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Book reviews for "Ward,_James" sorted by average review score:

Published in Hardcover by Friedman/Fairfax Publishing (1999)
Authors: James Ward Hyland, Emily Zelner, and Valerie Kennedy
Amazon base price: $10.50
List price: $15.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $7.50
Average review score:

Very good book- an awesome picture on every page
I'd recommend this brand new and excellent coffee table book to anyone interested in lighthouses. it's not really a book to "read", it's just pictures of lighthouses. but the pics are GREAT! There are pics of the lighthouses in Cape May, Cape Cod, Assateague, Portland, Frankfurt, and more. Get this book if you like lighthouses.

The Management of Time
Published in Paperback by Prentice Hall Trade (1900)
Authors: James T. McCay, Richard Ward, and Laurie Blanch Ward
Amazon base price: $10.95
Used price: $0.54
Collectible price: $3.95
Average review score:

Timeless strategies for the management of time
Though written nearly 40 years ago, the strategies outlined in this book still ring true. Problems with time management are indeed timeless, as are the solutions. This book actually presents a "fresh" look at time management, void of the psychobabble that so infects such works today

Sensation and Perception
Published in Hardcover by John Wiley & Sons (1999)
Authors: Stanley Coren, Lawrence M. Ward, and James T. Enns
Amazon base price: $106.50
Used price: $14.00
Buy one from zShops for: $64.78
Average review score:

EXCELLENT coverage of S & P
I chose Coren & Ward because a GRE study guide recommended it. C&W was the best GRE studying I did.

The writing is clear, the organization is great, the illustrations, diagrams, and inset examples are excellent. You can't do better than this to get an overview of S&P. Good introductory or mid-level book. Starts with all the basics (how the ear works, how we see color) and winds up with complex topics like how we perceive music.

A good reference book, it's even fun for browsing, or for sharing with friends and saying "This is so cool! Check this out!" (regarding some of the perceptual illusions and demonstrations etc.) How many textbooks can you say that about?

Southern Railroad Man: Conductor, N.J. Bell's Recollections of the Civil War Era
Published in Hardcover by Northern Illinois Univ Pr (1994)
Authors: James A. Ward and N. J. Bell
Amazon base price: $32.00
Buy one from zShops for: $29.95
Average review score:

Excellent Account of the Rails during the Civil War
Excellently written and arranged. I actually am a former student of Dr. Ward, and love the way he writes, capturing the reader with an excellent account on the subject.

Cointelpro Papers: Documents from the Fbi's Secret Wars Against Domestic Dissent
Published in Paperback by South End Press (1990)
Authors: Ward Churchill, Jim Vander Wall, Brian Glick, and James Vander Wall
Amazon base price: $22.00
Used price: $10.95
Buy one from zShops for: $18.00
Average review score:

With friends like these. . .
This is an excellent and well-written book. It is accessible and well documented. Some of the facts are stunning, which makes for a good reminder: if you aren't angry then you aren't paying attention. I highly encourage you to give it a read; it isn't a waste of time since it is such a fast page-turner and b/c it is riddled with information. You might as well take a look at what we are subsidizing.

A great book for anybody interested in human rights.
I feel this book is an excellent resource in realizing the history our government has being prejudice. This book details the ideals of the COINTELPRO (COunter INTELligence PROgram), the progam that was created by the FBI in order to stop the progress that blacks, hispanics, and women had been making in the 60's and 70's. I feel it is a necessity to have and/or read if you are currently studying the history of political rights. A real quick shout-out to Zack de la Rocha of Rage Against the Machine for helping me discover this book by using a piece of it in his song 'Wake Up'.

An absolutely indespensible resource.
The more times I use this book as a reference, the more I find. To call it a wealth of information is to wildly understate the case. It is more like a bottomless pit...

At first glance, the book's most impressive attribute is the large number of documents which are reproduced (a picture's worth a thousand words, I guess). But then one find's one's self getting caught up in the explanatory narrative, and the documents shift into their proper background or ullustrational focus. And then there's the notes, hundreds of them, each brimming with detailed explanations of particular points, citations, suggested readings.

