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Book reviews for "Terbovich,_John_B." sorted by average review score:

Darkwerks: The Art of Brom
Published in Paperback by Friedlander Pub Group (1998)
Authors: Brom and John Zaphyr
Amazon base price: $24.95
Used price: $425.00
Collectible price: $68.00
Average review score:

If we could put more 5 stars I put them and more if I could
SUPERBE! never we could see some of brom art in a book! Here we can see more 150 drawings (and there are more I know). It's dark, and there is a lot of imagination. Brom is a great artist. If you like his style, don't hesitate to buy this book!

fantastic in every sense
There is no living artist I envy more than Brom. His paintings are phenomenal in their detail, vision and execution. Dark, erotic and exotic, beautiful, menacing, bewitching and intense, it's gorgeous stuff. But I think the thing which particularly appeals to me about Brom's work is that he seems to share the same idea of what constitutes a beautiful person (surreal and unearthly as many of them may be) as I do. The difference being, of course, that he can put it on paper while I - sadly - cannot. I like fantasy art a lot, but one aspect that I'm often disappointed with is the faces of the people. Brom gets the faces right. In fact, he gets everything right. Just as he does a wonderful representation of beauty, he also has a nice line in creepy, twisted and macabre. I'd love to step into his worlds. 'Darkwerks' is an excellent collection of his creations from various sources, very well produced and presented on high quality paper with crisp, clear reproductions. A great book on a great artist.

The Experience of Brom
Brom is the most amazing artist in the Fantasy genre. This book is a great buy if you love Fantasy art and you want to see a true master. Forget Frazetta, forget Vallejo, Brom is the one. This book portrays Brom's art to it's fullest. Beautiful, full color prints adorn every page, showing off Brom's masterful talent and attention to detail. Don't miss out on this one or it's sequal 'Offerings'.

Death from Child Abuse... and No One Heard
Published in Paperback by Currier Davis Publishing (01 June, 1986)
Authors: Eve Krupinski, Dana Weikel, and John G. Cronin
Amazon base price: $8.95
Used price: $1.90
Average review score:

I'll never forget her name!
I first read this book 12 years ago, by the suggestion of a co-worker. I honestly have never cried so much from reading ANY book in my entire life. I am now 31 years old and crying as I think about Ursula "Sunshine" Assaid(USA). I have been looking for this book for years and I'm hopeful that will be able to ship it to me. Anyone who even knows, seen, heard or laid eyes on just 1 child MUST read this book. You won't be or see children the same!(P,S,) Keep tissues handy!

One Touching book.
My name is Lauren, and I live in Florida. I am in a class called Child Development at my high school and we were made to read this book as a class. It hit me with how lucky I am and how my parents could treat me like that, but don't. I don't think anyone will ever be able to really realize what Ursula had to go through. This book gives many great details of the torture she went through but we won't ever know how she really felt. What makes the story even worse is that the mother did nothing to prevent her boyfriend, Don, from hurting her daughter. This book has impacted my life tremendously and I hope it has yours also. For all those ones who find out a child or friend has been abused, go and report it-you may spare their lives instead of being killed from the pain and torture of being abused. This is a wonderful, powerful, touching book that should be in every home across the nation, and all the parts of the world.

Death from Child Abuse and No One Heard
I first read this book when I was in the sixth grade. I am now 27 years old and have been searching for this book ever since. I could not remember the title or author but was able to find it ... . Thank you ... . This book touched my heart so much. People often asked why would you want to read a book so horrible - it is not the content but how the book made you feel. It is an amazing book and it will surely make you weep. I am very happy I was able to find it after all this time.

Jeet Kune Do: Bruce Lee's Commentaries on the Martial Way (The Brue Lee Library, Vol 3)
Published in Paperback by Charles E Tuttle Co (1997)
Authors: Bruce Lee and John Little
Amazon base price: $12.57
List price: $17.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $4.95
Collectible price: $14.82
Buy one from zShops for: $6.89
Average review score:

it's a good book but a confusing read.
I found this book to contain decent information regarding Bruce's method(s) for effective fighting. The thoughts contained are not complete, often they resemble simple lists or phrases without thurough explanation. The way in which this book is organized is very similar to the Tao of Jeet Kune Do, by Bruce himself. It sould be stated that the information in this book is decent information; it just needs to be weeded out. Plan on spending a little more time studying this book than you would on a "typical" martial arts book.

