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Book reviews for "McKelway,_Benjamin_M." sorted by average review score:

Among the Bears: Raising Orphaned Cubs in the Wild
Published in Hardcover by Henry Holt & Company, Inc. (06 March, 2002)
Authors: Benjamin Kilham and Ed Gray
Amazon base price: $18.20
List price: $26.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $2.86
Collectible price: $5.95
Buy one from zShops for: $6.00
Average review score:

Meet the Bears
This book is basically a primary source about black bears, a subject that, as the author points out, has received spotty attention. "Among the Bears" partially remedies this neglect: it is rich in anecdote, modest yet persuasive in analyses.
This book has many small, satisfying pleasures to it, not the least of which is the idea of a large, stereotypically manly guy like Kilham being a mother to these bears. And he is an amazing mother, patient, wise and tireless. He always lends his bears an ear, literally (for suckling). Another is the reader learns along with Kilham, who continues to turn over the behaviors of his bears in his head, often coming to explanations only after thinking and experimenting. Finally, his physical encounters with bears are entertaining and, I think, instructive about how bears (and humans) become at ease with each other.
The book is very plain in language. As his story progressed, the content of the ideas was plenty engaging, and more than made up for any lack of style.
Telling the history of his interactions with bears, including an unusually large male interested in Squirty, one of the female bears he has raised, Killham ventures prescriptive advice about how to handle a bear encounter only at the end of the book. "Hold your ground, stay calm, maintain eye contact, and let the situation resolve itself. It will." (245)
Throughout the book, Kilham has relevant and undogmatic insights about hunting and hunters.
A small complaint: A bibliography, or more simply--in the character of this straightforward, unpretentious book--a short list of suggested readings would have been welcome. However, the basic but thorough index is excellent.

Among the Bears
This is a wonderful book! Kilham does for bears what Jane
Goodhall did for primates. He lives among them and and in
so doing gains valuable insights into their abilities and
behaviors. He discovers bears to be highly intelligent
individuals, but with strong social connections, communicating
over distance and time by scent, sound, body language, and
deliberate trail signs. If you have any interest at all in
bears or in social lives of animals, buy this book!

If you love animals, if you are interested in their behavior, or if you just enjoy a great read.......BUY THIS BOOK! Ben Kilham raised orphaned black bear cubs as a momma bear would. He successfully returned them to the wild and maintained a relationship with them, even after one had cubs of her own! This is no pet bear story, but a look at how one man changed the way we look at a species, while retaining a respect for their wild stature. Black bears are sensitive, intelligent and often altruistic, as Ben Kilham shows. He makes us realize that there are things to be learned about animals, especially black bears and their behavior, that cannot be taken lightly. We humans are not the only intelligent and emotional beings on this planet!

Mama's Boy
Published in Hardcover by Vision International Publishing (01 September, 2001)
Authors: Tom Garrott Benjamin Jr., Jr. Tom Garrott Benjamin, William A. Jones, and Robert H. Schuller
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $1.81
Buy one from zShops for: $10.34
Average review score:

Rescued to be a Rescuer
This highly anticipated work by Bishop T. Garrott Benjamin, Jr. goes beyond expectations. This book is such a personal revelation of his life, yet it reveals so many aspects of the reader's life to him/her. It clearly and repeatedly explains why the author has such a "heart for children". Throughout the book, the author mixes his past experiences with the wisdom gained during his adult life without causing the reader to lose focus.

His deep love for his Mama (grandmother) is more than inspiring.
The strength and success of a single African-American woman at a time when most of her peers were far from achieving her heights in business and motherhood show the reader just what can be achieved if you focus on what you have rather than what you lack. The most outstanding lesson in the book is the difference that love in action, directed by God's word, can make in our lives. This includes the obligation to pass the love on, person to person and generation to generation.

Although this is Dr. Benjamin's story, it contains elements of the stories of all of our lives. It also contains the answers to so many problems in our lives and the lives of those we hold dear. This book is a wake-up call to all adults in this country who can't figure out what is wrong with today's youth and how they can be helped. Finally, this book guides the reader on the path of emotional and spiritual healing which is needed by each of us for one form of pain or another.

