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Book reviews for "Peterson,_Christian_A." sorted by average review score:

Take and Read: Spiritual Reading: An Annotated List
Published in Paperback by Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. (1996)
Author: Eugene H. Peterson
Amazon base price: $8.00
List price: $10.00 (that's 20% off!)
Average review score:

Inspiring Writings from the Early Church
This is a nice little collection of some writings from some of the early church "fathers." The writings have a freshness of faith to them and are very inspirational. My only complaints are that there was not MORE of the writings from each author and a detailed Bibliography would have been nice to track these writings down for some extended reading. I was left wanting more.

Spiritual Reading - rediscovering the missing jewel
In this excellent book, Peterson provides a great guide to getting into the sometimes overwhelming world of spiritual classics.

However, a lot of frustration will be avoided if you see this book for what it really is - an arrow pointing toward the books themselves! If you want to see Washington D.C., you'll be very dissapointed if you only study a map of it! This book is simply a map through the overwhelming stack of spiritual classics.

Especially helpful is Peterson's recommendations of specific translations and editions. I'm enjoying the fruits of the time I spent with "Take and Read"!

A joyous adventure!
If you are a Christian interested in growing deeper spiritually, and you view that not as an arduous task but rather a joyous adventure (and if you are not afraid to challenge yourself intellectually as well as emotionally), I highly recommend this book! Reading the previous two reviews, it seems that some misunderstanding about the book's intent led to a measure of frustration. Put simply, this is not a "book" per se. Rather, it is a "book ABOUT books". But what a book!

My church experience has been that contemporary laypeople are not often challenged to embrace the idea of reading (aside from the Bible) as an ongoing spiritual discipline; those of us who do try often have little idea where to begin, particularly in the area of Christian "classics". From what I have seen in some Christian bookstores, "Christianity lite" abounds, and books of questionable value jostle for shelf space along with the gems.

This book was a refreshing entry into a deeper world. To reap its benefits, time, patience and attention is required of the reader, both to search out the books and to immerse oneself in the wisdom they offer -- all of which goes against the culture of "busyness" in which we live.

I have already derived much joy from the books I have purchased upon the author's recommendations. The books are arranged by chapter theme, and cover numerous areas of Christian life and thought. I have given this book over the years to numerous friends and relatives, both pastors and laypeople. Everyone has loved it! Two long-time and highly knowledgeable Bible study teachers "stole" my book and kept "refusing" to return it. They finally returned my copy, filled with penciled notes about how excellent many of the recommendations were, and they ended up working some of Peterson's comments in the chapter introductions into their lessons. Another pastor, one who did not lightly give compliments, wrote an extremely appreciative note thanking me for the "remarkable" book. Yet another recipient told me she anticipated that working through these books would be a pleasurable journey for a lifetime -- my sentiments exactly! Do try this book, and see if you agree!

Controlling Interests (Thorndike Large Print Christian Mystery)
Published in Hardcover by Thorndike Pr (Largeprint) (1999)
Author: Tracie Peterson
Amazon base price: $24.95
Average review score:

A powerful story of faith and integrity overcomming evil
The story of a talented young woman whose parentage and family is shrouded in deep mystery and lies. With faith in God she struggles against almost insurmountable odds to discover the truth about her past and to overcome the almost total domination that is over her. Even the man she begins to love seems to be a part of the evil. This is quite a facinating story based on integrity and faith in God.

Entangled (Five Star Standard Print Christian Fiction Series)
Published in Hardcover by Five Star (2000)
Author: Tracie Peterson
Amazon base price: $24.95
Average review score:

A very action packed story of faith and romance
A well known devout christian widow is blackmailed into running for attorney general to bolster the campaign of an evil man for govenor. With faith in God that He will sustain her and the help of her bodygaurd with whom she falls in love, she goes forward in hope that good will prevail over evil. I found the overall theme of faith in God through great trials very uplifting.

Loving Words Every Child Needs to Hear
Published in Hardcover by J Countryman Books (1999)
Authors: John Peterson and Ed Anderson
Amazon base price: $9.99
Average review score:

I was very pleased with this book. It reminds us the importance of complimenting and praising our children. If more parents read this book and used the loving words daily with their children, the world would be a better place. Reading the book gives you a good feeling inside!!

