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Book reviews for "Saveson,_John_Edward" sorted by average review score:

The Secret Six: The True Tale of the Men Who Conspired With John Brown
Published in Paperback by University of South Carolina Press (1997)
Author: Edward J. Renehan
Amazon base price: $13.27
List price: $18.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $10.25
Buy one from zShops for: $9.49
Average review score:

Meticulous research, splendid narrative prose
No one has done more than Renehan to explore and explain the Byzantine tale of abolitionist John Brown and his idealistic but confused (and sometimes absurd) northeastern bankers. This is a splendid story that, by polishing with his customary narrative excellence, Renehan has turned into a real gem.

A tangled web revealed
THE SECRET SIX does a wonderful job of revealing the tangled web of intrigue that lay behind John Brown's 1859 incursion at Harpers Ferry. This is stunning stuff: six affluent northeasterners, one of them the husband of poetess Julia Ward Howe and another the leading Unitarian minister of his day, financing terrorism in slave states -- and going about it methodically, calmly, and deliberately. What a story. And so well told.

First-Rate Abolitionist History
THE SECRET SIX paints a vivid portrait of the northeastern aristocrats who financed John Brown's infamous 1859 misadventure at Harpers Ferry. Renehan's elegant, complelling treatment of true historical facts reads like a novel. All the members of the Six -- Franklin Sanborn, Theodore Parker, Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Samuel Gridley Howe, George Luther Stearns and New York's Gerrit Smith -- are brilliantly sketched by Renehan, who also does a first-rate job rendering the unpredictable and unstable John Brown. Most importantly, Renehan proves expert in unscrambling the many Byzantine intrigues that combine to make up the story of Brown and his often-perplexed benefactors.

Smalltalk With Style
Published in Paperback by Pearson Education POD (21 May, 2002)
Authors: Suzanne Skublics, Edward J. Klimas, David A. Thomas, and John Pugh
Amazon base price: $29.00
Used price: $14.25
Buy one from zShops for: $21.23
Average review score:

Good summary of 100 or so pitfalls and perils
This books, short and to the point of what to do and what not to do with SmallTalk. Simple, and concise, the book covers issues of style that actually can and do apply to anyone who is interested in creating and leaving quality code in place for others to learn from and prosper. Almost a book about Code Karma.

great for improving your smalltalk programming style
This is a great book, it really is. The only potential for disappointment is if you think this book will teach you smalltalk -- it will not. This book is about good programming convensions in smalltalk -- it's about style and consistency and clarity. All this may sound too trivial to merit a book, but consider the following:

You will not find many people that program in smalltalk and you will not be able to see a lot of code. This means that your coding style will take longer to develop *naturally*, on your own. This is where Smalltalk With Style comes in: It's a small book and makes simple and easy reading. When you're done with it, you'll put it aside and most likely never refer to it again. But it will change the way you write code in smalltalk, and your code will begin to look the way smalltalk code should. The advantage of this book is that it packs invaluable programming experience in a wonderful, but not-so-popular programming language into a very small book. Get it, read it, get over with it, and go on to write code like a natural smalltalker.

A definitive "Must Have"
This is one of two or three "must have" books that every person interested in or practicing Smalltalk needs to read and keep on a shelf near by. This book will teach you everything you need to know about writing clear and concise Smalltalk code. The author, Ed Klimas, is one of the most well known Smalltalk guru's around.

The Best 311 Colleges: 1998 (Princeton Review Series)
Published in Paperback by Princeton Review (1997)
Authors: Edward T. Custard, Christine Chung, John Katzman, Zachary Knower, Tom Meltzer, Eric Owens, and Princeton Review
Amazon base price: $20.00
Used price: $2.00
Buy one from zShops for: $5.78
Average review score:

very uneven in accuracy and emphasis
Much of the data, SAT scores and other info, was at least a year or two out-of-date. The preface stated the SAT scores would all be on the newly recentered scale, but were not.The narratives are often not changed much, if any, from year-to-year, so how up-to-date are they?The weighting system for evaluation favors Princeton U. strengths, so Princeton U. came out as best overall undergraduate experience (no surprise for Princeton grad editors!!) And, the book devotes as much space to schools of 500 as it does to schools of 50,000! There is a huge amount of variation between the academic experience of a P.E. major and a nuclear physics major at these big schools, and I'm sure one number rating for academic quality cannot do justice to both. But the book gives a good overall flavor, and I hope (presume) the numbers are overall reasonably accurate. If they gave one overall rating and publicized it, this would be more cited, I believe, than the U.S NEWS survey.