Pain transformed to blessing
Dr. Benjamin has powerfully shared the story of his childhood and the impact of his sainted grandmother on his formation and transition to manhood and ministry. A father and pastor, Dr. Benjamin shares how single parents can indeed have a lasting, profound impact on the children they raise. This book will speak to those who were raised by someone other than a birth parent to let them know that it's not who raises you but how you are raised that's important. Dr. Benjamin has taken the point of his greatest personal pain and transformed it into a major blessing for us all. In doing so, he has indeed followed his grandmother's sage advice: "Love is not to be paid back, it is to be passed on." A great, heartwarming, inspiring read!

Gwennie's Review
You don't want to miss this incredible story of a rejected little boy that survives through the grace of God and the succor of his sainted grandmother. This story will build confidence in anyone,and it's a wonderful guide for the single parented individual faced with the challenge of raising a child alone. The story is very moving and you'll feel the train as it moves down the tracks with little Tommy to Cleveland, Ohio in search of love and his adoring grandmother.
Get a tissue or better yet a towel as you read this very candid true story written by Bishop T. Garrott Benjamin, Jr. It's guaranteed that the tears will flow!

Molly Bannaky
Published in Hardcover by Houghton Mifflin Co (Juv) (1999)
Authors: Alice McGill and Chris K. Soentpiet
Amazon base price: $11.20
List price: $16.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $11.15
Collectible price: $12.50
Buy one from zShops for: $8.90
Average review score:

the granddaughter of molly bannakey
i am the granddaughter of molly bannakey. my mother, alpha collins, her mother, lillian borror kenney, and her mother dessie marie lett. my great grandmother, dessie, was mulato, the daughter of perry lett, the son of samuel lett, husband of jermima benneker, sister of bejamin benneker. this makes bejamin my uncle. anyone can imagine my surprise when my grandma kenney spilled the beans !! she did so by giving me a copy of this book along with many documents pertaining to our family tree. all of my life i was told and claimed italian. after learning of my true heritage, i cannot tell you how pleased i am to discover that not only were my people proud, but hard working, and true heroes !!! there are many, many more exciting things about my heritage that i am anxious to share with everyone i know, and what a thrill to see that many people everywhere are interested in the past shared by myself and the rest of my grandmothers direct descendants.

Everything That a Picture Book Should Be
You know that a picture book is truly a GOOD book when you are reading it and enjoying it as a teenager! I noticed this picture book in my younger brother's collection, and was instantly drawn to the startlingly good picture on the book cover. Curious to see who this Molly Bannaky was, I opened the book and began to read her story. WOW!! Molly is truly amazing. She begins life as a milkmaid in 17th century England, and after accidently spilling the milk one day, she is accused of stealing it. Molly escapes the death penalty by being able to read the Bible (law in England at the time), but instead is sent as an indentured servant to America. After seven years of work, she finally claim land of her own. And Molly doesn't stop there-she buys a slave just to free him, marries him, and becomes Benjamin Bannaker's grandmother!

The story isn't the only thing that's great here. The illustrations really are breathtaking and you will find yourself simply sitting and looking at them. Soentpiet has captured the feeling of England and colonial America within these pages; the large size format makes the illustrations even more special.

The story is simple enough for young readers, yet fascinating enough for anyone to enjoy. The illustrations are timeless-what more could you want?

Savanah from Ashley River Creative Arts El.
I think Chris Soenpiet's work was OUTSTANDING! The pictures nearly come to life. Molly Bannaky is one example. It was marvelous!!! The pictures were excellent and the writing was outstanding! That award was meant to be there. I like to read this book every night! My favorite part was when Molly Bannaky went on the boat to America.

Poor Richard's Almanac
Published in Hardcover by Reprint Services Corp (1993)
Author: Benjamin Franklin
Amazon base price: $89.00
Average review score:

A Prescription For Living
What can I say? It's Benjamin Franklin! One of our beloved American forefathers with so much wisdom, it applies to not only our fellow Americans, but to the worldly human race. This compilation is full of tidbits from his "Poor Richard's Almanac" columns written for the hungry wisdom and logical seeking people back in early America. This is a timeless collection of suggestions and instructions that make perfect SENSE. Buy this and learn about YOUR life and how to make life better for not only yourself, but the others around you.

Entertaining, Enlightening, and Educational
A wonderful book of sayings that espouse Ben Franklin's views on life. In general, he was an advocate of honesty, hard work, moderation in all indulgences, and being a good person. While these may sound like simple principles, the wittiness and cleverness with which they are presented make them memorable and therefore useful.

Buy two copies of this book -- one for yourself and one for your child when they reach their teenage years. You'll both be better off. My copy is marked up so I can easily find my favorite sayings, and I find myself flipping through it often.

