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Book reviews for "McKelway,_Benjamin_M." sorted by average review score:

The Greening of the Revolution: Cuba's Experiment With Organic Agriculture
Published in Paperback by Ocean Press (1995)
Authors: Peter Rosset, Medea Benjamin, and Global Exchange (Organization)
Amazon base price: $9.56
List price: $11.95 (that's 20% off!)
Average review score:

should be required text
for any environmental studies program. Ideas put to the test on an island with very little outside resources. Excellent discussion material. Unique insight into the revolution.

First-rate scientific and social examination of Cuba's agric
Cuba's social and economic systems have been in crisis since the collapse of the Soviet Union. The prime concern of the country is how to feed its citizens so that every member has an adequate and nutritious diet. Rosset and Benjamin's scientific delegation to Cuba examined the history leading up to the current crisis, and the social, political and economic factors which maintain the food shortage up to this day. They then launch on an encyclopedic survey of the agricultural and social reform programs launched by Cuba's government to remedy the crisis. The country has adopted a Low Input, Sustainable Agriculture (LISA) style of food production in order to cope with drastically reduced inputs of chemicals, fertilizer, fuel, and capital since the USSR collapsed. Research programs abound, with several hundred research and development facilities in a country little larger than Vancouver Island, B.C. They are studying and implementing programs in non-chemical control of insects, weeds, and disease; soil remediation and fertility; labour distribution; post-harvest physiology and storage; and the distributions of production and population centers. The Greening of the Revolution combines the expertise of a 20 member delegation who spent a week in 1992 travelling the country. It reads like a comprehensive Annual Review article, with insightful analysis throughout, but not for the faint-of-heart looking for a light read. The 1992 date is now 7 years past, it would be of great interest to have a second edition of the book published in a repeat of the 1992 surveys. The book could also use some close editing; although logically laid out and of strong scientific style, there were reduncies and inconsistencies sprinkled throughout the text. In all, though, an excellent and compelling analysis of a country in transition.

The Guide to Wooden Boats: Schooners, Ketches, Cutters, Sloops, Yawls, Cats
Published in Hardcover by W.W. Norton & Company (1996)
Authors: Benjamin Mendlowitz, Joel White, and Maynard Bray
Amazon base price: $13.97
List price: $19.95 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score:

The Guide to Wooden Boats
This is some of the best available "eye candy" for sailors. The pictures of classic wooden sailing vessels are spectacular and informative as well. I actually contacted one of the owners of a vessel in the text to build a boat for me. This is really great, soothing stuff.

the guide to wooden boats
"the guide to wooden boats" is a great little book-- it sets out by photographic example to show the novice sailor or the experienced yachtsman-the differences between the various types of sailing yachts-- ben has taken some the finest photographs of wooden sailboats- his photos are simple and elegant--shot with either early morning or late afternoon light --and never retouched in the lab--ben's photos show us the living legends of yachting--from around the world--this book will also settle the ageless arguments about the differences between yawls and ketches--donald tofias

Handbook of Modern Optics
Published in Paperback by Peconic Pub (1993)
Authors: B. J. Pernick and Benjamin J. Pernick
Amazon base price: $11.00
Average review score:

Azah for Pernick!!!
Finally! An optics book written for everyone. Pernick has written a book that is suitable for optics enthusiasts of all ages and all levels. "The Book," as some of us are calling it, has become a must read for all my colleagues. If you are just getting into optics or have studied optics your entire life, make sure to buy a copy of this book.

A Bible For Optics Buffs
A page turner! Excuse the pun, but now I can see! Pernick writes in a clear style which makes what is a complex topic seem facile. I look forward to reading more from him.

The helping interview
Published in Unknown Binding by Houghton Mifflin ()
Author: Alfred Benjamin
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:

This is the only book I have read by Mr. Benjamin.. but it is a leader in its class. I suggest the third edition over the second, but any edition is fine. Not too lengthy, not too wordy, but gets the point across. Anyone thinking of counseling should definately splurge the few dollars and give it a read!

The Helping Interview
This is a must read for anybody who wants to learn how to interview people who are in crisis. Benjamin gives step by step suggestions to help a care giver aid the person in crisis find their own strenghts and solutions. The book is written in a way that made me feel as if Benjamin and I were working together as I improved my interviewing skills.

The History of Farting
Published in Paperback by Michael O'Mara Books (01 November, 1995)
Author: Benjamin Bart
Amazon base price: $8.95
Average review score:

Dr. Benjamin Bart's Brilliant Study on Farting
The world owes much to Dr. Benjamin Bart. How did we survive before he put together this profound historical work? Has anybody nominated Dr. Bart for a Nobel prize? He deserves at least a Pulitzer. There are rumors that the good doctor earnestly began his inquiries into the art and possible health benefits of farting sometime during the early years of his childhood. Some claim that little Benjamin was nicknamed "Bart the Fart." I think there was something about this in the "National Enquirer," but unfortunately I forgot the exact date of that most important issue.

Dr. Bart believes that there is right way and a wrong way to fart. He tells us how the smart people perform this most human of tasks. I bet the reader was unaware that the famous philosopher Rene Descartes supposedly asked "Since I think--I exist, but what does it mean when I fart?" Ah, the education one can obtain outside the walls of a university. Did your philosophy professor have a clue concerning the more esoteric aspects of Descartes' philosophical insights? There are many other flatulent examples that should broaden your intellectual horizons.

