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Gil Pitkoff LMT, RRT

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The information is well laid out, and of much value to managers dealing with absentee issues in the workplace.
Side Note-Please do not mix this author up with the recently controversial author of the same name.

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Collectible price: $10.59
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"a truly excellent book, well-written, very convincing, very down-to-earth, and deeply pervaded with the Spirit of Jesus."
Senator Mark Hatfield writes:
"City Streets, City People affirms the biblical truth that the poor, sick and suffering are truly blessed, and that we will be judged by our response to them."
Bob Lupton, President of FCS Urban Ministries, writes:
"...captures the fundamentals or urban ministry more concisely and comprehensively than anyone I have read or listened to..."
Ron Benefiel, President of Nazarene Theological Seminary, writes: "a practical, helpful manual in the day-to-day how to's of ministry in the city. I highly recommend this book for anyone ministering in the urban context."
City Streets, City People is both a book of stories about homeless persons and a "user-friendly" guide that outlines how people of goodwill--volunteers, clergy, students and professionals--can respond compassionately and effectively to outcast groups in society. Christensen draws on his own experience in working with the homeless and persons with AIDS on the streets of New York, San Franscisco and Calcutta. He also shares how active urban workers can cultivate their own "inner garden of contemplative spirituality" and avoid burn-out so common in urban ministry.
Nominated for the 1989 Book of the Year Award, sponsored by Campus Life Ministries, and was selected by the United Methodist Church as official denominational curriculum. Widely used by colleges, seminaries and church groups as a handbook on urban ministry.
A classic urban ministry text from a broadly evangelical Christian perspective.

List price: $14.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $6.06
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