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Book reviews for "Saveson,_John_Edward" sorted by average review score:

Fateful Rendezvous: The Life of Butch O'Hare
Published in Hardcover by United States Naval Inst. (1997)
Authors: Steve Ewing and John B. Lundstrom
Amazon base price: $27.27
List price: $38.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $16.80
Collectible price: $31.76
Buy one from zShops for: $26.20
Average review score:

Hagiographical biography of a hero
Having read Lundstrom's excellent First Team books, I was anxious to get my hands on this book which he co-authored. After the first fifty pages, though, I was beginning to wonder about the tune of the book; I had anticipated a bit more down-to-earth approach, but the authors opted for the "hero in the making" style. Actually, the only interesting bits are in the latter half of the book, when Butch finally gets into combat flying, and as is the case with all Lundstrom's combat books, the dogfight descriptions are absolutely great. Likewise, the account of the death of Butch O'Hare is excellent.

The problem is that they only fill about a fourth of the book. The rest is filled with hagiography, which I was surprised to find. After all, we have the book "Bader - the man and his men", giving a detailed account of England's O'Hare, Douglas Bader, minus the holy approach. It is possible to present the life of a true hero without superficial glamour, but Lundstrom and Ewing missed it here.

Another case in point is Blackburn and Hammel's "Jolly Rogers". There, too, a hero is given a thorough treatment, but there's no added sugar. Maybe it is because the authors are not accustomed to writing from this angle; I think I'll stick to their pure combat books.

A Riveting Story of One of America's First Aces
Authors Ewing and Lundstrom have done an excellent job of telling the story of Butch O'Hare. Born in March, 1914 and raised in St. Louis, Butch loved the simpler things in life. He enjoyed spending time with his father hunting or fishing, or playing with his younger sisters. Family was always important to Butch, and the authors do a good job of stressing this throughout the book. Butch eventually left St. Louis and attend Annapolis, graduating in 1937. Butch's first assignment was aboard the battleship New Mexico, and he quickly developed an affection for the ship's float planes. After serving aboard the New Mexico, Butch signed up for flight training and was stationed at Pensacola, Florida. There, Butch earned his wings.

Butch's most famous flight occurred on February 20, 1942. Butch was on board the carrier Lexington when a group of Japanese torpedo planes attacked the task force. Butch scrambled his F4F Wildcat fighter off the deck and rose to meet the enemy. In the span of about 5 minutes, Butch single-handedly shot down 6 of the attackers while saving the task force from certain damage. Butch was awarded the Medal of Honor by President Roosevelt at a ceremony at the White House. Afterward, Butch embarked on a war bond tour where he visited factories and gave rally speeches. While on a visit to Grumman, Butch was able to talk to designers about the limitations of the F4F. This input led to the development of the F6F fighter, which Butch would fly later in the war.

The authors do a good job of describing in great detail Butch's war days. I felt like I was flying right along with him. Particularly interesting was the detailed description of Butch's final flight. After attacking a group of Japanese planes, Butch's night fighter group was to regroup and head back to their carrier. However, a series of unconfirmed and sketchy events occurred which led to the death of Butch. Some people believe that Butch died as a result of friendly fire, while others believe that a snooping Japanese plane managed to get close enough to shoot Butch down without being detected. The authors claim the latter, and I agree with their assessment.

Butch O'Hare was a true war hero. His bravery and courage were shining examples to others, and his heroism was a true morale booster during the dark early days of the war. A replica of Butch's F4F stands in O'Hare airport, named for him, in Chicago. Read this excellent book and experience the life of a true American hero.

