Used price: $8.50
Used price: $2.89
This book presents an unsparing view of ufology in the '90's, Bill Cooper, John Lear, Linda Moulton Howe, Bob Lazar, William Moore, and Paul Bennewitz all make appearances. The ruling obsessions of the "ufo community", MJ-12, Philadelphia Experiment, Roswell, Implants, are examined and found to be red herrings on their best days.
I can't imagine the amount of rubbish I avoided by reading this book first. Thanks Dr. Vallee!
Written with penetrating insight, and at times wry humor. The insitence of this author that the reader think for himself may irritate some people while delighting others. Interesting and thought-provoking light is shed on the disinformation activities of those who continue to claim that UFOs officially do not exist. This book can be read as a stand alone, or as the conclusion to the observations made in the first two books in the trilogy (Confrontations and Dimensions).
Used price: $5.90
Collectible price: $32.82
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If you are interested in whats "out there" read and learn. If you on the other hand scoff at all mentions of aliens and such, and consider man to be the center and grandest part of the universe, read this man's books with an open mind and you might begin to doubt some long held beliefs. Vallee is quick to dismiss frauds and charlatians, and focus on the real issues. Arresting stuff.
Jacques Vallee is a legend in Ufology (study of unidentified flying objects). More than that, he's a true scientist, which is a rarity in "the field". This book takes you through some pivotal moments in UFO history.
You'll learn a lot in this book, not just UFOs, but the meaning of science itself.
Certainly an essential book for anyone studying UFOs... or the possibility of alien life. (Are we alone in the universe?)
On a side note, this books is pricless for all the little tidbits and reflections on Allen Hynek, "The Galileo of Ufology".
Used price: $2.63
Collectible price: $3.18
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Everyone in the world should read this book at least once in his or her lifetime.
Used price: $17.95
Collectible price: $29.95
I find Jacques Vallee's comparative essays (as I call them, finding each chapter stylized as an essay) are very intriguing. The entire book as a collective goes a long way to explaining that the UFO phenomenon (which, according to popular culture "started" in 1947 with the "Roswell Incident") has been with us a lot longer than most realize.
I agree with Monsieur Vallee that civilizations all over the world have had these experiences/contacts in many different forms throughtout the millennia. As a species, we would prove to be completely ignorant if we absolutely believed that we were superior to all other life forms, to the point of ignoring "specters" that are probably with us everywhere, in everything we see, everyday of our lives. And only those who haven't been totally conditioned away from their childhood insight by society have been able to see the fleeting images of fairies, elves, leprechauns, etc., or at least even feel their presence.
A definite must-read for anyone wishing to find out more about the history of UFO's & mythology, and their connection, or for anyone looking for answers as to why they have had a lifetime of unwanted supernatural experiences.
Used price: $2.70
Collectible price: $7.41
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List price: $15.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $9.00
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Ufo's and related phenomena are weighty and highly significant; like an iceberg that barely peeks its head above water. But unlike an iceberg we can accuse it of actively manipulating its presence in a quasi-intelligente fashion.
I especially enjoyed this book's excursion into artificial intelligence and the technological singularity -the point beyond which our human/ape brains can neither comprehend nor predict what our technology will "want" to do.
What do the ufonauts desire of humanity? I can't say. But whatever it is they'll certainly get it. I can only assume this book is a small part of that process...
Buy it. It's the most important book for sale at
For the 1st time a book that draws on the parallel's of the UFO
phenomenon and the rise in intelligence/military department's
activity's . Written in a responsible fact presentation type ,it
nonetheless is still quite alarming .
Richard also provide's generous note's & recommendation's to further explore - if you wish - in your quest for knowledge on this truly amazing & at times quite confusing phenomena .
I recommend it highly , in my opinion it is in the top 5 book's of all time on this subject .
