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Book reviews for "McKelway,_Benjamin_M." sorted by average review score:

6th Sense: Secrets from Beyond Hangman (Sixth Sense. Secrets from Beyond, 3)
Published in Paperback by Scholastic (2001)
Author: David Benjamin
Amazon base price: $4.99
Average review score:

This is a great book!
I am 14 years old and I think this book is awesome! I couldn't put it down while I read it. This book is definately one of the best books I have ever read. I recommend this book to anyone, no matter what their age is. I just hope they make a sequel.

Where's number four??
This series is thrilling, terrific. I can't put the novels down while I read them. I also read Buffy, Angel Charmed, Clueless, and Sabrina books, but this series is tops. It must SURVIVE!
Please mr. Publisher---give us more!

the sixth sense secrets from beyond-hungman
I am 13 years old and I highly recomend Hangman it is one of the better books I read.The whole story revolves around Cole who sees ghosts ,at school he runs into a man who's been hung during the War of 1812.Who wants Cole to help him, but do what?Cole has to find out before the ghost either gets him kicked out of school or harm him.This is an excellant book.The third in a great series but by far this is the best one.This one book made me have my mother go out and buy book one and two.One was great,two was so-so .But hangman keeps your interest so much that you even read it at school.I give this book ,not a 5 but a 10.

Automatic Control Systems
Published in Hardcover by Prentice Hall (1986)
Author: Benjamin Kuo
Amazon base price: $51.00
Average review score:

Control Systems made understandable
This book is definitely one of the best introductory texts on linear Control Systems. Every item is theorically well explained without loosing the practical aspect on each subject. Highly recommended for people who started to study linear Control Systems at an undergraduate level.

Excelent Reference
One of the best books I have read. My students love It

Great for beginners and experts alike
Like all of Kuo's other books, this one is good reading. It covers all the important topics involved in Control system theory, time and frequency domain analysis and graph techniques, amongst other topics. Good question-and-answer section. Kuo has this style of writing where you feel he can read your mind and know what you are thinking as you read the book. It's a great book for beginners and experts alike. I think this is one of the best books on Control systems theory.

Basic Category Theory for Computer Scientists (Foundations of Computing)
Published in Paperback by MIT Press (07 August, 1991)
Author: Benjamin C. Pierce
Amazon base price: $21.00
Average review score:

the best understaning of categories you can get
This book is tiny in volume but large in contents. It does not only provide the definitions of the fundamental concepts but also clear explanations and motivations of why must everything be defined that way, which are not always found in other texts. Plenty of the right examples help you build the right intuitions. The case studies at the end put everything into context and prepare you for CS texts on semantics, type theory, etc.
If you want to UNDERSTAND this wonderful theory read this book!

Clear and concise
This is an excellent introduction to category theory, not just for computer scientists, but for mathematicians as well. The author has a very clear writing style--it's evident that he writes to help people to understand the subject, and not to show off his knowledge. The examples illustrating various principles are easy to understand, especially the ones used to illustrate adjoints, arguably one of the more difficult concepts in category theory. This book also comes with a very valuable annotated bibliography, enabling one to intelligently choose from the many books and articles in this burgeoning field.

Read this book before you tackle Mac Lane.

This book is a CCC.
Which stands for "Compact, Complete, and Comprehensible".
It is fairly easy to read, has every basic aspects of Category Theory, and has a lot of good examples.
If you would like to know the first step of Category Theory and you are in CS realm, this book is the one you have to try.

Benjamin Franklin
Published in Library Binding by Bt Bound (2001)
Authors: Peter Roop and Connie Roop
Amazon base price: $12.15
Average review score:

Benjamin Franklin
What would you call Benjamin Franklin? Was he a scientist, an inventor, a printer, a postmaster, a diplomat, or a founding father? Well, to find out, read
" Benjamin Franklin," written by Peter and Connie Roop. Ben Franklin`s life began by being a poor soap maker`s son in Boston. By the time he was 17, he had already run off to Philadelphia to be a printer`s apprentice. During his life he had helped discover and create many different things like bifocals, the Franklin stove, lightning rods, electrical circuits, and the United States Constitution.
In this biograpy, Peter and Connie Roop have shown the readers not their opinions, but Franklin`s instead. This book uses mostly primary sources like Ben Franklin`s autobiography and letters. I liked this book because it was not just a story, but partly a mystery and because it was half story, half fact by fact.
I recommend this book to 8-9 year old readers who enjoy reading about U.S. history. So what is a scientist, an inventor, a printer, a postmaster, a diplomat and a founding father? Benjamin Franklin, of course!

