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Book reviews for "Onorato,_Richard_James" sorted by average review score:

How to Stop the Pain
Published in Paperback by Whitaker House (2001)
Author: James B. Richards
Amazon base price: $10.39
List price: $12.99 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $8.97
Buy one from zShops for: $9.07
Average review score:

A simple yet profound message...GOD IS LOVE
When I started reading the book I was skeptical but I decided not to 'judge' it until I had read it all. There were two or three translation quotations that I took exception to, however, I remember something my father taught me growing up on the farm.

We would buy flour in 25 pound cloth bags. When we opened the bag, we would many times find weevils (smal bugs or worms) or small rocks in the floor. The first time I saw this, I told my father the flour was ruined and that we would have to throw it away. Dad said, "No, we will just pour it into a floor sieve and let the good flour fall through into a bowl to be used in cooking; the screen in the sift will catch the bugs and rocks and we will throw THEM away."

What a powerful and wise lesson my father taught me. I don't have to agree with EVERYTHING a person says in order for me to received something from God and be Blessed.

Thank you Dr. Richards. The book came into my life at a point when I really needed it!

Incredible Insight - very helpful
The topic of judging others and its fruit is a bit tough to "own" but I've found that my judgements have impacted every area of my life. Walking free of the need to judge others and even myself has been liberating.

I highly recomend this book.

Pastor Ed Johnson

The Human Genome
Published in Hardcover by Palgrave Macmillan (15 January, 2002)
Authors: Carina Dennis, Richard Gallagher, and James Watson
Amazon base price: $22.40
List price: $32.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $15.20
Buy one from zShops for: $16.90
Average review score:

Everything you need to understand about the genome project
This book takes you from 0 to 100 in a few chapters. The background, methods and significance of the genome project are explained and illustrated, along with a beautiful reprinting of the landmark scientific paper from the journal Nature.

As a doctor who hasn't worked in genetics, I needed something like this to get me up to speed on this crucial area of modern medical science.

Strap yourself in and enjoy the ride.

Inside Guide to Sacramento: The Hidden Gold of California's Capital
Published in Paperback by Embarcadero Press (1994)
Authors: Dan Flynn, Richard F. Tolmach, and James A. Browning
Amazon base price: $11.95
Used price: $3.15
Average review score:

Sacramento - he Get's Right
Dan Flynn has captured the true essence of one of California's least appreciated and most misunderstood of California cities. His guide is really packed with some hidden gems about the capitol city. I think any visitor or resident who be advised to get a copy of Flynn's book before setting out to see the Camellia City. As a staffer at the capitol, I think he is privvy to all of those secret spots politicians of any state capitol discover. Can't wait until he reviews the state buildings' cafeterias.

An Introduction to Go
Published in Paperback by Ishi Press (1989)
Authors: James Davies and Richard Bozulich
Amazon base price: $4.95
Used price: $2.89
Collectible price: $7.99
Buy one from zShops for: $3.88
Average review score:

An Introduction
Five years ago, this book taught me to play Go. I have read its 92 pages many times since. Is it a great Go book? For what it is, yes. Consider it the manual that should come with a Go board. It tells you how to play, and gives just enough insite to think, "hey, there's more to this whole Go thing than meets the eye.

I will cherish my copy always.

Irwin & Rippe's Intensive Care Care Medicine (2 volume set)
Published in Hardcover by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Publishers (15 January, 1999)
Authors: Richard S. Irwin, Frank B. Cerra, and James M. Rippe
Amazon base price: $245.00
Used price: $19.98
Buy one from zShops for: $19.98
Average review score:

State of the Art Intensive Care Medicine
Irwin and Rippe's Intensive Care Medicine is the best book on this subject. It has all the information needed for physicians who deals with critical patients.

James McNeill Whistler
Published in Hardcover by Harry N Abrams (1995)
Authors: Richard Dorment, Margaret F. MacDonald, James McNeill Whistler, Nicolai Ckiovsky, and Ruth Fine
Amazon base price: $85.00
Used price: $22.77
Collectible price: $40.24
Buy one from zShops for: $36.99
Average review score:

The artist as the perfectionist
This book does an excellent job of exploring the many contradictions of the life and career of an artist who was both his own biggest fan/promoter and his own harshest critic. The book presents the many talents (artist,etcher,interior designer to name a few) and his many flaws (vain, arrogant, bitter and self serving attitude) while still showing the human side of the artist . The illustrations are complete and a glorious showing of both his popular works as well as his less known pieces. The triad of this book, "Diabolical Designs" and "Beyond the Myth" reveal an artist who deserves much more critical and popular attention.

