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Book reviews for "Peters,_Thomas_J." sorted by average review score:

Thomas Jefferson's Flower Garden at Monticello
Published in Paperback by University Press of Virginia (1989)
Authors: Edwin M. Betts, Hazlehurst Bolton Perkins, and Peter J. Hatch
Amazon base price: $10.36
List price: $12.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $3.00
Collectible price: $45.00
Buy one from zShops for: $9.00
Average review score:

The Man behind the Garden...
This book includes color photographs of the current gardens at Monticello and black & white reproductions of Thomas Jefferson's own sketched plans for the gardens. There is an annotated list of the flowers and "woody ornamentals," such as roses and shrubs, grown by Jefferson. There are many excerpts from his writing and letters which give the reader a greater sense of Jefferson's broad intellect and love of nature as it relates to his gardens. I was hoping to find a list of flowers native to Virginia cultivated by Jefferson but, while the origins of many of the flowers are indicated, there is no separate list of the native plants as I had hoped.

Thomas Jefferson's Garden at Monticello
I found the book to be quite intersting and a valuable resource for the gardener. Thomas Jefferson is well known for his gardening efforts, both as ornamental and practical for food stuffs.

The book has excellent photographs of the gardens of Monticello as well as Jefferson's drawings of how he wanted to landscape the area of his "Little Mountain." There is great pride in the book to document over one hundred species of plants cultivated by Jefferson while living at Monticello.

Jefferson was a champion of cultivating indigenous plant life to Virginia and that of North America, but he had plants comming from thoughout the world also.

Cultivating a mountain top graden presented problems for Jefferson in both climate and the proper hydration of the plants themselves. Without all of the modern conviences that we have today, Jefferson managed to have some of the most beautiful gardens in Virginia.

This is a must book if you are looking for gardening proportion and scale. As Jefferson said, "There is not a sprig of grass that shoots uninteresting to me." Well said...

In the book you will find very good descriptions of the plants grown at Monticello, this is a must volume for reference.

Thriving on Chaos: Handbook for a Management Revolution
Published in Hardcover by Knopf (1987)
Authors: Thomas J. Peters and Tom Peters
Amazon base price: $35.00
Used price: $0.01
Collectible price: $0.99
Buy one from zShops for: $0.01
Average review score:

Probably great if you haven't read Passion for Excellence
Tom Peters, with Passion for Excellence, has been a great inspiration for me to start all kinds of innovations in customer service (quite some years later I still got positive responses out of the market) and my organization back in the 80s. You could say he was my "guru". So, when Thriving on Chaos was published, I immediately purchased it and start reading it with high expectations. How unfortunate .... as I became quickly very disappointed (I was never able to finish it in total). It was too much of the same as in Passion for Excellence. Just different words to many of the same topics. A professional writer who wants to get more money out of you while not providing you with more knowledge. I stopped buying more books from Tom Peters and was for some time very hesitant buying other management books. Now, many years later, I sometimes go back to the book without all these emotions I had when I bought it. I have to admit there are many inspiring subjects in it, some of them better described than in Passion for Excellence. So my conclusion is that the book can be very helpful for people who need inspiration for change and innovation, even though it is already quite some years old and has nothing in it about todays subjects like the Web. But as I have started with Passion for Excellence, I will probably never be able to rate Thriving on Chaos as high as Passion for Excellence (five stars).

An Oldie but a Goodie
I just read this and two things stand out. First, there are some things that really never change, and as a result, Peters makes a huge impact here.

On the other hand, this was written before the net, much of the new automation inventions and much of the new technology as well. So, you just have to adjust his words to fit today's business environment.

Now, for the book. What he says is common sense to many workers and managers alike, but is looked at in horror by upper management and CEOs. So many CEOs believe that if they don't have total control over everything, then they're "out of control" and thus, running a bad organization.

NOT TRUE. As Peters indicates, if you hire competent people and give them the tools they need to do their work, you'll likely be pleasantly surprised with the quality of work that comes from them. In other words, drive down the decision making and create an autonomous environment for employees and your organizational flexibility increases, your profits will rise and with the right measures, you will succeed.

This is a kind-of-classic that all business leaders should at least have read. However, I think books such as Built To Last and First, Break All The Rules are more up to date and have since developed newer, more relevant theories that apply to all industries.

A fascinating book with Peters' exuberant, jazzy style!!
This book presents a strategy for meeting the uncertainty of the current competitive markets through creating customer responsiveness, pursuing fast-paced innovation, achieving flexibility by empowering people, learning to work in an environment of change, abandoning conventional wisdom, and the reconceiving of organizational systems. This is a fascinating book that has the distinct and unmistakable quality of Tom Peters' exuberant, jazzy style. Reviewed by Gerry Stern, author of Stern's SourceFinder Master Directory to HR and Management Information and Stern's CyberSpace SourceFinder.

