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Book reviews for "Work,_Virginia" sorted by average review score:

Published in Hardcover by Wyrick & Co (1998)
Authors: Virginia Christian Beach, Thomas Blagden, and Tom Blagden
Amazon base price: $35.00
Used price: $35.00
Average review score:

MEDWAY a truely rewarding book!
Medway is an amazing book, I wasnt bored one minute while reading it, I used to live by Medway and never got the chance to see it so thats why I wanted to read this book, I still want to go to the plantation house, I will one day. BUt anyways I definately recommend this book if you are into plantations and all that stuff, which I am... so go out and read it! email me at

A Moment of Silence: Arlington National Cemetery
Published in Hardcover by Preservation Pr (1994)
Authors: Owen Andrews and Cameron Davidson
Amazon base price: $14.95
Average review score:

One of the smallest, but best books on Arlington.
My father was buried at Arlington in 1987. Upon my visit for that service, and subsequent visits, I found very little in the gift shop and in bookstores at the time. As I am involved in the design profession as an art director, I am also a bit more choosy. I was drawn to this small, elegant book when I first noticed it on a shelf in a bookstore years ago. I purchased it on a visit to DC in 1991, and serendipitously, met and worked with the photographer, Cameron Davidson, years later on numerous years of commerical photography shoots, nationwide. I was amazed to learn he had photographed the wonderful book I chose above others to remember my powerful visit to Arlington with. Cameron's exquisite images truly evoke the feeling of visiting Arlington, and the writers words support his photos. His family has military ties and it comes across in the way he uniquely 'sees' Arlington. My only wish is that this book was larger, and still in print. Anyone with any connection to Arlington deserves to be able to obtain this lovely book.

Organizational Communication for Survival: Making Work, Work (2nd Edition)
Published in Paperback by Allyn & Bacon (26 July, 2000)
Authors: James C. McCroskey and Virginia P. Richmond
Amazon base price: $48.00
Used price: $27.91
Buy one from zShops for: $35.95
Average review score:

It makes work work
Excellent book that one can use at work. Having the writer as the instructor was even nicer!

Single Not Separate: Making the Church a Family
Published in Paperback by Charisma House (2003)
Author: Virginia McInerney
Amazon base price: $10.39
List price: $12.99 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $9.03
Buy one from zShops for: $8.65
Average review score:

Review of Single, not Seperate
This book is a "must buy" for church leaders, singles (over 25, including never married, divorced, widow/widower, etc.), and married couples. I liked the book because it is written in a qualitative style (from experience) yet includes (look carefully) a quantitative style, e.g., "factors = problems," assumptions, and buzz words of "change agents." She deals well with pain issues that singles suffer, as well as underlying issues such as envy and jealousy-which keep singles and couples at bay.

Ms. Virginia McInerney gives practical examples how to assist leaders, singles, and couples in building bridges-what she calls, making the church a family. She states that if the church's ministry is directed at married couples only, the church is missing nearly one-half its adult population.

Although I do not agree with her comments on self-worth and self-esteem (pp. 88, 90, 141, 162), she brings out a strong 'rational-emotive-therapy' (my words, not hers) approach later in the book for dealing with pain (see "power of choices, and "process," pp, 165, 166, 168).

What Dr. Barbara DeAngelis has done for singles ("Are you the one for me?") in dating; Ms. Virginia McInerney will do for singles and couples in bridging misunderstandings. The book is based on a Biblical worldview model, and she draws good examples to bring a cultural change in the church for leaders, singles, and couples.

Buy the book, read it, and implement these ideals!

Stop Diabetes: 50 Simple Steps You Can Take at Any Age to Reduce Your Risk of Type 2 Diabetes
Published in Paperback by Marlowe & Company (2002)
Authors: Gretchen Becker, Virginia Rose Page, and Allison B. Goldfine
Amazon base price: $10.36
List price: $12.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $5.99
Buy one from zShops for: $4.74
Average review score:

Gretchen Becker does it again: a wonderful, helpful book
This book contains everything you need to know about current research and medical advice on preventing type II diabetes (if possible) or at least putting it off for as long as possible if you are genetically 'destined' for diabetes.

With tremendous warmth, humor and intelligence, Ms. Becker gives the reader common sense suggestions that really work. It's like having a really wise friend sit down over a cup of tea and explain it all to you in words you can understand, with suggestions you will actually enjoy following. I wish someone could have handed me this book a long time ago. If I could have know what she teaches now 15 years ago, perhaps I wouldn't be battling the early stages of type II!

