It is a hard cover book, consisting of 300 pages, 28 illustrations and 9 maps that brings back long lost memories of what happened to me some 48 years ago...
For anyone who was a member of a National Guard outfit during these years, it is well worth reading.
Their story, from truck drivers to infantrymen, is thoroughly researched and well told here with oral histories, good maps, useful appendices, and a generous index.. The only flaw noted is the oddly popular error misnaming the National Guard facility as "Fort Robinson, Arkansas". It was, and remains, Camp Robinson. This does not detract seriously from this highly valuable work, which fills a gap in the history of the Korean War and the essential role of the citizen-soldier.
(The "score" rating is an ineradicable feature of the page. This reviewer does not "score" books.)
'The mind grows always by intercourse with a mind more mature than itself.'
Temple's writing has been instrumental in giving shape to Anglican theology, which, as the 'official church' of Britain and many parts of the British Empire, also influences the theological directions of many other denominations.
'The whole case of religion, through all ages, is that it is a venture, a quest of faith.' Temple argues that to have direct, concrete and verifiable certainty of the reality of God negates the spiritual merit of faith. Faith in an Ultimate Being, of ultimate good and compassion and mercy, is central to the Christian faith, and has parallels in most other religious constructs, even those officially or notionally polytheistic.
'Faith consists so far in the determination to live and to think as if this thing were true, and to find how far we can solve life's problems by the use of that hypothesis.' This becomes the essential question in practical theology. If there is a God (if we have faith that there is a God) what then must we do? The Christian answer to this is a surprising one, given the nature of God in the Christian concept.
'The Christian conception of God begins with an exaltation of the Divine Majesty, the greatest the mind can conceive, but when the greatness and the far-reaching power, might and authority of God exhibit themselves in man, it is by washing the disciples' feet.'
The fundamental call of God, for Temple's theological construct, is the call of service to our fellows. Temple was living and writing in the post-Victorian world, in which the comfortable stability of culture, society and morals had been shaken by the first World War and the quickening pace of technological advance, urbanisation, the beginnings of post-industrialism, and a reassertion of an accepted skepticism and diversity in most human endeavours. 'Nothing comes under this new criticism more fully than everything which might be regarded as a moral convention.'
Temple espouses a strong moral code that is rooted in eternal truths, one that is nonetheless flexible enough not to be dismissed and ignored by current culture.
Temple explores the role of the church, the role of sacraments and prayer, the relevance of common Christian symbols and the activity of the Holy Spirit in this short book of lectures. Clear and concise, practical and spiritual, this brief book outlines a compassionate and full theology that is as fresh and vital today as it was when first formulated in the inter-war period. High on practical application and usefulness, the scholar may find some rigour missing here. Temple, however, took his charge, as a cleric to be an educator, seriously, in this and other writings.
Colin Gunton King's College, London
Richard Hooker
Hooker was alive and active as a theologian during a tumultuous period in the development of the Church of England as a distinct body. Politics entered into church affairs on a grand scale; the idea that church and state issues were one in the same was as strong in England in the sixteenth century as it ever was in any continental kingdom or empire. Religious tolerance was a new concept, imperfectly conceived; the idea that each kingdom must be united in religious practice was strong. Hooker was an active apologist for the Church of England, his main opponent being the Puritan factions. 'Hooker's magnum opus was addressed to Puritans who attacked the church of England in the name of a purer, more scriptural ecclesiastical settlement.' (p. 9)
F.D. Maurice
Maurice would agree with Hooker that prayer is social action. Working in the nineteenth century, Maurice was exposed to the social ills that befell England as an imperial power in simultaneous growth and decay. The situation in society was deteriorating. 'Maurice saw that this social breakdown was rooted in a theological breakdown.' (p. 50) Maurice was unique in that he lived a prophetic life (and, like many prophetic persons, was often disliked for his prophecy). He made 'Christology the starting point of all Christian theology and ethics' and made Christ the central focus of all he said and did. (p. 49) Maurice made the Gospel the centrepoint of his educational philosophy, as well as the call not for revolution, but for regeneration of English society upon a truly Christian foundation. (pp. 64-67)
Maurice's view of theology is, like Hooker and Temple, rooted firmly in the communal action of the Book of Common Prayer. 'The Prayer Book becomes the key for understanding the views of the Church of England on the six signs of the Catholic Church,' these six signs being baptism, creeds, forms of worship, eucharist, ordained ministry, and the Bible. (p. 61) This practical and tradition approach was in keeping with the general spirit of the English society. 'Maurice expressed both English empiricism against the conceptualism of continental thinkers and the Anglican's respect for historical institutions as points of departure for theological analysis.' (p. 72)
William Temple
