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Book reviews for "Pope,_Paul" sorted by average review score:

Gift and Mystery
Published in Hardcover by Doubleday (1997)
Author: John Paul
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $61.98
Collectible price: $59.00
Average review score:

Should your son be a priest?
As you might expect from such a great person, the Pope's book provides few insights into the Pope himself. He does show how our own lives can influence others, especially in a cumulative way, as the he tells of all of those who influenced his entering the priesthood. He cites the religiosity of his father; the holiness of Jan Tyranowski; the writings of St. John of the Cross, St. Teresa of Avila, and St. Louis Marie de Montfort; the devotions in his parish, to Our Lady of Perpetual Help, and of the brown scapular. The reader can't help but wonder if there is a link between the lack of devotions today and the lack of vocations today.

A priest's life is challenging. He must be attentive and sympathetic; critical and watchful with regard to historical developments; a giver of Christ; a spiritual father -- especially in the Confessional; holy; constantly training, studying and updating; promoting the family; defending mankind; in dialog with the youth; in dialog with the culture; intellectual and scholarly; and living the Gospel.

But a priest's life is most rewarding. The priest is "a steward of the mysteries of God." An essential part of his mission is fulfilled in the Confessional. The priest is an essential being in the only suitable offering that man can make to God, the offering of God-made-man, an offering made at every Mass. The priest is so united to Christ at Mass that he is "in the person of Christ." What a beautiful reflection on the Mass is offered by the Pope!

The challenge of the priesthood seems overwhelming. It would be without God. It is "a mystery of divine election."

Every parent of a potential priest should read this book.

A Loving Gift to Priests and Seminarians
'Gift and Mystery' is indeed an affectionate gift from Pope John Paul II to all those who pursue a priestly vocation. It is the story of his own priestly call which is a Divine gift as well as a great mystery. On the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of his priestly ordination, the Pope reflects on his own growth in his vocation to priesthood and his ministry as 'a shepherd of God's mysteries'. We follow him through his college studies, his job in the stone quarry, his love for the theater and his theological studies to his ordination to priesthood. His deep faith and reliance on God, his gratefulness and kindness towards others, his devotion and dedication to the priestly commitment are all laid out before us with clarity and love. As he himself says, what is related here belongs to his "deepest being" and "innermost experience". Every priest and seminarian should read this and draw energy and inspiration from this 'Holy Father' and spiritual giant of our day.

Honesty Testimony from an Honest Man
Pope John Paul II is an intellectual giant, capable of holding his own with any great thinker. However, JP2 has been blessed with an ability to relate his innermost longings and ideas to even children. Gift and Mystery is a recollection that can hold the interest of any scholar while making a schoolboy smile. The pope methodically retells his soul's desire to be united to God and to follow His will as a young boy, employing a most vulnerable state of being to the reader. We follow the pope through his college and seminary days with delight until that wonderful day this man was ordained a priest of the Lord. With clarity and love, JP2 gives us a taste of the power of the Holy Spirit transforming him into the glorious leader he is today. At the same time, it gives us a hope and a vision of what God can also do in our own lives. A true masterpiece!

Humanae Vitae: Encyclical Letter of His Holiness Pope Paul VI on the Regulation of Births
Published in Paperback by Ignatius Press (1998)
Authors: Pope Paul VI and Marc Calegari
Amazon base price: $1.95
Used price: $51.16
Average review score:

Interesting and in-depth
I am generally for contraception, however I was struck by the clarity of argument in the Encyledial that the contraception issue has a lot more to it. It is also seen as a line of defence against sexual irresponsibility which is unscriptual. I wonder whether that justifies the argument against contraception but it is worth reading in order to see a well thought and considered argument and that one needs to be prepared against those who wish to use the argument for contraceptives to justify fronication and practising homosexuality.

