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Book reviews for "Terbovich,_John_B." sorted by average review score:

Collins Gem Sas Survival Guide
Published in Paperback by HarperCollins (paper) (1996)
Author: John Wiseman
Amazon base price: $7.50
Average review score:

Collins Gem SAS Survival Guide
Such a little book and so much information! No matter how sedate a life you lead you will find some knowledge in this book that will come in handy. Everyone should have a copy.

The Best Survival Guide For a Person who Enjoys the woods!
The SAS survival guide, is, one of the best survival guides I have ever read in my life. As a Boy Scout, I should know. It packs loads of information into a small, compact book. I would recommend it for anyone who likes the outdoors and wants to learn more about nature.

Essential camping-travel-survival equipment
This book has to be the best survival guide available aside from the original full-size version, both of which I own and find invaluable. Lofty Wiseman answers all survival questions clearly and thoroughly in this guide, and due to it's compact size (about the same dimentions as my wallet), it has earned a place in my knapsack/ backpack/ carry-on bag anytime I travel. Aside from a knife and matches, this is THE MOST ESSENTIAL piece of survival gear one can own. Highly Recommended!

The Art of Effortless Living: Do Less, Let Go, and Discover Health, Emotional Well-Being, and Happiness
Published in Paperback by Perigee (04 June, 2002)
Authors: Ingrid Bacci and John E. Upledger
Amazon base price: $11.16
List price: $13.95 (that's 20% off!)
Average review score:

This is a Breakthrough book
There are only a handful of books in my whole life that have made a significant difference-- causing a major shift - a growth spurt. A kind of book that as I read it and even after Im finished I must keep it with me at all times. THE ART OF EFFORTLESS LIVING is that kind of book.

It addressses Fear and identifies how we allow it to paralyze us in so many aspects of our life - work, relationships, health, etc. Dr. Bacci explains the significance of making friends with our Fear rather than having it be our enemy. Thus using Fear to our benefit - to live our lives effortlessly and to its fullest.

Dr. Bacci provides various exericises and techniques that actually result in the releasing of one's fears, thus living a life filled with energy and passion -- not anxiety.

Dr. Bacci's personal experience is incredibly inspiring in itself. As I reader - I feel fortunate she choose to share it. This book has made a major contribution to my life and to those who I have shared it with.

How to lead a more fulfilling life!
America is a land of overworked,overstressed people who believethat the more they do,the more successful they will become.But the truth is just the opposite,according to the author of The Art of Effortless Living.Ingrid Bacci shows readers how to stop being compulsive performers and start leading lives of creativity,fulfillment and health.This book, written by someone who overcame crippling illness,attained radiant health,and is sharing her hard-won knowledge with others,is full of simple, do-able and pleasurable techniques for finding an easier,more meaningful and more successful lifestyle. The writing style is among the clearest that I have ever read,and the anecdotes are wonderfully descriptive.

Effortless Living: A Loving Guide & Companion
Ingrid Bacci is a generous and talented writer. There is profound wisdom on every page, and it is delivered with the down to earth style of talking across the kitchen table, touching hands over coffee. Her journey from being a professionally successful academic to a loving healer - traveled on the road of a long and painful illness, divorce, and the ultimate need to find safe haven for her troubled soul and body, is an odyssey we can all share on any number of levels in our own lives. Pick a page, a chapter; there are revelations and loving guidance for yourself and everyone you know, illustrated with personal experience. Read this book - you'll want to buy a copy for everyone else in your life as well.

Bob Books Fun! Level A, Set 2
Published in Paperback by Scholastic (2000)
Authors: Bobby Lynn Maslen, John R. Masllen, and John R. Maslen
Amazon base price: $11.87
List price: $16.95 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score:

The absolute best to get kids reading!
These are simply the finest first reading books on the market today! Each page has a sentence such as, 'Peg had a big cap,' along with a simple illustration. At the end of each book is a list of unique words contained in the book (usually about 20-40) listed by the vowel sound. The set of 12 books also comes with a teacher/parent guide that give the story behind the Bob Books, hints for teaching your child to read, and questions you can ask the child about each book to help with comprehension and enjoyment.