Temple was, in the words of G.B. Shaw, 'a realised impossibility.' A man born and raised in the church, he rose to the position of Archbishop of Canterbury and made the broad church appeal for Anglicanism that renewed its spirit for the mid-twentieth century. 'The general tendency of his faith and theology was toward a more catholic or orthodox position. But this was always balanced by his concern for freedom in doctrine and by his generally liberal attitude of mind.' (p. 104) Temple saw an intimate connection with God through Jesus Christ, perhaps thinking in proto-process theological terms by believing that 'because of Jesus' perfect union and communion with God, it can be asserted that in him God has a real experience of human life, suffering and death.' (p. 112) For Temple, this communion and experience is worked out both individually and communally''the inner unity of complete personality and the outer unity of a perfected fellowship as wide as humanity.' (p. 117)
Temple felt it important to be open to new ideas and developments modernity (perhaps a reaction to having been raised in an era with the expectation of long-term stability and subsequently living in a world turned upside-down by warfare and other social change). Temple felt that freedom of churches and freedom of individuals for inquiry and development, with the guidance of the Spirit, was more important than a rigid adherence to tradition. 'Temple was quite open to the new truth and insights of the modern world and to the critical and constructive use of reason in Christian faith and life. this can be seen clearly in his commitment to philosophic truth.' (p. 133) This, coupled with his call to social action by the church and the working out of Christian faith in everyday life and action, made Temple a major ecumenical figure.
The Current Spirit of Anglicanism
A key word for the current spirit of Anglicanism is comprehensiveness. Anglicanism incorporates catholics and protestants, literalists and agnostics, high church, low church, broad church, in all ways these terms can be defined. 'The Anglican synthesis is the affirmation of a paradoxical unity, a prophetic intuition that Catholicism and Protestantism'are not ultimately irreconcilable.' (p. 143)
The current spirit of Anglicanism is largely based upon Scripture, tradition and reason, with definitions of these three varying a great deal. The authority of Scripture is important, but this does not mean a literalist view. The authority of tradition, best summed up by adherence to the Book of Common Prayer's liturgical forms, is locally adaptable. Reason is used to interpret both the authority of Scripture and of tradition, but must be held in restraint by these as well. 'The spirit of Anglicanism ought in its rich resources to find the wisdom to retain its identity and yet to develop through constructive change to meet the demands of the fast-approaching world of the twenty-first century.' (p. 187)
List price: $19.00 (that's 30% off!)
However, all political views aside, the author does an amazing job of putting the operation of the Fed into layman's terms. In addition, the research done to produce this piece is impressive. Again, although I disagree with his politics, this book is worth a read.
The focal point of the book is the celebrated and controversial tenure of Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volker (1979-1987), but the mechanics of central banking so clearly and concisely explained are just as much applicable today as in 1980 - or 1950 for that matter.
Greider divides the book into three more-or-less equal thirds. The first covers the inflationary surge of the 1970s, Carter's tenuous decision to appoint Volker, and Volker's radical move of abandoning the control of interest rates in favor of controlling the nation's money supply. (In other words, a shift from the Keynesian orthodoxy dominant in the post-War period in favor of a monetarist approach more in line with the theories of the iconoclastic economist Milton Friedman.) The second, and most informative third provides an historical overview of central banking and its development in the United States. For those solely interested in a better understanding of central banking and the US Federal Reserve in particular, this book will be worth your while even if you only read this middle section. The final third deals with Volker's punishing monetary policy during the early 1980s, as he attempted to destroy lingering anticipation of inflation and the incredibly simulative effects of the Reagan era federal deficits and tax cuts.
Greider is highly critical of Volker's performance as Fed chairman. In short, he argues that far from being the independent and benevolent Shepard of the economy it often claims to be, the Fed, in practice, is beholden to its most powerful constituency: the major money-center financial institutions (i.e. Citibank, Bank of America, etc.). Traditional central bankers view combating inflation as their primary professional objective, which tends to favor creditors at the expense of debtors. Grieder suggests that in waging war on inflation the Fed in effect was waging war on the millions of ordinary Americans struggling to make end meets and keep their heads above water.
Whether you agree with his conclusions or not, Greider's "Secrets of the Temple" is exhaustively researched, expertly written, and extremely enlightening.
William Greider's book is a good introduction to the system. It's well written, informative and easy, entertaining reading.
Early in the book he asks a question about why it is that during the period leading up to the end of the 19th Century "Money and Monetary Systems" were hot topics in American political life, but today they are really off the radar screen?
That's a good question. Do you know the answer? I'd bet the answer is you, like most Americans probably don't. This book will give you the understanding you owe it to yourself to get. After all, it's your money.