Allegory galore!
Anyone, whom has any ounce of education, common sense or wit for that matter, should know that Benjamin Franklin should be and is still (even as I write this very moment) considered one of the smartest, wittiest and most cerebral person/scholar/learned man to have live in (or have been born for that matter) in this country. Poor Richards Almanack by Benjamin Franklin is not an exception and is filled with a plethora of witty, funny and educational allegories, poems and short parables, e.g., "Fish and visitors stink after three days". I absolutely loved this book and would definitely recommend it to the aspiring scholar/learned man or philosopher; and I do consider it, i.e., Poor Richards Almanack by Benjamin Franklin to be one of the cornerstones in the intellectual man's library.

Beloved Benjamin Is Waiting
Published in Paperback by Dell Pub Co (1980)
Author: Jean Karl
Amazon base price: $1.75
Collectible price: $51.80
Average review score:

A favorite book that I never forgot...
I read this book when I was in 6th grade (the main character is about 11 years old). It was always a book I remembered by name even after twenty years! That's quite a long time for a book to leave an impression. Its a great read for ages 10 and up and I would recommend reading it again as an adult.

Beloved Benjamin
I read this book when i was in the 3rd grade and i am now going into the 8th. I can barely remember any of it except for what happens in the end. I remember thinking it was the best book I had ever read and being so surprised at the end. I was so sad when it was all over. I recommend this book for anyone.

One of the best children's books ever
I read the book when I was in the 5th grade. Just like the other reviewer stated, I too remembered it for the next 20 years. I decided to pick up a copy and reread it about 3 years ago and was so happy to find it in the library of an elementary school I was doing a residency at. I feel any child would certainly enjoy the book and many would find a personal connection with the little girl who is the main character as she is going through some family problems that many children experience. I highly recommend this book to adults as well as children.

Cause of Death
Published in Paperback by Onyx Books (1994)
Authors: Cyril Wecht, Mark Curriden, and Benjamin Wecht
Amazon base price: $5.99
Used price: $7.00
Collectible price: $11.25
Average review score:

Not a Feel Good Hit
Warning, you have to be just a bit morbid to pick up this book. The dust jacket says it all, this author has dug through the autopsy reports of some famous people to find the "real" cause of death. Keeping the tabloid effort of the publisher aside, this is a somewhat interesting book if only from a "looking at an accident" form of macabre curiosity. As far as the writing goes, the author does a good job of keeping the complex medical terminology down to a minimum and when used is careful to explain them in layman's terms. Overall interesting and well-written if you are in to this type of book.

Cyril Wecht
The book is a easy and intreging read. Every chapter is devoted to a different crime, so it never gets boring. This book was highly recommended to me by a friend who works under Cyril Wecht at the Allegheny County Corenors (?) Office and after hearing all the tales he had from his time learning from Dr. Wecht, I had to learn more. I recommend this book as a breather when your in the mist of a tough semester and you to relax

Lessons from a Forensic Pathologist
The Foreword by F. Lee Bailey tells of his friendship and admiration for Dr. Cyril Wecht. He also "highlights a truth which most Americans do not readily comprehend: that our legal system is not in its essence 'a search for truth' at all. The system is in reality a search for those truths which at least one of the lawyers want to bring to the fore, and not those truths which are too hot ... for either of them to dare to handle" (p.xvi). The Introduction tells of his personal history, experience, and expertise. "Cyril Wecht is the Sherlock Holmes of forensic science" says Alan Dershowitz. Or a Dr. Joseph Bell?

Chapter 1 deals with the assassination of JFK. The single bullet theory, from a scientific standpoint, is a deliberate attempt to cover up the truth (p.22). It was one of the worst investigations of a homicide he has ever seen. The autopsy was done by a inexperienced military pathologists. He attempted to get the autopsy reports, which are public records, for the Garrison investigation; but the Federal government would not allow it! Page 35 tells of his examination of the physical evidence. The preserved brain of JFK was missing. Page 43 points out that the forensic pathologist who disagreed with him had economic dependencies with the Federal government. He tells of a computer program that can analyze photographs to show details not observable by the human eye (pp.51-3). It detected alterations in the autopsy photographs. Dr. Wecht helped to develop the scene in the movie "JFK" that demonstrated why the single bullet theory is silly. He found the attitude of the Kennedy family "completely incomprehensible" (p.74). [Perhaps they were authoritatively advised of a shameful genetic disorder that must be kept secret?]

