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Book reviews for "Thomas,_John" sorted by average review score:

How About A Little Action?
Published in Spiral-bound by Rodger Hess (1994)
Authors: Rodger H. Hess, Thomas W. Strauss, Ed Renfro, and John Newcomb Design Associates
Amazon base price: $6.95
Buy one from zShops for: $6.50
Average review score:

Takes out the guess work.
This book is a great item for every golfer who likes to wager. Everyone who has bet on golf knows how the rules of a bet can come into question when there is some money on the line. With this book in hand your group can play new games and not worry about getting the rules of the game correct. Next time you want to play $2 Nassau you wont have to spend 20 minutes explaining it to a newcomer.

If You Love That Lady Don't Marry Her": The Courtship Letters of Sally McDowell and John Miller, 1854™1856
Published in Hardcover by University of Missouri Press (2000)
Authors: Thomas E. Buckley, John Miller, and Sally Campbell Presto McDowell
Amazon base price: $34.95
Used price: $14.95
Collectible price: $23.29
Buy one from zShops for: $28.16
Average review score:

Great Story. Meticulous research. A "must have" resource.
Buckley's work on the agonizingly long and complex courtship of a distinguished Presbyterian minister (and later Confederate officer) and the divorced daughter of a Governor of Virginia is extraordinary.

The number of letters contained in this volume, PAINSTAKINGLY transcribed from handwriting that is (at least 50%) illegible, is astounding. The story told is compelling for even a cynical 21st century observer of love and life . . . and a rare chronicle of the political and personal impact of 19th-century Presbyterian varying "insights" into the mind, will, and intent of an sometimes angry and always fearsome God.

The notes and bibliography are priceless. They alone make the book a must-have resource for anyone interested in the 19th century history of southern Presbyterian protestantism, women's rights, religious bigotry, Rockbridge County, Lexington and most of the rest of Virginia. . . . . not to mention the geneaologies of perhaps half the population of the entire valley of Virginia.

Detailed, execellent, and pound for pound . . . no better value.

A credit to an editor's labor of love . . . and to the University of Nebraska Press for publishing it.

In the Image and Likeness of God
Published in Paperback by St Vladimirs Seminary Pr (1997)
Authors: Vladimir Lossky, Thomas E. Bird, and John H. Erickson
Amazon base price: $11.17
List price: $15.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $7.50
Average review score:

Man's destiny is communion with the Life of the Trinity
A collection of essays, this gem is sure to deepen and change your understanding of salvation, creation, God, the Church and many other topics. I found it hard to sleep after reading this book at night, as it seemed to charge my mind with a surge of creativity and a desire to put my face on the floor to pray. These essays are far from dry. Engaging from the start, they cover the following topics: 1.Apophasis and Trinitarian Theology 2.Darkness and Light in the Knowledge of God 3.The Theology of Light in the Thought of St.Gregory Palamas 4.The Procession of the Holy Spirit in Orthodox Trinitarian Theology 5.Redemption and Deification 6.The Theological Notion of the Human Person 7.The Theology of the Image 8.Tradition and Traditions 9.Concerning the Third Mark of the Church: Catholicity 10.Catholic Consciousness: Anthropological Implications of the Dogma of the Church 11.Panagia 12Dominion and Kingship: An Eschatological Study Bibliography

It is hard to imagine a better presentation of these topics. My only complaint is his use of greek and latin without translating. While his use is usually inferrable from the context, if you are unfamiliar with theological jargon, you'll want a greek-latin-english dictionary at hand (maybe not, though). PLEASE don't let that scare you. It is a minimal amont of times that you'll not get what he means. Besides, isn't time to learn a little greek? Although Lossky's works are always worthwhile, his "Mystical Theology of the Eastern Church" takes the cake. He's done his homework, now do yours!

Inside the Minds: Leading Consultants - Industry Leaders Share Their Knowledge on the Art of Consulting
Published in Paperback by Aspatore Books (2001)
Authors: Frank Roney, Randolph C. Blazer, Pamela McNamara, Chuck Lucier, Dietmar Ostermann, Luther J. Nussbaum, Bradley M. Smith, Thomas J. Silveri, David Frigstad, and John C. McAuliffe
Amazon base price: $27.95
Used price: $19.50
Buy one from zShops for: $18.47
Average review score:

First Rate-Must Read
This is a fantastic book on the art of consulting. As a previous partner of McKinsey, I took a lot away from this book that took me 20 years to learn previously. I highly recommend this book to every level consultant, doing any type of consulting.