As a non Roman Catholic clergyman. . .
As a non Roman Catholic clergyman, I heartily recommend this short work. Penned by Pope Paul VI in 1968, this is the definitive document on the Church's position on artificial birth control -- a position which, until the 20th century -- was held universally by all Christians. (Translation: It's not a Catholic issue -- it's a Christian issue).

It seems that most people who attack this encyclical, do so from the perspective of not actually having read and studied WHAT the Church actually teaches and WHY!

This book provides a clear and compelling case for why what has ALWAYS been the position of Christianity as a whole, should remain unaltered (and be re-inforced).

On Human Life
"Humanae Vitae" cuts through all of the jargon, hearsay, and soundbites to provide the reader with a clear understanding of the Roman Catholic church's teaching on artificial birth control. Paul VI masterfuly explains the beauty of married love and its reflection of Divine love. In addition he clarifies many other related issues, such as natural family planning and the role of children in a couples' life. I also find interesting the prophetic nature of this encyclical. It is amazing to see that Pope Paul VI realized that artifical birth control would actually diminish society's respect for sex, rather than increase it. This book is a true eye opener and I strongly recomend Humanae Vitae to all.

Published in Paperback by Pocket Books (1996)
Author: Tad Szulc
Amazon base price: $6.99
Used price: $1.25
Collectible price: $0.99
Average review score:

interesting, though focussed on Polish events
First a warning: I advice you to skip the very first part of the book, in which is the author tries to give the reader a feeling on the Polish background of the pope. It's unbalanced, emotional, somewhat chaotic, and very little to the point. I almost stopped reading the book because of this.

But when you start reading where the chronological description of the pope's life starts, you'll find a thorough biography, without exaltation, and not without some critical points of view. The first half of the book deals with the years before Karol became pope, and show how he was trained, coached, and grew as a actor, priest, play write, bishop, mystic poet and cardinal, in the often hard conditions in Poland. The second half deals with his policies as pope. Here is also a special focus on the Polish situation and how the pope exercised influence there. The book helps understanding the motivations of John Paul, even though one doesn't have to agree with him on all accounts.

An interesting, insightful book.

Perhaps the most brilliant biography of the 20th century
This book is an excellent resource for anyone interested in the life of one of the greatest and most influential popes ever, John Paul II. Through the author's exceptional work, we get to know the man who became John Paul II, and relive his early heartbreaks and triumphs. From Nazi occupied Poland to the modern day Vatican, all significant events are detailed and discussed. This is a biography to be reread time and again.

Pope John Paul II has revolutionized the Papacy, stripping away much of the secrecy and making the Pope, for the first time in history, a Shepherd available to his flock. Although I thought this book leaned a little too heavily on Poland and Polish history, I will give in and say it enhanced my understanding of this complex and charismatic Pope. A very thorough biolgraphy with fascinating looks at behind-the-scenes-politics in Vatican City. Because of John Paul II's impact, he gets my vote as Man of the Century and I recommend this book as a must read for people of any faith.

Acting Person (Analecta Husserliana, Vol 10)
Published in Hardcover by D Reidel Pub Co (1979)
Authors: John Paul, Pope John Paul Ii, and Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka
Amazon base price: $62.50
Used price: $158.82
Buy one from zShops for: $147.70
Average review score:

Better Edition of the Acting Person
The Vatican has attempted to halt continued dissemination of the only English edition of The Acting Person with good reason. Apparently, it is not a faithful translation of Karol Wojtyla/John Paul II's Polish original. The translator, who is herself a phenomenologist but thinks differently from the author has changed crucial passages of his work. The second Polish edition which has been translated into French and Spanish is apparently accurate, for those who can read those languages. I myself am looking for one of these, preferably Spanish, but have not been able to find one. Two good overviews of Karol Wojtyla's philosophical anthropology can be found in Kenneth Schmitz's At the Center of the Human Drama and Jaroslaw Kupczak's Destined for Liberty.

Review and comment on the Mexican one
I just wanted to act on the review of the guy from mexico(sorry lost your name).