Loving Words: Every Woman Wants to Hear
Published in Hardcover by J Countryman Books (1999)
Authors: Ed Anderson and John E. Peterson
Amazon base price: $9.99
Average review score:

Very Sweet!
As a woman I think this is a great book. The quotes would be perfect for leaving as lovenotes for your sweetie, or putting inside an anniversary or "just because" card. Here is a sample: "I want to take you to dinner. Which restaurant do you prefer?", "Sweetheart, I was wrong. Will you forgive me?". As well as 'loving words' the book also contains pictures of couples as backgrounds, Bible scripture, romantic vacation spots, romantic songs, important phone numbers (such as 1-800-flowers), and two pages of romance tips. Now they just have to create a "Loving Words Every Man Wants to Hear". :)

More Like the Master: A Christian Musician's Reader
Published in Paperback by Cornerstone Press Chicago (1996)
Authors: Patrick Peterson, Jane Hertenstein, Jeremy Begbie, and Michael Card
Amazon base price: $9.95
Average review score:

Get it!
If just for the article "The 7 Deadly Sins of CCM," you need to read this book if you in interested in Christian Music, or want to be on a label. It's pretty honest, giving us an example of how frustrating the CCM bubble can be, and how God is using people.

Perseverance: A Long Obedience in the Same Direction (Christian Basics Bible Studies Series)
Published in Paperback by Intervarsity Press (1996)
Author: Eugene H. Peterson
Amazon base price: $6.00
Average review score:

Get up and keep going
When you fall you will learn it is ok as long as you get up brus yourself off and keep going Stick-to-it ness as Peterson states

Peterson's 1999 Christian Colleges & Universities: Top Schools Serious About Scholarship, Faith, and Service
Published in Paperback by Petersons Guides (1998)
Author: Peterson's
Amazon base price: $14.95
Average review score:

Best Resource For Christian College Seekers
Peterson's has a winner! The best part is that all the information is well indexed. You can search by major, state, athletics,school name, graduate or study abroad programs. Each schools' web address is also listed. Detailed information on each college is also included. Such as how many students applied and were accepted in the previous year,student body break-down, also costs and financial informtion such as tuition, fees and room and board, to name a few. Every bit of information you'd need to make a decision if you're looking for a Christian college is included here. Opening statements by Dr. James Dobson and Larry Burkett, two well-known names in Christian circles, lends credibility for Christian college seekers. I would have liked to have seen information for home schooled students about preparing for and applying to universities. However, overall, I'd say this is the best resource around if you're looking for a Christian college education.

The Swiftly Tilting Worlds of Madeleine L'Engle (Wheaton Literary Series)
Published in Paperback by Harold Shaw Pub (2000)
Authors: Luci Shaw, Eugene H. Peterson, and Katherine Paterson
Amazon base price: $10.49
List price: $14.99 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score:

A Welcome Addition to Your Madeleine L'Engle Collection
Readers expecting to find prose dedicated to the praise of Ms. L'Engle will find themselves disappointed with this volume published in her honor -- at first. The essays found here are loving tributes to both Ms. L'Engle and the Ether she captures so elegantly in each of her books. Authors as diverse as Thomas Cahill (How the Irish Saved Civilization) and Katherine Paterson (Jacob Have I Loved) prove L'Engle's talent reaches out to a diverse set of writers with myriad effects. This volume is as much a tribute to the contributors as it is to Ms. L'Engle.

Historical Dictionary of the Orthodox Church
Published in Hardcover by Scarecrow Press (05 September, 1996)
Authors: Michael Prokurat, Alexander Golitzin, and Michael D. Peterson
Amazon base price: $90.00
Average review score:

Thanks for the reviews!
The review below, with its reference to "pre-Chalcedonian traditions" (by which it means non-Chalcedonian, or Monophysite, heretics) and "objectivity" (by which it means ecclesiological relativism or nihilism) is a service to potential readers. Thanks for saving me the price of this volume!

Amazing Read Fabulous Resource!
Remarkable! Prokurat gives a faithful translation. This is an excellent reference for clergy and laymen alike.

An excellent desk reference for pastors and libraries
Excerpted from THE CRITICAL REVIEW OF BOOKS IN RELIGION 1997, Section entitled: "History of Christianity," pp. 274-7.

Standing in the tradition of such works as George Demetrakopoulos's Dictionary of Orthodox Theology (1964) and Nicon Patrinacos's Dictionary of Greek Orthodoxy (1984), this work clearly outshines its predecessors. Unlike earlier Orthodox dictionaries, which tended to be more catechetical and tendentious in nature, this work is scholarly and painstakingly objective... While the uniqueness of the Orthodox worldview and way of life is consistently stressed by the authors, they situate Orthodoxy in a much larger religious context, which they view sympathetically.

Especially noteworthy among the many strengths of this dictionary are its biographical entries, which highlight saints, prominent hierarchs, and theologians in Orthodox history from the patristic era to the contemporary period, including influential figures in the Greek, Russian, and Antiochian communities in American and European Orthodoxy. Personages from the pre-Chalcedonian traditions, as well as non-Orthodox figures who influenced the development of world Orthodoxy (e.g., Paul Anderson, Derwas Chitty, Anton Grabar, Joan Hussey), receive due attention. Perhaps because of Fr. Golitzin's monastic background, ascetics--even such lesser-known figures as the several monks named Paphnutius--also feature prominently in the biographies. To be sure, Prokurat and Golitzin had to be selective in choosing whom to discuss, but their selectivity was even-handed, revealing no ethnic or political bias.