The Best College Guide to Competitive Colleges
Of the 6 guides we used in our college search, we found this to be the most complete and useful with unbiased information about academics, quality of life and admissions. The Fiske Guide to Colleges was probably the second most informative.

A good resource for finding the perfect college
I thought that this book was perfect!! I've seen others of its kind and there is no comparison because it offers how the students view the school

The Heart of a Child: What Families Need to Know About Heart Disorders in Children (Johns Hopkins Press Health Book)
Published in Hardcover by Johns Hopkins Univ Pr (2001)
Authors: Edward B. Clark, Carleen Clark, and Catherine A. Neill
Amazon base price: $59.95
Used price: $33.75
Buy one from zShops for: $36.80
Average review score:

A must for parents of children with CHD
My husband and I found this very useful when our child was first diagnosed, I was always referring to the list of terms and the pictures.

My only regret is that of another review in that the statistical information is out of date.

Superb book for new cardiac parents
Out of all the books in my collection on pediatric cardiac conditions I will have to say that this is the best one out there so far. It has more defects in it and describes them in simple terms then the others books I have seen. This is the first book a new parent should purchase when they find out that their child has a cardiac condition.

Congenital Heart Defects
As parents of two children with congenital heart defects, we found this book to be a wonderful resource. It is a must buy for parents who find themselves faced with the prospect of raising a child with a heart condition. This book does a wonderful job of describing the types of heart defects in terms the average person can understand.

Internet Slavemaster (St. Martin's True Crime Library)
Published in Mass Market Paperback by St Martins Mass Market Paper (2001)
Author: John Glatt
Amazon base price: $6.50
Used price: $2.25
Collectible price: $3.44
Buy one from zShops for: $4.28
Average review score:

Internet Slavemaster
The first of what will probably be several books and perhaps a t.v movie on the Robinson cybersex murders, I was impressed by the initial overview of the case. I worked with the two state probation and parole officers mentioned in the book many years ago, and knew them to be most dedicated officers. I take the Key West Citizen and the Florida Keys Keynoter newspapers, and found the author's report of the Robinson family in the Keys to be consistant with both newspapers. I attended the first international symposium on cybersex last May, 2001, in Las Vegas and found the book to be consistent with seminar information. This case will not be resolved for years, and the book gives a good foundation. A good read for true crime buffs. =30=

Welcome to cyber serials!
This story blew my mind. I had just finished the book when I stopped for fuel at the NM/AZ state line on I-40. There was a state police computer printout hanging on the door, warning women against chatting with men on the internet because of the "internet slavemaster." The state police (NM) were asking for any information in connection to this internet entity. I couldn't believe it.

Then, when I arrived in Holbrook, AZ, I ran into four highway patrolmen at a truckstop diner and asked them about the notice. We engaged in an hour-long conversation about how a predator like this can disguise himself as an upstanding member of the community and keep everybody fooled. We had the book out and several people seemed mesmerized by our discussion of this story. It has that effect! It is just so unbelievable that people are astounded.

If you have not read this book, get it! This man was the first to harness the internet for serial killing. Boy, it will drive home the fact that there is no safe ground anymore. If you have children, you will be concerned about what they are doing online. It will make you look at your computer in a whole new light. It will also make you start wondering about all those upstanding citizens that you know so well ... or do you really know them at all?

There is a flip side to this story - the world of S&M and the women that were surfing for a "master." This man could not have lured them if they had not been presenting themselves as victims. That is where the game is so dangerous - you just never know when it is going to get out of hand. I would think that it is not something you would readily trust to a stranger. I think that is the part of this story that astounds people the most. Why would a woman readily place herself into the role of slave to a complete stranger?

The author has done a fabulous job of presenting the facts in a flowing narrative that keeps you reading. I couldn't put the book down until I finished it. I can't imagine what he could have done to improve it. It was outstanding!

Living in the Kansas City area I was particularly interested in the John Robinson case and followed it avidly. Glattt has done an excellent job in recounting the case and his research is first class. He also goes further and breaks new facts on the case which have never come to light before. I was very impressed by his writing style and attanetion to detail. I would recommend this to all true crime fans and have done so. This one is way up there with In Cold Blood.