I have just been reading the Biography of Pope John Paul II also known as Karol Wojtyla. And the English Version of The Acting Person is written by the lady he says together with Karol Wojtyla.Because the orginial edition(polish one was not really finished it where his thougths put on paper with unfinnished sentences). The Vatican has tried to stop the publishing but it is indeed her work together with Karol Wojtyla. Read the biography written by Carl Bernstein(same author of all the presidents man) this book will tell you everything about Pope John Paul II.

There is a part in in wich is explained the new improved version of the Acting Person.

Best Regards Onno

I still hope to read one day the Acting Person.

Where to find a copy of the Acting Person
If anyone is interested in finding a copy of The Acting Person, log onto the website address:

This book should be read by anyone in academic philosophy. It is a masterpiece yet to be discovered by mainstream american philosophers. It's just too bad that it is not more readily available.

Mermaid Tales from Around the World
Published in Library Binding by Bt Bound (1999)
Authors: Mary Pope Osborne, Troy Howell, and Paul Werstine
Amazon base price: $16.15
Average review score:

For water maidens and those who love them...
This work as a whole will enlarge your understanding of water maiden creatures, but don't expect to find any rivetting storytelling.

The value of this book lies in its cultural scope. How intriguing to note that water maidens play a significant role in the folk lore of such diverse cultures! And how interesting to see how these creatures vary from country to country (for they are not all mermaids as the title would suggest). Readers will discover an added bonus in Howell's artwork, which enhances the cultural flavor of each tale to great effect.

However, each tale is written in a sparse, folk tale style--flat characters and settings with little descriptive embellishments. For this reason I would recommend this book mainly to those who love mermaids and other sea creatures, rather than to those who just looking for a good story. But recommend it I do, for it is a fine collection.

An incredible book for all mermaid lovers
i'm 15 years old and have always loved mermaids. My favorite movie is Disney's The Little Mermaid, and i am always interested in any books i come across about them. i came across this book in 6th grade. it was my teacher's book, but i stole it for the entire year! i read it over and over again, i was mesmerized by the stories and pictures. most of the stories i havnt even heard before. i was so sad when i had to give it back, but just now, 3 years later, i found it on this website! i ordered it right away and couldn't be happier. i reccomend this book to anyone that has a facsination with mermaids. this book is truly wonderful.

Excellent stories and illustrations
This book is wonderful for all ages. It includes stories from all over the world, not just Europe. The illustrations are excpetional, with the artist emulating the style of whatever area of the world the story is from, resulting in a genuine feel. The stories are told well, and the book is large enough to be able to show the pictures to a story-time group if desired. I am an adult, yet I found the stories to be interesting and though not dumbed down, accessible to almost all age groups.

Five Shots and a Funeral
Published in Mass Market Paperback by UglyTown Productions (1999)
Authors: Dashiell Loveless, Tom Fassbender, Jim Pascoe, and Paul Pope
Amazon base price: $6.95
Used price: $2.89
Collectible price: $7.36
Buy one from zShops for: $4.42
Average review score:

For a certain type of mystery fan
This is a short story collection written by the fictional "pulp artifact" Dashiell Loveless. Each of the five-stories can stand-alone yet all of them interrelate as it follows the exploits of Testacy City, Nevada private investigator Benjamin Drake.

All five tales are entertaining and will remind the audience of the golden (more like black and white) days of the pulp fiction novel of the late 1930's-1940's. Drake is a wonderful character who is a throw back to those glory days of Marlowe and Spade. The authors (Tom Fassbender and Jim Pascoe) and the illustrator Paul Pope seem to have had fun paying homage while satirizing the mystery genre's legendary authors (such as Hammett) and their great detectives. Anyone who enjoys hard-boiled detective stories with a wink and a nod to the classics sleuths will want to also read the authors' previous book BY THE BALLS.

