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Book reviews for "Onorato,_Richard_James" sorted by average review score:

A Companion to American Thought
Published in Paperback by Blackwell Publishers (1998)
Authors: Richard Wrightman Fox and James T. Kloppenberg
Amazon base price: $34.95
Used price: $22.50
Average review score:

A Companion to American Thought
This book has a wealth of information on American idealogy. I used this book originally for a research project on Transcendentalism that focused on Thoreau, and found that the book was well-indexed and clearly focused. It contained a wealth of information, but wasn't wordy. I later bought the book just to read, and it has benefitted my studies immensely.

Conscious and Unconscious Processes: Psychodynamic, Cognitive, and Neurophysiological Convergences
Published in Hardcover by Guilford Press (24 May, 1996)
Authors: Howard Shevrin, James Bond, Linda Brakel, Richard Hertel, and William Williams
Amazon base price: $49.00
Used price: $25.00
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Average review score:

Clever and Complete Research Design-Brilliant Work!
New to the statistical and methodological side of research in psychology I found this book a little difficult. That said, it was understandable. Clearly, the researchers were "standing on the shoulders of their forefathers" and at the same time engineering a piece of research which will make you (especially you non-psychoanalytics) think twice about the reality of a human unconscious. This validating piece of work will be of interest to advanced psychology and counseling theory students and researchers. One can skim the studies and get the gist of the design, procedures and results.

The Dada Almanac (Atlas Arkhive, 1)
Published in Paperback by Consortium Book Sales & Dist (1994)
Authors: Richard Huelsenbeck, Malcolm Green, Barbara Wright, and James Kirkup
Amazon base price: $17.49
List price: $24.99 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $10.00
Buy one from zShops for: $10.98
Average review score:

The Dada Almanac
I am Enrolled in a class entitled "Film and Revolution." The first movement we are learning about is Dada. This book gives a good understanding of Dada. It also gives examples of Dada art, or anit-art as it it called. This is definitely a must for people wanting to learn of Dada.

Etcetera: The Unpublished Poems of E.E. Cummings
Published in Paperback by W.W. Norton & Company (1983)
Authors: E. E. Cummings, George James Firmage, and Richard S. Kennedy
Amazon base price: $17.95
Used price: $2.50
Collectible price: $11.00
Buy one from zShops for: $10.75
Average review score:

ee cummings is amazing
As a long time ee cummings fan, I found this book to be just as wonderful as the rest of his writing, although this one isn't as well known. If you can appreciate his artistic use of words, you will not be disapointed by etcetera.

The Evolution of the Flightless Bird
Published in Paperback by Yale Univ Pr (1984)
Authors: Richard Kenney and James Merrill
Amazon base price: $11.00
Used price: $45.36
Average review score:

Richard Kenney At Bennington 1985

After attending a reading of Richard Kenney at Bennington in 1985 I fell in love with his work and poetry. He was a gentleman with a rural air who moved the crowd but like Al Gore had a distance that was slightly cold. He delves deep into science and history in his poems. In my instruction manual on poetry I have a section under processes; by describing processes poets enrich their lines and can allude to their own work with more force than usual. Processes stir the mind more than most descriptions. Think of the process of beauty aging; the movie that deals with that theme would not be glam, it would have substance.

Richard Kenney's poems are rich in processes of the universe and of the organic world. There are many unwritten works that he should write. Imagine finding out how a brewery makes beer while following around a brewery drunken romantics who stare into the stars and see what's going on in the cosmos as they kiss. Richard Kenney would be the poet to write that book. This book, however, tends to be too scientific, there is too much of the mind, not enough of the more mysterious working of the heart. That's probably why this book is out of print. With an editor or a sensual collaborator Richard Kenney could write the work of the century.

This is a great read anyway, especially for poets who are temporarily tired of the 20th century masters. Just surf the web while being dazzled by his poetic creations and the book will pay for itself in the process of revelation.

Flaps: Decision Making in Clinical Practice
Published in Hardcover by Taylor & Francis Books Ltd (01 January, 1996)
Authors: L. Franklin Elliott MD, A. Bryant Toth MD, Richard S. Stahl MD, Michael H. Moses MD, McKay McKinnon MD, James C. Grotting MD, Vince N. Zubowicz MD, and William Winn
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:

Decision making in clinical practice
An excellent review of flap (local and regional) surgery.

Good for the senior resident and junior attending level.

Fundamentals of Federal Income Taxation, Tenth Edition
Published in Hardcover by Foundation Press (07 April, 1998)
Authors: James J. Freeland, Stephen A. Lind, and Richard B. Stephens
Amazon base price: $55.50
Used price: $6.50
Buy one from zShops for: $12.25
Average review score:

Comprehensive Tax Casebook
This 10th edition of the Fundamentals of Federal Income Taxation by Freeland is well organized and complete. You'll spend many wonderful hours deciphering and mastering the exciting and stimulating tax code of this great country of ours. The perfect book to curl up with in front of a roaring fire. Enjoy!

