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Book reviews for "Work,_Virginia" sorted by average review score:

George Washington's Mount Vernon
Published in Hardcover by Monacelli Pr (1999)
Authors: Wendell Garrett, Susan Gray Detweiler, Edward Owen, and Robert C. Lautman
Amazon base price: $65.00
Used price: $17.98
Collectible price: $24.95
Buy one from zShops for: $43.82
Average review score:

An American Home
George Washington's Mount Vernon is not only an American landmark but a landmark of what America is, a warm, welcoming and gracious home. This beautiful book takes you through a four season walk of Mount Vernons spectacular grounds and a detailed and historical tour of the homes interior. With the easy interesting writing and the spectacular color photography all guided by the expert hand of Wendell Garrett, we learn and understand Washington's love and devotion to his beloved home. For anyone searching for detailed information on colonial interiors or historical gardening ideas, this book will be a welcomed addition to your home library.

Great Newspaper Crafts
Published in Paperback by Sterling Publications (1992)
Author: F. Virginia Walter
Amazon base price: $10.95
Average review score:

A wonderful find, a wonderful book.
This book is great for parents, teachers and NIE departments. A variety of different crafts with good directions and varying difficulty. A must have for newspaper offices!

Hallowed Ground: Preserving America's Heritage
Published in Hardcover by Lickle Publishing Inc. (1996)
Authors: Rudy Abramson, Kenneth Garrett, and Jack Kotz
Amazon base price: $40.00
Used price: $5.22
Collectible price: $37.06
Buy one from zShops for: $32.11
Average review score:

Virginia countryside--truly hallowed ground
this powerful book will move you to tears. It was born out of a perceived need to reacquaint all of us with our own history and the cultural need to work at preserving the land in some fashion for future generations. Previously untapped resources came together to champion this idea in a beautifully written tome accompanied by first-rate color photography.

i believe the idea of the book galvanized preservationist sympathies in Virgina and has been a key factor in major preservation achievements in more recent years.

Hampton Roads: Gateway to the New Millennium
Published in Hardcover by Confederation College of Applied (1998)
Authors: Frank Callaham, Arthur Polizos, Maggie Brydges, Keith Lanpher, Keith Lampher, and Mark Atkinson
Amazon base price: $45.00
Used price: $27.49
Buy one from zShops for: $36.02
Average review score:

Great Book for Locals and Visitors!
We have family that lives throughtout the world. In order for them to get an idea of what our home, the Hampton Roads area, is like, this book is fantastic! Before this was published there wasn't a book available with good photographs, and up-to-date information about just the Hampton Roads area. The books that were published focused on Williamsburg, civil war history, and the old plantation homes. The photos are fantastic, the text is well written, and it is current information. We have purchased three of these books already, and will get more for other family members and friends. Great Book!

Historic Springs of the Virginias: A Pictorial History
Published in Paperback by Pictorial Histories Publishing Co. Inc. (1988)
Author: Stan B. Cohen
Amazon base price: $17.95
Used price: $16.99
Collectible price: $18.00
Average review score:

A nostolgic step back in time
I first saw this book in 1981. Twenty years has not change my thoughts on this book. It is one the best pictorial histories ever. The subject is one that is best told with photographs. It was truly a step back in time.

I Lift Up My Eyes to the Hills: Stories of Faith and Joy from Appalachia
Published in Paperback by Fortress Press (1992)
Author: Nancy Anne Dawe
Amazon base price: $19.99
Used price: $7.00
Collectible price: $14.95
Average review score:

Captures the workcamp experience with remarkable accuracy
I read Nancy Dawe's book "I Lift Up My Eyes to the Hills: Stories of Faith and Joy from Appalachia" with great interest. The author describes with striking accuracy what it is about the workcamp experience that could keep someone returning year after year.

Having been blessed enough to participate in such worktrips myself, I can attest to the absolute truth of her words. I would highly recommend this book to anyone wanting to know more about the way worktrips can change lives. This is a must-read for anyone about to embark on their first workcamp adventure, whether it's in Appalachia or not.

In the Most Beautiful Life/in Cea Mai Frumoasa Viata
Published in Hardcover by Umbrage Editions Inc (2002)
Authors: Virginia Joffe and Carmen Firan
Amazon base price: $27.97
List price: $39.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $19.97
Collectible price: $21.18
Buy one from zShops for: $22.22
Average review score:

a memorable imagery of word and photo
These two obviously bright and talented individuals have made more than a "cocktail table" book. The photographs show people, architecture and bucolic scenes on the surface- but reveal the heart and soul of the country even though you might never have travelled there. The photos , like the poetry, leave you wondering and questionikng. These images are 3 dimensional- and in black and white have a dramatic impact on the reader. All the photos tell a story- and the poet makes one interpretation- and then lets you make your own. This is a book I select when I want some quiet introspective time- and it picks me up and carries me somewhere else. Kudos to the women artists!

Kew Gardens (Collected Works of Virginia Woolf)
Published in Library Binding by Classic Books (2000)
Author: Virginia Woolf
Amazon base price: $98.00
Average review score:

Profound Observations
The art of Virginia Woolf gathers in this small yet profoundly moving observation of the cycle of life. A garden in July becomes a canvas upon which Woolf paints a new and haunting picture of her intricate perspective. Flowers seem more like immense stained glass windows from the vantage point of the snail making its way through a flower bed. Minute clips of towering passersby illustrate the human experience where so much is anything but what it appears to be on the surface. The flower bed magically transforms through the hypnotic prose becoming an endless landscape of challenge, yet more importantly a sacred cathedral wherein the vulnerable snail, a methaphor for the individual, carefully negotiates life inside the surrounding looming beauty. This story crys to be read out loud, and when it is, it shines and verifies the genius of its conception.

The Majesty of Colonial Williamsburg
Published in Paperback by Pelican Pub Co (1998)
Author: Peter Beney
Amazon base price: $13.97
List price: $19.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $13.87
Buy one from zShops for: $12.00
Average review score:

Aptly Titled
Being an annual visitor to Colonial Williamsburg I was very thoroughly pleased with the extrodinary color photos of The Majesty of Williamsburg. This book is aptly titled and a wonderful addition to anyone interested in Colonial Williamsburg or 18th century America.

Martha Washington's Booke of Cookery and Booke of Sweetmeats
Published in Paperback by Columbia University Press (15 April, 1996)
Authors: Martha Washington and Karen Hess
Amazon base price: $23.00
Used price: $14.94
Buy one from zShops for: $21.51
Average review score:

one of the best historical cookbooks ever
This book is a jewel. Being a 16th-17th century reenactor, I would not have thought that Martha Washington's cookbook would have become such a favorite of mine. The annotations by Karen Hess make it invaluable to anyone interested in historical cookery from the Elizabethan age onwards, and it is a darned good read, informative and fun even if you aren't. This is the book I will give someone who thinks they might possibly be vaguely interested in historical cookery and would like to learn more. It is very well-researched and there is something to learn on every page. I cannot recommend it highly enough.

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