List price: $40.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $14.95
Collectible price: $36.00
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There's nothing particularly wrong "Alien Harvest" that isn't wrong with similar work - it's compelling, but again relies on that same willingness to summarily accept theories that aren't solidly established and then jump to aliens as the only reasonable cause. The story conspicuously lacks objectivity, with the authors having little question of their beliefs. Instead of "Harvest", I'd recommend "Mute Evidence" by Kagan & Summer, a comprehensive survey and investigation of both the mutilation craze and the sub-culture it spawned. "Evidence" actually details Moulton Howe's ascension to the UFO community, and manages to avoid the expected condescension when detailing why it remains on the fringe.
Read this book and you'll never feel quite the same driving in the American West by night. If even one percent of her allegations are true (and her witnesses in the main seem pretty reliable) we have something very troubling happening right beneath our noses.
I find her books informative, very scientifically researched, and well written.
Like Linda, I had my 'grounding' in physical sciences, UNTIL my eyes were opened. It seems that now, I tend to read all I can get my hands on, about things NOT neven mentioned on the 'news'. I have tossed out newspaper and television news, because of their narrow point of view, and perhaps, control by God only knows who.
I recommend any or ALL of her work , as being at the very least VERY thought provoking !
Used price: $2.29
Collectible price: $4.95
And he has a number of great lines which I have highlighted in my copy of the book. Such as: "There is a strange urge in my mind. I would like to stop behaving as a rat pressing levers-even if I have to go hungry for a while. I would like to step outside the conditioning maze and see what makes it tick. I wonder what I would find. Perhaps a terrible superhuman monstrosity the very contemplation of which would make a man insane? Perhaps a solemn gathering of wise men? Or the maddening simplicity of unattended clockwork?"
Of all his books, I would recommend this as well as Passport to Magonia, although there is some overlap between them. Vallee has been studying UFOs since the 1960s and there is no better authority today.
Here we have the idea that our everyday conception of space and time is merely an illusion. The universe is a much stranger and more complicated place than we assume. Space and time are illusionary constructs for a limited consciousness. The truth appears to be closer to a holographic universe. As Vallee states it, the synchronicity and coincidence that abound in our lives suggest that the world may be organised like a randomized data base (the multiverse) rather than a sequential library (the four dimensional world of convensional physics.) Occationally human beings see beyond the illusory curtain of space-time, but it seems to take a major "shake-up" of the individual's mind and habitual way of seeing things. Sometimes this "shake up" seems to come from without- from the "visitors." But this is not an "invasion", it is instead a spiritual system that acts on humans and uses humans.
A book that further explores this theme is _Daimonic Reality_ by Patrick Harpur.
He consistently provides definitive descriptions that have been documented, some over 1000 years ago. He correlates these descriptions with contemporary data in a manner that makes an extremely interesting and enjoyable book.
This book is not at all of the sensationalist variety. The cover of the paperback appears to project that impression, as if it were a Van Daniken type scenario. This book is nothing like that. Vallee has done such excellent research that it seems as if you are reading something that he wrote for his own reference. His comparisons of The Lady of Fatima to Rev. Kirk of Aberfoyle's Secret Commonwealth to Paracelsus' visitors to Jerome Cardan's experiences are well worth reading. Not reminiscent of any fiction, this book will give the curious mind a warehouse of information to dwell on for a considerable period of time.
Used price: $1.04
Collectible price: $4.24
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Mr. Vallee again questions the extraterrestrial hypothesis, and takes fellow ufologists to task for only listing or collecting evidence that supports their hypothesis. He is especially concerned about the use of hypnosis in "abduction" cases, where the hypnotist may be leading the abductee to report activities that easily fall into the extraterrestrial survey camp.
Mr. Vallee offers no conclusive proof or definitive answers, just data and information for the reader to peruse and decide for themselves. This book is a wake-up call to ufologists to strengthen their research methods, and improve the current state of ufology. Perhaps, they should even re-think the questions being asked.
While I may not personally agree with all of Mr. Vallee's opinions, I think that he presents a very needed voice of caution and reason in a field fraught with high emotions. This book would make a terrific text for a class on studying paranormal phenomenon, or gather witness reports.