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Book reviews for "Kanetzke,_Howard_William" sorted by average review score:

Reports from America: William Howard Russell and the Civil War
Published in Hardcover by Sutton Publishing (2002)
Author: Ilana D. Miller
Amazon base price: $27.95
Used price: $4.11
Collectible price: $15.98
Buy one from zShops for: $9.40
Average review score:

This is an extremely well written book. It was my introduction to William Howard Russell and I found it interesting and informing. The book can also serve as a primary for the introduction of the attitudes and feeling of the beginning of the Civil War. Russell was probably the father of war reporting at least the kind of reporting that took us through Viet Nam.

A Great Read!
This is a well written book, The author connected William Russells life to important events in history. I had never heard of this man, but he had a fascinating life.
I couldn't put this book down.
Ms. Miller is a gifted writer and I will look forword to her next book. I'm glad it came out before Christmas as I bought some copies for gifts.

Selected Writings: 1913-1926
Published in Hardcover by Belknap Pr (1996)
Authors: Walter Benjamin, Michael William Jennings, Howard Eiland, Gary Smith, Rodney Livingstone, Michael W. Jenning, and Marcus Bullock
Amazon base price: $45.00
Collectible price: $45.00
Buy one from zShops for: $35.00
Average review score:

An Excellent Introduction
Walter Benjamin has progressed over the years from an obscure lesser member of the Frankfurt School to a widely read leading member of that obscure school. Aided by such as Hannah Arendt, who introduced him to a wider audience in her writings (and also to me), readers have come to appreciate Benjamin for the beauty of his writing as well as his sharp insight.

This volume, along with its companion, is an excellent introduction to the style and thought of this man who, while out of step with his times, possessed the insight to give those times an original critique.

Possessed of a lively style and free from the Marxist bagge that weighs down his Frankfurt School colleagues such as Adorno and Horkheimer (I think Benjamin owes much more to Heidegger than Marx), Benjamin will hook any reader who takes the time to spend an hour or two with this book. From here it's an easy step to purchase other Benjamin writings, a step I can almost guarantee.

Endlessly fascinating...
While his work is as important as Barthes, Foucault, or Derrida, or any other critic of the 20th Century, Benjamin's work has a mystical quality, a kind of enchantment, that resonates much more than any other critic I have read. It is always human and sensitive, even despite his determinedly impersonal tone.

When I think of Benjamin, I think of Emerson's famous line about Hawthorne - that he was a greater man than any of his works betray. The integrity and character of Walter Benjamin shines through his works, and is an inspiration to anyone who takes literature seriously.

This first volume of Bejamin's complete works is very attractive and welcome. Some of my favorite essays are present, such as his essays on children's literature, and the nature of language. I eagerly await the other two volumes.

William Henry Harrison: Young Tippecanoe
Published in Digital by Patria Press ()
Authors: Howard Peckham and Cathy Morrison
Amazon base price: $7.95
Average review score:

A Great Read
William Henry Harrison, second book in the Young Patriots Series, doesn't disappoint, but makes an excellent read, and both entertains and educates. The illustratins are simply wonderful and truly enhance the story. Geared to the 8 to 12 year old, it's a must on every family bookshelf!

A welcome, highly recommended biography for kids.
William Henry Harrison holds the distinction of being the United States President who delivered the longest inaugural address and served the shortest time (30 days) before he also became the first president to die in office. William Henry Harrison: Young Tippecanoe is a superb biography for young readers ages 8 to 12, written by the late Howard Peckham, and originally published in 1951. Featuring the childhood adventures of our ninth president (including the thrilling rescue of his sister from drowning when he was only seven, and the courageous capture of a British soldier just one year later when he was eight, William Henry Harrison is a welcome, very highly recommended addition to school and community biography collections for children and part of the Patria Press newly designed "Young Patriots" series.

