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Book reviews for "Price,_Anthony" sorted by average review score:

The history of U.S Electronic Warfare (Vol. 1)
Published in Hardcover by Assn of Old Crows (June, 1984)
Author: Anthony Price
Amazon base price: $26.00
Used price: $22.00
Average review score:

Indispensable continuation
If you have bought Volume I of this fascinating history, (see Amazon's Website) you cannot do without Vol. II. This covers the early Cold War period. Its quality is of the same high level as the earlier book. As the author approaches modern times, however, some subjects turn out not to be declassified yet... A third volume is planned, watch out for it!

Obligatory Reading!
This book is written by a true professional: Price has been active in military electronics and is a superb writer too. Nevertheless the book does not require specialist knowledge from the reader. Excellent illustrations, impeccably correct data. A "must" for anyone interested in the subject.

The real story of EW in WWII, a must read for any EW person
I found this book in a used bookstore and was delighted with the detail, history, and photo record of the birth of EW. Mostly an US/Allied history with good amount of German and Japanes stuff. Anyone wanting to learn abought EW this is the place to start. The birth of it all.

Commemorative Coins of the United States: Identification and Price Guide (Confident Collector)
Published in Paperback by Avon Books (Pap Trd) (September, 1993)
Authors: Anthony Swiatek and Brad Reed
Amazon base price: $16.00
Used price: $5.80
Collectible price: $10.59
Buy one from zShops for: $5.94
Average review score:

If a book about commemorative coins had to be likened to the Bible, this would be it. It is excellently researched and has a great wealth of information about the various varieties of the coins. It also contains more information about original holders than I have ever seen. Of special interest to investors is the section on projected increases in value. This book is also packed full of top-notch illustrations. If anyone is interested in commemorative coins, or coins in general, this book is a must for any numismatist.

Evolutionary Psychiatry: A New Beginning
Published in Library Binding by Routledge (08 October, 1996)
Authors: Anthony Stevens and John Price
Amazon base price: $89.95
Average review score:

Exceptional and very rare scholarly work
It is an exceptional and very rare scholarly work of incredible science that tries to avoid human biases that can easily creep into the evaluation of psychoanalysis, psychotherapy, and other therapies. As other good reviewers have said this book is very
comprehensive and written for the advanced reader but it is a MUST for ALL and should be mandatory reading for any
progressive school or person. The book discusses several human brain conditions from anxiety all to way to schizophrenia and
discusses their definition, diagnosis, origins, prevalence, reasons for existing, etc.... What I specifically noted about this book, apart from all the good that has been written, is its attempt to remove, as much as possible, human biases in the science of psychology and psychiatry and to just state "Just the facts mam". They even admit to the pitfalls of the traditional fields of psychology and psychiatry (e.g. psychoanalysis). A MUST for those wanting to move on beyond the traditional psychobable
and self-help; towards real science.

An extremely interesting book detailing evolutionary human behavior. Covers a very wide range from the history of evolutionary
thinking to the latest views. Includes: kin selection, friendship, family, group, and tribal behavioral dynamics as viewed from an
evolutionary point of view.

For further reading:
The Moral Animal : The New Science of Evolutionary Psychology by Robert Wright
Charles Darwin by John Bowlby
Darwinian Psychiatry by Michael T. McGuire, Alfonso Troisi

Pearl of Great Price: The Life of Mother Matia Skobtsova, 1891-1945
Published in Paperback by St Vladimirs Seminary Pr (August, 1901)
Authors: Sergei Hackel and Anthony Bloom
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $8.00
Average review score:

A Saint of our time!
The imminent canonization of Mother Maria Skobtsova is long overdue. Unfortunatly it's the same old story; with her strong will and determination she was seen by some people as a "troublemaker" and a nuisance. But happily that great churchman, Metropolitan Evlogy, Exarch of Western Europe, saw beyond this and recognized her as a woman of exceptional qualities. Living as a nun "in the world" she couldn't hide anything and didn't intend to. She fought her battles, often alone, but she brought love and comfort to many. She lived in Paris at the time Ernest Hemingway lived there too, but this is not the story of the "moveable feast". It's the story of those less fortunate whose goal of the day were to survive illnesses, epidemics, frost, and starvation. Two clean different pictures. By the grace of God, Mother Maria Skobtsova will be officially proclaimed a saint - a status she've had for many people since her horrible death in a Nazi KZ in Easter 1945. Now we wait for a broad presentation of her poetry; a subject only touched from time to time in this book. We are, though, grateful to the unselfish work of the author, Sergei Hackel.

Soldier No More
Published in Paperback by G K Hall & Co (November, 1989)
Author: Anthony Price
Amazon base price: $18.95
Used price: $5.25
Average review score:

Terriffic spy novel set in post-war France.
Literate,insightful novel wrapped around post war spies in France (Russian, British, Israeli, etc.) and tied in with the Algerian and Suez crises.

Tomorrow's Ghost
Published in Audio Cassette by Soundings Ltd (April, 2000)
Authors: Anthony Price and Julia Franklyn
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:

fantasic..........loved it......sad though!
Tomorrow's ghost is one of the finest fantasy books I have read in a long time.