This is a must-read for naval aviation history buffs.
The authors obviously researched their subject quite thoroughly in preparation for this excellent piece of history. In my previous readings, Butch O'Hare has remained somewhat of an enigma. This book provides great insights into the man and his times. This is a great tribute to an American hero. I wish there were more books like this about about other heroes from this time period. Men like John Basilone, Alexander Bonnyman, and Richard Bong need to have their stories retold for a new generation of readers

The Gospel According to John I-XII (Anchor Bible Series, Vol. 29)
Published in Hardcover by Doubleday (1969)
Author: Raymond Edward Brown
Amazon base price: $34.97
List price: $49.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $16.00
Collectible price: $68.82
Buy one from zShops for: $33.03
Average review score:

I have searched for months for a good commentary on the Gospel of John and it looks like the search continues. I got it based on the reviews I have seen on the book from readers. I guess its different strokes for different folks. I am more of a greek and indepth detials on new testament words. My type of commentary is the classic on Jude&Peter by Bauckham. I didn't get that type of exegesis from Brown.

A solid, insightful and intelligent commentary.
Raymond Brown is an incredible scholar and has presented one of the finest commentaries written on the gospel according to John. Both introductory notes and main commentary are fluid and reveal significant insight. The book is an absolute pleasure to read regardless of theological persuation and one does not get worn out with overly technical information found in other commentaries of this caliber.

Finest English commentary on John
Raymond E. Brown was regarded as one of the finest New Testament scholars of his generation. His commentary on John, in two volumes, is unmatched in the English language. The only other commentary to rival its depth and scope is that of Bultmann which is available in translation. Brown, a Roman Catholic brings massive erudition, with sober judgment and extraordinary clarity of mind. In a world where commentaries on John are as common as translations of the Bible, it is good to know that there is one that is "The Best". This is it.

The Gospel According to John XIII-XXI (Anchor Bible, Vol 29, Part A)
Published in Hardcover by Doubleday (1970)
Author: Raymond Edward Brown
Amazon base price: $34.97
List price: $49.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $21.80
Buy one from zShops for: $32.90
Average review score:

We didn't click
I have searched for months for a good commentary on the Gospel of John and it looks like the search continues. I got it based on the reviews I have seen on the book from readers. I guess its different strokes for different folks. I am more of a greek and indepth detials on new testament words. My type of commentary is the classic on Jude&Peter by Bauckham. I didn't get that type of exegesis from Brown.

No one said it would be easy
We used R.A. Brown's Introduction to the New Testament in our seminary intro class and I've never found him the easiest to read, but I really like his commentary on John's gospel... and on the epistles. For "ugo" who says he's looking for more of an exegetical approach, I would suggest C.K. Barrett's commentary.

This is a wonderful exegesis of John's Gospel
Why don't you offer both volumes? I notice that your competition offers the other volume. Another more recent study of John's Gospel is "The Good Wine" by Bernard Barnhart. I highly recommend it also.

Second Chance: Healing Messages from the Afterlife
Published in Hardcover by Jodere Group (2002)
Authors: Suzane Northrop and John Edward
Amazon base price: $14.00
List price: $20.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $13.90
Collectible price: $20.50
Buy one from zShops for: $13.16
Average review score:

Repetitive. Too bad.
After reading Northrop's Second Chance, I realized that reading her prior book, The Seance, was just a waste of time. . . and money. There was so much repetition in Second Chance (I wondered half way through if it was ever going to end), I shouldn't have even purchased The Seance, saved myself a few bucks, and just waited for Second Chance.

My final few words: Don't waste your time and money on buying and reading both books. Get Second Chance instead. Northrop has way too much Repeat-titis, so Second Chance alone will fill the need.

