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Book reviews for "Peters,_Thomas_J." sorted by average review score:

Thomas Jefferson's Monticello
Published in Hardcover by Univ of North Carolina Pr (24 June, 2002)
Authors: William L. Beiswanger, Peter J. Hatch, Susan R. Stein, Wendell Garrett, and Lucia C. Stanton
Amazon base price: $31.50
List price: $45.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $31.27
Buy one from zShops for: $27.98
Average review score:

Beautiful guide to America's most interesting house
One of the clichés about Monticello is that few houses do so good a job revealing the personality of its builder. But clichés get to be such generally because there's truth to them, and that's definitely the case here. If Thomas Jefferson was one of the most interesting figures in American history (and I think that's unquestionably true), then Monticello may well be one of America's most interesting houses. And for this colorful book produced by the Thomas Jefferson Foundation, we are guided through the house and grounds by people who know their stuff.

Specifically, the chapters of this title are written by Monticello's director of restoration, the curator, the director of gardens and grounds, and other experts associated with the Foundation. Large, colorful photos are accompanied by informed commentary and all the requisite history, as well as documentation of the decades of restoration work it has taken to get the house and grounds to its current condition. A book doesn't make up for a visit in person -- if anything, I wished for more photos of the interior, especially of the book room and "cabinet." But for a general overview of the house, grounds, and collection, and an insight into the man himself, this book is hard to beat. I recommend it as a souvenir, as well as a nice companion to a Jefferson biography.

After Columbus: The Horse's Return to America (Smithsonian Wil Heritage Collection)
Published in Hardcover by Soundprints Corp Audio (1994)
Authors: Herman J. Viola, Deborah Howland, and Peter Thomas
Amazon base price: $11.95
Used price: $3.75
Collectible price: $9.53
Average review score:

Another Save the Wild Horses Book!!!
Why does it seem that the horse story get's twisted into the youth of this country. This is More Propaganda to save the wild horses. I am tired of this agenda being fed to my children

An informed and accurate text, the other reviewer is wrong
Don't listen to the guy who gave this book only one star. The research carried out by the author is accurate and correct. Columbus did in fact re-introduce the horse (inadvertently)to North America. If you're really that curious about it all then read 'The Nature of Horses'. I forget the name of the author but it is a first-class scientific account of the evolution of the horse and its escape from extinction by domestication (yes it's true, if we didn't enjoy giddy-upping so much on the backs of horses or getting them to pull stuff there would be no more of the majestic creatures around!). What the previous reviewer mistook as propaganda is actually the product of sound archaeology and zoology. There you have it, straight from the horses...

Excellence in the Organization
Published in Audio Cassette by Simon & Schuster (Audio) (1995)
Authors: Thomas J. Peters, Robert Townsend, and Tom Peters
Amazon base price: $16.00
Used price: $2.99
Buy one from zShops for: $3.65
Average review score:

These guys are considered experts??
Don't get me wrong. I love the PBS Radio Show "Click and Clack", but Peters and Townsend are supposed to be legendary management guru's who've made millions as business sages with all of the answers, not a couple of greasy mechanics. But I think the mechanic brothers could offer far more relevant business advice than this pair of has-beens.

Management books aren't known for their 'science', but this tape is essentially two guys talking about some old jobs they had. At cynical moment, their success is actually attributed mostly to 'luck'. Most of their real suggestions are wholly impractical in that they involve the freedom to willfully fire their employees in a manner that would impossible, possibly even illegal, for most companies.

Now this is common to many business motiviational teachings, but why, after all of the advice on getting the right people and paying the right people, is there a long section at the end when ambitious employees are chastised to never ask for a raise (rewards always find their way to those that deserve it, right?) Could it be that the royalties from guru books are nothing compared to the royalties from big companies willing to pay $80,000 a day for this week's management fad? No company is going to buy advice that reminds hoards of employees to ask what they are worth. But now I'm being cynical.

Accessing Youth Behavior: Using the Child Behavior Checklist in Family and Children's Services
Published in Paperback by Child Welfare League of America (01 July, 2001)
Authors: Nicole S. Le Prohn, Kathleen M. Wetherbee, Elena R. Lamont, Thomas M. Achenbach, and Peter J. Pecora
Amazon base price: $18.95
Used price: $12.95
Buy one from zShops for: $13.90
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After Columbus: The Horses's Return to America (Smithsonian Wild Heritage Collection)
Published in Hardcover by Soundprints Corp Audio (1997)
Authors: Herman J. Viola, Peter Thomas, and Deborah Howland
Amazon base price: $25.95
Average review score:
No reviews found.

AIDS to Postgraduate Surgery
Published in Hardcover by Churchill Livingstone (1997)
Authors: Roger M. Watkins, Peter A.N. Hutton, J. Meirion Thomas, and S. Craig Watkins
Amazon base price: $36.00
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Analytical and Diagnostic Techniques for Semiconductor Materials, Devices, and Processes: Joint Proceedings of the Symposia on Altech 99, Satellite Symposiun to Essderc 99, Leuven, Belgium, the Electrochemical Society Symposium on diagnosti
Published in Hardcover by SPIE--The International Society for Optical Engineering (1999)
Authors: Bernd O. Kolbesen, Cor Claeys, Peter Stallhofer, Francois Tardif, Janet Benton, Thomas J. Shaffner, Dieter Schroder, Siego Kishino, and P. Rai-Choudhury
Amazon base price: $75.00
Average review score:
No reviews found.

The Arab-Israel Wars, the Chinese Civil War, and the Korean War (West Point Military History Series)
Published in Hardcover by Avery Penguin Putnam (1987)
Authors: Roy K. Flint, Peter W. Kozumplik, and Thomas J. Waraksa
Amazon base price: $25.00
Used price: $21.01
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Beyond the Spanish Tragedy: A Study of the Works of Thomas Kyd (The Revels Plays Companions Library)
Published in Hardcover by Manchester Univ Pr (2002)
Authors: Lukas Erne, E. A. J. Honigmann, R. L. Mulryne, R.L. Smallwood, and Peter Corbin
Amazon base price: $74.95
Used price: $73.78
Buy one from zShops for: $73.78
Average review score:
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Biological Feedback
Published in Hardcover by CRC Press (25 September, 1990)
Authors: Rene Thomas, Richard D'Ari, Nathan Thomas, Peter J. Barnes, and A. E. Tattersfield
Amazon base price: $269.95
Used price: $250.80
Buy one from zShops for: $236.63
Average review score:
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