The Future of Banking (A Twentieth Century Fund Report)
Published in Paperback by Yale Univ Pr (1900)
Authors: James L. Pierce and Richard C. Leone
Amazon base price: $16.00
Used price: $0.50
Average review score:

A thorough and intelligent look at US banking law.
The title is almost a misnomer - much of the book is concerned with the past and present of US banking law - but the book itself is powerful. Mr. Pierce traces the evolution of commercial banking law at the Federal level from the founding of the first Bank of the United States to the present day, and the changing nature of the banking industry with an eye towards proving the thesis that current law, still based largely around New Deal thinking, is both out of sync with the state of the industry and inefficient. Pierce argues consistently for allowing market forces to play a greater role in shaping the industry and for regulating types of financial activity rather than types of institutions. The writing is consistently clear enough for the layman to follow without being simplistic, and the author argues his case eloquently.

The Future of Modern Music: A Vibrant New Modernism in Music for the Future
Published in Paperback by American Book Publishing (2002)
Authors: James McHard, Lorna Lynch, and Richard Dziendzielowski
Amazon base price: $29.95
Average review score:

insightful; cursory at times philosophically
The Future of Modern Music (TFMM) highlights the tradition and changing role of modernity in classical music of the 20th century. As a student participant of the 2001 summer CCMIX program ... I firsthand gained from the pedagogy founded on sound based composition which is the focus of both CCMIX and McHard's book. ....

I categorize TFMM as a book that attempts to place the compositional modernity of the last century into a hyper modern role in the present. By hyper modernity I posit that TFMM supports the Western assumption that the detached theoretical viewpoint is superior to the involved practical viewpoint. Nevertheless, TFMM succeeds in relating the important transitions that classical music has made in the 20th century and is a worthy book to read especially for the classical listener who is not familiar with the advances of composition in this past century.

A Guide to the Haunted Queen Mary: Ghostly Apparitions, Psychic Phenomena and Paranormal Activity
Published in Unknown Binding by G-HOST PUBLISHING ()
Authors: Robert James Wlodarski, Anne Nathan-Wlodarski, and Richard Senate
Amazon base price: $11.95
Used price: $5.95
Average review score:

Ghosts take a holiday
A GUIDE TO THE HAUNTED QUEEN MARY has a wealth of information on a single haunted site. Authors Robert Wlodarski, Anne Nathan-Wlodarski, and Richard Senate are active psychic researchers who have heavily studied this aspect of the ship and relay a lot of intriguing information; however, produced by small publishing house, this book's presentation is rather crude.

This 1995 edition provides a brief history of the QUEEN MARY, including incidents that occurred aboard many believe led to some of its hauntings; primary accounts by people who witnessed its phenomena; the transcript of a séance; photos; and diagrams and sketches to illustrate some of its accounts. This book also has appendixes listing references, selected ghost movies, and "what to do if you see a ghost."

At the ship's pool side, "a young, attractive woman in a miniskirt, is sometimes viewed walking down the stairs leading to the pool, and then vanishing behind a pillar." One employee claims to feel cold spots in the kitchen where there are no drafts or ventilation and another sees a plate fly across the cafeteria. While stopping in the captain's cabin, one tour guest starts feeling seasick--as if the ship is at sea--a sensation that passes as soon as she leaves the room.

Hauntings of major traveling vessels are fairly common. Long voyages and major journeys are frequently stressful to travelers and strong emotions are usually what brings the dead back. Another ship, also permanently docked (but in the docks of the San Francisco Bay Area), where ghosts have been sighted is the USS HORNET. When Flight 401 crashed killing 101 people, Eastern Airlines salvaged undamaged parts of the plane as is the custom in the industry. Apparently, some of the crew's spirits embedded on those parts later reused and have alerted their living counterparts to dangers that helped them save lives.

The number of uncanny encounters on the QUEEN MARY are almost expected when one considers its long years of passenger service were also interrupted for military use during World War II. It transported many enemy POWs during the conflict. Water also affects psychic energy. Learning of the cases in detail is compelling for anyone intrigued by the subject.

The worst criticism this reviewer can make against this book is its poor graphic design and the way it organizes its text. While some publishing traditions become obsolete with modern technology, there are some conventions that confuse the conveying of information when violated. For instance, serif typefaces are more comfortable for long-term reading and recto pages should have odd page numbers. Author biographies and selling info for other books the house sells are usually found at the back of the volume so they don't break the flow of content in the front.

Although this volume is slim, a table of contents would be helpful. It also tends to awkwardly parcel its data. Instead of reporting a fatal incident and all the phenomena that related to it in one place, it separates and classifies the tidbits by on-board deaths and "identified" spirits, verbatim primary accounts from visitors on the ship, then the employee accounts. Although this collection of facts come from different primary sources, sometimes it's a bit repetitive and disorientating bouncing back and forth between the different cases.

For anyone interested in a intensive study on the hauntings aboard the QUEEN MARY, overlook this book's clumsy presentation. A GUIDE TO THE HAUNTED QUEEN MARY is otherwise a fine, in-depth study of a magnificent historical monument's paranormal activity.

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