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Book reviews for "Warner,_Gertrude_Chandler" sorted by average review score:

The Hockey Mystery
Published in Library Binding by Turtleback Books Distributed by Demco Media (2001)
Author: Gertrude Chandler Warner
Amazon base price: $10.20
Average review score:

The Hockey Mystery.
I read The Hockey Mystery. I thought it was good because it is a boxcar children mystery and I like mystery books. In the beginning Jessie and her brothers and her sister saw Kevin Reynolds. Kevin Reynolds is going to coach a girl's hockey team. I think kids 5 and up will like it.

Great Book
The hockey mystery was great because you can learn a bit about hockey and the mystery was a great one.

The Home Run Mystery (Boxcar Children Special (Cloth), 14)
Published in School & Library Binding by Albert Whitman & Co (2000)
Authors: Gertrude Chandler Warner, Denise Shanahan, and Charles Tang
Amazon base price: $13.95
Used price: $10.58
Buy one from zShops for: $11.71
Average review score:

The Best Boxcar Children book!
In my opinion, THE HOME RUN MYSTERY is the Best Boxcar Children book ever written! I won't spoil the book, but it's probably one of the most mysterious one ever. A+

Baseball Anyone?
Henry, Jessie, Violet, and Benny are taking another trip with their Grandfather, and you know what that means! Another mystery! This time they're involved in a baseball game, playing in a lot that has a story behind it, but time is running out. The lot may soon be changed into a parking lot! What happened to the legendary player Home Run Herman? And how is the opposite team winning the games? Can the Boxcar Children solve these mysteries before it's too late? Enjoy!

The Mystery at the Ballpark (Boxcar Children Special (Cloth), No 4)
Published in School & Library Binding by Albert Whitman & Co (1995)
Authors: Gertrude Chandler Warner and Charles Tang
Amazon base price: $13.95
Used price: $11.71
Collectible price: $13.72
Buy one from zShops for: $11.17
Average review score:

A super Homerun book
July 29,2000 This was A great book! I recomend it to anyone.

good lessons learned in an exciting mystery
This mystery is great - the people,the incidents,the end result are all very captivating.It's exciting and fast-paced,and the lessons are clearly understood(but are not preached!) throughout the book.I liked this book a lot,and hope you would enjoy it too!

The Mystery Bookstore (Boxcar Children Mysteries, 48)
Published in School & Library Binding by Albert Whitman & Co (1995)
Authors: Gertrude Chandler Warner and Charles Tang
Amazon base price: $13.95
Used price: $10.76
Buy one from zShops for: $11.69
Average review score:

The Boxcar Children- Mai Yia's Review
I think the BOXCAR CHILDREN is extremely fun to read. It tells about adventurous kids who are running away from their grandfather. While running away they had many adventures. The four kid's names are: Henry, a boy who is strong and is the oldest, Jessie, a girl who is adventurous and knows how to cook excellent food, Violet a 10 year old girl who is smart, and Benny, the youngest, well mannered, and funny boy. Henry worked for a man named Dr. Moore because he wanted to make money to buy food to eat. He also worked for Dr. Moore so that he could support his siblings. These kids are very creative. I really like this book. I think everyone should read this book because you could learn something. It is a good bedtime story too because, you could have wonderful dreams instead of scary nightmares. I give this book 5 stars.

Suspenseful, beautifully written book
After their Grandfather has bought a bookstore and rented it to his friend, Henry, Jessie, Violet and Benny are helping out. As a reward, they each get to pick a book to keep. But the Boxcar Children find mysterious clues of a person entering the store and even their rooms at night, unseen. Then Violet's books disappear. Can they get to the bottom of this?

The Mystery Girl
Published in Library Binding by Bt Bound (1999)
Author: Gertrude Chandler Warner
Amazon base price: $11.50
Used price: $9.80
Buy one from zShops for: $9.80
Average review score:

I loved the mystery girl.Iwould read this book again!You have to read this book.I loved the milled prat when ever thing got wried. I have to go! BY!!![...]

The Mystery girl was the best book I've ever read.
The Mystery Girl was the best book I've ever read because it was very mysterious.I liked it when Benny always said how he liked to eat alot.I also like how the end ended but,I'm not going to tell you the end you read it and you find out how great it is.