This set of books really hooked my daughter on reading. We gave these to her when she started Kindergarten and she would read them on the way to school. The nice thing about having 12, is that when she mastered one of them, her 'reward' was to get the next! These books provided her first good experience with reading.

Vote For Bob!
The Bob books are the most appealing early reading books for kids currently on the market today. As a first grade teacher, and mother of a grown child, I have used these books for 15 years. They are perfect for young readers. The children love them. Their small size, gentle story lines, simple line drawings are all drawing cards for young readers. Children are small, and they love little things. They are not little adults; they need stories that are amusing, gentle, and age appropriate. Great literature is for later! At the early stages, the reading should be accessible to developing skills. That is why I always have the Bob books available for my kids. I want them to love reading. And Bob does just that!

Make "Bob" a part of your young child's early reading!
The Bob books are superior early reading books. They are gentle stories, using a tight, controlled vocabulary and delightfully simple line drawings for illustrations. I have used these books, for years, for independent reading for my first grade students and my own child as well. These wonderful, little books are appealing to young children, more so than any other books that I have seen. You and your young ones will love the Bob books!

The Cross of Christ
Published in Hardcover by Intervarsity Press (1986)
Author: John R. W. Stott
Amazon base price: $17.50
List price: $25.00 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score:

Life changing
The Cross of Christ would have to be one of the finest Christian books written in the past 20 years. It covers one of the most important areas of Christian understanding - the cross itself. Its coverage is excellent, not just resting on what the cross achieves, but helping to think through some of the implications the cross should have on how we live today.
The title of the conclusion ('The pervasive influence of the cross') does some up the powerful message of the book - that the cross of Christ is central and has a powerful impact on the life of a Christian.
Miss this book to your peril! Highly recommended.

About the symbol most attacked by non-believers
From Satanists to pagans to the non-believing world at large, the cross of Christ is the most despised symbol in probably all creation. What it stands for brings out the snidest comments I have ever heard. And no wonder! Even Paul said that the message of the cross is foolishness to those who perish. Stott does a marvelous job tracking the centrality of the cross and just what it means for the faithful Christian. This is not a skimming kind of book that many non-Christians whose diet consists of 100% fiction will appreciate. It will cause you to think, but as an earlier reviewer hinted, it's the kind of book more people in our churches desperately need to read. If you want milk, as so many Christian bookstores offer, then you will live a superficial Christian life. If you want meat that will help you dig deeper into this relationship you have with God, then I suggest picking up The Cross of Christ and making sure your highlighter is in new will need it!

Excellent Work on the Atonement! Summary below
"But may it never be that I should boast, except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ," - Galatians 6:14 NASB

The name John Stott is well recognized among Bible students today, and for good reason. He has long been recognized for his gifted teaching, penetrating insight and pastoral warmth. His writings take the profound teachings of Christianity; shine much needed light on them, and in the same fluid motion, they plug the teachings into the lives of their readers. This book is no exception. The Cross of Christ is considered to be Stott's greatest work by more than a few people and I myself would place it in the top five books I've ever read. It's that good. The central theme of this book is to explain why and how the finished work of Christ on the cross is central to the Christian faith. It deals more with how salvation was provided for on the cross and not so much how it becomes effective for salvation in the life of a person. Stott begins by considering some preliminary issues such as the centrality of the cross in our faith. Stott says of Christ, "What dominated his mind was not the living but the giving of His life"(32). Stott rightly suggests that the cause of Christ's death was both the wickedness of men and the plan of God. He was turned over to the priests out of Judas' greed, turned over to Pilate out of the priest's envy, and handed over to the soldiers out of Pilate's cowardice, and the soldiers crucified Him. However, the blame for Christ's death cannot be placed solely on these individuals because He was not only suffering for their sins, but ours too. All this was according to the plan of God also. His love desired out salvation, and the only righteous way to do such a thing was to place our sins on the Savior and to have Him pay our penalty. The chasm is great between ourselves and a holy God. Stott says that "sin is not only the attempt to be God; it is also the refusal to be man, by shuffling off the responsibility for our actions"(101). So in order for God to offer salvation to mankind, He must do so righteously, without contradicting Himself. Man can never repay such a tremendous debt. This is where the Savior enters the picture. In other words, "How can he save us and satisfy himself simultaneously? We reply to this point that, in order to satisfy himself, He sacrificed - indeed substituted - himself for us" (132). Stott declares, "...neither Christ alone as man not the Father alone as God could be our substitute. Only God in Christ, God the Father's own and only Son made man, could take our place" (160). The result of this divine transaction in that man can be pronounced legally righteous, justified, in the sight of God. Stott tells us that it is very important to understand the accomplishments of the cross, "for the better people understand the glory of the divine substitution, the easier it will be for them to trust in the Substitute" (203). After Stott delineates the details involved in the atonement of Christ he does something that few theologians do by discussing what it means to live under the shadow of the cross. He tells us that the greatest singe event, in which God simultaneously shows us His justice and His love, was in the cross. Ultimately, God dealt with the problem of evil at the cross when he provided salvation from it to all those who would trust Him. Now we have unlimited access to God which should mark our lives with joy.