An wonderful commentary on martial arts
This is a wonderful book. It compiles Bruce Lee's thoughts and ideas related to Jeet Kune Do and martial arts in general and even a few thoughts on life, too. His explanation of the tools and tactics used in fighting open up a whole new level of the martial arts, even for beginners. This is a GREAT book. While it may be a tad disjointed at times, that only seems to add to the greatness of it. Some of it is like a puzzle you must figure out, so even after you've finished reading it, you find yourself actively STUDYING it. A wonderful book.

Be Shapeless and Formless, Like Water
This is about the late Bruce Lee's art, Jeet Kune Do (Way of the Intercepting Fist). To many martial artists who want to take up Jeet Kune Do or just want to study the martial way, this is great book.

Many first time martial artists might be bored with the many philosophical parts but when read through and through again will come to learn and master not only JKD, but also the way of life and living day by day as it happens.

Jeet Kune Do teaches us to not look at the outside of things (and that means everything), but to look at the inside. Now I'll talk like Bruce Lee talked. You don't drink dilluted wine do you?
The martial arts that are Americanized to a point of digust is diluted wine. Jeet Kune Do teaches not to look at the flower but to look at the roots.

John Shaw's Closeups in Nature
Published in Paperback by Amphoto (1987)
Author: John Shaw
Amazon base price: $15.75
List price: $22.50 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $12.98
Buy one from zShops for: $12.97
Average review score:

Best of the best
This is the best (non-darkroom) photography book available today, even by John Shaw's standard. John Shaw is like a master craftsman, a seasoned technician, a meticulous artist and a patient mentor, he tells you from fine-tuning a meter to reciprocal failure, from tripod to home-brewed flash bracket, not to mention every lens focal range and its application in macro photography. The book is well organized, most every chapter is dedicated to a specific type of equipment (flash, tripod or a focal range), yet this is not a book about equipment, it is a book about photography, or rather about the author's vision and philosophy in photography.

It's a shame that the book's printing quality is bad, the book becomes disintegrated after a few readings. The pictures are not super sharp either. This might be the results of bad publishing, or it might be John Shaw's reluctance to user larger format (which has always been a mystery to me). Hard to imagine as meticulous as he is, he is not pursuing the ultimate quality of images.

Excellent Book, Well Written, Awesome Photographs
John Shaw's were the first books I read on photography, after the Canon camera manual, and his books are the absolute best you can find.
The photographs are brilliant, no doubt. But what makes this book special is that almost each photograph is explained. You not only get to see great photographs, but also get an insight into what went into the composition of the photograph itself. Small things like using a tripod, not relying too much on filters, and the use of macros rounds off this excellent book.
This book, John Shaw's Landscape Photography, and 'Nature Photographer's Complete Guide to Professional Field Techniques' make it a must-have for any budding as well as experienced photographer.
If you have read some of his other books (like the ones I mention above) you may find some concepts being repeated, but they are so essential to good photography that they are well worth being read and re-read.
Go ahead, beg, borrow, or buy this book. (No, do not steal :)

An Inspirational Book
This book is worth the price for the breathtaking images alone. More importantly, John Shaw's ability to explain complex photographic issues and techniques with clarity makes this one of the best "how to" books I have ever read on any topic.

Here are a few of the book's features that I especially appreciate with each re-reading:

1. Thorough technical details beside each shot; 2. Emphasis on appreciating nature, and enjoying nature photography; 3. Appreciation of good photo gear for its effectiveness and convenience, combined with suggestions for improvising to reduce expense (such as how to shoot arresting closeups without investing in a macro lens); 4. Lots of Nikon-specific equipment references, but mentions Canon equivalents; 5. Ethical, urging photographers not to harass creatures or damage plants in the wilderness; 6. Did I mention the breathtaking images?

