is one of the reasons I originally purchased the book and still pick it up and go thru it. If you like knowing the Spanish names for plants, along with the English I would highly recommend it for that purpose. Michael Moore does a wonderful job on all his books, he is another author who's books are always at the top of my list of books to buy.