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Jefferson called the original the "best commentary on the principles of government ever written"; here are what some others have said about Dr. Saxey's excellent edition:
A "delectable book."
R. Emmett Tyrell, Jr.
The American Spectator
"A must read."
Mark Brunelle
The Oregon Observer
"Thank you...I will keep this important work in my office."
Clarence Thomas
The Supreme Court
"The rhetoric on Capitol Hill makes this book compulsory."
The Book Reader

Dr. Saxey's goal is the same as the original authors; his intent is to assist every voter in reading and understanding the Constitution, and he accomplishes that goal in style!
Saxey guides the reader through the Federalist papers step by step; first quoting the authors of the Federalist - James Madison, Alexander Hamilton and John Jay. Following each topic, he adds a short commentary of each section and then describes how past and present administrations have abided by or abused the Constition and the ramifications of doing so.
Dr. Saxey takes us on a journey of our political history and points out "red flags", misuse of government power and where our future as a Nation lies accordng to how the Constituiton has been interpreted in our time and ramifications if changes are not made. He points out the net effect of excessive legislation which has become epidemic, illustrates how the limitations of terms has been misunderstood as well as the effect of entrenched power based on a seniority system in the House of Representatives.
One of my favorite sections, on page 55 is regarding the character of those representing the people/states. Saxey states " Character matters. It matters not only in candidates for public office, but in the CITIZENS who vote for them" (emphasis added). Roderick Saxey quotes Alexis de Tocqueville who spoke of the greatness of America, and who said "America is great because she is good and if America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great"! How appropriate for these times. The delightful surprise here, is that the Author's personality shines through what could be for some, difficult reading. His humor and humility are evident and enjoyable enough that you wish you could sit at a fireside chat and probe his intellect and insight further. For passionate American's this is a must read. I recommend it for any US History course and for any person seeking citizenship into our Nation! If a second edition comes forth, I'd like to hear more from Dr. Saxey himself, as his discourse is insighful, logical, sensible.
As history teaches us, we must look where we are headed as a nation and to do that, we must re-evaluate what our Founding Fathers intended for America and her people. "The Federalist", by Dr. Roderick Saxey accomplishes this and stands apart from other Federalist publications. I recommend that you find it, read it and keep it on your desk! An excellent source of stimulating conversation!

Used price: $37.95
Collectible price: $28.59
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Discover your roots from the men that gave their lives for the signing of the Constitution; true heroes. Their resolve was unquestionable and the love for country without reproach.
They brought us so far. We've walked away. Read it and weep. BK

Used price: $14.38
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Used price: $10.00
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