Something we all want
A second chance could take away so much pain in so many cases!Understanding both by those left here and the departed can be of mutual great solace, but especially for those of us still on Earth and still struggling through the heartache and tears. I actually had a brief, unexpected encounter with my mother at my house after she left us. I asked her if she still loved me and she answered that she did. I wish I would have had the chance to ask her more and to straighten out all the misunderstandings we had had between us while she was still here. We loved each other so much which made the situation even more painful. I realize that as a Christian our belief is that one day we will be together again and all will be made right, but sometimes it is so hard to wait! I have had to struggle with heartache and guilt when it came to two wonderful little dogs as well. I could not bear to let them go, and so I nursed them for a very long time. Although the vet did not lead me to believe that they were suffering they were weak and not enjoying any quality of life. I so tried to get the courage up to let them go but I just couldn't.There is a wonderful book out called The Soul of Your Pet. It gives some pretty compelling evidence that animals survive after death too. Lots of incidences of people seeing their ghost pets and sometimes other people see them too at the same time. Sometimes strangers or friends see them when their owners don't. Sometimes living pets see them also and the reactions are dramatic to say in the least. In one case a couple of the living cats chased the ghost one out of the room! The book has a section on different religions and I am happy to see that the Bible supports the idea that animals exist forever. I know a few clergymen who need to read this book and look at the scriptures that show the evidence. I have had a couple of my own experiences to lead me to believe that at least one of my little furchildren has forgiven me, but I sure wish for that unambiguous 'second chance'!

A Must-Read
Suzane's inspirational stories provide comfort, acceptance, and connection to our precious loved ones who have passed over to the Other Side. She shows us that the departed souls want to reassure, teach, and nourish our own souls, so we will KNOW they continue to love and watch over us.

The UC Berkeley Wellness Self-Care Handbook : The Everyday Guide to Home Remedies
Published in Hardcover by Rebus, Inc. (01 November, 1998)
Authors: John Edward Swartzberg and Sheldon Margen
Amazon base price: $34.95
Used price: $0.84
Collectible price: $13.22
Buy one from zShops for: $3.25
Average review score:

A terrific guide to wellness at home
This is an excellent reference book you can use practically every day for yourself or your family. Instead of spending a fortune going to a podiatrist, I treated my own ingrown toenail. I have learned so much from this book that I would recommend it to every parent and person interested in good health without spending a fortune. We can stay well without having to go to doctors all the time. As for the rude review about jumping on the fitness bandwagon, well, the University of California's School of Public Health is a reputable and highly-regarded institution out to help people stay well. They are not a bunch of half-baked quacks only out for the money. And anyone who has ever seen the Wellness Letter they produce every month knows they always offer excellent advice for everyone. If you want real experts who know what they are talking about, buy this book.

Full of all sorts of practical ideas that you can use at home. Though it is written by 2 top doctors, it is easy to read and use. I have managed to treat myself and my family with all of the fantastic information, and since it is from the School of Public Health, you know these people are not out to sell your stuff or glorify themselves the way some doctors on ego-trips do. An essential reference book that everyone should own.

Excellent reference guide
If you need a clear, well-organized, and up-to-date guide to your health , this is the perfect book for you. Almost all the general medical knowledge a person needs is covered here. On one page, for example, you learn how to evaluate your blood pressure. On another, you get a quick lesson on glaucoma - its symptoms, its causes, and how to deal with it. Should you have to consult a doctor, you will have instant access to some crucial information. Do yourself a favor and put this handbook in your reference collection.

You Read to Me, I'll Read to You
Published in Paperback by HarperTrophy (1987)
Authors: John Ciardi and Edward Gorey
Amazon base price: $7.99
Used price: $5.55
Collectible price: $27.80
Buy one from zShops for: $5.25
Average review score:

Great book if you believe in corporal punishment.
I thought this would be fun to read to (and eventually with) my four year old until I flipped through the pages. Boy, was I wrong! The drawing that accompanies the first poem, "About The Teeth of Sharks" was entirely inappropriate for a young child--better suited for the movie "Jaws." I could have just avoided that page, but then I kept flipping through...hidden at the back of the book were poems that treated corporal punishment as a normal and acceptable way of bringing up a child, for example "How the Frightful Child Grew Better," and "What Do You Think His Daddy Did." I wanted to return this book and thought better; I threw it in the trash.