The Mystery in the Mall
Published in Library Binding by Bt Bound (1999)
Authors: Gertrude Chandler Warner and Charles Tang
Amazon base price: $11.50
Buy one from zShops for: $10.60
Average review score:

Missing Merchandise In The Mall
I read this book. It was very good. I read it 3 weeks ago. I'm Aaron. You also can see a review by me at The Mystery Of The Empty Safe. They also find hidden cocunuts, monkeys. Very cool. You should buy it.

A stolen coconut, missing merchandise . . . .
When the aldens visit their Grandfather's friend's mall they get a job in Penny's Emporium. They love working in the store until strange things happen and the grouchy mall monitor makes things miserable. however, they keep their heads up high as the try to solve the mystery of what happened to Benny's coconut and the missing merchandise.

The Mystery of the Hidden Painting
Published in Library Binding by Bt Bound (1999)
Author: Gertrude Chandler Warner
Amazon base price: $11.50
Used price: $7.99
Buy one from zShops for: $8.64
Average review score:

This book is so neat! It is a great mystery story and is fun to read. Since this book is part of a series, you might expect all the books to be boring, right? Wrong, some are actually really good! I think this is the best of the series that I have read so far! Read this, you won't forget it!

When the Boxcar Childre want to plan a party for Grandfather they go to the attic and pick out some clothes. While they are searching Jessie finds a picture of their Grandmother and shows it to Grandfather. He says the necklace she was wearing got lost the day after their wedding when she was helping the Caters clean up. The Boxcar Children see a picture of a lady with the necklace on in the newspaper, that lives where Aunt Jane lives.They go to Aunt Jane's house and ask some questions to different people.When they hed back home the day of Mr. Alden's Party Mrs. Newton comes to their house(one of the people they talked to)with the necklace. She told them the story of how she got it she said that her son had been a caterer at Mr. Alden's wedding and stole the Necklace.

Mystery on Stage
Published in Library Binding by Bt Bound (1999)
Author: Gertrude Chandler Warner
Amazon base price: $11.50
Used price: $9.80
Buy one from zShops for: $9.80
Average review score:

A Great Book
July 29, 2000

I thaught this was a great book because I like to act.

This is kind of a scary book
I really have to say none of The Boxcar Children books really scared me, but this one did. I loved this book because I love to act. It's about a girl named Jessie who tries out for a part in The Wizard of Oz at the theater in her town. There's also a girl named Sara who tries out for Dorathy. Sara gets cast as Dorathy and Jessie is the cowardly lion. But, alond the way strange things begin to happen.Can The Aldens solve the mystery before opening night.

The Pet Shop Mystery (Boxca Children Special 7)
Published in Library Binding by Bt Bound (1999)
Authors: Charles Tang and Gertrude Chandler Warner
Amazon base price: $11.50
Used price: $9.80
Buy one from zShops for: $8.64
Average review score:

BoxCar Children special #7 The Pet Shop Mystery
The book "The Pet Shop Mystery" by Gertrude Chandler Warner deserves 5 stars. It is about 4 kids and their cousin. They get jobs at the Pretty Bird Pet Shop while the owner is gone on vacation. You should read the rest of the book to find out what happens next in the story.

Wonderful book for young kids, extremly action packed
Henry, Jessie, Violet and Benny are working in a pet shop. But strange things are happening. The orders are getting messed up. And the assistant is up to something. Can they get to the bottom of this?

Schoolhouse Mystery
Published in Library Binding by Bt Bound (1999)
Authors: Gertrude Chandler Warner and David Cunningham
Amazon base price: $11.50
Used price: $8.45
Collectible price: $17.02
Buy one from zShops for: $8.59
Average review score:

Benny, Jessie, Henry and Violet teach School?
Schoolhouse Mystery was good. When Benny's friend Max challenges him to go to a little town that he says has no mystery, they ask Elizabeth Gray, who owns the schoolhouse, she lets Benny, Jessie, Violet and Henry be school teachers. One day in school, Benny's student Isabelle tellls him about The Money Man, Mr. Fred Willet, he had traded antiques for money or nice and shiny things. In the schoolhouse there is a painting of George Washington, and on one of his buttons, instead of a button, there is a space. At the end, when John Carter and Benny discover that there is a secret place in the chimney, that Freddy Willet has 3 names and stole schoolroom books and library books. At the end, Freddy gets aressted. If you like mysteries, then this book is for you!

I reccomend highley
This is one of the greatest boxcar children books ever! The kids have a great adventure!

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