The Circle of Innovation
Published in Paperback by Random House Trade Paperbacks (15 June, 1999)
Authors: Thomas J. Peters, Tom Peters, and Dean LeBaron
Amazon base price: $11.20
List price: $16.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $3.95
Collectible price: $6.00
Buy one from zShops for: $4.49
Average review score:

Plenty of P. T. Barum pizazz, breaking all book 'rules'.
Peters zeros in on innovation as the touchstone for success, along with a passionate presentation of fifteen other related ideas such as: distance is dead; destruction is cool; we are all Michelangelos; welcome to the white - collar revolution; the intermediary is doomed; and the system is the solution. The book's visual layout model's its theme which is - It is the end of the world as we know it, so whatever made you successful in the past won't in the future. What, then, can you do? The answer is...innovation! This is another WOW book, exuding the excitement and novelty that makes Tom Peters, himself, a living example of what he passionately and entertainingly writes about. Peters delivers content in a form that breaks all book 'rules,' using a plethora of P. T. Barnum pizazz. Among business books, that's innovative! I don't think Peters expects or wants you to read this book, but to experience it. It is a bit more like a roller-coaster than a book, with zigs and zag! s and lots of zip. Still, for all its flare, this is not a ground-breaking work, falling short of Peters' Liberation Management.

THE CIRCLE OF INNOVATION is written in slide book form. This is the form that consultants use for seminars. Each exhibit that the seminar attendees will see is included, along with a page of script that covers the content of the exhibit. The result is highly enjoyable, as you vicariously imagine being in the room with Tom Peters, the world's most sought-after business speaker. The exhibits are wonderfully funny and evocative, and use all kinds of visual tricks to get and keep your attention. I had people all over the plane looking over my shoulder to see them, as I read the book on a recent flight. Tom Peters also walks his talk, and really lives with passion -- which strongly comes through in this book. His interpretations of the world are almost always tied to quotes from important thinkers and business leaders, which gives the book a relevance and immediacy that a more cerebral book would have lacked. I found this book to be very satisfying to read. It affected me at a very fundamental level, so I could tell that I was "getting" the message. The result is a most impressive example of a way to communicate through books. The principles seem to be sound in most cases (although not all markets are dominated by women purchasers -- such as boxing gloves -- but many are such as cars), and they should stimulate your thinking to expand the scope of the innovations you think about. The book could have been improved with a consideration of processes that work better than others for getting the innovation work done. For that assistance, you will have to look elsewhere. In the meantime, do read, think about, enjoy, and apply the lessons of THE CIRCLE OF INNOVATION.

Wow! Innovate the Tom Peters Way
Be warned that if you like unusual formats, you'll find this book refreshing. If you hate anything unusual, you may not like this book.

The Circle of Innovation is written in slide book form. This is the form that consultants use for seminars. Each exhibit that the seminar attendees will see is included, along with a page of script that covers the content of the exhibit. The result is highly enjoyable, as you vicariously imagine being in the room with Tom Peters, the world's most sought-after business speaker.

The exhibits are wonderfully funny and evocative, and use all kinds of visual tricks to get and keep your attention. I had people all over the plane looking over my shoulder to see them, as I read the book on a recent flight.

Tom Peters also walks his talk, and really lives with passion -- which strongly comes through in this book. His interpretations of the world are almost always tied to quotes from important thinkers and business leaders, which gives the book a relevance and immediacy that a more intellectual book would have lacked.

I found this book to be very satisfying to read. It affected me at a very fundamental level, so I could tell that I was "getting" the message. The result is a most impressive example of a way to communicate through books. The principles seem to be sound in most cases (although not all markets are dominated by women purchasers -- such as boxing gloves, football tickets, Viagra, etc. -- but many are, such as cars), and they should stimulate your thinking to expand the scope of the innovations you think about.

The book could have been improved with a consideration of processes that work better than others for getting the innovation work done. For that assistance, you will have to look elsewhere. In the meantime, do read, think about, enjoy, and apply the lessons of The Circle of Innovation.

Another good book on innovation is Peter Drucker's Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

Rocking the Ages: {The Yankelovich Report on Tenerational Marketing}
Published in Audio Cassette by HarperAudio (1997)
Authors: J. Walker Smith, Peter Thomas, Ann S. Clurman, and Yankelovich Partners
Amazon base price: $18.00
Used price: $2.37
Buy one from zShops for: $2.39
Average review score:

I'm highly suspicious
I'm pretty suspicious of the review from the the reader in Harrisburg, PA. It just sounds too much like promotional speak from the Walker Smith and Clurman Public Relations company.