Chapter 2 deals with the assassination of Senator Robert F. Kennedy. The fatal bullet was most likely the first, which hit him behind hi right ear. The other two bullets were fired into his right armpit. [As if he threw up his right arm as he fell.] Sirhan was shooting from the front, and could not have killed RFK. The appointed defense lawyer never mentioned this. Chapter 3 deals with Chappaquiddick, the accident that killed Ted Kennedy's political future. No autopsy was done on Mary Jo Kopechne. The accident was considered just another weekend car crash (p.94). Any wooden bridge could be slippery with dampness. Page 101 teaches that you shouldn't tell Polish jokes when your judge is Polish; he denied their motion.

Chapter 4 deals with a Doctor convicted of murdering his wife. Dr. Wecht says for a jury to find a person not guilty, the jurors must feel that the defendant was framed by the police, or that it is possible that someone else committed the crime. Chapter 5 tells of the case of Jeffrey MacDonald. When a case is tried several years after the crime, the determination of what happened is limited to the evidence collected at the time. Jeffrey started a new life, then his father-in-law started a crusade to convict him. The old scars could be either self-inflicted or the result of multiple attackers. Jeffrey's psychological profile did not suggest a person who would suddenly snap and kill his wife and children

Chapter 6 tells of his review of the toxicology report of Elvis Presley. Many drugs were present; the levels suggested accidental death, not suicide. Dr. Nick was indicted for over-prescribing drugs for the King, but acquitted (p.147). Other chapters deal with Jean Harris, and Claus von Bulow. They are warnings against the recreational use of drugs. The other interesting stories deal with lesser known people. In dozens of cases a person appeared guilty, but the evidence was circumstantial and the person was innocent (pp.180-1). Page 196 explains why a defendant should not testify if they are "very self-confident".

Cheng Tzu's Thirteen Treatises on T'Ai Chi Ch'Uan
Published in Hardcover by North Atlantic Books (1985)
Authors: Chen Man Ch'Ing, Cheng Man-Cheng, Benjamin P. Jeng, and Cheng Ch'ing
Amazon base price: $15.75
List price: $22.50 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $11.95
Collectible price: $22.22
Buy one from zShops for: $14.50
Average review score:

Highly Recommended!
This book is the only authorized translation of Master Cheng Man Ching's Thirteen Treatises, written in 1947 prior to his emigration to Taiwan and thence to the U.S. Besides Cheng's essays on his insights into tai chi chuan, additional sections include oral secrets from his teacher, Yang Cheng-fu, descriptions and photos of a 37-posture short form, Push Hands, ta lu (four-corner push-hands), san shou, and answers to students' questions.

Wonderful Edition
This is a beautiful edition of Cheng Man Ch'ing's text on Chi Tai Ch'uan. There are other translations of this text available, but this is by far the best for several reasons. First, it is hardcover, and the layout is beautiful. The cover has a color print of one of Cheng's paintings, and there is an example of his calligraphy on the inside. The book is also larger than other editions I have seen, and the prints and pictures are printed larger and more clearly as well. The larger pictures of Cheng performing the Tai Chi form are especially useful. And, while this may not matter everyone, this edition of Cheng's book is also the only one authorized by his estate, and contains a preface by Cheng's wife. I highly recommend this book.

Clear message
The book is very clear in its message, the treatise is awakening, making us to refresh our study in Taijiquan, and for me, especially the chapter "Swimming on the Land" is enlightening.

Conversations with Kennedy
Published in Hardcover by Konecky & Konecky (10 May, 2000)
Author: Benjamin C. Bradlee
Amazon base price: $9.98
Used price: $1.95
Collectible price: $5.00
Buy one from zShops for: $2.95
Average review score:

A little more of the Man
This is a book I will have,I have been a J F K fan for a very long time, the chance to learn more of the private person should not be missed, this looks like it will provide an insight into the real J F K, the one I have been searching for.

One of the best books I've ever read
This book was truly a page turner. I was facinated by the intimate details and facts revealed by the author. It allowed me to see Kennedy as a man and not only as a legend. I would recomend this book whole heartedly to anyone interested in JFK. It is a book that is worth being read.

What Was He Really Like? Read This and Find Out
President Kennedy once said that his favorite form of reading was biography, because it attempted to answer the question: what was he really like?

