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Book reviews for "Zawadsky,_Patience" sorted by average review score:

Waiting: Finding Hope When God Seems Silent
Published in Paperback by Intervarsity Press (1991)
Author: Ben Patterson
Amazon base price: $10.40
List price: $13.00 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $3.85
Collectible price: $8.99
Buy one from zShops for: $5.00
Average review score:

Very helpful, not just pat "religious" answers
This book has meant a lot to me personally in the way the author gets right to the point: humility and hope. He brings to the old Bible stories a recognizable level of human struggling.

But I did take issue with two things. In an illustration, Mr. Patterson blithely mentions the 500 billion years of earth's history in a way that seems to dismiss Genesis chapters 1-11. He also speaks of Job as if the story occurred after Psalms and Proverbs were written, saying that Job's friends were only quoting Scripture and that Job could have read in his Bible the same views.

The points he was making were excellent, but getting the details correct does matter and did make me a bit suspicious of the rest of the book, so I needed to mention those two things, and that's why I only gave the book 4 stars.

Overall, I'm very thankful to Mr. Patterson for helping to renew my hope, and especially for the many philosophical references and the story about Einstein that really spoke to my circumstances. I really did need the message of this book.

How Timely...
I can't imagine any station in live that wouldn't be enhanced by reading and applying the paridigm shifts Ben Patterson leads us through in WAITING. Those who are barren couples, widows, and single mothers, people with chronic illness; or, like me, simply looking for career fullfillment & hoping to meet and marry a Godly spouse...the list goes on. WAITING speaks to us all, with an honest, sober clarity I've not seen in related works. It presents the scriptures on Job and Abraham in a fresh light, with provoking applications that touch our own daily struggles with tender care, yet leave us humbled. We are encouraged to turn our gaze to the magnitude of God and away from our own desires. If you wonder what is taking the Good Lord so long to attend to you, or if you know anyone who has been hurting for too long, this book will minister. (Other suggested titles: TURN IT TO GOLD, GOD CALLING, GOD IS ENOUGH, SAFER THAN A KNOWN WAY, SHADOW OF THE ALMIGHTY, PASSION AND PURITY)

This book has meant so much to me.
I have read this book at least five times and been involved in at least two study groups with this book. We shared this in my Sunday school class where many of us had lived through situations where we simply did not understand why God allowed the things he did. For one, it was the death of her two year old brother and the bitterness of her father. For me, it was the cancer and painful death of one of the best men I have ever known along with the death of my best friend's baby and her subsequent suicide. About a year after the study, a couple in our group lost their only child at age 15. We gathered around them to grieve, but with a difference. We had learned something about how to wait on God. This couple now has a beautiful adopted son. I understand, in part because of this book, that we don't need to understand the why if we know the who.

Patience, My Foot!
Published in Paperback by College Press Publishing Co. (01 November, 1993)
Author: Michael LeFan
Amazon base price: $8.99
Used price: $3.50
Collectible price: $7.99
Buy one from zShops for: $6.99
Average review score:

Great book!
I enjoyed reading Michael LeFan's book. It provides great insights on patience. I had the privilege of meeting Michael to interview him for the Coral Ridge Hour (the host is Dr. D. James Kennedy). He is truly one of those who have been given a LEMON by life, but he is choosing, by God's grace, to make GALLONS OF LEMONADE. His book is an outgrowth of his incredible, physical handicap. He tapped out the words, keystroke by keystroke, by using the eraser end of a pencil with his LEFT FOOT, since his bout with polio has robbed him of the use of his hands. The book is well-written and very inspirational. I recommend it! -Jerry Newcombe, producer/author

Patience, My Foot!
When you know the story of Mike LeFan, you have a greater appreciation for this and all literary pieces he has accomplished. Faced with polio since he was nine years old, Mike has accepted the challenges set before him and used it to the glory of God! Using his left foot,(Patience, My Foot!!)Mike has penned many motivational articles and three books. His easy reading writing style makes his book a great reference for all of us! I'm pleased to have known this inspiration and one of my greatest heros for many years and look forward to his next literary endeavor.

