Book reviews for "White,_Betty" sorted by average review score:

White Coolies
Published in Paperback by Thomas t Beeler (1998)
Amazon base price: $21.95
Average review score: 

The White House: Its Historic Furnishings and First Families
Published in Hardcover by Abbeville Press, Inc. (2000)
Amazon base price: $45.50
List price: $65.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $25.95
Collectible price: $37.06
Buy one from zShops for: $35.50
List price: $65.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $25.95
Collectible price: $37.06
Buy one from zShops for: $35.50
Average review score: 

This is a beautiful book with exquisite layout and photographs. However, the title gives the impression that we will find information on the First Families, which certainly is not so. It is a very good coffee table book on interior design, design, furnishings, architecture, etc. but since I expected photos and information on people, I was somewhat dissappointed with its contents. But it is a work of art.

Betty Monkman, the White House Curator and photographer Bruce White (from the Metropolitan Museum of Art) have collaborated to create an invaluable text on the history of the furnishings of The White House. Wonderful stories lie within...most famously, the story behind the Resolute Desk, the desk used by Presidents Kennedy, Carter, George H. Bush, Bill Clinton, and now President George W. Bush in their respective Oval Offices.
On June 1st at 6PM, Ms. Monkman will deliver a lecture on The White House as part of exhibition presented by the John F. Kennedy Library and The Metropolitan Museum "Jacqueline Kennedy: The White House Years-Selections from the John F. Kennedy Library and Museum". The exhibit will begin May 1, 2001 until July 29, 2001. This will be a great opportunity for one to hear Ms. Monkman's expertise in person. Go to the lecture and buy the book!

Once again Betty Monkman has given us WHITE HOUSE FANS a magnificant chronicle! What a glorious, beautiful absolutely stunning work of art! Betty has included everything in this piece! Bruce White's photography cannot be topped! Looking at the old photos of days gone by and then seeing the "latest versions" of those historic rooms is truly a treat! The details on the historic furntiure, art pieces, glassware, china and more within those walls is fascinating! During this - the 200th Anniversary year of the White House getting it's first occupants, this book is really a treasure and a great addition to anyone's library to help mark this historic anniversary! I thought I knew a lot about the White House - once again Betty Monkman has taught me more! Thanks Betty! :-)

Betty White Practice Dance Music: Latin Dances
Published in Audio Cassette by Conversa-Phone Inst (1998)
Amazon base price: $10.95
Average review score: 

The book is very informative. It may not be the most interesting but it definately taught me the dances. Now I am pretty good at them.

The Leading Lady: Dinah's Story
Published in Audio Cassette by Bantam Books-Audio (1993)
Amazon base price: $15.99
Used price: $2.00
Buy one from zShops for: $2.49
Used price: $2.00
Buy one from zShops for: $2.49
Average review score: 

A wonderful tale of a wonderful dog. However, the alternating chapters between White and Sullivan are annoyingly disruptive. A different format would have focused more on the dog that readers grow to love.

Turn Left at the Black Cow
Published in Hardcover by Roberts Rinehart Pub (1998)
Amazon base price: $24.95
Used price: $12.99
Collectible price: $12.95
Buy one from zShops for: $17.34
Used price: $12.99
Collectible price: $12.95
Buy one from zShops for: $17.34
Average review score: 

Turn Left at the Black Cow offers Fred Astaire fans some wonderful anecdotes, as the legendary dancer visits his daughter and her husband in Ireland. However, author McKenzie's constant name dropping and continuous negative comments about Fred's second wife wear thin. Worth a look, but feel free to skim.

If you read this for tidbits about Fred Astaire, that's all you get are tidbits. If you read it seeking the feeling of Ireland, there are some nice descriptive moments in the book. Mostly it focuses on the author whose life and celebrity contacts did not make up for my disappointment in the skimpiness on Astaire and Ireland.
I recommend instead titles by Niall Williams or reread Frank McCourt.
I recommend instead titles by Niall Williams or reread Frank McCourt.

I stumbled upon this book searching for books about Fred Astaire and was so glad that I found it. Richard McKenzie has such a good eye for people. I loved the stories about his neighbors in Ireland as well as the unique insight into Fred Astaire. I highly recommend this book.

Here We Go Again: My Life in Television
Published in Audio Cassette by Simon & Schuster (Audio) (2000)
Amazon base price: $17.00
Used price: $1.50
Buy one from zShops for: $1.95
Used price: $1.50
Buy one from zShops for: $1.95
Average review score: 

This book is light, easy reading, but really boring. Betty tells the story of her remarkable career but the book is lacking. Where is the dish? Where are the juicy parts? Betty writes as if it is one big happy press release. She likes everything and everybody. Everything is hunky-dorey. She never minded getting fired from jobs, she never minded being uprooted, she never minded long, tedious work hours. Betty drops names of some of the most famous people in the world and barely comments on them. She gives her meeting with the Queen Mother one sentence in the whole book! She was married to Allen Ludden for 18 years, but until she mentions this toward the end of the book, the reader doesn't even realize that all of their experiences took place over that length of time. She was best friends with Mary Tyler Moore and her husband Grant Tinker and although she tells of many anicdotes, nothing delves very deeply. Betty was on two classic TV shows of all times, "The Mary Tyler Moore Show" and "The Golden Girls", yet she glosses over these experiences and doesn't go into any details about any of it. Apparently Betty's life experience is not able to fit into one book and trying to fit it in one book makes it all seem like an outline rather than a story. Readers will look for some juicy "Mary Tyler Moore Show" stories and some backstage gossip about "The Golden Girls", but they will not find that. They will get Betty's ramblings and squeeky clean attitude about not saying anything if you dont have anything nice to say.... apparently she had nothing nice to say so she glossed over much of her life. I really would have loved to know how she truly felt about her coworkers and how they interacted on and off stage. Some funny "blooper" moments would have been great and some real life gossip would make her seem more human. I love Betty White, I just didn't get all I thought I would from this book. But Betty truly is a Golden Girl, she has done it all

The ABC of Cat Trivia: A Compendium of Cat Superstitions, Proverbs, Literature, Words, Phrases, Games, Objects, Plants, Biology, Behavior, Movies, Gods, Cartoons, Heroes
Published in Hardcover by St. Martin's Press (1996)
Amazon base price: $19.95
Used price: $8.85
Used price: $8.85
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Art in the White House : A Nation's Pride
Published in Hardcover by Harry N Abrams (1999)
Amazon base price: $60.00
Used price: $46.48
Used price: $46.48
Average review score:
No reviews found.

The Assimilation Experience of Five American White Ethnic Novelists of the Twentieth Century (European Immigrants and American Society: A Collection)
Published in Hardcover by Garland Pub (1990)
Amazon base price: $20.00
Average review score:
No reviews found.

The Betty book : excursions into the world of other-consciousness made by Betty between 1919 and 1936
Published in Unknown Binding by Dutton ()
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $2.49
Used price: $2.49
Average review score:
No reviews found.
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The courage, humour, resourcefulness and sheer mental tenacity displayed by this group of women astounded me - even as a 12 year old. I seemed to bond with them. I wept when prisoners were abused or died and laughed myself silly when they pulled funny pranks on their loathesome Japanese guards.
I am an avid reader but there has never been another book which has left such an impression on me. As a high school student of English, I chose "White Coolies" as a book review assignment. I remember scoring very highly.
I am keen to obtain a copy of White Coolies, particularly as one of the wonderful women featured in it, Vivien Statham (Bullwinkel) passed away in Perth, Western Australia, this week.