Discipleship logically follows from salvation. Once God saves us, we give up "our supposed right to go on our own way" (279). We realize our position in Christ and we literally mortify the deeds of the flesh that once controlled us. Knowing that we are valuable in the sight of God should cause us to be giving in sacrificial service. Power and pride should now give way to service and humility. Last but not least, Stott deals with Christian suffering. The causes of suffering are varied, but its results should be patient endurance and mature holiness (315,16). Even while our faith is being tried, we can rest easier knowing that God loves us and has promised an ultimate deliverance. Our involvement with evil should not be in its repayment but on letting God deal righteously. The best examples of how we are to react to suffering are the meekness and trust in the sovereignty of God that were displayed in the life of Christ, culminating in His death. In summary, John Stott's The Cross of Christ is a book that teaches the prediction of, the necessity for, the accomplishments gained by and the benefits resulting from Christ's substitutionary death on the cross. I feel like this is a much-needed work at this point in time when much of Christianity is focused on Christian living with our never sufficiently knowing why we live like we do. I am a firm believer that correct behavior can only be consistently lived when our minds are thinking correctly beforehand. Observation tells me that it is virtually impossible to behave correctly without believing correctly. In my opinion, Stott places the importance of Christ's cross exactly where is should be in our list of priorities...right at the top.

Don't Worry, He Won't Get Far on Foot
Published in Paperback by Vintage Books (1990)
Author: John Callahan
Amazon base price: $9.60
List price: $12.00 (that's 20% off!)
Average review score:

Callahan is a Needed Anti-PC Advocate
Callahan is simply incredible. Never before could such a man who so obviously has so many faults be considered a hero. At my high school, Callahan has become a cult hero on level with South Park. But Callahan's story is more than his sick and demented humor. He overcame a lot to just be himself. This isn't a self-help book nor is it a typical autobiography of a noted comedian. Callahan is something special. He overcame adversity so deep and so self-inflicted that at times it seems like John himself is the only one who could overcome it. In this book, he shows his glaring weaknesses and for it endears himself to his readers. This book is not only Callahan's finest, but it is also a triumph of humanity. Callahan proves over and over again through the book that sometimes the best thing you can do is forgive him for being himself. Just like you need to forgive everyone for being themselves.

A funny and touching autobiography
It's amazing how nasty, insightful and funny are Callahan's cartoons. In this book he relates the incidents that turned him into an alcoholic quadriplegic -and into one of the least PC humorists alive.

The book is very honest. Callahan don't put the blame of his miseries on external factors (unless when it comes to burocracy, and how the system penalize those who try make a living by working). He takes full responsibility of his mistakes and actions.

The book is extremely well written and easy to read. Callahan presents us his childhood, his drinking days and his insecurities in love as a teenager, the stupid accident, how he had to learn to live as quadriplegic, even more drinking years, his decision to take control of his life, the experience at AA, the search for his real mother, the ideas behind his cartoons and the reactions received, the frustration with welfare, and -of course- several of his cartoons.

Highly recommended.

An Inspiring Read
John Callahan has written a fabulous book for almost any audience, mature mid-teens and older. One could call it irreverent and funny, morbidly funny in places. But it's much more than that.

The opener sets the tone: "On the last day I walked, I woke up without a hangover. I was still loaded from the night before." On one level it's the story of his life. We watch as he becomes addicted to chemicals at a very early age, starting with alcohol at twelve. We watch him cruising through his teen years, experimenting with other drugs. We learn about his adoptive family dynamics, his Catholic upbringing, his alienation from his father, how he was with friends, and his resentment towards his birth mother, who he feels abandoned him.