John F. Kennedy has been a hero of mine ever since I was a child, and this book, more than most, answers that question is a manner that is consistent with the historical record. Bradlee reveals a very human JFK in some of his more private moments, and helps us to better grasp what is, admittedly, beyond our grasp: the magic of the man.

Perfect he was certainly not; indeed, Kennedy probably had more foibles than most men. But he also had more gifts, and these he used to ultimately make the world a better place. While his actual accomplishments as president are rather meager, his most lasting legacy was a summons to excellence in the service of others, a conviction in the hearts of his countrymen that we can indeed do better, and the argument -- which has never been refuted -- that in reaching for the moon and the stars, and in setting sail on new seas, we find in the midst of a common human endeavor, the best of ourselves.

He was that kind of a president. This book makes it clear that he was a special, but flawed, kind of man.

Joy of Sumo: A Fan's Guide
Published in Paperback by Charles E Tuttle Co (1992)
Authors: David Benjamin and Greg Holfeld
Amazon base price: $10.36
List price: $12.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $15.99
Buy one from zShops for: $19.95
Average review score:

A fresh and funny intro to a weird sport
Sumo is one of those sports that it is difficult to take seriously at first by gaijin. Unless you are into shinto, you will have great difficulty understading all of the symbolism etc. in a sumo tournament. You will probably turn to one of the authoritative guides to the Sport, a big mistake, because those authors take the sport much more seriously than you will be able to.

Turn instead to the Joy of Sumo. Written by an American journalist who lives in Japan, this book treats the sport from a fan's perspective. It makes Sumo fun to watch, and still will answer most of your questions.
What is that ref doing? Why is he yelling? Why don't they squash him?
Why do Sumo wrestlers throw matches?
What are the different winning moves?
Why are they so fa-at?

This book still makes me laugh after 10 years of reading it!

ALWAYS puts a smile on my face
I've lost my copy of this book, so must add it my Amazon Wish List!

I've read Joy of Sumo, and favourite pieces from it dozens of times. It's not only valuable for clearly explaining a lot of the terms, but also for the passion and humour with which its written.

And the sketches are priceless :) !

Small enough to carry as a read on the bus, but we warned: you'll get funny looks as you laugh out loud, wiping away the tears ...

I loved it!
I'm only 12 years old, so I'm not really sure how to write a proper review, so just bear with me. I had to make some type of sport magazine for school, and dad was really interested in sumo and had a few books; The Joy of Sumo being one of them. So I decided to do a sumo magazine. One of the things we had to do for it was to write a book review on a book relating to that sport. I'd already read The Joy of Sumo and decided it was worth writng a review about it. We had to rate it, so,seriously, I gave it 5 stars because I like it so much. I think dad bought it from Amazon..... Oh well. Now to actually start writing: The best parts in the book I think are "the Grouping Urge" chapter and the description of the match between Chiyonofuji(is he not a legend! ) and Asahifuji in the 1990 Nagoya basho. It was very cleverly written. Well, I hope this is good enough, because I have to go now!

Lonely Planet Swahili Phrasebook (Swahili Phrasebook, 2nd Ed)
Published in Paperback by Lonely Planet (1998)
Authors: Martin Benjamin, Charles Mironko, and Anne Geoghegan
Amazon base price: $5.95
Used price: $3.99
Buy one from zShops for: $4.19
Average review score:

Good for learning in a Rush
This book teaches the Basics of Swahili grammer and gives a person tons of words and phrases. One could learn some basic Swahili phrases from this and even think in Swahili numbers, but besides that, it is mostly a tourist manual, and unless you plan on being in rural East Africa, and are very polite, do you need to really know tourist Swahili if a large majority of the people will already have the ability to understand you in English?

Excellent! The best out there!
Very good! I am fully confident that it will help me wonderfully when I go to Kenya this summer. I will be buying more of Lonely Planet's Phrasebooks when I go on missions trips to different countries in the future.

The one book I always had in my bag
There just aren't that many swahili dictionaries or phrasebooks out there, and this one turns out to be useful too. Its small size makes it easy to take everywhere and the sections give travelers a good feel for the language without being too overwhelmed by swahili's many noun classes. I would recommend it more as a reference than as a stand-alone teaching tool, but the english-swahili, swahili-english dictonary is comprehensive and useful for travelers with all degrees of Kiswahili fluency. My copy has turned somewhat brown from all the dust, but the book has held up well. I would hate to be stuck in East Africa without it.

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