The same even-handedness is evident in the "geographical entries," i.e., the description of the Orthodox Churches in various territories around the globe. As one would expect, the larger Orthodox bodies (e.g., the Greek, Russian, Romanian, Ukrainian) are treated; but so are lesser- known entities like the Orthodox churches of Georgia, Uganda, Albania, India1 Finland, Cyprus, Poland, and the Czech and Slovak Republics. Even such entries as those on the Unia and the "Synod in Exile," potentially incendiary for commentators from canonical Orthodoxy in America, are handled with great fairness.

No less impressive than the biographical and geographical entries are those on theological topics. Again, the expected, traditional theological categories (God, Trinity, Christology, Holy Spirit, anthropology, cosmology) are treated with conciseness and clarity, on the one hand, and breadth and nuance, on the other. What is more notable, however, is the treatment of theological topics one might not expect to see in such a dictionary. Consider, for example, the entries on "authority" and "imperialism." In the former, for example, the authors systematically discuss authority in terms of five "appeals" made throughout Orthodox history: (1) to the paradigm of the Council of Jerusalem in Acts 15, (2) to ecumenical conciliarity, (3) to holy Tradition, (4) to the ancient patriarchates, and (5) to democracy and egalitarianism. Thus, an enormously complex topic is made manageable through an insightful application of a conceptual framework. Similarly, the article on imperialism succinctly describes Orthodoxy's fascination with empire, tracing its roots to pre-Christian Roman ideals and describing its transformation through the age of the Byzantine oikoumene and its Ottoman aftermath to the period of Muscovite imperial claims. The Orthodox experience is then compared with the relations between Church and Empire in the West. What makes this article particularly perceptive, however, is its concluding observations that imperial competitions have had ecclesiological repercussions, contributing to the rift between Christian East and Christian West and threatening to cause rifts within Orthodoxy itself. These are only two examples of how Prokurat and Golitzin move beyond the well-worn turf of theological discourse narrowly defined to a broader examination of issues which have had profound effects on Orthodox thought.

An area which receives scant attention in this dictionary, even though it is central to Orthodoxy, is liturgy. One might argue, of course, that this is a specifically historical dictionary and, as such, should not include phenomenological descriptions of liturgical symbolism and praxis. However, just as theology can be discussed as a historical phenomenon (as indeed it is throughout this work), so can liturgy. Because liturgical issues have determined so much of the Orthodox experience through the centuries one expects to see more entries concerning them. Those first encountering Orthodoxy will undoubtedly trip upon words like "antiphon," "litany," "typicon," "anaphora," "troparion," and "kontakion," and, unfortunately, this dictionary will not help them to decipher such terms.

The illustrations (all line drawings) provided in this work are quite helpful, especially those associated with the entries on church architecture and the iconostasis, but they are too few and far between...

Any review of this work would be incomplete without mention of its introduction and bibliography. In only ten pages, the former provides a concise yet substantial over- view of Orthodoxy's doctrine, history, administration, worldview, demographics, contemporary achievements, and future challenges. This exceptional essay offers a view from both the inside and the outside; it is punctuated by straightforward observations on, and impartial assessments of, Orthodoxy's strengths and weaknesses. Especially perceptive are the incisive remarks concerning Orthodoxy as a social and cultural force engaged in the complex social dynamics and multicultural sensibilities of a shrinking world. In short, this introduction presents not only the rudiments of the Orthodox heritage but also a balanced evaluation of Orthodoxy's significance on the world scene.

The book's bibliography, compiled by Michael Peterson, Branch Librarian of the Graduate Theological Union Library of Berkeley, is nearly one hundred pages in length, providing an up-to-date, remarkably comprehensive listing of resources on Orthodoxy, primarily in English. These resources range from general and survey works on Orthodoxy to specialized studies on art, architecture, music, asceticism and spirituality, canon law, patristics, cultural studies, ecumenism, hagiography, history, liturgy, scripture, and theology. A list of pertinent periodicals, yearbook, annuals, and newspapers is also included...

With its resurgence in Eastern Europe and its continuing growth in the West, Eastern Orthodoxy will certainly be the focus of increasing attention in scholarly circles. The Historical Dictionary of the Orthodox Church, therefore, is a timely publication, and, by virtue of its superb quality, a contribution of enormous importance. ---Theodore Pulcini, Dickinson College, Carlisle, PA 17013

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