His newer "Nature Photography Field Guide" is also brilliant,and equally full of superb images, valuable tips, and further inspiration. There is little overlap between the two.

"Closeups in Nature" opens up a new world of perception and expression for photographers. Treat yourself or a photographer friend to a copy.

No Mercy
Published in Mass Market Paperback by Pocket Books (1999)
Author: John Walsh
Amazon base price: $7.50
Used price: $1.65
Collectible price: $3.98
Buy one from zShops for: $5.05
Average review score:

5 atars are not enough!
John Walsh does not write fast enough. When can we expect another book. I read the hard cover copy of No Mercy - I did not wait for the paperback - that in itself should tell you something about him as a writer.

American's should be proud of this man. He takes a personal tradgedy with what happened to his son Adam, and makes it so everybody gets involved in crime fighting. With the number of criminals America's Most Wanted has caught (with viewers help) says alot right their. Canada could use a man like him!

Feeling it for the first time
I've never experienced emotional reactions before when reading true crime novels. Their usually clinical approach to the case or cases, and focusing on the criminal and his crime(s), while downplaying the experience of the victims and their family, usually isn't able to produce much of an emotional response.

Then came 'No Mercy', John Walsh's book about some of the most notable cases that the Fox show 'America's Most Wanted' has helped along. Being a regular viewer of the show, as well as having read Walsh's first novel about his son's murder case, I decided to check out his second go-round. I read about the Polly Klaas kidnapping and murder, the John Emil List family murders, the horrible acts of child-killer Eddie James, the spree killings of Andrew Cunanan, and many more sub-human deeds of evil. As I read each case, I was exposed to the burdens of the crime victims. I felt, to a small degree, the very things that they did. Anger that the persons responsible had performed such heinous and senseless acts. The desperation and uncertainty when they were on the lam. The elation when they were finally captured. It was a real gut-wrenching ride, and at times I got misty over what I was perusing. But in the end, I was glad to have experienced it. Even though my own emotional responses could never come close to what the victims experienced, I had a better understanding of what it's like to be a victim. This was what John Walsh had set out to do when he co-authored 'No Mercy', and it worked beyond belief with me.

Another unique quality about 'No Mercy': it was the first true-crime novel that I've read from cover to cover more than once. The most amazing thing is that the impact of each case has not diminished with repeat viewings. I find each one to be as powerful as it was when I first read it.

Also told in the novel is a brief history of 'America's Most Wanted'. I read about Walsh's uncertainty toward his hosting the show. Then there was AMW's cancellation and resurrection in 1996, thanks to the letter-writing campaign of state & federal legislators, law enforcement officials, and citizens. As of the book's release, 'America's Most Wanted' has been credited with over 500 captures thanks to tips from viewers.

Finally, there's also the story of how two AMW cases coincidentally came together at a place called The Green Parrot Café. I wouldn't have believed it if I'd not read it myself. And you'll have to read it for yourself, 'cause I don't want to spoil it for you.


Suspenseful, Dramatic, Gripping!
I've never come across a book like this before. It was so well-written I couldn't put it down! Every element that makes a good read is there - suspense, drama, poignant scenes that pull at one's heartstrings and the enormous feelings of triumph and relief you share with the victims and the writer, at the end of the story when the fugitive is caught.

No Mercy is a true gem. It documents several real-life crime cases that John Walsh and his team at the America's Most Wanted (AMW) TV programme helped the Police and FBI to solve, thanks to the tips received from the over 14 million TV viewers throughout the United States.

The book also tells us the ups-and-downs of the AMW programme, from how/why it was developed right up to the time it was pulled off the air by the Fox Studio, before a huge public outcry and rally pressured Fox Studio into reinstating the programme, about 7 weeks after it went off the air.

There're some B&W photographs inserted between the pages of the book - mostly of the victims and the fugitives. An excellent idea because they make the cases seem even more real to the readers.