Managing Credit Risk : The Next Great Financial Challenge
Published in Hardcover by John Wiley & Sons (1998)
Authors: John B. Caouette, Edward I. Altman, and Paul Narayanan
Amazon base price: $59.50
List price: $85.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $51.40
Buy one from zShops for: $48.91
Average review score:

Innovative approach to Managing credit risks
This book popularises the new portfolio management approach to managing loan portfolios.The attempt is to mark the value of loans to market. This assumes a vibrant market for securitised loans , strips etc.It is a very good introductory book an the subject which is now evolving.It should be read by regulators and those who have supervisory roles.It is easy reading not much encumbered by obscure mathematical equations
This is good value for money and should be on every credit administrator's bookshelf

A Foot in the Door
The authors make for a particularly impressive team of credit risk experts and Professor Altman in particular is a global authority on the subject. The book does not disappoint, and provides a first-rate overview of the field as it is currently emerging. Of particular interest to this reviewer were the chapters on the new credit risk models such as CreditMetrics, KMV and their brethren. There are also some informative chapters on default and recovery analysis and credit migration. However, like so many financial books on the market these days, there is little guidance on the practical implementation of the various approaches described in the text. Overall, "Managing Credit Risk" is a very useful work but for this kind of money I would have expected more than just a foot in the door!

Comprehensive Resource on Credit Risk Management
Overall this book is a good overview of credit risk managment issues and techniques. The treatment of high yield is particularly good, and much of this information is unique to this resource.

The writing is accessible to beginners, and the content is a useful reference for experienced professionals. I also highly recommend Tavakoli's "Credit Derivatives & Synthetic Structures."

Everett Ruess: A Vagabond for Beauty
Published in Paperback by Gibbs Smith Publisher (1985)
Authors: W. L. Rusho, Edward Abbey, and John Nichols
Amazon base price: $11.17
List price: $15.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $6.94
Buy one from zShops for: $8.70
Average review score:

Tree Huggers Unite
In a word - boring. In two? Boring and dull. Not particularily interesting, not particularily insightful. Blah, blah, blah - it never seems to end. My friend's mother must have been high on crack to recommend this to me. Several hours of my life I'll never get back. I'm a bright guy, PhD, well read, enjoy camping and the outdoors - not as shallow as this review might suggest - but honestly, this book [stink].

Unsolved mystery
This is a hard book to sum up in a few words. Fascinating and compelling, yes; heartbreaking, often; hair-raising sometimes; exasperating, occasionally. Mostly, it is a vivid reminder of what it is to be still very young, naive, and adventuresome. It's also a book that's very hard to put down.

The reader, of course, knows from the start that Everett Ruess disappears at the age of 21 while on a walkabout somewhere near the Colorado River, in the remote 1930s wilderness of southern Utah. Gifted, bright, and almost painfully sensitive, he writes letters home that are sweetly poignant, thoughtful, opinionated, and rapturously descriptive of the natural environment he loves. Starting at the age of 16, while still a high school student in Hollywood, California, he journeys to Carmel, Arizona, and the Sierras. Leaving UCLA after one unhappy semester, he returns to the Four Corners region of Arizona and drifts northward into Utah where he follows the Escalante down to the Colorado and then vanishes.

A lover of classical music, a reader of books, poet, writer, water colorist, and block print maker, he considers himself very much a misfit in a world of conformity, where people live lives of quiet desperation, pursuing material goals that make them unhappy and unfulfilled. Torn between his desire for companionship and his love of wilderness solitude, he appreciates warm and welcoming company wherever he happens upon it, and seeks it out when he can, sometimes introducing himself to established artists, such as photographers Edward Weston and Ansel Adams. During visits to the home of painter Maynard Dixon, in San Francisco, he is befriended and photographed by Dixon's wife, Dorothea Lange. One of these photographs eventually appears in a missing persons report in a publication of the Los Angeles Police Department.

It's easy to go on and on about this book. The letters provide such a rich psychological portrait of this young man, full of interesting contradictions and curious prophecies of his eventual fate. Meanwhile, there is the mystery of his disappearance and the various theories and speculation about what may have happened to him, which are also included by the book's author.

I am happy to recommend this book to anyone interested in the West, stories about coming of age and self-reliance, rhapsodic descriptions of nature, personal adventures, the desert, Native Americans, and unsolved mysteries. As companion volumes, I'd also suggest Edward Abbey's "Desert Solitaire" and Eliot Porter's excellent collection of photographs, "The Place No One Knew: Glen Canyon on the Colorado."

Great Book....
I throughly enjoyed this book.

Being from No. Az. I was able to comprehend, location wise, Everett's travels and understand his artistic descriptions. Well written in chronological fashion, Rusho challenges readers to speculate on Everett's demise w/o overburdening with his own opinions.