The last day he walked he was twenty-one. He and his buddy, also drunk and the driver, left a topless bar and drove into a utility pole at ninety. Callahan takes the reader through the most vivid description I've ever read of what it is like to become paralyzed in all four limbs, have sex as a person with quadriplegia, what the rehabilitation process entails, and how difficult re-entry is. For the first time I began to understand how critical a personal care assistant is for a person with quadriplegia, and how dealing with the vagaries of a state welfare program can virtually make or break one's ability to function.

He shares unusually open insights into his involvement with Alcoholics Anonymous, and his successful struggle to control his addiction, his triumph over self-pity. We follow his intense and persistent search for his birth mother, and his reconciliation with old friends and his adoptive family.

And finally, we see a gifted cartoonist and writer hone his skills, submit his work, and be rejected. Callahan shows us the real meaning of tenacity as he continues his craft, mostly at night, "his time." Eventually he becomes recognized and his sometimes infamous work is widely published, from Penthouse to the New Yorker. He relishes the thrill of creating.

In short, this is a sobering, instructive, yet humorous book about his life, and life in general, by a gifted man. On another level, it's a book about sheer guts, tenacity, and believing in oneself. Don't Worry, He Won't Get Far On Foot is a very easy read, and although first published ten years ago, its appeal is timeless. I strongly recommend it and thank my friend Dennis for introducing me to it.

Four Steps to Trading Success: Using Everyday Indicators to Achieve Extraordinary Profits
Published in Hardcover by John Wiley & Sons (01 June, 2001)
Author: John F. Clayburg
Amazon base price: $45.50
List price: $65.00 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score:

Rationality and Realism
I am writing from Italy and I bought a lot of books about day trading. I read Clayburg interview on the issue of December of Tasc and I was striken by his words.
In particular way I appreciated the rationality and realism he shows towards the market, and the way he is at the same time easy to understand while being technical, precise and effective in creating this system trading. An interesting tool for everyone who uses normal indicators as stochastic, Rsi and William's %R. With studies about Support and Resistence. Nothing more nothing less. This is a "standalone" book, the first i think: you don't need to buy others seminars, software or to subscribe to newsletters, chat rooms and give other money away.

Very useful and well worth the price
...Well, first of all, this book reveals a method of trading using only market-generated information - price action - no other input, including volume,
is needed. No forecasts, no guesses, no hocus-pocus mystery talk...
Secondly, I like the fact that he concentrates on producing high probability trades. I like to win - that's why I trade. ...BR> Thirdly, after reading his book, I honestly believe that I can use and successfully adapt my $.../Mo ... Basic subscription to building John's indicators into that online charting service so that I can profitably trade those Rydex index funds...I don't need the more expensive charting packages.
Fourthly, I believe him to be a man of integrity - this is of absolute importance to me. I believe this because (1) he is willing to share an eminently successful, crystal-clear, and
easy-to-implement trading strategy with the public, (2) his book not only includes examples of successful trades, but also trades that have not been successful, just like in real life (3) he goes
out of his way to ensure the reader's understanding of the concepts by clear and error-free text reference to charts, clear accurate definitions, appropriate examples, and repetition of past trading technics, and, finally (4) he has arranged his book to have all the necessary textbooklike qualities...including chapter reviews and an index (the "Putting It All Together" chapter is outstanding!) so as to ensure that his readers have every opportunity to learn. Let me say, considering the multitude of overpriced investment books I've bought in which I've found most of that structure lacking, I very much appreciated both the quality and clarity of John's writing throughout the entire book.
I am very happy with the book...I give it my highest recommendation.

Topnotch Trading Book
Mr.Clayburg has written a very imformative and helpful
book.His "Daily Directional Indicator" is something I've
never seen before and is quite unique.I have read numerous
books on trading and not one of them has ever touched
on a "trading tool" such as this.Chapter 10 is worth the price
of the book alone and possibly much more.I intend to use this
daily indicator in my own trading from now on to give me
a daily directional bias. I reccomend this book to all aspiring traders.