Harriet Klausner

I can't get enough of this funky stuff
Why isn't there a animated series of this stuff on TV? The Uglytown guys have done it again, Five Shots and a Funeral is a fun ride through the dank and unsavory streets of Testacy City. When's the next book coming out???

The Gospel of Life
Published in Paperback by Random House Value Publishing (1996)
Author: Pope John Paul II
Amazon base price: $2.99
Average review score:

Evangilum Vitae - Very Informative
The Gospel of Life is very informative, covering issues from fetal tissue research to abortion to euthanasia. It states clearly and concisely the Catholic Church's teachings on many of the life issues, and is helpful for understanding the reasoning behind them. Occasionally the wording makes it difficult to follow, but its message comes across loud and clear. Informative for Catholics and those of other religions alike.

The best treatise on the sanctity of human life ever written
Let me just say that I love this document. I read it with a highlighter in hand just so I could highlight every beautiful line--there are many. Never have I seen the Catholic standpoint on abortion, euthanasia, and capital punishment so succinctly and beautifully presented. This book is a must read for all Christians of all denominations. I can't begin to convey how great and life changing this book is--even if you already agree with everything in it about the present culture of death in the modern world. Pope John Paul shows himself to not only be an adept moral and theological thinker, but somewhat of a poet as well.

John Paul Ii, Every Child a Light: The Pope's Message to Young People
Published in School & Library Binding by Boyds Mills Pr (2002)
Authors: John Paul, Jerome M. Vereb, John Ii Paul, Jerome M. Verbe, and Paul, II John
Amazon base price: $11.87
List price: $16.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $8.00
Buy one from zShops for: $5.48
Average review score:

Beautiful photography elevates this book
"Every Child a Light: The Pope's Message to Young People" combines excellent full-color photographs with excerpts from the discourses of Pope John Paul II. The book is edited by Jerome M. Vereb. This book is full of visual appeal. The photographs, which show John Paul interacting with children of various ages, are crisp and full of life. The Pope is effectively depicted as a caring and joyful man.

The book is beautifully designed. The Pope's word's are arranged as poetry on the pages; this nicely complements the photos. The text is drawn from the Pope's global ministry.

The content of the words themselves is often rather bland and vague. Controversial topics are generally avoided. Sometimes the messages are a bit mixed. In one excerpt, for example, the Pope seems to be taking a multifaith tone, praising children for offering each other "a hand / with no regard for color, / social condition, or religion." Elsewhere he seems more theologically exclusive. For example, he claims that "a generous 'yes' to Christian faith / is the purest sense of the fullness of life"--a statement which I'm sure those of other faiths would dispute!

Still, many of the statements are relevant and inspirational to young people of any faith or culture. He tells young people, "The future belongs to you; / for you are the leaders of tomorrow" and challenges them to be "men and women of high principles / and hopes." But the book as a whole is, in my judgment, mainly relevant for Catholic children and adults.

John Paul II Every Child A Light
Not only did the photographs in this magnificent production touch the heart, but the words of the Holy Father are emblazoned in our minds for all to see for years to come. His holiness shows his tenderness and love of children in the words and pictures, revealing his compassion, humor, and child-like love.

John Paul II : A Personal Portrait of the Pope and the Man
Published in Paperback by St. Martin's Press (2002)
Authors: Raymond Flynn, Robin Moore, and James Vrabel
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $3.46
Buy one from zShops for: $3.47
Average review score:

A Personal Portrait of the Pope from a Catholic Politician.
Former Mayor of Boston and U S Ambassador to the Vatican, Raymond Flynn draws a very personal and intimate portrait of Pope John Paul II. Through the various events, incidents and celebrations narrated with meticulous detail and color, the personality of the Pope comes alive to the reader. The impact the Pope has had on the average American public is truthfully brought out. This book will be of interest to an American Catholic who would be able to identify the personalities from American politics and Catholic religion, at the same time can feel along with Flynn in his admiration for this man of God. Indeed it's a smooth and delightful reading worthy of the Pope as well as of the Ambassador.

