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Book reviews for "Price,_Anthony" sorted by average review score:

The Eyes of the Fleet: A Popular History of Frigates and Frigate Captains 1793-1815
Published in Hardcover by W.W. Norton & Company (January, 1996)
Author: Anthony Price
Amazon base price: $25.00
Used price: $11.99
Collectible price: $10.54
Buy one from zShops for: $9.98
Average review score:

Great insights for Patrick O'Brian readers.
For avid readers of Patrick O'Brian's "Aubrey - Maturin" series, this book provides intruiging insights into the real-life frigate captains whose exploits are the source material for O'Brian, and the other imitators: Kent, Pope, Parkinson, Forester, et al. While the material is fascinating, the writing style takes a bit of work: Mr. Price is a master of the convoluted, parenthesized, run-on sentence. But once you get a handle on his writing style, the tales of the almost larger-than-life frigate captains like the rash but incomparable Cochrane, and the incredible Hoste, will put Jack Aubrey in a different light. His adventures and achievements -which sometimes seem so heroic as to be farfetched - are simply re-told tales from the adventures of these real-life fighting captains. In summary: terrific background for understanding the naval aspects of England's Napoleonic Wars, and the American action in the War of 1812

Explains what a frigate "Man-of-War" is really like.
After reading a few of the books by any of the great Naval fiction/historical authors, this is the book that explains some of the terms you may not quite understand. After reading this book, keep it on hand while you read all the others. That way you can refer to chapters herein that can lend a bearing. Good Stuff !!!

The 44 Vintage
Published in Hardcover by Doubleday (August, 1978)
Author: Anthony Price
Amazon base price: $7.95
Used price: $14.95
Collectible price: $14.02
Average review score:

Great atmosphere!
Unfortunately I wasn't really keen on this title. I found the time setting the most interesting factor. The only other title I have read by Mr. Price is The Alamut Ambush & this was average fare. The 44 Vintage unfortunately was not a good one. Below average for it's type.

Espionage, Thrills and Excitement
Although this book was the 6th in this series, it actually predates the preceeding books in timeframe. The introduction of the key series characters of Dr. Audley & Col. (then Cpl) Butler during the final push of WWII is great for the reader who already has some familiarity with other titles, but the new reader may find it a less than compelling read. Try one of the other books, then come back to this one and you'll appreciate the depth of character and involved plot.

A superb adventure-cum-mystery novel
Introduces Audley and Butler, key figures who appear in most later Anthony Price cold war novels of intellectual espionage. From the nearly one-sided armor warfare in the bocage of Normandy through the south of France, a fast moving boo

The Lyle Price Guide to Collectibles and Memorabilia #3
Published in Paperback by Perigee (June, 1994)
Authors: Tony Curtis and Anthony Curtis
Amazon base price: $15.95
Used price: $1.80
Collectible price: $1.91
Buy one from zShops for: $16.98
Average review score:

A very comprehensive collection.
"One of the most comprehensive books I've seen on collectibles and memorabilia!  All in black and white photos of collectibles from advertising signs to Zeppelin memorbilia.  Other categories include but not limited to:  Avon, bottles, breweriana, cards, chairs, china, Christmas Ornaments, cigarette collectibles, cloisonne, Coca-Cola, dolls, glass, models, postcards, Rock-n-Roll, signs and more than 200 more categories!"

Other Paths to Glory
Published in Paperback by Chivers North Amer (December, 1984)
Author: Anthony Price
Amazon base price: $15.95
Used price: $7.25
Collectible price: $8.00
Average review score:

A complex spy thriller with a strong historical basis.
This is one of Anthony Price's strongest works. The narrative is taut and suspenseful, with a complex chain of events occurring in the modern day which hark back to a little-known battle of the First World War. For historical and military buffs, this is one of the essential books of this genre.

Analyzing and Forecasting Futures Prices: A Guide for Hedgers, Speculators, and Traders
Published in Paperback by (January, 2001)
Author: Anthony F. Herbst
Amazon base price: $52.95
Average review score:

Just another system
The author does a fine job of presenting his system, however, he forgets to explain how he goes about his analysis. A comprehensive book would inform the reader how the author conducts analysis. Besides, one would expect for the price of the publication, a print date of Jan 2001 may offer an updated version of the original print: no luck. Much of the print dedicated to computer application uses old Lotus language - it is clear this edition could care less about users in Jan 2001 - it also seems to pass over the 90s as well. In all, it seems the author presents his notes on a system of looking for cycles, but the path is not clear and the guide not up to date. I am a commodity hedger and I find little use with book.