"The History of Farting" even has some pictures to help one's illiterate cohorts. This book thankfully has little to do with either thee or me. We would rarely, if ever, do anything like farting. Should we, however, embarrass our buddies by presenting them with a gift copy of this perspicaciously brilliant expose of their less than polite habits? Of course we should. After all, what are friends for?

Juicy Collection of Humorous Nuggets
My Mother passed this book to me after she had vented its fare on her afternoon club. It is divided into six chapters, each spouting limericks and anecdotes concerning various aspects of crepitation. I found that I had a "whiff of a memory" of several of the dozens of limericks, a poetic form particularly suited to the subject of flatulence. There are airy songs, putrid prose and smudgy cartoons throughout the book. The final chapter, "The A-Z of Farting," expounds on preponderant and pathetic forms of flatulence, which have been so prevalent among man (and woman) for as long as the wind has blown.

If you are looking for a good laugh and enjoy nature in its rudest form, this all to brief, passing wisp of wit will tickle and inspire you. Put in your "bubba teeth," grab a beer and read this on your next airline flight. FFRRRRRRRRRRRUPUPUPUP! Excuse Me.

I Am a Pilot
Published in Hardcover by Barrons Juveniles (1994)
Authors: Cynthia Benjamin, Miriam Sagastis, and Miriam Sagasti
Amazon base price: $7.95
Average review score:

Only Wants To Read This Book
My father gave this book to my 2 year old son at the airport a month ago and it's the only book he wants to read. I swear I have read it 1000 times.

He is obsessed with planes and the illustrations are very detailed so he's always spotting something new and asking "What's that?"

I'd love to find other books by this author and illustrator as I am incredibly tired of reading this one!

My Eighteen-Month-Old Daughter Loves It
I took my 18-month-old to the airport observation deck to see the airplanes take off. That's when she really went nuts over airplanes. So I looked for board books at the library that had airplanes in them. This one is what I found and she loves it so much I'm buying it for her.

Pretty educational too ... shows the inside of the air traffic control tower, the cockpit, and then the kids in the book imagine themselves as the pilot and co-pilot. Really cute!

Ideology and Inscription : 'Cultural Studies' after Benjamin, De Man, and Bakhtin
Published in Paperback by Cambridge Univ Pr (Pap Txt) (1998)
Author: Tom Cohen
Amazon base price: $23.00
Average review score:

Pleased and excited
I was amazed at the rigorous critical writing Cohen manages to pull off here - hardly a single lapse into habitual patterns of thought, traditional categories, or cliched critical strategies. This book not only truly floored me - that someone is still this committed to radical thought inspires me to no end - but will serve as a boon to any 'movement' that needs a fix of theory, from women's lib to nomadic ecopolitics.

First-rate work
"Ideology and Inscription" is a cutting-edge, startling work by a deeply thoughtful author. It has left me to wonder why Professor Cohen's work has not attained the celebrity status that much less adept theorists in the field have reached. His is one of the few truly innovative critical voices in a post-deconstruction era.

The itinerary of Benjamin of Tudela : travels in the Middle Ages
Published in Unknown Binding by J. Simon ()
Author: Benjamin
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:

This book is remarkable. This is basically a travel diary of Benjamin, a Jewish man, in the middle ages. He vividly describes the different communities he visits throughout Spain and the middle east. Anyone who enjoys reading primary sources in history will enjoy this.

Benjamin de Tudela
Benjamin de Tudela entre los años 1127 y 1173, aproximadamente. Comenzó su viaje, que duró varios años, hacia 1165, saliendo de Tudela con rumbo a la costa mediterranea. Recorrió la costa desde Tortosa hasta Roma, pasando por Barcelona, Marsella y Génova. Desde Roma traversó el sur de Italia, luego Grecia, para llegar a Constantinopla. Después de Constantinopla viajó ampliamente por el medio oriente, pasando por Alejandría, Jerusalén, Damasco, Bagdad y cientos de poblaciones menores

Joel White: Boatbuilder, Designer, Sailor
Published in Hardcover by Noah Pubns (2002)
Authors: Bill Mayher, Maynard Bray, and Benjamin Mendlowitz
Amazon base price: $42.00
List price: $60.00 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score:

This is really a beautiful book that celebrates the life of boatbuilder, designer and ardent sailor Joel White. There's lots of color photography of the boats that he designed set against the scenic coast of Maine. All the photography was taken by Benjamin Mendlowitz, one of the very best marine photographers ever, IMO. There are sail plans and construction plans for each design, as well as technical analyses. It's important to know that the authors and photographer were good friends and sailing partners with White and provide a very intimate and readable portrait of a talented, special man. If you're into wooden boats and beautiful photography I can highly recommend this book.

A big beautiful book - good for dreaming.
This is a beautiful book. The pages are heavy, the type clear, and the pictures are very high quality. I was impressed at the quality of the book for the price. For those interested in sailing and wooden boats in particular this book is a feast for the eyes. The plans of Joel's boats which constitute the 2nd half of the book are wonderful - the best I have seen for this type of book. The text of the book while interesting is not as engaging but that is more than made up by the incredible pictures and plans. If only we could convince the authors and photographer to do a similar book on Olin Stephens. I recommend this book.

The History of Massage: An Illustrated Survey from around the World
Published in Paperback by Healing Arts Pr (2002)
Authors: Robert Noah Calvert and Patricia J. Benjamin
Amazon base price: $17.47
List price: $24.95 (that's 30% off!)

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