AMW must certainly be one heck-of-a-programme. In my opinion, John Walsh is one of the best models of perseverance and true grit. His crusade and relentless pursuit of justice for the victims and the victims' family are truly admirable deeds. This guy is a hero!

Years ago, I read the heart-breaking story of how his young son, Adam was abducted and then murdered. His world was torn apart (his first book, Tears of Rage documents the story). But Walsh fought back by fighting in his own way to ensure that no parent has to go through the same agony he went through when his child was taken away from him. Our local television used to air the programme, Manhunter also hosted by Walsh which is about crime cases solved by AMW. I never miss the show.

Buy this book - you won't be dissapointed.

Cooking for Madam: Recipes and Reminiscences from the Home of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis
Published in Hardcover by Scribner (1998)
Authors: Marta Sgubin, Nancy Nicholas, John F., Jr. Kennedy, and Nancy Nichols
Amazon base price: $30.00
Used price: $4.20
Collectible price: $5.00
Buy one from zShops for: $4.43
Average review score:

A Truly Delightful Book
I came home from a very trying day at work and found this book had arrived. I began reading it immediately and found it so interesting.

You must read the text between the recipes to get the full impact. What a story. One can't imagine the life and times of these people, but Marta gives you a good idea.

The recipes aren't that difficult and I'll be trying some soon. They are very healthy sounding.

What is sad is to see all of the family pictures and to realize that so many of them are gone.

They had a magical life with "Madam". Grand Jackie fits her best.

An inside look at the woman, not the legend.
This book is a delight for the loyal Jackie-ite, as well as for those that don't follow her. Marta Sgubin, long-time housekeeper at 1040 (Mrs. Onassis' Fifth Avenue address) writes a warm book full of antecdotes, recipes and great snapshots. Pictures of Jackie on Christmas morning or of John Jr strumming his guitar or Caroline blowing out candles on her birthday cake, make you feel like you were there. What is especially intriguing is that this book was sanctioned by Mrs. Onassis' two children, with John even writing the foreward. Obviously they want this more personal side of their very private mother to be known by the general public. Now, if only Nancy Tuckerman would write her memoirs (are you listening Tucky?), the ordinary side of an ordinary woman who happened to have lived an extraordinary life will be almost complete.

A Great Book
I loved this book! In addition to providing delicious recipes, the author recounts family stories which pay tribute to the Jackie branch of the Kennedy family. Marta's recollections read like an episode of "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous," yet throughout, the family always seems warm and down to earth. Also included are many family photos of John, Jr.

3D Studio MAX 3(r) Media Animation
Published in Textbook Binding by New Riders Publishing (1999)
Authors: John P. Chismar and John Chismar
Amazon base price: $49.99
Used price: $6.67
Collectible price: $22.00
Buy one from zShops for: $6.66
Average review score:

Real Inspiration
I've read several MAX books before, but few of them compared with the content found here. Although creating port side fly bye's of space ships is a lot of fun and a great way to impress your friends, Mr. Chismar has finally delivered a MAX reference for what most of us will actulaly be using 3D Studio Max for. The quality of writing is excellent, and I can't speak highly enough about the content. Media graphics are an area of 3d Design that most of us think we know hot to do, but this book inspired and reminded me of what being a 3D artist is all about. Getting a job (and paid)for doing something you love. I'm looking forward to seeing Mr. Chismar release more material of this type.