As for the book, I'm only just thinking of reading it. I'll use my local library to find a copy, however.

Fun for non-marketers
I find myself recommending this book to friends with no interest in marketing. Good, fun info that puts into perspective why you and your parents see things so differently. Highly recommended.

Great way to approach sales
Rocking the Ages is a beautifully writen book. It takes historical events and explaines how they formed the personality of each generation. This book helped me to curve our marketing and advertising techniques to reach our customers with a positive response. It clarifies how the generations view their lives and what they buy, how and why. It has helped me to understand my customers in a more personal manner. It is easy to get trapped into the needs of one own gereration, but this book clarifies the needs and desires of all generations, and how to approach them on a marketing level.

The Project 50 (Reinventing Work): Fifty Ways to Transform Every "Task" into a Project That Matters!
Published in Hardcover by Knopf (1999)
Authors: Thomas J. Peters and Tom Peters
Amazon base price: $11.17
List price: $15.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $4.40
Collectible price: $10.00
Buy one from zShops for: $10.52
Average review score:

Lots of WOW information--but too drawn out
I've read the first book in the series "Brand You" and am starting "Professional Service Firms" because I like the way Tom Peters thinks and presents his material. However, this book, "The Project" has the same Peters quality--but his 50-List could have been shrunk to 20--it seemed as though he was just trying to meet the 50-List title in the book series. His material focuses on the small project--you take it on--and you are still taking on a thread of of the organizations DNA/culture. I would still buy the book--it will just be a quick read for you.

Packed With Knowledge
Tom Peters explains how to develop "Wow!" projects - projects that are significant, revolutionary, exciting and dramatic. He claims that all companies are going in the direction of using projects as their fundamental work unit. The key to success is knowing how to create, sell and implement your projects and then how to exit to your next project. The book is devoted to these four steps. Peters offers 50 key tips on how to develop and launch these projects. This idea-packed, easy-to-read book is written in breezy, short, to-the-point sentences. Peters often uses the "!", which he has adopted as his symbol. His jazzy style underlines his message: Throw aside traditional thinking and accept the new. This approach also makes this book, like his other recent books written in this style, fun to read, although the information he presents is quite serious and powerful. We [...] highly recommend this book to everyone in business - from clerks to top executives.

Reinvigorate your vision for your work
As a multimedia software writer/producer, I thought my projects were pretty hot stuff. That might be true, but reading "The Project 50" sent me on a quest for the fabled "way cool" moniker for every project I do.

In this practical and outrageously optimistic book, Peters makes a clarion call for work that matters, that takes your breath away--that, in short, WOWs not only your clients/customers but everyone who sees what you do.

With 50 suggestions (each with a number of action items) for creating WOW projects, Peters stirs a divine dissatisfaction for business-as-usual. "Good enough" work no longer is--and will soon be the death knell of its practitioners.

With characteristic bullets, colors, UPPER CASE PHRASES, and underlines, Peters confronts us with the challenge of the near-future: Making the most of the new millennium will require nothing else than producing WOW projects--whether they be spread sheets or theme parks.

This book reinvigorated me and recast my vision for the future--so much so that I bought copies for my fellow writer/producers. Read it and you'll see why.

The Pursuit of Wow!
Published in Paperback by Vintage Books (15 January, 1994)
Authors: Tom Peters and Thomas J. Peters
Amazon base price: $10.50
List price: $15.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $0.25
Collectible price: $2.98
Buy one from zShops for: $2.24
Average review score:

the amble after the ordinary
This is the abridged version of the review

If 'apple pie' and a business version of 'words to live by from mother', is up your alley, then Tom Peters The Pursuit of WOW!, is the soft cover management book for you!!! Peter's book is an amalgamation of 'everything you were ever taught' and that has slipped your mind, on how to do good business. Primarily aimed at management and entrepreneurs there is a little something for everyone, broken into 210 sections, which are sorted into 13 categories, Peters for the most part, has an informal narrative style that utilises case studies, interviews, personal experience, examples and photographs that are consumer friendly. The end result is that WOW! can be opened at any page or read from beginning to end (although I wouldn't recommend it all in one sitting).

Entrepreneurs' Dream
Another chapter, another group, this time Peters brings together a group of 11 entrepreneurs for "a free-for-all discussion on the perils and joys of starting your own business". The distinct feeling of 'one- up-man-ship' starts to leave a nauseous roiling in the gut, and even Peters himself states "pick your metaphor". Little to no structure is present, while ideas from passion and creativity to staleness and demotion are wildly bounced around.