The Insiders' Guide to Portland, OR--1st Edition
Published in Paperback by Insiders' Publishing Inc. (1999)
Authors: John Rumler, Dave Johnson, and Thomas McGarry
Amazon base price: $15.95
Used price: $2.24
Collectible price: $9.51
Buy one from zShops for: $5.35
Average review score:

The best book on Portland!
Recently I relocated to the Portland area from California. I bought and received 4-5 different books on "About Portland" and this by far was the greatest help. This book helped me determine where I wanted to live, where I want to go on the weekend and where to eat. There is a ton of helpful information on where to go and what to do. It has become my bible for the area. If you are planning to move here or just visit- a great purchase.

0...Sept 2002- I still use this book monthly after a year and a half. Can't say enough good about it or how much it has helped me get to know where I live.

Introduction to Microsoft Visual Basic 4 (Shelly Cashman Series)
Published in Paperback by Boyd & Fraser Pub Co (1996)
Authors: Gary B. Shelly, Thomas J. Cashman, John F. Repede, and Gary Shely
Amazon base price: $35.95
Used price: $2.29
Buy one from zShops for: $4.99
Average review score:

Excellent book for those just starting out with VB 4 or 5.
This book takes you through the "basic" building blocks needed to write programs in VB 4 or 5. There are many illustrations which show you how to add combo boxes, message boxes, timers and how to use the menu editor. This book is very good for a beginner, but if you have had experience with VB, you may be dissapointed with the depth that this book covers.

Investing and Managing Trusts Under the New Prudent Investor Rule: A Guide for Trustees, Investment Advisors, and Lawyers
Published in Hardcover by Harvard Business School Press (1999)
Authors: John Train and Thomas A. Melfe
Amazon base price: $34.97
List price: $49.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $32.50
Buy one from zShops for: $32.50
Average review score:

Finally a complete and easy to follow book on trusts
This is one of the few books of its type to explain all the important data points of managing trusts and investing. Its straight forward and comprehensive. This is written for lawyers and non-profressionals with an interest in this area.

This book could become the industry standard.

The Irish Experience: A Concise History
Published in Paperback by M.E.Sharpe (1996)
Authors: Thomas E. Hachey, Lawrence John McCaffrey, and Joseph M., Jr. Hernon
Amazon base price: $34.95
Used price: $7.98
Buy one from zShops for: $19.95
Average review score:

Fine one-volume history.
In Ireland, more than most places, history is not a distant story but a living presence in the lives of the people.
That history, from Celtic origins to the mid-1990's, is engagingly explored by the authors, who have not only provided the expected political history but also have included the mythic and literary elements which are central to the understanding of the people. Special attention is given to the American connection, which has loomed large in Irish affairs - (there are now more Irish-Americans than indigenous Irish).
Well written, with illustrations, reading list, and index, this is an excellent introduction to the complexities of the Irish experience.
(The numerical rating above is a default setting within Amazon's format. This reviewer does not employ numerical ratings.)

Jeremy Taylor: Selected Works (Classics of Western Spirituality)
Published in Hardcover by Paulist Press (1990)
Authors: Jeremy Taylor, Thomas K. Carroll, and John Booty
Amazon base price: $17.47
List price: $24.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $13.00
Buy one from zShops for: $16.37
Average review score:

An astonishing prose stylist
Jeremy Taylor deserves a wider audience than those who are interested only in Christian classics.

He is also a prose stylist of the first water. Read him, and you will see where DeQuincey got his chops. As he warms to the solemn themes about which he writes, his sentences are like great rivers of poetic and exalted language. His experience as a preacher also makes him a great master of the -sound- of words.

John E. Owens: Nineteenth Century American Actor and Manager
Published in Paperback by McFarland & Company (19 August, 2002)
Author: Thomas A. Bogar
Amazon base price: $35.00
Used price: $27.99
Buy one from zShops for: $28.00
Average review score:

superb work!
This book has everything you wanted to know about John Owens and more.

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