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Book reviews for "Fitzgerald,_F._Scott" sorted by average review score:

Great Gatsby/Notes
Published in Paperback by Cliffs Notes (1976)
Amazon base price: $4.95
Used price: $1.79
Collectible price: $5.29
Average review score:

The 5-star thriller
I read the Great Gatsby in my AP literature class. This book seems very well written with extending plots intertwined throughout the chapters. Represented were hope, success, ignorance, judgement, disillusionment, and moals. Hope was represented by the light across the bay that Gatsby was fixated on. It was the embodiment of his sole goal in life, which was a reunification with Daisy.

William Morgan A'i Feibl =: William Morgan and His Bible
Published in Hardcover by Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru (1988)
Author: Isaac Thomas
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $2.48
Collectible price: $7.36
Average review score:

Love in a power-hungry jungle
F. Scott Fitzgerald probably had there his real masterpiece, but he did not have the time to finish it. The social and political background, the film industry in Hollywood, was perfect for the kind of intrigues and characters he tried to depict. The period brought a sense of absolute confrontation between the leaders of the industry and the workers, writers, scenographers, technicians, etc. The communist manipulation of the situation was just as effective and real as that by the capital-owners, and this confrontation enabled some social-climbers and some violent power-hungry individuals to take over, when they deemed it necessary or possible, from those who had a cultural and even artistic vision. This artistic vision was not in anyway exclusive of the economic consideration that a film had to make money, but led to the idea that some films had to be so good that they did lose some money bringing a certain aura to the producer. Fitzgerald was also dealing with characters who had a private and emotional life, though mostly an emotional instability that made them desire a dream more than real achievement. Love was never a real consideration. It was at the most a side-kick in life. And that dimension of human life is marvellously shown in the unfinished manuscript. Love is a mixture of memory, dreaming, hoping, need, desire, lust, and social use, at times social escape. This is a final version of love from a man who had probably seen it all and was more than ready to leave this life behind. Unluckily he left it a little bit too soon.


The Masks of Orthodoxy: Folk Gravestone Carving in Plymouth County, Massachusetts, 1689-1805
Published in Hardcover by Univ. of Massachusetts Press (1977)
Author: Peter Benes
Amazon base price: $30.00
Used price: $45.42
Collectible price: $50.00
Buy one from zShops for: $375.00
Average review score:

I give this work my highest recommendation. The letters between Fitzgerald and his daughter, Scottie, are endlessly fascinating. The ostensible spokesperson for the Jazz Age, and therefore individual liberty, is exceedinly pedantic and constraining in these letters. Quite a paradox! Scott lectures her regarding whom to date, what courses to take, how to be a genteel young lady, etc. The letters read more like a book of instruction than personal letters. Of course, the author was hardly a private person by the time he wrote them, and perhaps he was writing more for his readers than for his own daughter....

Love in the Night (Greetings Book)
Published in Hardcover by Clarkson N. Potter (1995)
Author: F. Scott Fitzgerald
Amazon base price: $10.00
Used price: $2.95
Collectible price: $9.53
Buy one from zShops for: $2.98
Average review score:

A beautiful and sad story about two lonely peoples love.
F. Scott Fitzgerald capture the atmosphere of the decadence and liveful jazz-age. The book is very well written and you almost float through the book.

Lifeprints: Level 3: Esl for Adults, Assessment
Published in Paperback by New Readers Press (2002)
Author: Christy Newman
Amazon base price: $20.00
Used price: $0.70
Collectible price: $7.29
Buy one from zShops for: $1.98
Average review score:

This book has it all. Stories from fans, DeadHeads, personal friends, associates, etc. Touching anecdotes. Humor. Love. Peace. And of course...THE MUSIC! No matter what your story is or how you "got on the bus" you deserve to have the oppurtunity to read this book. I promise you, whatever your connection to the Dead is, there is a story in here expressing your feelings. AMAZING. Please buy it, it is well worth it. All DeadHeads need to read this book (although I feel even someone who didn't even like the Dead would find this book equally amazing). I cannot say enough good things about this book. When I got through with my copy, I gave it to a friend because I was so touched I had to do something generous. Keep the "Unbroke Chain" alive my friends. Peace!