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Patience, Pearl: Verse Translations
Published in Paperback by W W Norton & Co. (2001)
Author: Marie Borroff
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $8.45
Collectible price: $14.21
Buy one from zShops for: $8.29
Average review score:

Best modern translation
This book contains a reprint of Borroff's now standard translation, in addition to translations of two other middle English poems from the Gawain ms. Borroff has not only rendered Gawain into very readable modern English, but has also retained the alliterative lines of the original. Aside from the merits of this edition as a translation, Sir Gawain is one of the finest poems written in the English language. There are several sharp departures from typical romances of this type, and in Gawain's test we are made to see the contradictory nature of the courtly ideal. Amazing in style, it is both a clever critique of chivalric values and an entertaining adventure.
Due to the difficulty of the remote dialect of the original, this lively and witty romance is difficult to read in middle English, even for those who have studied Chaucer. It is, however, not impossible. For those who are interested in the poem, I would recommend reading it in translation, then trying the Anderson-Cawley (Everyman) edition, which normalizes the runic letters preserved in the Tolkien-Gordon-Davis (Oxford UP) scholarly edition.

Excellent translation
This is a great translation of one of the finest poems ever written in the English (well, middle English) language. The poem, in its original form, is very difficult to read, and Borroff's translation makes it not only easy but also very enjoyable to read.

This poem originally was very alliterative, and Borroff has preserved much of that. Sir Gawain is one of the greatest of the Arthurian legends, and this translation preserves much of the poems integrity. This is definitely a must have for any student of early English poetry or Arthurian legend.

The other works, Pearl and Patience, are believed to share the same author as Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. These, too, are excellent poems. This would be a great addition to any collection.

Waiting for True Love: And Other Tales of Purity, Patience, and Faithfulness
Published in Paperback by Chariot Victor Pub (1998)
Authors: Julia Duin, Diana Magnuson, and Annie F. Johnston
Amazon base price: $6.99
Used price: $40.00
Collectible price: $44.99
Average review score:

Some great morals+stories
I got this book in search of a girls book of virtues type thing, and found a book of several stories, the best of which is 'The Jester's Quest' a story about a 'knight in shining armor' who sets out to make himself worthy of his fathers sword. After many quest's he gets sick and becomes a cripple. Unable to return to his father, he wanders until he comes to a town where the jester teaches him to appriciate the world and to find happiness in making others happy. It isn't the normal happy ending, but it's one of the best stories I've ever read. I'd say it's worth buying the book just to get this story.

Worth Waiting For
This is a gem of a book. There are six stories set in fantasy genre. The stories are beautifully descriptive and revelling in sweet truths that can inspire our daughters of today to moral excellence and encourage them in the old-fashioned values of purity and steadfastness. It may be difficult to find, but well worth the wait.

Good As New
Published in Paperback by William Morrow & Company (1989)
Authors: Barbara Douglass and Patience Brewster
Amazon base price: $3.95
Used price: $2.50
Buy one from zShops for: $18.00
Average review score:

Fun and realistic for children
What happens when cousin KC comes over and forgets his bear? Grady treis to make KC feel better and loans him his bear but just to hold. KC drags the bear around and leaves him looking his worst. Grady insists on his old bear and nothing else. Can grandpa save the day and fix Grady's Bear?

This book is such a realistic story. We all want what is ours and don't like sharing very much, especially with our little cousins. I liked this childrens story a lot because of how I can relate to it. If you are teaching your kids about sharing, try this book.

I was fascinated by this heart-warming contents tremendously
Please write more short stories for us

Delightful picture book for sharing with ages 3 to 6.
"Good as new" is what grandpa promises after Grady's teddy bear is smeared with peanut butter, sprayed with a hose, and buried in the sand by his young cousin. When grandpa begins cutting the stitches and pulling out the stuffing, Grady isn't so sure that grandpa knows what he's doing. However, Grandpa ends up a hero and the bear turns out better than new. This delightful story has a familiar childhood problem with a satisfying ending. Large, attractive illustrations are perfect for sharing with one child or a group.