There's just no end to it. If one were to be allowed only one book on the FBI, this would definitiely be it!

Any chance the authors will be updating it any time soon?

The Book of Lairs: Deluxe Accessory Ref3 (Advanced Dungeons and Dragons)
Published in Paperback by TSR Hobbies (1986)
Authors: James M. Ward and Mike Breault
Amazon base price: $12.00
Used price: $7.95
Collectible price: $8.00
Average review score:

Pretty Good
This is a great book for anyone who likes a few adventures ready at their fingertips. Many of the adventures are beautifully designed, and are great to fit into any campaign. The parameters surrounding them are very flexible for doing this. The adventures also work well independently for a quick one-adventure play, during those times you don't know if you have time for a full campaign. It has a few drawbacks however. A few of the adventures are rather mediocre, and overall, they tend to focus more on hack-and-slash than on role-play, but in the hands of a skillful dm, it can be a powerful and effective tool.

A lifesaver!
Here it is, the DM's Bible... over 70 mini-adventures for all levels, all places, and all play styles, arranged by creature type. This book is the saving grace for DM's blessed with those players who love to do their own thing and wander off into the wilderness. So, when the encounter dice read "Quicklings," and you say, "Uhhh..." here's the ideal way to handle it! The adventures are all well-written, original, and intense. One of TSR's finest, highest recommendation.

Greyhawk Adventures (Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Rulebook)
Published in Hardcover by TSR Hobbies (1988)
Author: James M. Ward
Amazon base price: $15.00
Used price: $7.75
Collectible price: $9.99
Buy one from zShops for: $19.95
Average review score:

An excellent sourcebook
Though it's a 1st edition book, there are many things in this book that can easily be adapted to any AD&D game. This book has a number of new monsters, spells that can't be found anywhere else, Deities of Greyhawk, magic items, and in-depth descriptions of several interesting characters (who, unfortunately need to be adapted) who can be used for great stories and adventures. Also included are a number of locals that can provide interesting and dangerous adventures for your PCs. All in all a great book from a great campaign world.

The finest compendium of Greyhawk lore
Ah, yes... seconded closely by Oriental Adventures, this is the FINEST supplemental hardcover ever produced by TSR! This one includes excellent, EXCLUSIVE information on the most intriguing aspects of Greyhawk. Best of all, this one includes only the secrets the players themselves requested! Tantalizing topics include: the 12 clerical orders of the most popular deities, all with unique powers and spells, including the Priests of Iuz; 13 great monsters unique to the Flanaess (including the Greyhawk Dragon, and the ever-notorious Swordwraith); the Free City of Greyhawk, the Valley of the Mage (with stats and history on the Magus himself!), the Scarlet Brotherhood, over 100 Archmage spells (Bigby, Rary, Otto, Nystul, etc.), 95 magic items unique to Greyhawk (Red Dragon Armor of the Hellfurnaces, Cheetah Cloak of Amedio, Black Arrow of Iuz, etc.), 15 pages on the most intriguing geographic locations of Oerth, including the secrets of the Sea of Dust (at last!), lots of mini-adventures in Greyhawk, plus: beginning a "veterans-challenge" campaign with zero-level characters! Your jaw will drop when you realize just how much is here. Highest recommendation.

Tales from the Sunday House
Published in Paperback by Texas Christian Univ Pr (1997)
Authors: Minetta Altgelt Goyne and James Ward, I. Lee
Amazon base price: $15.95
Used price: $9.75
Collectible price: $10.59
Buy one from zShops for: $12.70
Average review score:

A deeply felt portrait of small town life in German Texas
I loved this book. It flies in the face of present fashion. The pace is slow, the voice is gentle, the stories are loosely structured. But the portraits of members of an old German-Austrian-Texas family in Texas are so true and touching, I found myself holding a page for a long time. Older readers would especially treasure the old-fashioned feel of these books by a writer now dead.

Excellent piece of early work of the talented Minetta Goyne!
This piece opens the warm, cozy parlors of those old German family homes in a multitude of homes throughout the South. Ms. Goyne was able to make the reader feel as though they were sitting on the porch listening in on the various conversations that took place. A well written, "from the heart" book that is a MUST READ for anyone interested in German Americana.