Not too many of his own words but a solid biography
The "In Their Own Words" series tells the story of famous Americans using various primary documents. For the life of Benjamin Franklin, authors Peter and Connie Roop use not only Franklin's autobiography, but his letters, pamphlets, scientific papers, essays, and, of course, his epigrammatic sayings from "Poor Richard's Almanac." However, Franklin's words are not used as much as you would think. So while this is a solid juvenile biography of Franklin, it really does not use his own words much more than an "ordinary" biography. This book has various illustrations, including paintings representing Franklin's life, photographs of a printing press and some of his inventions from his life, and reproductions of some of the things he printed. A photograph of his grave in Philadelphia is accompanied by a reproduction of his handwritten instructions for his epitaph. In the final analysis, despite the irony of the book not living up to its own title, "In Their Own Words: Benjamin Franklin" will give young readers a solid introduction to the life of the greatest American president never to be president.

This is a very good book
This book is a very good book because we can follow the good characters Benjamin Franklin did in his life.

Benjamin's Box
Published in Hardcover by Zondervan (19 January, 2000)
Authors: Melody Carlson and Jack Stockman
Amazon base price: $8.79
List price: $10.99 (that's 20% off!)
Average review score:

Church Reading
I heard a mother tell of reading this book to her children for Easter. My own son is now an adult ( no children yet) but I felt so strongly about the message of the book that I am buying it for my husband's grandchildren.

Share this book with your kids!
This book is a tradition for our family -- our kids eagerly anticipate getting it out of the "Easter" box every spring. The illustrations are very beautiful yet very kid-friendly -- I *loved* the fact that they show children who (despite their era-appropriate clothing) look like any child you'll see today riding down the street on a skateboard. Also, Jesus has dark hair -- the illustrator didn't turn our thoroughly Jewish Lord into a blond haired, blue eyed European as so many artists do. Kudos for that! I can't recommend this book highly enough!

Kids LOVE This!
This book is most effectively used with the Resurrection Eggs sold by FAMILY LIFE. The egg carton contains 12 colorful plastic Easter eggs and each has a small item in it which corresponds to an event which happened to Jesus from Palm Sunday through Easter Sunday.

Benjamin's Box is a story about a young boy who follows Jesus during this most important week and he picks up small reminders of the events and puts them in a special box his grandfather gave him. The pages in the book have a colored Easter egg at the top which corresponds to an egg in the Resurrection Egg package. The child finds that egg and opens it to discover the item that Benjamin just picked up.

I used the Benjamin's Box/Resurrection Egg combination with my 5 year old son's Church School class on Palm Sunday. THEY LOVED IT!!! I hid the eggs and let them find them. We then sat down, read the story, and whoever had the corresponding egg for a particular page opened it told how what they found went along with the story. When the story was done, we mixed the eggs all up and opened them at random - the kids remembered how the items related to the story of Jesus after listening to it just one time! I was very impressed (and so were their parents).

I can't recommend this book and the Resurrection Eggs highly enough.

Black Wax
Published in Paperback by Xlibris Corporation (20 December, 2000)
Author: Benjamin Watson
Amazon base price: $21.99
Average review score:

all i can say is WOW
It is a rare book that can entertain, captivate, and inspire--Benjamin Watson has written such a book. This book is raw and honest, full of wonderful vocabulary and detail, amusing as all get out, not too sacred, yet holy to the core. If you're not shallow, phony, prudish, or excessively fearful, you WILL LOVE this book!!!!!!!

Notify the underground: it's a new classic!
With stark honesty, sorrowful humor, jarring sensitivity, and frightening (almost embarrassing) familiarity, Watson fearlessly phrases a life convincing us that hope, purity, and innocence, once truly experienced, somehow survive even while drowning in the most terrible circumstances. Even though my primary fascination while reading was with Alexander Wokowski's desperate, sinful activity, rendered with Watson's slick, punchy, and altogether gratifying style, this truth burned through. I wonder if this isn't how Salinger would have written had he come of age in the millenial era.

A new Henry Miller
It's been a long time since I read a book that took me by the throat like this. If you like fine literature with a grim, humorous, beatnik sensibility, this is for you. Watson separates himself from the pack of young, hip writers writing about the underground scene by the sheer careful craftsmanship of his writing - most writers just seem to be rehashing that stark, simple, bloodless Raymond Carver or Brett Easton Ellis style of conveying the feelings of Generation X. But Watson reminds me of a Nabokov for the people, an Updike for the coffeeshop. Combined with this is some of the most honest sexual discussion since "Portnoy's Complaint" or "Fear of Flying". Basically a story about a jazz musician and his screwed up bizarre love triangle with two lesbians, it is also a story of coping with hyper-sensitivity, the loss of innocence, being haunted by places and people, and searching for spirituality in a materialistic world. I finished the book feeling - despite all the sex, drugs, and violence - renewed, inspired, and wanting to live life to the maximum. Watson is one to watch.