Some Sort of Epic Grandeur: The Life of F. Scott Fitzgerald
Published in Paperback by University of South Carolina Press (2002)
Author: Matthew Joseph Bruccoli
Amazon base price: $20.97
List price: $29.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $16.50
Buy one from zShops for: $16.00
Average review score:

Thorough and honest - excellent!
From the preeminent Fitzgerald scholar Matthew Bruccoli, this book's remarkable thoroghness and honesty is refreshing. Bruccoli gives the oft misunderstood Fitzgerald a human, albeit, reverent study, exploring beyond the overemphasized alcoholism into the realms of insecurity and sensitivity that had an indelible effect on Fitzgerald's work. The book reads well, without the burden of overly scholarly analysis, making it suitable reading either for doctoral study or simply for a summer beach day.

The Assassinations: Dallas and Beyond: A Guide to Cover-Ups and Investigations
Published in Hardcover by Random House (1976)
Authors: Peter Dale Scott, Paul Hoch, and Russell Stetler
Amazon base price: $15.00
Used price: $3.50
Collectible price: $4.75
Buy one from zShops for: $9.79
Average review score:

My eye's are still bleeding
Lee Harvey Oswald became the most hated man in America after the tragic death of John F. Kennedy. But did Oswald actually do it? If he did was he alone? The Assassinations Dallas and Beyond contemplates these questions as well as the integrity of the commission composed to answer them. The book is a compilation of several official reports, which were both rewritten and analyzed by editor Peter Dale Scott. The books main points focus on the credibility of the Warren Report by evaluating several disregarded pieces of evidence and witnesses that may have proved Oswald's innocence. The Assassinations also describes Oswald's social life, including his communist ties. Although packed with an insurmountable amount of information, this book has a gross redundancy. Still after reading through it all, I feel Oswald was innocent. Only someone with a passion for either JFK or Lee Oswald could stand the long nights of reading a lot of the same information only written differently. However, if you enjoy bleeding from your eyes, or just have trouble sleeping at night, then feel free to read The Assassinations Dallas and Beyond. Take my word for it; don't waste your money on this one and check it out at your local library.

Author's name is Paul Hoch.
Author's Name is Paul Hoch

Intimate Lies: F. Scott Fitzgerald and Sheilah Graham Her Son's Story
Published in Hardcover by HarperCollins (1995)
Author: Robert Westbrook
Amazon base price: $30.00
Used price: $12.00
Collectible price: $10.59
Average review score:

I didn't really expect to like this book. I have always enjoyed F. Scott Fitzgerald's works and that was what drew me to this book. I had heard about Sheilah Graham and i think i had read somewhere of there relationship. Bored one day with my usual 'type' of books i picked this one up amd began to read. What struck me immendiatly was the honesty, brutal at times being displayed by the Miss Graham's own son Robert Westbrook. His writing is presise and detailed recreating the golden age of Hollywood. He presents Fitzgerald honestly showing other aspects of the doomed author. His mother is shown as a master of the 'makeover' recreating herself from a very humble beginning. Take a chance with this book i think you'll be pleasently surprised..

Insightful and entertaining
I love it when nonfiction keeps me up late at night, turning pages. "Intimate Lies" may well be the definitive source on the last years of Fitzgerald's life, during which he tried (and failed) to be a Hollywood screenwriter. Westbrook's evenhanded, well-researched treatment of the romance between Fitzgerald and columnist Sheilah Graham (Westbrook's mother)is a snapshot of Hollywood just before World War II, a mixture of glamor, socialism and absurd censorship.