The Dog Trainer's Guide to Parenting: Rewarding Good Behavior, Practicing Patience and Other Positive Techniques That Work
Published in Paperback by Sourcebooks Trade (2000)
Author: Harold R. Hansen
Amazon base price: $10.36
List price: $12.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $1.45
Collectible price: $9.45
Buy one from zShops for: $5.00
Average review score:

Marginally Recommended for Dog Owners or Parents
The author of this book, for all his sincerity, is an old school dog-trainer. In recent years we've learned that we can get better results with dogs, not by choking them with prong collars, but by training the things we want them to do in positive ways. The same goes for raising our children.

There are some nuggets in the book. He talks a lot about making sure you're speaking in an understandable language to your children and your pets. For example, in one section, he talks about a mother saying to her child, "Be careful!" When he asks what she means, she says, "Stay on the sidewalk." He then asks, "So, when I'm driving and you say, Be Careful, I should stay on the sidewalk?" It's true we aren't often clear in our expectations of our children or our dogs and expect them to know what we mean even if we don't explain ourselves. He's right! That isn't fair!

If you want children who don't rebel, you have to be ready to encourage all that is good about them. This book seems to be about focusing on catching the bad and punishing it out of them. He encourages the use of choke collars on dogs, and similar techniques on children... just without the physical device.

But most of all, this book is about dog training by a dog trainer with a few seemingly random ties to parenting. Harold Hansen married a woman with children and we don't know how old they are when he became their step father. We don't know what his experiences are as a father. We know he has been a dog trainer for a long time.

There are some things to learn in here... but other books come more highly recommended.

Well worth your time
I had the good fortune to take my pit bull Anubis to one of Mr Hansen's classes and have been a fan ever since. It is a lot of fun to watch the silly mistakes people make with kids (& dogs), and realize that you would likely be doing the same thing without his advice. Some of the advice is so obvious you'll wonder why you never considered it this way before. Nothing short of a revelation!

the DOG trainers guide to PARENTING
Finding "the DOG trainers guide to PARENTING" while looking for a book to train my new puppy is the answer to my prayers. Other methods I've tried have been ineffective and left me feeling impotent as a parent. Mr. Hansen's approach involves none of the useless "psycho-babble" that is so prevelant in parenting books today. He makes the reader aware of the many different mistakes parents make but have no idea they are making. He very concretely lays out a road map for successful parenting through the use of his own life experiences and illustrates his points with examples from is interactions with dog owners that have come to him for help. As well as being helpful and informative, the book is very light-hearted, entertaining and easy to read.

It doesn't matter how you feel about dogs, if you need help with becoming a better parent, this is the book to read. Positive changes were made in my home before I was even half-way through the book!

Healing Anger: The Power of Patience from a Buddhist Perspective
Published in Paperback by Motilal Banarsidass ()
Author: Dalai Lama
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:

Don't Tear Up This Book
It's an okay book. If you don't have anything else to do.
But it doesn't really leave you with anything tangible on how
to heal or control anger. Anger is best controlled by reducing
one's desires. And who wants to do that, right? In fact, your
even wanting to buy this book will increase your desires and
therefore elicit a possible angry outburst when your book is not delivered. This book hits on all cylinders, but it leaves you dry. You are so confused that you really don't care if you are angry or not. And since the author persecuted Tibetans and
religious freedom for Tibetans after 1977 when "The Yellow Book" was printed (a book that was for the purity of the Gelug tradition as opposed to Nyingma influences), one would have to question why this author is writing a book on healing anger.
This book is a mass of confusion. He takes "The Bodhisattva's Way of Life" by Shantideva, rips off it's hubcaps, and puts on new chrome ones with his elitist approach. We are left with
no substance. And very little form. It is if we are at a tea party with the Queen of England and all the aristocrats figure
out that anger is not "a proper thing to do."

I have read several of the Dalai Lama' books and hve grown more fond of him with each book. In this book, His Holiness attempts to address the issue of anger. His main argument is based in the fact that anger can be remedied through patience. I find this to be true as anger is often rooted in impatience. The book sites Buddhist scripture to explain the reasoning behind the argument. In addition, His Holiness presents meditation sessions in the book. Even for those who are inexperienced in the meditation practices, the suggestions make the practice easy and practical. The meditation practices did help me address some of the anger in my life. As the Dalai Lama suggests, anger will not disappear. It takes time to work through anger. Anger is a powerful and destructive emotion. It is worth learning to control anger.