Attaining Perpetual Adolescence
Peters uses chapter 12 to espouse the value of the 'big concepts' that make a difference (in his humble opinion) to the success of an entrepreneur/manager. Iconoclastic, Inquisitive, Audacious, Crazy, Passionate, Advanced immaturity and Self-improvement, to mention just a few. The problem is, without application, they are just words and words that are hard to spell at that. One gets the distinct impression that he has put the most popular jargon and buzzwords of the moment into a hat and written a sentence on the resulting selection. Hype? Definitely. Practical application? Dicey at best.

In summation, one can't help but be left with the feeling that Peters was beginning to run out of things to write, the format of the chapters became shorter as the book progressed, furthermore the input from him lessened and had less 'wow' the more you read. The knowledge that Peters imparts for most is known, but through laziness, busyness or lack of practicality is not used. Overall the book was generally entertaining, with a sprinkle of enlightenment, and worth a read (if you can get it from the library). Ultimately, the pursuit of 'WOW!' was more like an 'amble after ordinary'.

210 Imperatives for Hacking Through the New Business Jungle!
Tom Peters does it again with another gut wrenching hatchet job on dullard business practices. Sharpen-up your Harry Lorayne or Bob Trudeau memory systems because this time Mr. Peters gives you 210 concrete reccomendations how you can build over-excellence or "WOW!" into your company (Or the next PTA bake sale). Brimming with everything from one-liners to multi-page essays, this book screams "MUST!" if you intend to drive your organization up to the next level (or perhaps drive your own life). Leave your steel tip shoes at the door 'cause after devouring this volume you'll want to give a good swift kick in the ass to anyone who says "It can't be done."

Timeless ideas for the entreprenuer of today and tomorrow
Tom Peters BASHES the nail on the head TIME after TIME with this indispensible book. The Pursuit of WOW! is written using an easy-to-understand, innovative format to provide highly valuable and extremely powerful advice on creating success in business! Feel your brain expand and fill with great ideas for growing and strengthening YOUR business with each and every page! Mr. Peters uses his delightfully dry wit to pilage and plunder the archaic, die-hard gospel of business gone by. This is a new translation of the business bible. READ THIS BOOK!

The Wisdom of the Popes: A Collection of Statements of the Popes Since Peter on a Variety of Religious and Social Issues
Published in Paperback by St. Martin's Press (2000)
Author: Thomas J. Craughwell
Amazon base price: $16.95
Used price: $7.50
Buy one from zShops for: $13.78
Average review score:

Good reference source
If Mr. Craughwell had just given a collection of statements from the popes over the last 2000 years this book would be great. If one is looking for a collection of statements by the popes then buy this book. The problem that I have with the book is the introduction/commentary that Mr. Craughwell offers at the start of many of the chapters, especially the commentary at start of the chapter on the Mass. In the prior chapters he showed how the popes have always helped the Church understand in a new way the truths that have been revealed to the Church since the begining. But in the chapter on the Mass he how the post Vatican II Mass has been a mistake by Paul VI and has led to a decline in the Church. I personally don't think he is right but that is another matter. So my suggestion is buy the book and skip the commentary/ introductions.

This book belongs in every Catholic home.
Papal proclamations, encyclicals, and meditations have fathered and fostered what is Western culture. Thomas Craughwell has compiled a splendorous and thematic bouquet of the spiritual and political positions of the Popes throughout the last two millennia. His masterful creation serves as a roadmap for anyone who wishes to trace the true influence of Catholicism upon the formation of the modern world.

From the stalwart simplicity of Peter and the prosaic acclaimations of the goodness of God penned by Clement I, down to the more recent and politically volatile legacies of Paul XI and Pius the XII, Mr. Craughwell artfully crafts an enthralling, intriguing, and inspiring legacy of the Pontiffs that will undoubtedly become a standard household reference for all Catholic families.

Dolphin's First Day: The Story of a Bottlenose Dolphin
Published in Hardcover by Soundprints (1994)
Authors: Peter Thomas, Steven J. Petruccio, and Kathleen Weidner Zoehfeld
Amazon base price: $5.00
Average review score:

Nicely written, Kid-friendly Dolphin story
This is a story about a newborn Bottleneck dolphin's first day in the ocean. It is nicely written and illustrated but the kid friendly story line takes away slightly from the factual information. Even so, both my children (2 year-old and 4 year-old) and I really enjoy this book and others in this "Smithsonian Ocean Series" especially Manatee Winter.