Advanced Accounting
Published in Paperback by R.D. Irwin (1977)
Authors: Charles H. Griffin, Thomas Howard Williams, and Kermit D. Larson
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $3.24
Buy one from zShops for: $29.95
Average review score:

Advanced Accounting
This is a popular university textbook. I know this because I called several universities for recommendations before purchasing. I've used this book as a professional reference. It is very current on recent pronouncements. The book is well organized, has good examples and it includes many "real world" examples as well

Antiquity forgot : essays on Shakespeare, Bacon, and Rembrandt
Published in Unknown Binding by Nijhoff ()
Author: Howard B. White
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $187.20
Buy one from zShops for: $177.95
Average review score:

Transending contemporary departmentalism
in this thoughtful work, the author (the former dean of the graduate faculty of the new school for social research & a political philosophy professor) examines the work of each of these seemingly unconnected men and their attempts to understand and present the human condition. this work transcends specialization and is an important piece in the study of the moderns break with the ancients. dr. white was the first ph.d.student of leo strauss in the usa. he is, as well, indebted to the thoughts of kurt riezler, with whom he also studied.

Are We Alone in the Cosmos?: The Search for Alien Contact in the New Millennium
Published in Paperback by I Books (1999)
Authors: Ben Bova, Byron Preiss, William R. Alschuler, Howard Zimmerman, and Donald Goldsmith
Amazon base price: $11.20
List price: $16.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $0.70
Collectible price: $8.47
Buy one from zShops for: $2.50
Average review score:

This is a great book. It is not an interconnected novel. It is a collection of essays from famous scientists and writers. Read this book in any order you want!

Becoming William James
Published in Hardcover by Cornell Univ Pr (1986)
Author: Howard M. Feinstein
Amazon base price: $10.95
Used price: $1.75
Average review score:

Excellent, fascinating study
Psychologically informed, but with no psychobabble -- respectful of James, and of other members of that famous family -- but not uncritical. This is a terrific biography, which deserves many readers.

The Complete Time Traveler : A Tourist's Guide to the Fourth Dimension
Published in Hardcover by Ten Speed Press (1989)
Authors: Howard J. Blumenthal, Dorothy F. Curley, and Brad Williams
Amazon base price: $13.95
Used price: $13.00
Average review score:

Charming & whimsical.
A guide to time travel. Your difficulties as a tourist in other eras, your various options in time machines, & all the fun you can have as a Time Traveller are all covered in this whimsical book.

There is also a section of books & films about Time Travel.

i know where I'm going on my vacation. Or, more accurately, WHEN.

A great read! :)

Contemporary Issues in Leadership
Published in Paperback by Westview Press (1993)
Authors: William E. Rosenbach, Robert L. Taylor, and Howard Prince
Amazon base price: $25.00
Used price: $3.00
Buy one from zShops for: $11.99
Average review score:

A Good Intermediate Text
This book is best for those who have already read a couple of books on leadership, particularly those by Warren Bennis and James MacGregor Burns since these two figure's ideas are present in many of this book's pages. That is not to say there are no new paths taken. Sashkin and Rosenbach's "A New Vision of Leadership" is eye-opening in its redefinition of transformational leadership. This essay also does well in illustrating the differences between leadership and management, a division I was not sure existed until I picked up this book. Payne, Fuqua, and Canegami's "Women as Leaders" was equally fresh and eye-opening. This is a good book to read to start developing more complex ways of looking at leadership.

The Eye of Thomas Jefferson: Exhibition
Published in Hardcover by Univ of Missouri Pr (Txt) (1992)
Authors: William Howard Adams and National Gallery of Art (U.S.)
Amazon base price: $44.95
Used price: $11.75
Average review score:

~An emotional review of the American Architect~
The creation of an American icon through the eyes of Thomas Jefferson is a true example of history. The diverse concepts and ideas embodied by Jefferson is brilliantly portrayed in the means of emotional involvement and reason. Concepts that have moved a country into war and then together is in essence a marvel.

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