Byzantium: The Decline and Fall
Published in Hardcover by Knopf (1996)
Author: John Julius Norwich
Amazon base price: $31.50
List price: $45.00 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score:

Interesting, and surprisingly readable.
Before I read this book, I knew nothing about Byzantium. So I was a bit overwhelmed by the sheer volume of information, and realized after I started that I had made a mistake; I didn't realize when I bought this book that it was the third volume of a three-volume set. Doubtless, it would have been less overwhelming to start at the beginning, especially for someone like me, with no previous knowledge of the subject. Still, I learned a great deal from this book; not only was it informative, but it wasn't nearly as dry and impenatrable as I'd been afraid it might be. In fact, the style is downright readable; Norwich actually has a rather pleasant, if dry, sense of humor.

I definitely plan on getting the first two volumes of this series, and continuing my education on the history of Byzantium.

The not-so-triumphant triumphant conclusion
The final volume of Norwich's Byzantine history is a literary trimph, despite the disintegrating nature of the civilization being written about. In this volume Norwich begins in the aftermath of the battle of Manzikert in 1071 and finishes with the conquest of Constantinople by the Ottomans in 1453. Norwich uses his elegant prose style to present this tragic story in a highly moving way.

All three volumes read like a eulogy at the funeral of beloved relative. In this period of dehumanizing social sciences Norwich brings the people of the past alive, and treats them with respect and dignity even when their behavior does not necessarily inspire kind treatment. The role and majesty of Byzantium has been overlooked in the West for centuries; in doing his best to rectify that Norwich has created one of the masterpieces of historical writing.

Excellent account of the Byzantium Empire
This, the final volume of a 3 book series, brings to end a rivetting and excellent histoty of the Byzantium Empire. I cannot add anything to the other reviews and comments on this series other than to say if your enjoy reading about history you should love these accounts of this Empire and its times. I found my first volume in a 2nd hand shop without knowing anything about its author or the subject matter. It was a great read and I could not wait to buy the following two volumes. I only wish I had read these books before I visited Istanbul in 1990. I loved them, they are excellent histories, the author does a great job in bringing the characters and times to live. Read the series and lose yourself in the history. Great books!

Dessert Circus : Extraordinary Desserts You Can Make at Home (Pbs Series)
Published in Hardcover by (1998)
Authors: Jacques Torres, Christina Wright, Kris Kruid, and John Uher
Amazon base price: $14.99
List price: $27.50 (that's 45% off!)
Average review score:

Pastry with Personality
From a rainbow of sorbets served on a chocolate artists "palette" complete with chocolate "paintbrushes", through to the strawberry and raspberry Fraisier Cake beautifully presented with layers of fresh strawberries, Jacques' highly original desserts win me over each time I open this book, and my guests each time I serve one of his creations.

The directions are clearly written, and every dessert recipe is accompanied with a finished photograph, and quite a few feature step by step pictures aswell. Jacques dedicates the first chapter solely to equipment and ingredients, plus a glossary of all terms used throughout the book. The second chapter covers basic or ingredient recipes, such as the perfect puff pastry and homemade chocolate sauce. He also shows you how to prepare my personal favorite, chocolate sculptures. You can also adapt these sculptures, turning just one of the pieces into an amazing garnish.

I highly recommend this and the second volume by Torres, "Dessert Circus at Home".

The best dessert and pastry cookbook I have seen
Dessert Circus by Jacques Torres is the finest dessert and pastry cookbook that I have ever seen. His instructions are clear and concise. The desserts are not only delicious and are elegant enough to serve at the finest formal occasions but are easily adapted for small informal dinners. Many of his techniques (especially for handling whipped cream, meringue, and chocolate) I have never seen in any other book. Chef Torres does something else that I have never seen before, he lists his web site address in his book, where you are invited to ask questions and/or provide feedback. From experience I can tell you he answers you personally. Here you will find one of the worlds top dessert and pastry chefs that is not unreachable at the top of a pedestal. This book combined with his P.B.S. cooking series is an unbeatable combination.

I find Jacques Torres to be one of my favorite Pastry Chefs.
I have Jacques Torres first book and I plan on buying his second. I watch his show on TV and find his book a great buy. If you love desserts I highly recommend his book.

