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Book reviews for "Pope,_Paul" sorted by average review score:

Jesus, Son, and Savior: A Catechesis on the Creed
Published in Paperback by Daughters of st Paul (1996)
Authors: John Paul, Paul, II John, and Pope John Paul II
Amazon base price: $18.95
Used price: $10.11
Collectible price: $12.66
Average review score:

On Knowing & Loving Jesus
A complete cathecisis on the Mystery of Jesus. The presentation follows the faith expressed in the creed. Short easy to read chapters cover the full life and mystery of the Son of God, by the great theologian of our time with all is heart in the telling.

John Paul II & Educating for Life: Moving Toward a Renewal of Catholic Educational Philosophy
Published in Hardcover by Peter Lang Publishing (2002)
Author: James Thomas Byrnes
Amazon base price: $48.95
Buy one from zShops for: $45.99
Average review score:

Good summary
This book provides a concise and very readable summary of John Paul II philosophy of the human person. The main section of the book presents John Paul's philosophy of education by gathering together his many written thoughts on the matter -- works from both before and after becoming pope.
The entire book is very readable and understandable for all, whether or not you have a good grounding in philosophy. It gives some good "food for thought" for all educators.

John Paul Ii: The Pope From Po
Published in Library Binding by Millbrook Press (2002)
Author: Deborah Parks
Amazon base price: $23.90
Used price: $10.95
Buy one from zShops for: $20.91
Average review score:

Most excellent book for children about the Pope!
This is a wonderful book for children to read and learn about the Pope John Paul II. The children will be able to discover
all about him. The book includes lots of photos and the history of the Pope's life. Children always experience a journey of learning with the writer, Deborah Parks. Be sure to get this one!

Keepers of the Keys
Published in Hardcover by Random House (1988)
Author: Wilton Wynn
Amazon base price: $18.95
Used price: $2.50
Collectible price: $5.25
Average review score:

A Key Insight
The author is a master of print. His knowledge of the Vatican & the papacy is unsurpassed. It is as though he grew up in the Vatican.

Mary: God's Yes to Man: Pope John Paul II Encyclical Letter: Mother of the Redeemer
Published in Paperback by Ignatius Press (1988)
Authors: Pope John Paul II, Joseph Ratzinger, and Catholic Church
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $6.42
Buy one from zShops for: $8.10
Average review score:

Compelling, interest description of teaching on Virgin Mary
As a young man in the process of converting to Catholicism, I found "Mary: God's Yes to Man" to be a very compelling, deep, and driving study of the role of the Blessed Virgin in History, in Tradition, in the Church, and in the lives of the modern believer. I went into this book with very little knowledge of who the Church says the Virgin Mary is, and coming out of it, I feel like I could comfortably explain the doctrine to anyone. The use of Biblical exegesis, and the style of Biblical interpretation was quite interesting for this former Protestant Evangelical. The Holy Father is an excellent writer, and both Cardinal Ratzinger and von Balthasar offer interesting commentary on his writings. A good read, seeing as it took me less than 36 hours to do so.

Of Human Life-Humanae Vitae (Encyclical Letter of Paul VI)
Published in Mass Market Paperback by Pauline Books & Media (1968)
Authors: Pope Paul VI and NC News Service Translation
Amazon base price: $0.95
Used price: $2.00
Average review score:

Invaluable historical/theological document
Whether you agree or disagree with its message--I for the most part disagree--it's impossible to ignore the significance of HUMANAE VITAE in the history of the Roman Catholic Church. Its proponents see it as an reaffirmation of the Church's ages old comittment to the sanctity of human life. Its detractors see it as a rebuke of the principals set forth in Vatican II, and a step backwards in the evolution of the Church as a viable modern religion.

On the Dignity and Vocation of Women: Mulieris Dignitatem
Published in Paperback by Daughters of st Paul (1988)
Authors: Pope John Paul II and John Paul
Amazon base price: $4.50
Used price: $3.75
Average review score:

A much neglected yet much needed book
Pope John Paul II proves, once again, that he is light years ahead of his time. Avoiding all the common pitfalls, like individualist divisiveness and neo-Manichaeanism, Pope John Paul II paves the way for a "new feminism" based on the dignity of women as women and human persons.