The only problem I have found in this book is that It tends to be a little hard to follow if you are unfamiliar with Buddhist scripture. The dialogue can also seem very long and drawn out at times. Overall, this book can be beneficial to those who seek its wisdom.

This book is a recording of one of the Dalai Lama's seminars in the US. Looks hard to read at first, but the concepts are fascinating. The Q&A sections reveal alot of the more dogmatic views of Tibetan Buddhism. The premise is simple, anger is an unecessary cause of suffering. Alot of good advice, especially for Westerners attempting to convert to Buddhism or considering the path of the Bodhisatva. When you think about these things it can really make a difference. Stick with it. It's worth reading!

Dancing With Patience
Published in Paperback by (1900)
Author: Jonathan Dyer
Amazon base price: $10.95
Average review score:

Insightful and Relevant to Anyone with a Conscience
This book is a penetrating look into the world of an intelligent, emotional boy trying to make sense of a world of adult hypocrisy. Although the book is wickedly funny and irreverent in parts, it never strays far from its serious (and very worthwhile) central theme - how to be a decent human being in a false and callous world. As is the case in real life, the young hero finds that there are few, if any, reliable guides to help him in this, and he is forced to find his own way. Although there are some passages that could have been improved by a good editor, the writing style is excellent and the story moves. I recommend this book highly, and watch for more books from this author!

Not quite Catcher in the Rye but...
Not quite Catcher in the Rye but if you felt an affinity with Holden Caulfield then the character of Harry Taft might just win you over. There is a story in all this but it's more of a character study that a padded out plot. The characters are pretty well fleshed out - even many of the minor characters - and the caricatures are kept just the right side of believable. Put it this way, this is the first book in weeks that I've read right through to the end and it says a lot for any author that they can hold my interest and not have me skipping paragraphs let alone pages. Americans will obviously pick up on all the subtle nuances that a Briton like me might miss if he didn't have an American wife to consult but that's a minor gripe.

A Demon in Every Woman
Published in Paperback by Writers Club Press (2001)
Author: Patience Onyinye Nwokolo
Amazon base price: $9.95
Buy one from zShops for: $8.96
Average review score:

A demon in every woman
I read the book and I must say that I was impressed with the work of the writer. The writer has produced a solid work with scope and substance.The work though I presume is a fiction has a depth of gritty reality that comes across to the reader the reader is effortlessly drawn to the fabrics of the story.The plot is well concieved with eye for important detail as timing and suspense. The author has employed the use of various literary generes to produce a good work.The author has been able to balance interaction, dialogue with descriptive power I am recomending the book as a plus for any lover of good work

A compelling novel of deceits, betrayals, & espionage
A Demon In Every Woman is a compelling novel of deceits, betrayals, espionage, romance, government policy, and criminal syndicate. After Chelsea and her sister were raped and her parents killed by dunk and drugged soldiers, she fled to Nigeria with a determination to start over again with a new identify and to forget her past. But when the Tancheng diamond was discovered in the possession of a private collector, colliding desires and ambitions pitted Chelsea, the Libya government, and the ruthless head of a dangerous syndicate against each other. A Demon In Every Woman is a thoroughly entertaining and recommended read.

When I Prayed for Patience . . . God Let Me Have It!
Published in Paperback by Kregel Publications (31 August, 2002)
Authors: Jeanne Zornes and Jerry B. Jenkins
Amazon base price: $8.79
List price: $10.99 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $7.64
Buy one from zShops for: $7.59
Average review score:

Eat the meat and spit out the bones.
Not exactly what I thought when I got it.Lots of little stories and andecdotes. Very colloquial too. Good for someone recently reborn or that wants to begin leading a better life. If you are beyond that, then you are probably beyond this particular book. Chapters include; Patience?, growing thru annoyances, bearing with adversity and other people, achieving inner peace, love, enduring for the sake of others and eternity , perseverance, and living in hope. All about character building through life's trials. 127 pages

Solid study on character development
Jeanne Zornes has again written a witty work that gives solid Biblical teaching on developing Christ-like characteristics. Great text for small group studies.

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