Anyone with a family history of diabetes, a personal history of gestational diabetes or obesity, a genetic heritage 'prone' to type II, etc. really should read this book. Doctors and clinics in the U.S. are finally beginning to become proactive with those prone to type II diabetes. After all, the country and most of the industrialized world is in the middle of a type II diabetes pandemic! I hope they start handing Gretchen Becker's book out to everyone who fits the pre-diabetes profile.

She covers everything from learning about the glycemic index, to making movement playful and fun (instead of a 'have to do it' grind), to turning yourself into a health-conscious, taste-aware, trend-setting gourmet. There are very few of us who would not benefit from eating less while enjoying it more! She explains how to get started without beating yourself up or becoming a martyr to deprivation.


Trees and Shrubs of Virginia
Published in Paperback by University Press of Virginia (2002)
Authors: Oscar W. Gupton and Fred C. Swope
Amazon base price: $13.27
List price: $18.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $13.17
Buy one from zShops for: $12.46
Average review score:

Excellent photography
This book helps to easily identify the various species of trees and shrubs that occur in the Virginia area. The descriptions are short, to the point and easily understood. Any one can enjoy this book and it is small enough to take on nature walks with the kids, or grandkids. In a very short time it makes even a notice seem like an expert in tree identification.

Virginia (Photographic Tour Series)
Published in Hardcover by Random House Value Pub (1997)
Authors: Ted Landphair and Carol M. Highsmith
Amazon base price: $15.99
Used price: $2.94
Collectible price: $12.71
Buy one from zShops for: $9.99
Average review score:

Virginia: A Photographic Tour by Carol M. Highsmith & Ted
Being a proud native Virginian, I have read many a book about our great Commonwealth. None, however, have captured the true spirit and beauty of Virginia the way "Virginia: A Photographic Tour" by Carol Highsmith and Ted Landphair does. The photography is so pure and captivating and the text captures the best of each corner and story of Virginia. Highsmith and Landphair make me feel as if I were there in person. Isn't that what a geat book does, bring you into the very pages you are reading? I enjoyed this book so much I bought 12 copies to give as Christmas gifts. Already I have received thank you notes and calls with similar responses to mine. These responses are what inspired me to write this review.

A Virginia Village Goes to War: Falls Church During the Civil War
Published in Hardcover by Donning Company Publishers (2002)
Author: Bradley E. Gernand
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:

Falls Church Virginia Civil War book a research treasure--
It is surprising to think a subject as well-covered as the Civil War could be brought to life with a treasure of facts and personalities as is uncovered in Falls Church, Virginia: A Virginia Village Goes to War. Authored by Falls Church historian and researcher Brad Gernand, the book is full of detailed stories, photographs, and other artwork revealing the difficulties faced by a northern Virginia community resulting from the competition between North and South for the hearts and minds of local residents, along with the back-and-forth of Union and Confederate troops competing for military control of geographic vantage points. As a potential gateway to Washington, the village of Falls Church has not received a great deal of focus in the Civil War context. Logically, as history has detailed the great battles of the War, this work moves into some of the intrigue that surrounded the Capital City. It is an entertaining read, based largely on the personal research of the author who I understand has written other books on the region.

Virginia Woolf A to Z: A Comprehensive Reference for Students, Teachers and Common Readers to Her Life, Work and Critical Reception
Published in Hardcover by Facts on File, Inc. (1995)
Author: Mark Hussey
Amazon base price: $55.00
Used price: $18.98
Buy one from zShops for: $18.98
Average review score:

Excellent resource
This book supplemented a course I took on the works of Woolf. It is filled with interesting background material and helpful character biographies. Hussey skillfully condensed volumes of biographical and critical work on Woolf into one, user-friendly manual.

Virginia Woolf: The Impact of Childhood Sexual Abuse on Her Life and Work
Published in Hardcover by Beacon Press (1989)
Author: Louise A. DeSalvo
Amazon base price: $22.95
Used price: $8.95
Average review score:

Excellent, eye-opening analysis of Woolf
DeSalvo has given us something ground-breaking, heart-breaking, but above all important, in this book. This book brings so much insight into Woolf, her work, and the time in which she lived (ie V.W. as representative of the experience of other children of the time) and does it all in 305 immensely readable pages. This is that kind of fantasy bridge book that allows true readers insight into an author without first having to go and study critical theory for ten years to even get through most books about great authors! I am an avid, organic, non-academic reader and this book was excellent for me. I think it also rescues and gives Virginia Woolf to all of us, as a writer, a woman, a child, a victim of circumstance. As opposed to mad, she was one incredible artist who adapted extremely well in such an isolated and shaming time. DeSalvo you should be honored (as you were, by Kennedy Fraser's New Yorker review, which led me to you!)

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