Building Leaders : How Successful Companies Develop the Next Generation
Published in Hardcover by Jossey-Bass (1999)
Authors: Jay A. Conger and Beth Benjamin
Amazon base price: $40.00
Average review score:

Well-done book on leadership training
Highly enjoyed this book from Jossey-Bass because it clearly lays out the relevant issues involved in leadership development and training. It's concise and gives plenty of case examples. This would be an excellent purchase.

Also recommend a superb book our company uses for leader training - because it teaches managers very easily: "The Leader's Guide: 15 Essential Skills."

An important addition to the field of leadership research!
Stretching beyond the confines of books devoted solely to leadership theory, "Building Leaders" combines a conceptual understanding of corporate leadership development with the nuts and bolts of it all. Through impressive case studies of significant companies, Conger and Benjamin provide a blueprint for the design and execution of leadership development programs. If you are at all interested in understanding what will, in the future, distinguish those companies that survive from those that do not, you must read this book.

Very Relevant, Very Fun
Unlike a like of so-called leadership books, this one seems like it was actually written in the 1990s. No out-of-date references to "successes" like Wang computers or Saturn autos. Lot of Gen-X stuff. An easy read.

Published in Hardcover by Harvard Univ Pr (1998)
Author: Andrew L. Kaufman
Amazon base price: $63.00
Average review score:

Extraordinary insights into an American judicial hero
Andrew Kaufman has written an engrossing account of the life of Benjamin Cardozo, a judicial hero of the first third of the century. This book should prove especially useful for first-year law students, who read many of Cardozo's most important decisions in their contracts and torts classes. But even non-lawyers with an interest in the legal system will find it highly readable and informative.

An honest and insightful biography of a pivotal figure
Professor Kaufman presents his subject, first, as a man, establishing the personal background that shaped Cardozo's work as a judge. Kaufman then offers an insightful examination of the judicial work of Judge and Justice Cardozo, analyzing the development and maturation of Cardozo's thinking regarding the many legal principles which have become mainstays of American jurisprudence. The biography is well suited to lawyer and non-lawyer, and provides an extraordinary social history of the shaping of the American common law that governs our lives and liability today. This biography is a must-read primer for all soon-to-be law students, who will find in it an invaluable guide to the principles they are preparing to study. Professor Kaufman's honest analysis of the talents and faults of his subject is much to be commended.

The only comprehensive biography of Justice Cardozo
This is a book for laypeople and lawyers, rare in judicial biography. It is written in a clear and lucid prose, eschewing much of the current academic jargon. The author's years of work include many interviews with people now dead (and thus unavailable!), providing invaluable insights and perspectives into Cardozo's life and judicial influence. This work will be interesting to social historians, as well, for its treatment of the Nathan and Cardozo families' experiences in an evolving America.

Casa De Hacienda: Architecture in the Colombian Countryside
Published in Hardcover by Villegas Editores (1998)
Authors: German Tellez, Benjamin Villegas Jimenez, and Antonio Castaneda
Amazon base price: $35.00
List price: $50.00 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score:

A lovely photo essay of Colombia's country homes
This book is a wonderful testimony to what was once a lovely quality of life in Colombia's vast countryside. Some photographic essays boast of majestic architectural beauty. Still and all, the most important aspect of this book is that the camera's lens objectively captures the serene beauty and vitality of Colombia's regional richness. Moreover, the fine and creative presentation of some Hacienda's are absolutely breathtaking. "Casa De Hacienda: Architecture in the Colombian Countryside," is a polished presentation of professional photography. It is much more than a coffee table is a slice of life in Colombia.

Casa de Hacienda
This book is marvelous!
I was very touched and trilled to find "El Abra" and remember my childhood days!
this is the place where my Mother grew up and spend her vacations from school
"El Abra" was our playground and belonged to the family for generations.
Thank you so very much for the pleasure and the memories and tears..your book has brought to all of us.
Que viva Colombia!

Beautiful Book! Spectacular pictures of Colombian Haciendas.
I'm familiar with some of these houses, but I gained new insight on the history and architectural characteristics of these country homes by readiing the text. Filled with outstanding photographs, I enjoyed browsing for hours. I strongly recommend this book !!

Clinical Immunology Principles and Practice (2-Volume Set)
Published in Hardcover by Mosby (15 January, 1996)
Authors: Robert R. Rich, Thomas A. Fleisher, Benjamin D. Schwartz, William T. Shearer, and Warren Strober
Amazon base price: $369.00
Average review score:

Reason I passed the hand examination!!
Worth every penny!! Used this as my main reference to study for the hand examination.

Great Book for Hand Therapists
This book is wonderful.It was worth every penny. This is my main resource that I use when I have a question on any hand problems. The book is very thorough and informative.It is a "must have" for any hand therapist.

great CHT exam foundation
I doubt anyone can pass the CHT exam without this book. If I only could read one on the list, this would be it.

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