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Book reviews for "Fitzgerald,_F._Scott" sorted by average review score:

Confederate Battle Stories (Civil War Series)
Published in Paperback by August House Pub (1992)
Authors: Thomas Wolfe, Charles G. Waugh, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Martin Harry Greenberg, and Frank McSherry
Amazon base price: $11.95
Collectible price: $16.95
Average review score:

Well crafted short stories of the Civil War
The Confederate fighting man is the subject of these 11 very touching short stories written by the likes of F.Scott Fitzgerald and Thomas Wolfe. You don't have to be a Civil War fanatic or a Southerner to appreciate this book. You only have to love a well crafted story

Trimalchio by F. Scott Fitzerald: A Facsimile Edition of the Original Galley Proofs for the Great Gatsby
Published in Hardcover by University of South Carolina Press (2000)
Authors: Matthew J. Bruccoli and F. Scott Fitzgerald
Amazon base price: $75.00
Average review score:

Collectible -- not book
The Univ. of South Carolina Press facsimile of the "Trimalchio" galleys is worth owning if you're a serious Fitzgerald junkie, and Bruccoli's comments are (as always) enlightening, but buy the Cambridge edition if you actually plan to read the text -- the pages are looseleaf and about 24 inches long (like the galleys, presumably), so it doesn't fit so well in a backpack or on a bookshelf.

Web Database Applications with PHP & MySQL
Published in Paperback by O'Reilly & Associates (2002)
Authors: Hugh E. Williams and David Lane
Amazon base price: $33.83
List price: $44.95 (that's 25% off!)
Buy one from zShops for: $17.00
Average review score:

An entertaining collection
"Six Tales of the Jazz Age and other stories" showcases a wide range of F. Scott Fitzgerald's short prose. From romance, to the metaphysical, to science fiction, Fitzgerald (author of 'The Great Gatsby' and 'The Last Tycoon') provides six entertaining tales, and three disappointments.

"The Jelly Bean" is a story of romance in a small town, centering on the disappointments of life, and touching on the dangers of alcohol. It sets a great depressing mood, and develops the main character well. It highlights Fitzgerald's ability at making us emphasize with the story.

"The Camel's Back" - Probably the most disappointing of the selections, "The Camel's Back" is a dark comedy, which unfortunately borderlines on sexist themes.

"The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" is a simple science fiction story, about aging, the perceptions of others have of us, and how time changes our lives.

"Tarquin of Cheapside" is a somewhat baffling story about where placement of friendship should lay.

"O Russet Witch!" - Probably the best story in the bunch, "O Russet Witch!" is a metaphysical journey into what one desires out of life. Saturated in symbolism, this story alone makes the book worth reading.

"The Lees of Happiness" is another romance about a couple's devotion in marriage, and beyond.

"The Adjuster" - This story is almost unreadable, the length being too long for the point. It is a tale about heroes in everyday life.

"Hot and Cold Blood" - A fable-like tale story about trust and good deeds.

"Gretchen's Forty Winks" - This story also borders on sexist. It has little point to it, other emphasizing the "importance" of hard work, and female fidelity. A very disappointing ending to an otherwise strong collection.

While this collection cannot surpass Fitzgerald's masterpiece "The Great Gatsby", it is an enjoyable read, and recomended to fans of Fitzgerald and American literature alike.

The Great Gatsby: The Limits of Wonder (Twayne's Masterwork Studies, No 36)
Published in Hardcover by Twayne Pub (1989)
Author: Richard Lehan
Amazon base price: $31.00
Used price: $34.75
Average review score:

One of the best literary criticisms out there!!
This is a great piece of literary criticism, Lehan does a great job. I used a specific chapter, "Seeing and Misseeing: Narrative Unfolding" in an essay of mine.

USA Today Sports Atlas
Published in Paperback by H M Gousha (Atlas) (1992)
Authors: Will Balliett, F. Scott Fitzgerald, F. Stop Fitzgerald, and HM Gousha
Amazon base price: $12.95
Used price: $20.47
Average review score:

a must book for sports lover
this is a very informative and helpfull book

Butterflies & Fairies Vol.I
Published in Plastic Comb by J. D. Crowe Productions (02 January, 1996)
Author: J. D. Crowe
Amazon base price: $24.00
Used price: $8.80
Buy one from zShops for: $8.27
Average review score:

Pulling Out the Stops
This book has a heart so big that it makes you breathe a big sigh and smile and say, "First Novel." The whole kitchen sink is here and the devil in the drain too. The venue shifts often and different parts of the book are hilarious in different ways. I've read this book a few times over several years, and I keep telling people about this part or that part that was called to mind by my current situation. Not perfect, but inspiring for any writer looking at the mountain of a novel to be written.