Outstanding Book!
I have read many books about His Holiness Pope John Paul II, and this is by far the BEST book I have read about the Pope. It is very easy to read. Infact, once I started to read I could not stop until I finished the book. When I was done...I could not stop crying. Former Ambassador Flynn did an outstanding job in giving his reader a rare and personal glimpse of the Pope, that other authors who have written biographies about His Holiness simply cannot convey. I especially found the stories of the mother who lost her son, and when the Pope offered Flynn money stating it was not church money, but the Pope's own money to help pay for the medical bills of Flynn's oldest son very moving and touching. For those who have never met the Pope...after reading this book you will feel as if you not only met him, but have known the Pope as an intimate friend for years.

Ray Flynn has taken from his many experiences with Pope John Paul II and put together a highly interesting read. This is not your typical biography, although each stage of the Holy Father's storied life is mentioned. This book gives you the Pope up close and personal, in both his public and private dealings. What an absolutely incredible man this Karol Wojtyla is!!

For the Children: Words of Love and Inspiration from His Holiness Pope John Paul II
Published in Hardcover by Scholastic (2000)
Authors: John, Pope, Ii Paul, Pope John Paul II, and Paul, II John
Amazon base price: $11.87
List price: $16.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $2.25
Collectible price: $12.16
Buy one from zShops for: $1.99
Average review score:

Very Poor Writing Detracts from Intriguing Topic
This is one of the worst "books" I have ever encountered. In the traditional sense, it is not a book at all, in that there is no publisher and thus, no editor. As John Paul explains, he started with an outline and "worked on each section depending on my mood." He must have, or as he would say, "must of," been in a very sour mood during the entire process. This book reads like a high schooler's English paper where the procrastinating student tried his best to meet the minimum word requirement. The repition is tedious. The excess verbiage is smothering, and consists of distracting personal rememberances, unqualified assertions ("most people don't have the metabolism to have this sort of body {6' 200 lbs.} at a young age {21}"), the obvious ("most {legitimate} massage therapists will not discuss penis size"), and the really obvious ("Hair color tends to come in blonde, light or dark brunette, black, and red"). Mr. Paul needs to learn that being able to type is not the same as being able to write, and having a good word processor is not the same as having a good publisher. Any competant undergraduate journalism major could have taken what is obviously thoroughly researched and fascinating material and produced a better product. In its current form, it is essentially unreadable.

A Message of Hope and Peace for Our Youth
This book is one of hope and inspiration for all children of the world. It consists of passages taken directly from speeches given by Pope John Paul the II to children and youth groups around the world. The book is geared toward elementary school children of the Catholic faith, but the words will speak to any heart. Each page has a heading, such as "Peace," "Love," "Family," "Faith," and an excerpt from one of the Pope's speeches. There is also an accompanying photo of young children (often depicted with the Pope himself or in the midst of typical religious activities). This is a book that is meant to be read aloud to your child and shared together, as you talk about the meaning of the words within. I find "For the Children" to be especially apt today, in light of the unfortunate tragedies that have befallen our nation and world. One of my favorite passages states: "I say to you, with all the love I have for you, not listen to voices which speak the language of hatred, revenge, retaliation....Love life, respect life in yourself and not think that courage and strength are proved by killing and destruction...true courage lies in working for peace." The book also talks about the unconditional love that God has for everyone, about hope for the future, and about praying for peace and harmony in our world. Pope John Paul II is a very wise man, one of the biggest peacemakers of our time. I have a lot of respect for him as a person.I would encourage any parent to buy this book to share with their family and share the message of love and peace found therein.

Words of wisdom for our younger ones
This book has excerts of Pope John Paul II's speeches which have been directed to Catholic children. These words of our Pope, however, have significance even to those over the age of 10. I highly recommend this book for First Communicants and for all other Catholic children, because had I had this book when I was younger, I would probably not have fallen into as many traps as I did.

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