This one's a winner
Most MAX users quickly discover that they must continuously participate in a learning process, in order to master and remain current with the program and its various upgrades, and one soon realizes that tutorials are an invaluable learning aid. However, one also quickly learns that, for every well-written tutorial you find (e.g. Jon Bell's wonderful books), you must wade through many others that are lacking in detail or content. Well, if you're looking for some really terrific lessons, which exemplify the art of tutorial writing, have I got a book for you! A few weeks ago, just before MAX 3 arrived, I found a collection of tutorials that I can honestly say are some of the best I've seen. They're contained in a book called "3D Studio MAX 3 Media Animation", written by John P. Chismar, and published by New Riders (ISBN 0-7357-0050-8) (Retail $49.99, but $39.99 at Amazon). This book will be of particular interest to those who are interested in learning the best ways to create and use animated logos and splash screens. However, even if you're not, there's still much more in the book that is of value to all users who want to utilize and master the new features of MAX 3 as well as those carried forward from previous versions. For example, for those who think that all there is to importing and using Adobe Illustrator files is to learn where the Import 'button' is located, you will quickly discover there's a lot more to learn. How many of us employ Motion capture in our animations or even know how useful a tool it is, even if we only have a mouse and a keyboard? Want to learn more about correctly lighting that new creation, or applying complex materials? The techniques covered are extensive, and are really too numerous to mention here. But I certainly must pass on some comments concerning the overall quality of these tutorials. In my opinion, the writing is exemplary, the tutorials are extremely well devised and laid out, instructions are clear, concise and detailed, and illustrations are plentiful. The author also offers additional information on why you should probably use one particular technique over another, or he suggests alternative approaches that will also work. All necessary files are supplied, including examples of alternative techniques, and all that I've used so far have worked flawlessly. In the past, the quality of the tutorials in some of the New Riders books has been questioned, but they've produced a winner with this one. And I know this testimonial may suggest that I have a stake in the profits or know the author personally, but I assure you that I do not. I just wanted to share my discovery with you, and say "well done, John". You've set the standard for others to follow. Buy this book; you'll enjoy it....................................Frank E. Lancaster

Want to learn how to spin some logos...
For me, there wasn't much new in this book but the way how well everything was explained made a big effect on me. The whole book is really about:"how to create and spin some logos with style". If you are doing some corporate or tv commercial animations, this is the book for you even if you are already talented 3D digital artist. This book shows clearly why 3D Studio Max R3 is so powerfull tool and how easy it is to make cool commercial animations. You really don't have to be a rocket scientist to learn Max. The tutorials are very well made and the output from tutorial is outstanding. It really shows to you how cool stuff you can do in very short time. Everything is explained well and there isn't any gaps in the turotials like some other books do have. I recommend this book for people who are studying some new media or graphical design.

North and South
Published in Mass Market Paperback by Dell Publishing Company (1983)
Author: John Jakes
Amazon base price: $4.95
Used price: $0.01
Collectible price: $0.01
Average review score:

Fantastic Historical Read
I just finished North and South and can't wait to move on to Love and War. When I first picked up the book, I didnt realize the book was almost entirely taking place in the years that led up to the outbreak of war. I absolutely loved the prologue, the story of Orry and George at West Point, life in the south at Mont Royal, and Charles and Billy becoming so similar to their brothers. This book was great in that not only did you learn about what the times were like but you also get a fantastic fictional story out of it. The characters and storylines are so strong you can almost feel what it was like to live in both the north and the south and you can commiserate with the characters. I liked the way Jakes writes: it flows and is an easy read. This was the first book I read by Jakes and I look forward to finishing the North and South series and also beginning the Kent Family series. I recommend this one highly.

Five star reading
North and South is the story of the Hazard and Main families. George Hazard and Orry Main meet on the way to West Point. The two form a strong bond and become lifelong friends. In fact, the families become quite close. The bond and friendship of the families are tested by the events of the world and by family members. North and South tells us the events leading up to the Civil War and the impact they have on the two families.

This book is very well written. Mr. Jakes conveys many emotions during the 800+ pages. There is humor, sorrow, pity, anger, confusion, and love just to name a few. I couldn't help but feel sorry for the families and all they went through. Reading this book I think I got a great understanding of what the country must have been like during this time. There is a lot of detail put into the story. It makes it very interesting to read.

North and South is a book definitely worth reading. It will put you on the edge of your seat and keep you turning the pages to find out what will happen next. It doesn't matter if you're a history fanatic or not, this book is excellent. Definitely worth the time reading it.