Doctor No
Published in Audio Cassette by Brilliance Audio (2000)
Authors: Ian Fleming and John Kenneth
Amazon base price: $7.99
Average review score:

Despite some great parts, one of the weaker Fleming books
The whole presence of Jamaica and everything on the around the island was great. Fleming knew the place well. There are some great aspects to this book, but no matter what the handling of the villain--the fascinating Dr. No--was shoddy. His discription of Dr. No is fantastic and the character, or the little we learn of him, is one of the more intriguing villains in all of the Fleming canon. However, his early and rather laughable demise just stinks of having nothing to do with the whole setup. There was a big blank after the death of Dr. No and I was like, huh? The whole point was to dump bird crap on him and wrap up this whole complicated mission. Oh well. It's still a Fleming Bond, and I have yet to read a "bad" one. They are ALL good, but some are certainly stronger than others. This is on the weaker end but still very enjoyable.

Great sequel to "From Russia with love".....
This book is supposed to be the sequel to "From Russia with love", in fact it begins with Bond in hospital due to a life-threatening injury obtained in "From Russia with love" but recovers, M(Bond's boss) decides that there is no better way to get Bond back in shape than give him a "simple" mission in the island of Jamaica where the representative of the British Secret Service(John Strangways, who also appeared in Fleming's Bond novel "Live and let die") has disappeared, Bond's mission is to find out what happened. This "soft option" leads Bond to his most dangerous and thrilling mission yet and leads to him to do an "obstacle course", to a fight with a squid and a fight with a "dragon"! I thought this Fleming's most suspenseful book as I never could tell what would happen next and this kept me hooked, so much so that I read it all in one day! Unfortunately, this is also Mr. Fleming's most far-fetched. It was far-fetched in the sense that I don't think even Bond(who at that point was supposedly half-dead) could have defeated a 60-foot squid with just a dagger. That apart it's a great, great thriller. Read it, wonder in awe at it's elements, then read it again just to savour Fleming's writing. Unfortunately, the movie never did the book justice. I heard that in "From Russia with love" Fleming planned to simply kill off James Bond, thankfully he didn't and produced a marvellous book in Dr. No.

Want to discover Fleming's Bond? Read this one first!
As an avid Ian Fleming fan, I always recommend this one to newcomers who enjoy the films and want to check out the author who inspired them. Bond doesn't just waltz through this one unscathed... he goes through hell to accomplish his mission! The scene in which a poisonous centipede crawls all over Bond's naked body while he's in bed will make your skin crawl. The torture-tunnel sequence, in which he must worm his way through yards of heated metal, tarantulas and more, is also incredibly gripping. And Dr. No's demise in the book is even more unusual than the way he bought it in the film! Read this one, and see Bond the way Fleming intended him to be seen. Roger Moore never endured trials like these!

Gig: Americans Talk About Their Jobs
Published in Paperback by Three Rivers Press (21 August, 2001)
Authors: John Bowe, Marisa Bowe, and Sabin Streeter
Amazon base price: $11.20
List price: $16.00 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score:

Book gives honest look at real life
This book is a great show of how American people are in reality. Reading this book has been enjoyable as well as informative. As a journalist, I cannot imagine the amount of effort it must have taken to get the types of interviews done in this book accomplished. I feel like I know the person after I read their chapter. It is definitely worth the time and money. Gig is one of my most valuable books.

Gig is great. Studs Terkel's Work, though an amazing contribution to American literature and the understanding of how other people in our country live, could be pretty dense, especially to modern readers. Quite a few moderns saw it as useless because of its age and how antiquated it seemed; they ask why would you need to read a book about, like, an elevator operator? Gig, however, is a thoroughly modern (in a good way, though!) tour of the modern american workplace. have you ever wondered what the life of a telephone psychic is like? who clean up crime scenes? how do FBI agents work? what are modern steel plants like? even if you haven't asked those questions, I'm sure you'll be delighted to find the answers out. They're all in this book-- just flip around.

A Great Read!
People from every walk of life talk about their jobs, their lives. The pieces read like very short - short stories - but they're true! Funny, sad, wonderful, heartening. I really enjoyed this book!

I find myself going back to re-read the interviews. This is really a fantastic book. Great reading for bedtime, on the plane, or anytime at all.

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