MCSE Designing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Active Directory and Network Infrastructure Exam Cram 2 (Exam Cram 70-297)
Published in Paperback by Que (06 November, 2003)
Authors: Dennis Scheil, Diana Huggins, Que Development, and Scheil/Huggins
Amazon base price: $20.99
List price: $29.99 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score:

A glimpse into a fragile friendship...

Fitzgerald appealed to me in high school, when I was pretty much a romantic teen-ager who fancied the tragic story of Daisy and the Great Gatsby.

Hemingway was my favorite author when I was in grad school. His writing is clean, precise and open to interpretation, unlike that of other writers of his time who told you every single thing about a character's motivation.

While I've read a lot about Hemingway's life, I never realized the two men were so close during Hemingway's rise and Fitzgerald's fall in the literary world. By following their relationship through their many letters, Scott Donaldson sheds light on two distinctly different literary careers. Fitzgerald was pretty much the voice of the jazz age, while Hemingway took up the torch for the lost generation. Each had his foibles, to be sure, but it seems Hemingway was the more disciplined of the two and, as such, enjoyed a longer career.

I enjoyed the book and am happy to add it to my collection of Hemingway resources.


Great Beginning, Dissapointing Ending
I feel as if I should write two reviews: one for the first 2/3 of this book, one for the final 1/3. The first part is an interesting account of the Hemingway-Fitzgerald friendship. From being expatriot friends to bitter enemies, the story is a facinating one, especially if you've read multiple works from the two Greats. Direct quotations from their letters to each other, Maxwell Perkins and other literary giants of the time make the book even more interesting.

Then they both die... and the book continues for another 100+ pages. It's as if the author realized his book was only 250 pages long and had to fill out the binding with unnecessary rehash. Obviously drinking played an important part in both writers' lives, and it was chronicled in their relationship. There's no need to devote 40 more pages to discussing their drinking further (actually, repeating the discussion would be more appropriate here)!

Ultimately, the first part is good if not amazing. It certainly isn't good enough to make up for the terribly dull ending. To be honest, I wish I'd have read a biography of each instead. Perhaps you should do the same. Even better, read their actual works!

P.S. I'm not exactly dissuading you from this book. It is well written and interesting. Just be prepared for some boring parts and an empty stomach at the end.

Still engrossing after all these years
Throughout "Hemingway vs. Fitzgerald - The Rise and Fall of a Literary Friendship," Scott Donaldson has both contributed to and distinguished himself from "the outpouring of biographical material that has kept them both in the public eye." This is a well-researched and fully documented discourse on the eventual reversal of mentor/novice roles and the concluding "exercise in sadomasochism" between these two giants of twentieth century American literature. Although my own studies (and the many, many research papers I've graded) on these men and their works made me hesitate to revisit it all again, I was pleasantly surprised by this fresh and very readable treatise.

The Real F. Scott Fitzgerald Thirty-Five Years Later
Published in Hardcover by Grosset & Dunlap (1976)
Author: Sheilah Graham
Amazon base price: $2.95
Used price: $1.44
Collectible price: $5.29
Average review score:

Sheds new light on F. Scott Fitzgerald
I really enjoyed how this book showed the other side to F. Scott Fitzgerald. I thought the view was a bit biased because of the fact that Sheilah Graham had been so close to Fitzgerald. Some of the stories may have been tainted because the perspective came from her. But overall, it was an interesting book that I enjoyed.

Nuclear Medicine: The Requisites
Published in Hardcover by Mosby, Inc. (15 January, 2001)
Authors: James H., M.D. Thrall and Harvey A., M.D. Ziessman
Amazon base price: $95.00
Used price: $87.35
Buy one from zShops for: $87.40
Average review score:

Tepid, and overblown rhetoric
I must say, I agree with previous reviews. This book was awful. The author's prose is overblown and extremely hard to read. I do NOT recommend this book.

I looked at Zhang's book for an article that I was writing on Fitzgerald (I am a professor of English). The book is basically unreadable; Zhang doe not write particularly well--nor does he have any noteworthy things to say. Skip.

As deep and penetrating as Cliffs or Monarch Notes.

Women and Political Power : Europe Since 1945
Published in Paperback by Routledge (2001)
Authors: Ruth B. Henig and Simon Henig
Amazon base price: $17.95
Used price: $10.77
Buy one from zShops for: $17.72
Average review score:

way to boring. i didnt even want to finish the dumb book!!!
why dont people let me read their stuff so i dont have to buy it i just want to copy it to do my english assignment!!!!!sheesh im pissed!!!!

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