An Epic Civil War Novel
This book when first opened looked long and daunting, but one you get started there is no way to put it down! It chronicals two families, the Hazards and the Mains, through the build up to the Civil War. The Hazards are from the North while the Mains call the South home, and that often threats to break their friendship apart. It follows generations of the two families through the turblent Civil War, and even has correct historical references. It keeps the reader entertained through all 800 pages, and is worth reading for anyone interested in history, or just wanting to read a good book. I can often not read books longer than 400 pages without getting bored, but this one transended those boundaries and made me want to read it till the last page, and then i was disappointed it was over.

Dom Casmurro (Library of Latin America)
Published in Paperback by Oxford University Press (1998)
Authors: Joaquim M. Machado de Assis and John A. Gledson
Amazon base price: $11.16
List price: $13.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $3.06
Buy one from zShops for: $4.50
Average review score:

A Brazilian classic
I can say without a shadow of doubt that this is my favourite book. It was the first book of Machado de Assis that I read and which made me follow in love with his work.
It is a story about an old man who "try to attached both extremes of his life" on the own words of this character, Bentinho who explains his nickname, Dom Casmurro, on the first pages of the book. He tells the reader about his youth, his studies and mainly about his first and only love: Capitu.
However, if you are expecting another novel talking about love, reading the book will surprise you. It is not only about love, it is about insecurity and doubts. Better, this novel is about the human soul, its worst and best sides.
I would say that the talent Machado de Assis takes the reader into an investigation. But it is not an usual one. It is necessary to enter into Bentinho's mind looking for clues that could absolve him or his beloved, Capitu. The reader is overwhelmed by the doubts that disturbs Bentinho and which made him took drastic actions.
The most fantastic element in this book is that reading it over and over never guarantees the certainty about what it is right and what is wrong. If we suppose that there is some truth to be found. It is a game between the character and the reader!

A cleverly written novel about 19th century Brazil
"Dom Casmurro," by Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis, is a delightful novel by this great Brazilian writer. I have read the English translation by John Gledson. In the foreword to his translation, Gledson notes that the book was first published in 1899 or 1900.

"Dom Casmurro" is a first-person narrative about the life of Bento, a 19th century Brazilian man. Bento recalls his youth and adulthood, and tells about his friendships, education, romantic life, and family relationships.

The content of the novel sounds straightforward enough, but its execution is a virtuoso display of ironic playfulness. Machado's narrator addresses various potential readers, from the "'most chaste' lady reader" to young lads. The narrator comments on the structure of the story and plays with readers' expectations, and even at one point challenges the reader to throw the book out. Machado's narrative technique blurs the line between fiction and reality.

"Dom Casmurro" is an effective mix of comic and tragic elements. Particularly interesting are the gently satiric portrayal of religion, the tender evocation of youthful romance, and the many European cultural references. This is a story of love, jealousy, and loss, told with wit and compassion by Machado. Highly recommended for all those interested in Latin American fiction.

Jealousy or "just Bento out of shape"
European students of literature usually concentrate on writers from their own continent, with occasional nods across the Atlantic to North America. Americans have a somewhat more respectful attitude to Europe, but that's all. Neither take the rest of the world all that seriously and that's a big mistake. Among the national literatures most consistently ignored, none has more to offer than Brazil's. Four writers stand out to my mind----J.M. Machado de Assis, Jorge Amado, João Guimaraes Rosa, and Euclides da Cunha---but there are many others. Of these four writers, three have written great books that reveal aspects of Brazilian history, society and culture in rich detail. The fourth, Machado de Assis, (1839-1908) the writer under review here, is much more a universal author. You will not learn very much about 19th century Brazil from his works. Of course, a little bit of knowledge will stick to your brain---slaves, Emperor, eyes on European trends, tropical climate---but it's amazing how little atmosphere or description there is. Machado de Assis never wanted to be a realist; he is very far from writers like Balzac or Zola.

