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Book reviews for "Fitzgerald,_F._Scott" sorted by average review score:

American Dream Visions: Chaucer's Surprising Influence on F. Scott Fitzgerald (Studies on Themes and Motifs in Literature, Vol 5)
Published in Hardcover by Peter Lang Publishing (1994)
Author: Deborah Davis Schlacks
Amazon base price: $44.95
Used price: $15.35
Buy one from zShops for: $15.30
Average review score:

A very good book
This treatment of F. Scott Fitzgerald's connection to the medieval period opens new territory in Fitzgerald studies and in Chaucer studies as well. With the current attention to early 20th century medievalism and its influence on such authors as Hemingway, Chopin, and Fitzgerald, this book is cutting edge.

Best Jazz Age Stories
Published in Audio Cassette by The Audio Partners Publishing Corporation (2002)
Authors: F. Scott Fitzgerald and Alexander Scourby
Amazon base price: $17.95
Used price: $12.05
Buy one from zShops for: $12.05
Average review score:

Acclaimed for his reading of the Bible as well as his stage and screen portrayals veteran actor Alexander Scourby now gives articulate voice to four short stories by F. Scott Fitzgerald. To many, the stories of Fitzgerald epitomize the Roaring 20s. Listeners will be delighted with this selection which includes a quartet of the author's best.

Written in December, 1930, "Babylon Revisited" is probably the most frequently reissued Fitzgerald story, surely the most examined. Written during a time of personal emotional difficulties, it is considered by many to be at least partially autobiographical in its tracing of tragedy. The story of the effects of a man's unseemly past, the time frame includes the Jazz Age and the Depression.

"The Lost Decade" captures the stunned reactions of a man who has somehow missed the last ten years, and "The Bridal Party" is a consummate appraisal of what money can and cannot bring about.

An unexpected visitor arrives in "Three Hours Between Planes" when childhood sweethearts are briefly reunited.

What a difference a little time can make. What a difference Alexander Scourby makes to the readings of these memorable stories.

- Gail Cooke

The Best Bike Rides in New England
Published in Paperback by Globe Pequot Pr (1993)
Author: Paul Thomas
Amazon base price: $10.95
Used price: $1.00
Collectible price: $10.00
Buy one from zShops for: $14.95
Average review score:

This book is absolutely fabulous. I like the style of Fitzgerald, and I believe that in this masterpiece he is in the peak of his talent. The book has a very effective style, and teaches its readers about what it aims. I also reccomend 'The Short Stories 'of F. S. Fitzgerald.

Eugenic Fantasies : Racial Ideology in the Literature and Popular Culture of the 1920's (Literary Criticism and Cultural Theory)
Published in Hardcover by Routledge (01 December, 2001)
Authors: Betsy L. Nies and Betsy Lee Nies
Amazon base price: $65.00
Used price: $2.98
Collectible price: $14.56
Buy one from zShops for: $18.99
Average review score:

Great research
Fantastic work - highly recommended! Truly insightful and inspired

World War I
Published in Hardcover by Book Sales (1973)
Author: David R. Shermer
Amazon base price: $7.98
Used price: $10.00
Average review score:

Sup all you book people. If you like reading, this is the book for you. Dr. Rose Adrianne Gallo is a magnificant writer. I have met her, and not only is she a wonderful writer, but she is an eloquent speaker who adds charisma and grace to any conversation. I give it 5 stars.

Food & Wine Magazine's Official Wine Guide 2000
Published in Paperback by St. Martin's Press (1999)
Authors: Steven Miller and Food & Wine Magazine
Amazon base price: $11.95
Average review score:

Fitzgerald for the Road
This is a great collection of short storys. But Alexander Scourby does a wonderful job reading them are helps bring the characters to life... a great tap to listen to on the way to work.

Farewell Miss Julie Logan
Published in Paperback by Canongate Pub Ltd (2001)
Authors: James Matthew Barrie and Andrew Nash
Amazon base price: $15.00
Used price: $13.20
Buy one from zShops for: $12.78
Average review score:

Unfinished, but Amazing
Even though it is unfinished, this book is one of the most amazing peices of fiction I have ever read. No one captures themes of wealth, power, and lonliness the way that Fitzgerald does. I have read all of his novels and this one is righ up there with Gatsby. It is structured, it moves quickly and the characters are really written well. It is really too bad that he did not get a chance to finish this. However, just reading a few pages of Fitzgerald at his best is worth the anguish that you will go through when you come to the "end" of the book. If you like Fitzgerald I think you have to read this, just to see whats out there.

F. Scott Fitzgerald: Tales of the Jazz Age
Published in Hardcover by Cambridge University Press (2002)
Authors: F. Scott Fitzgerald and James L. W. III West
Amazon base price: $65.00
Used price: $1.87
Collectible price: $15.86
Buy one from zShops for: $4.95
Average review score:

"Must" reading for F. Scott Fitzgerald enthusiasts
Tales of the Jazz Age is an anthology of nineteen short stories by renowned author F. Scott Fitzgerald, including "The Diamond as Big as the Ritz", "Dice, Brassknuckles and Guitar", and "Love in the Night". Enhanced with an extensive record of variants, explanatory notes, as well as an extensive introduction concerning the selection and editorial principles of the anthology, Tales of the Jazz Age is a superb edition of classic literature that would grace any academic or library collection -- and is "must" reading for F. Scott Fitzgerald enthusiasts and fans.

Discourse Networks, 1800/1900
Published in Paperback by Stanford Univ Pr (1992)
Authors: Friedrich A. Kittler and Michael Metteer
Amazon base price: $27.95
Used price: $16.10
Buy one from zShops for: $22.69
Average review score:

this is a good one
This book is totallly worth picking up. F Scott's short stories are some of the best ever written.

The Great Gatsby
Published in Hardcover by Prometheus Books (1990)
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $35.35
Average review score:

Great Gatsby is best book I have ever read in high school!!
Skim the first few chapters and get into a the good stuff. The book gives great historical information pertaining to the 1920s, when women were interested in breaking the rules of the culture. It goes on to prove that the American Dream is unobtainable to Gatsby. He can have all the money in the world, and throw the best of all parties, but he lacks Daisy. Which goes on to prove the point that a person only wants something he undoubtfully knows he can not have. For some odd reason, a person is attracted to something that is unable to be reached...

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