This book is a must
This book was a staple from my childhood, and
I highly recommend it as a classic to be included in
any collection of children's books. No child
should have to go through life never hearing
about Daddy Fixing Breakfast. ...

You Read to Me
This is the most marvelous book. I received it as a gift in 1968 when I was 7 years old and I'm still reading it at 40. My dad heard Ciardi speak at Rutgers and was mesmorized. Definitely buy this book for your children (or as a guilty pleasure for yourself).

Games Trainers Play (McGraw-Hill Training Series)
Published in Paperback by McGraw-Hill Trade (01 May, 1980)
Authors: John W. Newstrom and Edward E. Scannell
Amazon base price: $17.47
List price: $24.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $9.74
Collectible price: $19.94
Buy one from zShops for: $7.98
Average review score:

Games Trainers Play
I was really looking forward to getting this book and was so disappointed when I got it. I don't see how anyone could rate it at 5 stars. It was dry and boring. There are better books out there than this one. I even met Ed Scannell last year in Austin. I'm just gled that he is not as boring as the book.

reader's comments
This book is very helpful for me. I am working as Training Manager at hospitality industry, and in our country we do not have such books to facilitate the training session or to help in getting the proper ice breaker. I would say if we have a definit games book for the hospitality career will be appreciated. Thank you.

I like it!
So many training guides merely compile the same old activities that have been circulating forever. I was glad to see some really unique activities in here (even though it first came out twenty years ago!). I also found the trainer's introduction pertinent and helpful.

If you work in an international context, you'll be especially pleased. Many of the other game compilations have activities that are language (puns, play on words) or culture (trivia) based. This volume seems relatively free of such nonsense.

It's not the sexiest book you'll pick up. The format and design are simple, even stark. Nevertheless, for sheer fun for your buck, you'll have a hard time beating it.

Dark Destiny (The World of Darkness)
Published in Paperback by White Wolf Publishing Inc. (1997)
Authors: Edward E. Kramer, John Cobb, and Ed Kramer
Amazon base price: $5.99
Used price: $1.04
Collectible price: $10.59
Average review score:

not half bad
Dark Destiny shows off some of the good stuff from White Wolf's early years. Not all of it is great, not all of it is accurate, and not all of it is even related to the WOD as it stands now . . . but I will admit that it is fun. The art by John Cobb is nothing short of phenomenal, as usual, and the opening essays by Edward E. Kramer and John Mason Skipp are brilliant, not only for being highly literate and interesting, but also for the light they shed on the World of Darkness and it's origins.

Oh, and Harlan Ellison is still a sick, sick man with a wonderful ability to write very, very scary things. So what if he's obviously never thrown down at a gaming table. Some of the other stuff, especially "But I feel the Bright Eyes...", the Poe story by Bill Crider, are really, really good - and Robert Bloch's "The Scent of Vinegar" won the 1994 Bram Stoker award for a very good reason.

If you dig looking at a book that was written in V:TM's infancy just to see how really great authors understood Mark Rein-Hagen's vision back in the day, go ahead and knock yourself out: buy the book. You won't be disappointed.

Awsome compilation
This book had everything I was looking for in a Fantasy novel. It has a story about Jesus being a vampire and Peter and Paul taking their traveling tent show on the road. It has a story about The Zodiac Killer being this girls father and describes in detail at least one of the crimes and the afterlife where he had been keeping his slaves. All in all its a great book and I recommend it to everyone.

The Best Collection of Short Stories on Vampires and Such
When I first picked up this book, I was reluctant. But the more I read, the more enchanted I became! Being a Vampire myself, I grew to love reading what many others find amusing about Us.

My favorite story in this book was the story of Maria the Vampire. I'm sorry, but I can't remember the title right off hand but it's an intriguing story of the love a vampire has for a mortal woman. And in the end she dies for that love. It was a wonderful tale of vamprism, lesbianism and straight up love.