Against the Current: As I Remember F. Scott Fitzgerald
Published in Hardcover by Creative Arts Book Co (1985)
Authors: Frances Kroll Ring, Scottie Fitzgerald Smith, and A. Scott Bergman
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $8.95
Average review score:

Poignant little memoir
This is a wonderful, unassuming narrative about the final days of F. Scott Fitzgerald which paints him as a real human being with real problems, writing immortal fiction with a dying hand. His fragility and beauty is evident, and this quick read is a must for anyone determined to learn about the real Fitzgerald.

A Chronicle of a Dying Star
This is a wonderful book, poignant yet revealing, just like the man it is about. Frances Kroll Ring was Fitzgerald's secretary in the last few years of his life. What she details in her memoir will enlighten anyone who has only ever thought of Fitzgerald as merely an alcoholic who just stumbled into writing. Yes, she records that he was drinking well up to his death, but he was also doing something important. He was in the middle of writing "The Last Tycoon", a work that was to be unlike his previous efforts, more mature and reflecting a different sensibility. But, as one finds out at the end of "Against the Current", he never realized his goal. The great work was left unfinished, and therefore one more tragedy closed the curtain on an already sad life.

being filmed in Toronto- Spring release....
To be featured on ShowTime-TV Henry Bromell,a Fitgerald expert-writer,(NY). It's neither a docu, nor a BioPic. Kroll's memoir, 1985..details his last frantic attempt in Hollywood-- to finish.."The Last Tycoon"...Scott died-at 44- heart attack-Dec.21,1940 after years of smoking/ drinking. His wife..Zelda is played by Sissy Spacek...who read the 1960's bio.."Zelda".
Kroll,now 85 has visited the set in Canada-where producers found Spainish-style Scott's in LA.

El Gran Gatsby
Published in Library Binding by Bt Bound (2001)
Author: F. Scott Fitzgerald
Amazon base price: $17.90
Used price: $14.81
Buy one from zShops for: $14.55
Average review score:

A brilliant story about the Era of Wonderful Nonsense
Life in the Roarin' 20s was oodles of fun. The wealthy people all throughout the United States were going to parties and making money. Jay Gatsby, Nick Carraway, and Daisy and Tom Buchanan were right there in the action. But, there was a huge conflict that stopped all the fun for these four individuals. The Great Gatsby will show you what is really behind all of the excitement in the 1920s. You will here about the poor people who couldn't afford the parties and fun events. Also, the ever-going romance between Gatsby and Daisy, and the problem they have when facing society will amaze you. For example, they meet in secret places tucked away from the public. Their romance is one of betrayal and privacy. This novel will also describe the Jazz Age as it really happened with the alcohol binges at Gatsby's parties, the fashion of flappers, and architecture, especially the homes of Gatsby and the Buchanans. Before you know it, you will be living in the Era of Wonderful Nonsense right along with the characters while sharing their story. This novel is definitely a must read!

Una historia previsible.
La verdad es que desde el principio uno podia suponer como iba a terminar la historia. Mal al principio por no defnir a cada personaje, se hace dificil seguir la historia. Gatsby no quiere quedar afuera de la sociedad en esa epoca, y de esta manera, tiende a prostituirse en todo sentido con tal de conseguir su unico y preciado fin

Jazz Age Beauty
In the Great Gatsby, F Scott Fitzgerald created a wonder. He described a world and a fiend we can all relate to, that of frustrated and not fully requitted love, and he described it with all the beauty that anybody using the English language could muster. His message was the we are all fighting against the tide of time, which beats us back ever more forcefully with the progressing years, and yet we all feel that our youth, our elixir, our perfect moment and strength of Orient is within our grasp. Gatsby was a man who had lost once, and yet felt the compulsion to fight again, for the ultimate prize that would revoke his past defeat. A simple and bewilderingly focused passion that in the end destroyed the man as only it could. That was Gatsby's only goal, but in stripping his life down to such basics, and in essence, seeking to negate the past, Gatsby found he was fighting against the viscious tide of time. Read this book for the narrative, if you like. Read it for the beautiful Jazz Age description if you like also. But read it most of all for the moments in it whose beauty surpasses all contemporarys'. Find the green light.

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