The Professional Service Firm50
Published in Digital by Knopf ()
Authors: Tom Peters and Thomas J. Peters
Amazon base price: $12.95
Average review score:

Tom Peters Puts The Wow! Back Into Work!
This book has several potential uses. Although I have worked in professional service firms almost my entire life, I found this book to be a useful reminder of what makes a professional service firm great. In fact, this is much more useful than The McKinsey Way (a book about Tom's original firm). Although Tom Peters did not intend this purpose, I think it may be the best use of the book. The second use is the intended one: Turn your internal business department into a professional service firm look-alike. The book will work well for those who have driving ambition to be the best. For those who do not yet share Peters' passion, this book may seem over the top. Peters is a very qualitative thinker, so it would be easy to misapply his ideas in a way that created a tough work environment that provided little benefit. For example, The Dance of Change warns against trying to create new language and culture in an organizational sector because everyone else may think you are weird and ignore you. Peters could create that kind of tension for a group if you followed his advice too literally (he suggests that you use questions like "How can we wow you?" when working with colleagues in the firm -- that may work if you politely ask the person first if you may ask them an unusual question). On the other hand, Peters is at his best when he is a little off-the-wall because he makes you think. There are plenty of references to outstanding books, and he is really trying to create a picture of perfection. That is helpful, because most business books simply share dated information about past best practices. As someone who helps executives design simple, effective approaches to perfection, I applaud the effort. Peters would do well to accommodate other perspectives. Being totally committed to work and perfection through maximum effort often does not appeal to people as a permanent life style. What should the other people do? If you are an ambitious MBA who wants a mentor, you could do a lot worse than adopt this book as your guide. If you want balance in your life, you had better read Life Strategies as well. Keep up the good work, Tom Peters! I hope you keep challenging us!

Highly Recommended!
Tom Peters takes this book's role in the "Reinventing Work Series" seriously. He urges corporate departments, such as human resources and accounting, to reinvent themselves as professional service firms, thinking of their work as projects and of their companies as clients. He believes this will result in a more energized workforce and higher-quality work. His approach is marked by his now signature "gee whiz" writing style, which is punctuated by large typefaces, exclamation points and remarks like "Amen!" and "WOW!" We [...] recommend this book for its innovative points and no "b.s." attitude, but Peters-bashers will groan at the repetition of ideas and cheerleading expressions. This is a useful, inspiring pep talk, and if it is not exactly In Search of Excellence - which seemed to be written for adults who didn't need quite so much hip-hip hoopla - that was then and this is now.

This book brims over with thought-stimulating advice on how to transform a department into a high-quality, Professional Service Firm. Fast-paced reading, witty, and charged with insights and Tom Peters' WOW (excitement)! Highly recommended.

The Tom Peters Seminar
Published in Paperback by Vintage Books (15 January, 1994)
Authors: Thomas J. Peters and Tom Peters
Amazon base price: $11.20
List price: $16.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $0.01
Collectible price: $0.28
Buy one from zShops for: $0.33
Average review score:

"Where's the Beef?!!"
Nothing here that is implementable. This tape contains one message: CHANGE EVERYTHING. The entire book and tape revolve around this single message. Mr. Peters provides no implementable plan or suggestions on how to adapt this message to you, your department, or company. In fact, you have to ask yourself, "Is it truly necessary to change everything?" Most of us would have to say "No." In fact, this is more often than not a recipe for f-a-i-l-u-r-e. Instead, A RETURN TO BASICS is what is needed in 90-95.0% of the cases. However, my biggest complaint isn't that I believe Mr. Peters is wrong, it is that his recent books and tapes are filled with superfluous and outragious statements that fail to advance the listener's or reader's understanding of the concept. When I buy a management book or tape, I want information and concepts that I can quickly take to my company and implement to our mutual benefit. Unfortunately, Mr. Peters' recent works appear to be nothing more than pep-talks and cheerleading sessions. You have to ask yourself: "Where's the beef?"

Tom Tom Club
With a Copyright of 1994, its a little dated, but the basic message remains clear. Innovate or become extinct. Tom's enthusiam is apparent with each chapter.

If you can overlook the examples of corporations that are no longer around, and listen to the concepts, ( refer of course to the audio version) its a great program.

For true members of Tom's movement, this book remains a variation on a theme. A must have for the "Work Matters crowd" a cheap substitute for his live programs. Or a great refresher course for someone that has been to one.

The entrepeneural spirit of Tom Peters is here
Beyond review, I read this book first in 94 and just re-read it again in july 97, It is still wonderfull and give a lot of insight to business. I wish I can see him LIVE in THE SEMINAR someday, most of Tom books are good and worth reading. Read it.

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