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Book reviews for "Moore,_Michael" sorted by average review score:

In the Sporting Tradition: The Art of Herb Booth (Joe and Betty Moore Texas Art Series, No 8)
Published in Hardcover by Texas A&M University Press (1993)
Authors: Herb Booth, Meredith Long, and Michael McIntosh
Amazon base price: $49.50
Used price: $11.75
Collectible price: $18.52
Buy one from zShops for: $15.98
Average review score:

In The Sporting Tradition: The Art of Herb Booth
If you are into the out of doors and enjoy hunting and fishing then this is a book for you. The art of Herb Booth featured in the edition is outstanding. Not only do you get a fine insight into this artist but are shown the excellent examples of his work as well. The book is filled with oversized high quality color plates showing almost fifty of his pieces. Although wonderful in itself you also get almost 100 black and white line drawings that support the main featured art. These range from fish to birds to hunting dogs. You will also find many of the etchings that Mr. Booth is so famous for. This publication has quickly become a valued addition to my library. I could not be more please with it's quality and content.

Lives in Process
Published in CD-ROM by Ladybug Press (02 September, 2002)
Authors: Dottie Moore and Michael Harrison
Amazon base price: $18.95
Average review score:

Pictures alone worth a million words!
You don't have to be a 'quilter' to appreciate this magnificent CD! I can say that with the upmost assurance, since my fingers have never-ever put needle and thread to cloth--can't even sew on a button! But, thankfully, I have friends that can and do!
After seeing this stunning CD at a friends house, I have recommended it non-stop to anyone and everyone who has any appreciation of 'coffee table books,' art, women in their element, women outside of their element, history, living history, quilts, crafts, sewing, and photography.
This one little book of quilts and exerpts from their creators immediately grabs your attention then sweetly places you in the lives (albeit for a split second) of a handful of women. They are women from all walks of life who have unpretentiously created not just a quilt, but a personal and cultural work of art--a treasure for us all. They each share something they unique experienced while in the process of making their quilts. Each quilt is brilliantly displayed in this CD. This colorful CD, the women and their work can forever be part of our own lives. Thank you Dottie Moore and Michael Harrison!

Night Before Christmas: A Lift-The-Flap Rebus Pop-Up Book (Lift-The-Flaps Rebus Pop-Up Book)
Published in Hardcover by Piggy Toes Press (1997)
Authors: Clement Moore and Michael Foreman
Amazon base price: $12.95
Used price: $2.22
Average review score:

Night Before Christmas Pop-up
This book was purchased for my 3 year old son. It has since grown as a traditional reading for the anual childrens party and displayed in the livingroom for all who visit. This book captures the childrens imagiations, with it's detailed 3-D illustrations, and wonderfully written poetry. This combination holds everyones attention; Both young and old come together for it's reading. The only draw back is that it ends too soon and you may find yourself reading it over and over again to a captive audiance.

Palaces of the Gods: Khmer Art & Architecture in Thailand
Published in Hardcover by River Books (1901)
Authors: Smitthi Siribhadra, Elizabeth Moore, Michael Freeman, and Smitthi
Amazon base price: $80.00
Used price: $609.27
Average review score:

Beautiful book about Khmer sites in Thailand
Excellent book about the major Khmer sites in Thailand. Beautifully illustrated with nice photographs. Includes maps of the temples. More than 350 pages.

Powerful Days: The Civil Rights Photography of Charles Moore
Published in Hardcover by Stewart, Tabori & Chang (1991)
Authors: Michael Schelling Durham, Charles Moore, and Andrew Young
Amazon base price: $35.00
Used price: $90.00
Average review score:

would like to give this a 7 rating
ive had this book for several years and used to skim the photo pages. the photos alon give it a 5 rating. reading the text increases my rating to a 7 if it were permitted. charles moore discusses his background as a white man growing up int he south and his early days as a photojournalist. a great book.

The Silence of the Body: Materials for the Study of Medicine
Published in Hardcover by Farrar Straus & Giroux (1993)
Authors: Guido Ceronetti, Michael Moore, and Raymond Rosenthal
Amazon base price: $22.00
Used price: $2.95
Collectible price: $6.35
Average review score:

Galen Through The Lens of Cioran
Unfamiliar with Ceronetti's work, I discovered this text through a reference to it in E.M. Cioran's ANATHEMAS AND ADMIRATIONS. It seemed worth checking out, since a.) he was keeping company with profiles of Borges and Beckett, always a good indicator, and, b.) the slip of information that Cioran wrote seemed to suggest that the author was perhaps more pessimistic than Cioran, which I had to see to believe. Anyway, this is something like a gloss of medical history for the past few thousand years, viewed with a very grim and gimlet eye and with a focus on the less pleasant aspects of the bodily experience. The selections are generally as pithy as Cioran and sometimes as vicious, but all in all Ceronetti seems a bit more even-tempered. Nonetheless, for fans of the Rochefoucauld/Nietzsche/Cioran school of merciless epigrams, this is strongly recommended.

