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Individual Chapters - - Ab Initio Studies of Compound Semiconductor Surfaces (T T Rantala) - Molecular-Dynamics Studies of Defects and Impurities in Bulk Semiconductors (S K Estreicher & P A Fedders) - Tight-Binding Molecular Dynamics Study of Structures and Dynamics of Carbon Fullerenes (C Z Wang et al.) - Computations of Higher Fullerenes ( Z Slanina et al.) - Relaxations of Charge Transfer and Photoexcitation in C60 and Polymers (X Sun et al.) - Ionic Charge Transport in Molecular Materials: Polymer Electrolytes (M A Ratner) - Computational Approaches in Optics of Fractal Clusters (V A Markel & V M Shalaev) - Local Fields' Localization and Chaos and Nonlinear-Optical Enhancement in Composites (M I Stockman) - Atomic Valences in Aperiodic Crystals Studies by the Bond Valence Method (S van Smaalen) - Surgace Light-Induced Drift (M A Vaksman) - Theoretical Treatment of Surface Adsorbates (L Nanai et al.) - Phase Conjugation Through Four-Wave Mixing (H F Arnoldus & T F George) - Electromagnetic Propagators in Micro- and Mesoscopic Optics (O Keller) - Nanoscale Materials: Conceptual and Computational Challenges (M V Ramakrishna)
Published by: World Scientific, Singapore 1999, ISBN 981-02-3325-6, 464pp

List price: $24.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $10.95

This book is of interest to archeologists, geographers, church historians, and liturgists. Another related book that I recently skimmed is "The Land Called Holy: Palestine in Christian History and Thought" by Robert Wilken. It is a readable account fo how Christians have engaged the land of Jesus and made it their own in every political, social, and religious sense. Enjoy!

it gives you a real sense of the true power of his patron lords of chaos
a beatifuly written book
********** stars

It is very difficult to gather all these 23 articles in only one place. The book is worth because you can find a bunch of deep knowledge.
Enjoy the book, revisit old ideas very clear and well written, and perhaps get other ones.

List price: $45.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $17.98
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I got totally caught up in Nathan's struggles with "burying" his own Jewishness and with the anti-semitism of his era.
Great stars and writers like H. L. Mencken, Eugene O'Neill, Laurette Taylor, Lillian Gish, and Tennessee Williams crowd the book's pages and bring Broadway's glory days to life. Nathan was a real "man about town" and this book captures the wit and glamour of the Great White Way.
Connolly also shows how critics today live in Nathan's shadow. He challenges them by questioning their methods and standards. (And even takes on some "high-brow" reviewers like John Lahr and Robert Brustein.)
This is a fascinating book for theatre lovers, history buffs and scholars alike. Lot's of great--never before published dish too!

Used price: $103.55
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List price: $85.00 (that's 30% off!)
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Collectible price: $495.00
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**This solution manual is for book with ISBN 0201549778