Forceasting Futures prices
The Book has detailed explanations and examples of futures trading techniques and a lot technical analysis. One of the few forecasting books that is not lost in mathematics . The spread sheet examples purred like a kitten in excel. This in turn can be used to judge the significance of cycles or trends. The spread sheet are a great help to sort and mange data to see what you are really looking at. Easy to follow real world examples. It's the kind of book you wish for in MBA classes but never seem to see

Buyer's Guide to American Wines: The Right Wine for the Right Price
Published in Paperback by HarperCollins (paper) (September, 1992)
Authors: Anthony Dias Blue and Anthony Dias Blue
Amazon base price: $15.00
Used price: $1.13
Collectible price: $6.09
Buy one from zShops for: $8.95
Average review score:

Complete, comprehensive
A great book with a lot of information. Now the question is where to find an up-to-date version of this comprehensive volume ?

Comprehensive listings of American wineries
This is a book that should be re-released with updated information. It is the wine connoisseurs indispensible resource.

Relative Dividend Yield: Common Stock Investing for Income and Appreciation (Wiley Finance Edition)
Published in Paperback by John Wiley & Sons (February, 1992)
Authors: Anthony E. Spare and Nancy Tengler
Amazon base price: $49.95
Used price: $9.99
Collectible price: $36.00
Average review score:

Persuasive, But Relatively Lite...
Anthony Spare and Paul Ciotti make a logical, but uninspired, case for making Relative Dividend Yield part of one's equity valuation and also one's buy/sell decisions. The book is clearly written and offers ample graphs to substantiate the notion of buying equities when dividend yields are high, and selling them once they are low.

Actually, the graphs may be too ample...readers of this rather expensive 248-page book will quickly learn that the text is a bit long on charts showing individual equity dividend yields relative to stock indexes over time, and a bit short on specifics concerning the avoidance of issues whose yields are high for good reason.

That's the book's essential deficiency: the authors devote a mere twelve overly general pages to "Pitfalls and Preventative Measures" (Chapter 6). Also, since investors will likely have a difficult time constructing the kinds of charts the Relative Dividend Yield methodology requires, it would have been helpful to offer tips on a cost-effective means to make this methodology applicable in real-time. The authors do, however, provide graphs with prior relative dividend yield histories, with room to continue plotting these yields, on several "blue chip" dividend-paying equities.

A New Kind of War
Published in Paperback by Warner Books (June, 1989)
Author: Anthony Price
Amazon base price: $4.95
Used price: $2.95
Collectible price: $5.85
Average review score:

A New Kind Of Dull
I think the only thing more boring then the periods of time the author describes in the book is the actual book. After the persistent call of a friend of mind to try another book from this author I did, or at least 125 pages of it. This is book was supposed to be a thriller it must have come after I stopped reading, and if it is a character study then the people the author created are the single most dull group out there. If you are a fan of this author maybe you can see the charm in the book, but if you are looking for a good read -keep moving.

A New Kind of War
Anthony Price's books usually contain a wealth of detail. This detail is combined with plot twists and turns that are often not fully explained. This forces the reader to think a bit, but can be off-putting as well. Price's hero/anti-hero, David Audley, is too smart by half, but I found the Audley character interesting in the extreme. Price's descriptions of pieces of the Anglo/Greek Campaign in a New Kind of War provided me useful insight into that star-crossed bit of history.

For the Good of the State
Published in Hardcover by Mysterious Press (March, 1999)
Author: Anthony Price
Amazon base price: $45.00
Used price: $13.22
Collectible price: $10.05
Average review score:

Not My Cup of Tea
I have to admit this was a sale table buy and I wish I had left it there. I have a hard time really getting into a British character if it is not well written and these characters were not. Unless you are a big fan of this author, my advice is the stay away.

The Alamut Ambush
Published in Paperback by Warner Books (November, 1986)
Author: Anthony Price
Amazon base price: $3.95
Used price: $1.15
Collectible price: $6.00
Average review score:
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