I would recommend this book to anyone with a love for thrilling stories and a dark heart.


How to File for Divorce in California (Legal Survival Guides)
Published in Paperback by Sphinx Pub (2003)
Authors: John J. Talamo, Edward A. Haman, and Charles T. Robertson
Amazon base price: $18.87
List price: $26.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $18.82
Buy one from zShops for: $17.77
Average review score:

Money well worth spending!
Finally a book anyone can understand not just those in the legal field. Being in the legal profession myself I find this book to be my bible. It's easy and takes you through the process step by step. The only thing you must watch out for are the forms which are constantly revised by the courts. Although this book gives you the names of the forms you will need, it is still your responsibility to check and make sure it's the most current one. One great way is to log onto the court's website where you can download the most recent forms for free. I find this book very helpful and hope you will too. Best of luck!

Rebuttal to the previous review
The earlier review is old. It was written in 1999. This book was updated in 2001. I found the book to be helpful, up-to-date and the most clear of all the CA divorce books.

I highly recommend it -- forms change all the time, it is always important to check copyright dates on any book when using the forms. Plus check on-line resources to make sure the forms are accurate.

The information and advice in this book is far superor than any of the other titles in the catagory.

Rebuttal of the earlier review
The earlier review stating the forms were out of date is completely wrong and must be referring to an earlier edition of this book.

Plus, the review was posted in 1999. The new edition of this book came out in 2001.

This is an excellent book and if used right can save a lot of money.

Kinsey, Sex and Fraud: The Indoctrination of a People
Published in Hardcover by Vital Issues Pr (1990)
Authors: Judith A. Reisman, Edward W. Eichel, J. Gordon Muir, and John H. Court
Amazon base price: $19.99
Used price: $12.50
Buy one from zShops for: $11.99
Average review score:

Kinsey vs Truth
For decades many social "scientists" have passed off the Kinsey Report as truth. Now with the dissemination of the information found in this book, Kinsey's "work" has been exposed as unscientific, fraudulent and criminal. This book is a must for anyone who plans to stand up in a school board meeting to challenge the basis of the misguided sex education curriculum in his or her local public school. It will give you the ammunition you need to effectively refute arguments in favor of pornography, homosexuality, pedophilia, etc. which are based on the bogus data compiled by Kinsey and his fellow "scientists". Reisman and Eichel have done our nation a great service in writing this book.

Thank You From the Author
Just a short note from the author to thank all of the reviewers, (especially the folks who found the book useful)! I have been debating about updating my book Soft Porn Plays Hardball and after reading the reviews that one got I have decided to do so. I do appreciate your taking the time to present your opinions. Sincerely, Judith Reisman

Kinsey Lies . . .
Why is it so hard for social and behavioral scientists to expose fraud? This book does an excellent job of subjecting these "scientific" fields to true scientific scrutiny while exposing one of the more blatant attempts to put political ideology before science.

Kinsey rigged the experiments by seeking out people who would confirm his beliefs. People were preinterviewed before they became part of the real "experiments." Normal, everyday heterosexual individuals were politely shown the door whereas the more nontraditional types were accepted.

The general public needs to be more aware of some of the most pathetic experiments ever performed on children. This is what Kinsey's close colleague, C.A. Tripp,had to say about those experiments in 1991: "[Reisman is] talking about data that came from pedophiles, that he [Kinsey] would listen only to pedophiles who were very careful, used stopwatches, knew how to record their thing, did careful surveys....[T]hey were trained observers." He is of course referring to pedophiles inducing "orgasms" in infants (according to Kinsey, screaming, crying, convulsing, and passing out count as orgasms).

I would hope that most people consider that a sign of terror (and molestation).

I'll close with a quote from the Lancet (book review in 1991) "[T]he important allegations from the scientific viewpoint are the imperfections in the [Kinsey] sample and unethical, possibly criminal observations on children....Kinsey...has left his former co-workers some explaining to do."

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