Buy this book and be ready; Everett's a fellow that I think we would all truly like to meet and would appreciate.

The Home Winemaker's Companion: Secrets, Recipes, and Know-How for Making 115 Great-Tasting Wines
Published in Paperback by Storey Books (01 July, 2000)
Authors: Gene Spaziani, Ed Halloran, and Edward Joseph Halloran
Amazon base price: $13.27
List price: $18.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $7.95
Buy one from zShops for: $11.50
Average review score:

A valuable adjunct to any winemaker's library
Gene Spaziani and Ed Halloran have written a book that needed to be written. The first three chapters are the obligatory "how to make wine" chapters ("Getting Started," "Essential How-Tos" and "Wine from Kits"). These have been done better by others, but the book would be incomplete without them.

The meat of this book begins with chapter 4, "Wine from Concentrates." And what a chapter it is, covering 13 specific white wine concentrates (Chenin Blanc to Vino Blanc) and 13 specific red wine concentrates (Barbera to Zinfandel), with recipes and step-by-step instructions for each (all suspiciously similar, but if the shoe fits....).

Chapter 5 is "Wine from Juices," and it does a superb job with 15 white grape juices (Chardonnay to Vidal Blanc), 15 red grape juices (Barbera to Zinfandel again, but many in between are different) and one blush.

Chapter 6, "White Wine from Grapes," covers 20 great grapes, from Aurora French-American Hybrid to Vidal Blanc French-American Hybrid, with some real classics in between. Chapter 7 is predictably "Red Wine from Grapes," covering another 20 grapes from Alicante-Bouschet to--again--Zinfandel, but the in-betweens are both classic and unusual.

Chapter 8, "Wine from Fruit," offers up 14 classic non-grape wines--from Apple to Strawberry. I found some of the ingredients thought-provoking(Epsom salts, for example, in fresh-crushed apple juice), but I found their choices of yeast less than inspiring (their heavy reliance on sweet mead yeast was a bit unimaginative, in my opinion).

Chapter 9, "Sparkling and Fortified Wines," offers a very good primer on these subjects, with more emphasis on the latter than the former. Chapter 10 is "Trouble-Shooting," but this, like the first three chapters, has been done better by others.

Criticisms aside, this book is a valuable adjunct to any winemaker's library. Where else can you find recipes for Cayuga French-American Hybrid, Lemberger red or Morio Muskat, all in the same volume? You can bet my copy is already well-thumbed....

If you only buy one book on winemaking, this should be it!
We are the owners of Maltose Express, the largest winemaking and homebrew store in Connecticut. Whenever a winemaker is looking for a winemaking book, whether the customer is a novice or an experienced winemaker, this book is the one we sell them. It is written by a home-winemaker who knows his craft; after all, he has been making award-winning wine for over 40 years. Not only is Mr. Spaziani a past president ot the American Wine Society and teaches college classes on winemaking and appreciation, but he is also ranked as one of the top ten national home wine-makers ever! This is one author of a winemaking book that doesn't just sit in front of a computer and write. He makes alot of wine and has the purple hands in September and October to prove it! Follow his advice, methods and use his expertise to make your own luscious and award winning wines. Buy this book, your next wine might be a gold medal winner!

new winemaker
I am a newer wine maker and as such, I found this book to be just what I needed to help get the job done! Other books I own were much more difficult to follow or they went off on some tangent or were incomplete. The Home Winemaker's Companion achieves exactly what is needed to help anyone make good drinkable wine and have fun. Thank You!

The complete Enochian dictionary : a dictionary of the Angelic language as revealed to Dr. John Dee and Edward Kelley
Published in Unknown Binding by Askin Publishers Ltd. ; distributed by S. Weiser ()
Author: Donald C. Laycock
Amazon base price: $
Collectible price: $195.00
Average review score:

Compelling Introduction to the World of Enochian Magick
I found this book to be a very Compelling Introduction to the World of Enochian Magick. ... My brief encounter with the Enochian method impressed me and Lon Duquette's book encouraged my research--therefore, I purchased this Enochian Dictionary and found myself literally Devouring the introductory material (historical aspects, etc.) of "The Complete Enochian Dictionary: A Dictionary of the Angelic Language As Revealed to Dr. John Dee and Edward Kelley."
I would certainly give the book 5 stars, if not for the fact that it is, mostly, a Dictionary / Reference book. I read the introductory material in one sitting, but the rest of the book is intended as reference material. However, this reference material is Brilliantly categorized as either original "Dee" words and definitions, or attributed to the Golden Dawn, Aleister Crowley, Goetic, etc.--thus, creating a clearly defined listing of Original Enochian and that inspired by Crowley and his own workings with this system of Magick.
... Regardless of the issues surrounding the historical creation (or revelation) of the Enochian Language, it seems to work. The words, of whatever origin, seem to produce a powerful effect upon the atmosphere surrounding the Magickian.
I have not, personally, worked with Enochian, yet--I am only researching the effects I have witnessed, first-hand. From what I have seen, thus-far, I believe Enochian is, in fact, a powerful and Magickal Language.
The origins of the language, although fascinatingly depicted in this book are moot--much like Gravitation and The Theory of Relativity, even if you do not understand the science behind it, it Works.
I highly recommend this Dictionary of Enochian to anyone interested in Magick, Anthropology, The Occult, etc.--the subject is quite interesting.

Learn the Enochian language
This book is great! It is user friendly and is good for both the beginner, intermediate and advanced prationers of Enochian Magick. This has helped me in some of my ceremonies when I wanted to speak only Enochian to lest say the Seniors. Unfortunatly I could not find a few words I wanted to use so I would say 98 percent was used in the Enochian language. But dont be fooled Enochian is not only "the language of the Angels" it is also a system of magick so you will eighter need a teacher or other books on this subject. This book is excellent as it is a companion to any book you buy which deals with the subject of Enochian magick. Lon Milo Duquette makes a wonderful introduction by sharing his experience with the reader. He realy brings the book to life. This is one of the better books on the subject of Enochian. You will also find the Enochian keys which are very important in the Enochian magickal system.

For over 20 years Enochian magick has been my passion and magical "drug" of choice. I've evoked many of the elemental spirits and am continuing my personal initiatory career by systematically exploring the 30 Aethyrs of the system. There are four or five texts that are absolutely indispensable if one is serious about taking up his complex art. The first one I would recommend is "The Enochian World of Aleister Crowley" by Lon Milo DuQuette and Christopher Hyatt. Next would be Laycock's Complete Enochian Dictionary. I am so happy to see that this has been reissued. My first edition has nearly turned to dust. A new introduction by DuQuette, where he actually describes an evocation of an elemental angel, is priceless...and a bit reassuring. My highest recommendation.

The Hashish Man and Other Stories
Published in Paperback by Manic D Press (1996)
Authors: Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett Dunsany and Lord Dunsany
Amazon base price: $9.56
List price: $11.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $5.99
Buy one from zShops for: $7.74
Average review score:

5 Stars for Lord Dunsany and 0 for the Publisher
I have just received this book in the mail and I am sending it back on Monday. For one thing, the materials this book is constructed out of are very cheap. The cover picture is made with an off-the-shelf 3D graphics program and done in a very amateurish manner. The title "The Hashish Man" was chosen purely to attract what the publishers thought of as a "hip" target audience and smacks at Lord Dunsany's sober genius. Lord Dunsany never took drugs and one would know where he got his inspiration if they read any books about him. Of course, because our times produce writers of infertile minds we automatically assume he had to have been on a drug to write these beautiful and imaginative stories. The publishers are associating Lord Dunsany with "the Hashish Man", the title of this anthology, when in fact in his (fictional) short story Lord Dunsany is approached by the "Hashish Man" who relates to Lord Dunsany how HE travels to dream worlds (via hashish) which is in contrast with Lord Dunsany.

Besides trashing Lord Dunsany's character the introduction is a bad two-page college essay written by a person who is totally unknown. Who is Jon Longhi of San Francisco? Here are a few pathetic quotes by Mr. Longhi: Describing Lord Dunsany's writing, "At times these details veer toward the noisome realm of elves and hobbits". The "realm of elves and hobbits" is only "noisome" because the publishers think that readers of H.P. Lovecraft don't like fantasy writing and that Tolkien is not popular right now. However when Ballantine Books published "The King Of Elfland's Daughter" in 1977, when Tolkien was the flavor of the month with publishers, they boasted "A fantasy novel in a class with the Tolkien books!," which ever way the wind blows I guess. Another quote: "psychedelic rave-up of language and's great fun riding on the hallucinations." More drug association. "Captain Shard pilots a boat which sails across the desert on huge wheels, just like the main vehicle in the movie Time Bandits." Doesn't this sound childish? What main vehicle in Time Bandits? The only thing with sails in that movie was the ship on the giant's head, but it did not have wheels. Mr. Longhi might be thinking of the building with sails traversing barren wastelands manned by the intrepid crew of the Crimson Assurance Co. in the mini-movie before Monty Python's Meaning of Life.