Complex Variables and Applications
Published in Hardcover by McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math (26 February, 2003)
Authors: James Ward Brown, Ruel Vance Churchill, and H. Jay Siskin
Amazon base price: $120.70
Used price: $69.99
Buy one from zShops for: $92.90
Average review score:

This book is not a suitable introduction to Complex
As a math major at the University of Connecticut this book was assigned to me as assigned reading for Math 252 (Complex Variables) by my instructor. Since I can not understand a word my professor says because of his accent, I was forced to learn completely from the book. However, having not been exposed to complex variables before, this proved to be quite difficult with this book. I was forced to buy other books on complex variables in order to understand some of the basics of the subject. I assure you it was not due to a lack of intelligence or effort on my part. I found this book dry and far too difficult to understand despite the fact that I have an excellent academic record. There are better (and cheaper) books out there, keep looking.

Generally good, but chapters are related to one another
This book is a very good text on Complex Variables. Most of the theories are clearly explained. There are enough examples and more than enough exercise.

However, one of the weak point is that everything is mixing up. You can't just read the chapter that discuss what you want, it's because the examples, explanations and proofs are related to stuff in other sections in the books; And this situation is very common throughout the book.

Anyway, it's a good text discussing complex variables, especially for engineers (just like me).

One of the best math textbooks I've ever read
I read this book in preparation for an analysis qualifying exam, and found that the examples, exercises, and explanations provided made the entire subject seem both easy and interesting. For a beginning student of complex analysis, I do not see any better option. Moreover, I believe every future mathematics-book author should study this book as an exercise on "what to do". Finally part II of Lang's "Complex Analysis" has alot of interesting advanced material related to geometric function theory, and would make a good follow-up to this book.

Speech and Language Processing: An Introduction to Natural Language Processing, Computational Linguistics and Speech Recognition
Published in Hardcover by Prentice Hall (26 January, 2000)
Authors: Dan Jurafsky, James H. Martin, Keith Vander Linden, Nigel Ward, Daniel Jurafsky, and Jame H. Martin
Amazon base price: $80.00
Used price: $63.89
Buy one from zShops for: $65.08
Average review score:

Not bad but overrated: broad and shallow
GENERAL IDEA: Broad coverage but it lacks depth and details - particularly practical details. That is, the presentation is often too sketchy, mainly because it approaches too many subjects for its available space. I would not say that this book is strong on theory either. It is quite obvious that it avoids getting too formal and rigurous, probably to remain attractive for non-specialists too.

CASE STUDY: One specific problem I had with the Hidden Markov Models, that are supperficially presented (or spread I could say) in several separate sections of the book, so it's not been a pleasure trying to actually understand them properly and completely as a fundamental concept, to make them work in my particular application.

TITLE: The book's title IS misleading because it starts with "Speeech" and this book's main subject is not speech but (written) language. Actually there are only a few chapters on speech.

CONCLUSION: Get this book if you are looking for a good overview of the field. As soon as you need in-depth coverage of some particular topic you will look for additional resources.

Most comprehensive introduction to NLP
This book is a feat for anybody interested in Natural Language Processing and probably the most comprehensive book on this subject. It provides an in-depth overview of the most important aspects of NLP from regular expressions to sense disambiguation, discourse, and machine translation. I particularly like the bibliographical and historical notes in each chapter, which provide additional historical context and lots of references.

The book is well written and carefully structured. However, it contains several silly typos (real-word errors) that are a bit embarrassing, considering the topic of the book.

This book does not cover the hardware components of speech recognition. It only provides an introduction to the computational aspects. Nevertheless, I don't think the title is misleading (as other reviewers claim), but the back-cover should mention that it doesn't cover the electronic and signal processing components of speech recognition.

The Book is a Masterpiece
The book showcases a comprehensive and user-friendly approach to cover the leading research in the field of Natural Language Processing and Speech Recognition. It mingles theories and applications to demonstrate the full developmental cycle of computational aspect of NLP. It is a MUST-have for those who can afford only one book but desire to learn virtually aspects of computational linguistics.

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