Good companion volumes include: Pope John Paul II on the Genius of Women, collected by the United States Catholic Conference; Love & Responsibility, by Karol Wojtyla; The Concept of Woman, by Prudence Allen.

You may also find Mulieris Dignitatem (On the Dignity and Vocation of Women) in the larger collection of John Paul II's writings entitled Theology of the Body.

One Trick Rip-Off
Published in Paperback by Dark Horse Comics (1997)
Author: Paul Pope
Amazon base price: $10.36
List price: $12.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $8.50
Buy one from zShops for: $9.00
Average review score:

Great graphic novel
This is a very good graphic novel. It has an excellent story that incorporates many aspects of noir and modern comic literature into one very entertaining and well thought out graphic novel. The one and only thing that i found wrong with it was that it was a bit short. However this is somewhat nullified by the fact that it was originally in episodic form. So that each smaller part of the One trick rip off was released over the course of an entire year. I read it in one day, so it just seemed short to me. The story is good, the characters are real, and paul pope is a great artist. I highly advise this to anyone who likes graphic novels at all

Papal power : a proposal for change in Catholicism's third millennium
Published in Unknown Binding by HarperCollinsReligious ()
Author: Paul Collins
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:

An excellent history with a good emphasis on the past
"Papal Power" was my first ever understanding of the papacy, and remains a very good reference point. Though the book is subjective in wasy that under the present attitude of the papacy were disastrous for the author, it offers an excellent assessment of the way in which the Catholic Church has evolved.

Unlike many books on the history of the papacy, "Papal Power" has a very good focus on the history of the church, though one can suspect bias. There is a clear account of the way in which the papacy developed elaborate theories of papal power but without the communications to enforce them.

Most significantly, there is a very clear account of the way in which the pope became infallible through such authors as de Maistre's "Du Pape" and the neo-ultramontane movement. This neo-ultramontane movement argued that everything the pope says in infallible - in contrast to the definition at Vatican I which restricted infallibility quite severely, though the Wojtyla papacy has breached these boundaries since Ordinatio Sacerdotalis. The neo-ultramontanes, the best known of which were William Ward and Henry Manning, were well prepared and even influenced Pius IX, who this book suggests may have illegitimately fathered a son.

The book looks, if in a rather biased manner, at the effects this extreme concentration of papal power has had on the Catholic Church. It states that much of what the Vatican is concerned with today is nothing more than preserving its power, and follows on this very logically. If "Papal Power" has one serious flaw, it is in arguing that reforms of the papacy have a chance of occurring in the future. In reality, the third millennium of Catholicism will be characterised by a movement from a large church to a much smaller church comprised of members steadfastly loyal to the doctrines presented by Joseph Ratzinger and John Paul II. Open dissent will be even more severely censored than under the Wojtyla papacy and the ideas - interesting reading though they were/are - of progressive reformers will be the preserve of archives of secular universities.

Nonetheless, this cannot dimiss the fact that "Papal Power" is a very impressive study of the way the papacy has evolved into the absolute monarchy of today.

Philosophy and Revelation: A Contribution to the Debate on Reason and Faith (Ashgate Translations in Philosophy and Theology)
Published in Paperback by Ashgate Publishing Company (2001)
Author: Vittorio Possenti
Amazon base price: $24.95
Used price: $8.95
Average review score:

A Classic
This is a simple and bold restatement of the relationship between faith and reason. The main enemy of this book and rightly so is Heidegger. And here Possenti is at his best. He makes mincemeat out of Heidegger.

This book should be distributed by bishops throughout North America and should be memorized by seminary students. It is simply that good.

That this book was not translated and published by a Catholic Press is a scandal. Maybe they will take their cue from this book and give us more works by Possenti. And at the same time they should undertake the translation of the works of Del Noce and Fabro, two italian giants who are virtually unknown here in North America. And from France, Tresmontant and Thibon.

Catholics need to know what their faith is about. They need to be able to protect themselves from Heideggerian Catholics and aging brats like Gary Wills and Hans Kung.

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