Either this guy is an absolute idiot or he is just failing miserably to convince me that he is really anything like the people he is trying to reach. Mr. Longhi, like some desperate college sophomore, has padded out his introduction with a variety of multi-syllabic words in the hopes of impressing the average (ignorant) reader. This introduction should be in an anthology of drugstore-swords & sorcery-escapist-self-indulgent-trash.

I know that anthologies of Lord Dunsany's writings are rare but I would rather have them rare and cherishable instead of common and degraded. Most libraries have some of Lord Dunsany's works and through interlibrary loan you should be able to get just about anything written by this laudable fantasist. Do not pollute your personal library with this trash. Let us not reduce Lord Dunsany to the level of pulp. Let us not patronize publishers that drag remarkable writers down to their seedy level so they can make an easy buck. We need to have more respect.

Tales of the dreamer
Lord Dunsany's works are gradually coming back into print, a great relief to someone who has liked his works for a long time. The pre-Tolkien fantasy authors are too often neglected because of their different style, but any person who appreciates beautiful language will appreciate Dunsany's unique fantasies.

This includes such stories as "Charon," a brief story about the ferryman of the dead; the rather odd "Three Infernal Jokes"; "The Guest," about a young man who launches into a strange monologue; "Thirteen at Table," about a strange house and a fox-hunt; "Three Sailors' Gambit" is somewhat more prosaic, the tale of three sailors in a pub; "The Exiles' Club" is the story of a sumptuous but somehow strange and sinister house in London; "Where the Tides Ebb and Flow" is a dream -- and a darn disturbing one at that, where a young man dreams that "I had done a horrible thing, so that burial was to be denied me either in soil or sea, neither could there be any hell for me"; "The Field" is at first mysterious and then saddening, where someone visits a beautiful field where he senses something terrible; "A Tale of London," where a sultan asks his hashish-eater to tell him about the far-off city of London; "Narrow Escape" tells what occurs when an evil magician decides to obliterate London; "Bethmoora" is the reminiscences of an exotic city that no longer exists; "Hashish Man" is something of a sequel to "Bethmoora," in which a man tells the narrator about how he uses hashish to travel to the city of Bethmoora. "How An Enemy Came to Thlunrana" is how a mighty wizards' citadel was overcome by an unexpected means; "In Zaccarath" is the story of a mighty, beautiful, and seemingly everlasting city and its king; "Idle City" is a very odd one, about a polytheistic/monotheistic city, now very lonely-looking; "The Madness of Andelsprutz" is another story about a "dead" city, in which the narrator is told how a certain city became "soulless".

"Secret of the Sea" is about a very sad sailor; "Idle Days on the Yann" is exactly what it sounds like, a pleasantly plotless but beautifully written story about sailing on the mythical Yann River; "A Tale of the Equator" is about the foreseeing of a magnificent city; "Spring in Town" is about the arrival of a season; "In the Twilight" is the beautifully-written vision of a man whose boat had capsized; "Wind and Fog" is a slightly odd little story about the North Wind and some fog; "A Story of Land and Sea" is the sequel to a story in Book of Wonder, more about Captain Shard; "After the Fire" is what happens when a dark star collides with the world, and what other creatures see in man's temples; "Assignation," the last story in the collection, is about what a poet and Fame have to say to one another.

As for this edition: I must agree with the previous reviewer who commented on the lame cover and unfortunate title, as well as the fact that the binding could be better. That's why it rates four out of a potential five stars. I will also warn buyers that several of these stories appear in other anthologies, so don't be surprised if you bump into things you already have. Many are from the "Last Book of Wonder" or "Dreamer's Tales" and overall they tend to the less fantastical stories.

Dunsany's prose tends to be dreamy, lush, and unabashed in its Eastern tone. There's no starkness here. Despite the title of the collection, there is minimal drug use and it is definitely not recommended by Dunsany's works. His story vary widely in range, but this is an excellent collection and well worth finding.

A terrific collection of obscure gems
While I'm not a die-hard fan of fantasy and science fiction, I really liked this collection of short stories, which transcend the usual definitions of the genre. Unlike some readers who believe that obscure literary gems like these tales should be hallowed in the dusty stacks of libraries, I salute the publisher who has made these amazing works available again - I certainly would have never stumbled upon this book otherwise! Edgy like Lovecraft (whom I adore), these stories reflect a sense of wonder and imagination that is often missing from the fiction of today - a great read, highly recommended!

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