DOM CASMURRO is divided into 148 chapters. Obviously in a book of 277 pages, each chapter cannot be very long. Machado de Assis uses his chapter titles as part of his work, sources of humor, direction, and irony. The novel is arranged as a memoir written by an embittered man in his sixties about the period of his life from roughly ages 15 to 30. When you begin reading, you think that the theme is "coming of age in Brazil" as the author describes his early romantic attachment to the girl next door and his struggle to avoid the seminary and a priestly future. His family members emerge as complex, interesting and somewhat amusing characters. Machado de Assis is strong on irony, whimsy, and a kind of self-deprecating humor. He also likes creating or using aphorisms and epigrams, of which the novel is full. Slowly he weaves an amazing, complicated story of jealousy and bitterness. Though initially it seemed clear to me that Bento, the main character, was justified in his jealousy of his best friend, the author never takes sides. He allows Bento to write that his wife had betrayed him, but Capitú, the wife, never admits it. On reviewing all the evidence, I have to admit that everything is seen only from Bento's point of view. According to your nature, you will decide yourself on finishing this subtle and well-written classic that deserves a place alongside the best that Europe and America have to offer.

The Grand Sophy
Published in Audio Cassette by Isis Audio (1999)
Authors: Georgette Heyer and John Westbrook
Amazon base price: $84.95
Average review score:

if only there were more novels like this out there...
The very first romance novel I ever read (and I'm not including Jane Austen in this category) was "Black Sheep" by Georgette Heyer. I enjoyed the book so much that I immediately began haunting used book stores, hunting for as many of her novels as I could get at a time. That was more than two decades ago, and Georgette Heyer has remained a firm favourite ever since (in spite of her rather dated opinions about the merchant middle class, etc). "The Grand Sophy" ranks up there with other of my all time favourite Heyer novels (the ones that I rate about 10 stars) like "Sylvester," "Sprig Muslin," "The Foundling" & "These Old Shades," -- they're all excellent reads that every Regency-era romance novel addict should read at least once!

Other reviewers have done excellent jobs in giving plot synopsis, so I'll leave off doing the same except to note that the novel deals with the humourous and outrageous efforts of a visiting cousin, Sophy Stanton-Lacy, to sort out the myriad of problems that all those around her have (mainly her Rivenhall cousins like Herbert and Cecilia) become entangled in. What makes this novel 'work' is not only the clever plotting and the numerous escapades that Heyer has Sophy pull, but also the brilliant manner in which Heyer draws her characters. In Sophy Stanton-Lacy, for example, Heyer has created a young heroine who while incredibly managing, bossy, independent and very determined, and yet who is so utterly charming that you cannot help but root for her to come out on top -- this in spite of the fact that your sympathies may lie elsewhere. And I did have sympathies elsewhere! The first time I read the book, I felt quite sympathetic towards stuffy cousin Charles. Here was a young man, the only sensible person in a rather flighty family, who had had to contend with some crisis or another for goodness knows how long, all he gets for his efforts is abuse from his family! Yes, he is stuffy and easily angered, but his family was enough to give even me the megrims (and all I was doing was reading about them!)

"The Grand Sophy" is a riot of a read. Heyer sketches Sophy's escapades in such a humourous and entertaining manner that we cannot help but be charmed. Cleverly plotted, possessing elegant prose and characters that are just so alive and real "The Grand Sophy" proved to be the kind of book I wish I could find and read everyday.

By all that's wonderful, it's the Grand Sophy!
This was my first introduction to the world of Georgette Heyer and what an introduction it was. I still laugh to this day at Sophy's delightful unconventionality and at the way her poor bewildered cousins learn to deal with her. A wonderful, wonderful book with great period detail and a light-hearted touch that makes it refreshing and non-sentimental at the same time. Read it. I'll not spoil the enchantment for you but beware...Sophy (and in consequence Heyer herself) is very addictive. You might just find yourself craving more.

Georgette Heyer does it again!
I grew up on Georgette Heyer romances and I am so sorry to find that so many of them are out of print. My mother, sister and I have literally read two copies of "The Grand Sophy" to pieces!

She's a positive role model that transcends 19th century England and contradicts the waifish pseudo-sex goddesses of the 90's. I wish more young women would read this marvelous book and not feel so ashamed of who they are or what they look like!

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