Thrilling Locations: A Supplement for the James Bond Oo7 Game
Published in Paperback by Victory Games (1985)
Author: Michael E. Moore
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $9.95
Collectible price: $20.00
Average review score:

The guide to creating exotic new missions for James Bond 007
As Role Playing Game supplements go, this one has all the elements of a "must-have". Along with the Q-Manual and Basic game, this add-on shows once again the high quality of gaming materials Avalon Hill has become known for. Being the last supplement published for the highly underrated role playing game featuring the world's greatest spy, "Thrilling Locations" is one of the jewels of the collection. (As a side note, Avalon Hill was purchased by Hasbro Interactive in 1998 and it has become unclear what will happen to the James Bond 007 roleplaying franchise as the company is restructured to fit Hasbro's business model.)

If you play the James Bond roleplaying game, and particularly if you are a game master, this is an invaluable resource. One can find in-depth information about the ritzy locations and high-priced vehicles James Bond would encounter in one of his most extravagant missions in Her Majesty's Secret Service. From casinos to restaurants, yachts to jets, this book gives in-depth descriptions and game stats on the most expensive of Bond locations and vehicles. One can also find the bios and stats of the people who can afford to live such an outrageous lifestyle, or those work for them. This softcover book features color photos and the information is surprisingly accurate, as the book was written with the cooperation of the actual establishments and manufacturers it features.

"Thrilling Locations" also contains the rules and game mechanics for a host of games of chance that players may encounter in the game, including roulette, blackjack, and of course, baccarat.

After reading this very enjoyable book, one truly knows a little more about how it would feel to stand in the shoes of the man known as "Bond... James Bond."

Downsize This: Random Thoughts from an Unarmed American
Published in Hardcover by Audio Renaissance (1996)
Author: Michael Moore
Amazon base price: $16.95
Average review score:

best book ever
as finding this book very informative and to take new stance in my political stance he has opened a new horizon for me i love his books and the real truth about america

Michael Moore....My Hero
In his first attempt at publishing, Michael Moore presents us with his amazingly informative and hilarious political satire! This book provides us with some very startling information that everyone should know in order to be active participants in our democratic society. From his ultra-sarcastic beginning chapter "The Etiquette of Downsizing," to "A Sperm's Right to Life," to "So You Want to Kill the President?" this is a perfect book for anyone. From those who desire to be more informed citizens to the vetran activist...its a sure bet! Funny...informative...PERFECT! After you read this book make sure to check out his movies "The Big One" (my personal favorite), "Roger and Me," and "TV Nation volumes 1 & 2." And of course, you will NEED to read his latest and greatest "Stupid White Men...and Other Sorry Excuses For the State of the Nation!"


Adventures in a TV Nation
Published in Audio Download by ()
Amazon base price: $6.36
List price: $12.00 (that's 47% off!)
Average review score:

Fun read, once, I guess.
True fans of TV Nation will enjoy this book but you won't go back for quotes and lend it to friends like "Stupid White Men" and "Downsize This!" Just anecdotal details from the filming of the late, great "TV Nation", one of television's finest shows.

Fun read explains some of what went into TV show
This book is a great, easy read. I read it in about three hours in an airport and on a plane. Short, light chapters explaining how many of the most famous "TV Nation" stories, episodes, and the show itself came to be. Appendices log every "TV Nation" episode and story that got on the air for fans that want that. Some interesting insights from the authors about entertainment, TV, politics and our social condition.

Micheal Moore makes me proud to be from Flint.
This book is a must read for anyone who missed the brief but eventful run of the TV Nation show...and for those who didn't. Like the show, it brims with Moore's special brand of subversive humor that joins outright silliness with poignant realization. From the oh-so-obvious Serial Killer Next Door who's ignored by his neighbors - to Mike enjoying some quality time with Dr. Kevorkian - to raising money for Charles Keating, this is a compilation of classic TV Nation that'll make you laugh and think at the same time.

Herbs and Things 19 Ed: A Compendium of Practical and Exotic Lore
Published in Paperback by Last Gasp of San Francisco (09 November, 2001)
Authors: Jeanne Rose and Michael S. Moore
Amazon base price: $11.87
List price: $16.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $7.50
Collectible price: $7.99
Buy one from zShops for: $7.75
Average review score:

a good find
a very good reference for herbal use. The section on witch-craft is a little bit too far out there, but the different spells and recipes are a good laugh, I wonder where she found them or if she just made them up.

another womans treasure
i found this book i a parking lot and it was the start of a whole new approach on life. Any reader will find it to be a no nonsence directory to herbalism.

Herbal introductions and references.
This invaluable book is a wonderful combination of recipes, anecdotal advice, and historical reference. I would recommend this book for the beginner who is interested in herbal history, would like to know how to find herbs, and start dabbling in recipes. For those who are more experienced, it would complete an herbal library.

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