The complicated plot is ingenious right to the very end, in which he keeps you guessing even after you have finished with the book.

I would recommend this book to all.

War Game
Published in Hardcover by Doubleday (June, 1977)
Author: Anthony. Price
Amazon base price: $7.95
Used price: $1.99
Collectible price: $7.41
Average review score:

"War Game"
I think this book is great.Antony has really done a great job on this book.I think he wrote this book because he was interested of his family.
I hope this isn't his best book.When ever I read this book I feel like I am in The first world war fighting the Germans.I cannot tell you any more because I have wrote the rest with invisible inc.If you want to find out any more about
"War Game" why not buy the book.

Who Switched the Price Tags?
Published in Paperback by W Publishing Group (August, 1987)
Authors: Anthony Campolo and Tony Campolo
Amazon base price: $12.98
Used price: $0.43
Collectible price: $1.07
Buy one from zShops for: $10.67
Average review score:

Outstanding and challenging
This book challenges you to consider the priorities of your life. To value love, family and character more than achievement, wealth and status. To take more risks rather than the easy path. It was one of the foundations in my family's decision to uproot from a secure job in England and relocate to an unknown job in America. I have given away more copies than I care to remember; always to great effect. Enjoy it and learn from it. It might change the way you think about your life

The Eyes of the Fleet: A Poplular History of Frigates and Frigate Captains 1793-1815
Published in Hardcover by Hutchinson (September, 1991)
Author: Anthony Price
Amazon base price: $39.50
Used price: $14.00
Average review score:

The Rotyal Navy's best officers in the Napoleonic Wars
This excellent work studies the careers and actions of many of England's Royal Navy and her most famous frigate captains during the Napoleonic Wars. 'Were I to die at this moment,' wrote Nelson after the battle of the Nile, "'want of Frigates" would be found stamped on my heart.'

Frigates, in their classical wooden form, only existed as a class of warship for a century (c1750-1850). As fast scouting cruisers, they were - again in Nelson's words -'the eyes of the Fleet'. But they were much more than that: as true fighting-ships, lightly-built but heavilyarmed, they were also the maids-of-allwork of the British navy, ready for every task short of joining in those great set-piece fleet battles which were the preserve of ships-of-the-line like Nelson's Victory.

Yet Nelson's own first command as a fully-fledged captain was of a frigate: for every young officer, command of such a ship was the essential first step towards fame and admiral's rank. And in such a ship a young captain could become a millionaire - and even a Jack Tar could win the equivalent of 16 years' pay in an afternoon.

The Eyes of the Fleet is the story of the frigate's evolution and high days, told largely through the overlapping careers of a succession of some of the most famous - and infamous - frigate captains and set against the 22-year drama of the last of the great 'French Wars'.

A bit hard reading, but a GOOD read about British Frigates.
Excellent reading about British Frigates, "the eyes of the British fleet", just prior to and during the Napoleanic Wars. Mostly follows the exploits of six "Post Captains" from the 1780's to the 1810's, and also gives incite to the workings of the British Admiralty system during that time. A bit hard to read, but if you like things naval it reads like a Hornblower book of non-fiction

True Crime (Price-Less Audio)
Published in Audio Cassette by Random House (Audio) (August, 1996)
Authors: Andrew Klavan and Anthony Heald
Amazon base price: $8.99
Used price: $2.00
Average review score:

a book about a jerk who does one redeeming thing
I found this book a real page-turner, although Klavan is much better plotter than writer. I love books like this for the same reason I like movies like "The Fugitive": the pace of the narrative carries me along. It's interesting to have a novel with a protagonist who's so unlikable (the person who wrote that Everett can't help the things that happen to him makes me mad; a man CAN keep his pants on, after all). And for depth on the death penalty issue, it's far outclassed by "In Cold Blood" or "Dead Man Walking." But it's a good read, especially for the beach, the plane, or the sickbed. Despite the flaws I found in this book, I just had my local library get "The Animal Hour" for me on inter-library loan.

Almost a perfect suspense thriller!
I give this a 10 because I gave Steve Thayer's "The Weatherman" a 10 also. Each deals with a man awaiting execution. Each does it brilliantly! I can't help but refer to John Grisham's preachy attempt at the same subject matter. I guess that some authors are just lucky enough to become fashionable. "True Crime" has a hero, nay anti-hero, who embodies many of our frailties and is not afraid to admit it. He has few redeeming traits. He is however, an honest to goodness from-the-gut reporter whose life behind the byline will never be anything but misery. His personal life is in self-destruct mode. The first half of the book is a setup for a frenetic conlusion. Once there, I honestly could not put it down until I reached its end. Read this and give kudos where they are due. Great job, Andrew Klavan.

This book had me riveted from moment one...I have insisted all my friends and family members read it. I am looking forward to the movie but am going crazy that they are not setting it in St. Louis as the book is written. I am a local St. Louisan and that was the original reason I bought the book. It's disappointing that Hollywood doesn't realize other parts of the world exist besides New York and California. Oh least they cast Eastwood. I definitely recommend the book...just be sure to have plenty of spare time to read will be hard to put down.

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