LA Vie Parisienne
Published in Paperback by Blue Moon Books (1993)
Authors: James Jennings and Richard Manton
Amazon base price: $4.95
Used price: $30.12
Buy one from zShops for: $11.98
Average review score:

It's an erotica novelette treasure chest ....
I guess I should have read the editorial reviews more carefully and taken note of the comment that this book is a comendium of 'extracts' rather than a Ruchard Manton book in itself. The bad part of that of course is that I have read most of the works in this book years ago .....

The book contains the following stories or novelettes of which the ones marked by asterisk I have read and were published as full books:

La belle Epoque

* Two Flappers in Paris

The Shuttered House of Paris

* Eveline

* Flossie (should be Flossie a Venus of Dixteen)

* Suburban Souls

Tableux Vivants

* Parisian Frolics

Cirque Erotique

* Sweet Dreams

Learning and Assessing Science Process Skills
Published in Paperback by Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company (1996)
Authors: Richard J. Rezba, Ronald L. Fiel, H. James Funk, and James R. Okey
Amazon base price: $33.95
Used price: $19.00
Buy one from zShops for: $26.00
Average review score:

Excellent Resource for Elementary Teachers
Given the developing national and state standards for elementary science education, this book has proven to be an excellent resource for familiarizing preservice elementary teachers with "what it means to be a scientist."

Many education majors lack an understanding of and appreciation for the very science process skills that they are now expected to integrate into their science program. This book can help fill in this experience gap with hands-on activities which can later be used with K-6 students.

The Left-Hander's Guide to Life
Published in Paperback by Plume (1992)
Authors: Leigh W. Rutledge, Richard Donley, and James Bennett
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $0.62
Collectible price: $1.60
Buy one from zShops for: $1.98
Average review score:

Get this book.
I read this book many years ago. I had been collecting information on lefthandedness for a long time with the thought of writing a book of my own. Well Leigh beat me to it! Although it is marketed as a lighthearted look at lefties, all the information is there. I cannot find my copy so I'm going to order 5 of them for myself and my lefty friends.jk

Lilac Cigarette in a Wish Cathedral: Poems (James Dickey Contemporary Poetry Series)
Published in Hardcover by University of South Carolina Press (1998)
Authors: Robin Magowan and Richard Howard
Amazon base price: $15.95
Used price: $9.50
Collectible price: $10.59
Average review score:

American surrealist poet on a distinctive path to ecstatics.
To keep going as a writer over the years, at least in the minor and non-commercial genre of American poetry, you have to tell yourself some version of Mark Twain's trans-Atlantic cable: "The reports of my death [as a poet] have been greatly exaggerated." Robin Magowan is an American surrealist poet of genuine imagination and linguistic risks who has kept writing over the years with a consistency of tactic and concern that might be called obsessional, wish-drenched fantasy from one point of view and the signature of an authentic style from another.

A special listening is at the core of this poetics of the syllable and the transcendental image. For "God still moves in the sound of the long 'o,' as Dylan Thomas once suggested; and although a half-century of deconstructive semiotics (and worse) have taught us to be much more cautious about such enthusiasms for the logos and the mystique of verbal and religious presence, such assumptions and risks of intuitive language and the inscape of imagery are at the core of Robin Magowan's poetry.

Magowan's Lilac Cigarette in a Wish Cathedral, as its wonderful title for this project suggests, registers a poetry of risk-fulfillment, tracking extremities and delicacies of sense and wish, mountain journeys, desert flights, movements into and out of the primacy of ecstatic fulfillment that haunts the Greco-Roman tradition as this comes down to the United States via a "whit manic" incarnation that haunts our little streets and huge continental hungers. He works this through the Emersonian sense of abandonment and solitary quest, which seeks "ravishment of the intellect by coming nearer to the fact" of self-loss and the desacralization that is the fate of commodity culture.

This is a singular collection, suggesting a life-long discipline in the poetic image and the path of heightened language, a highly wrought and prolonged "derangement of the senses" a la Rimbaud that has taken Magowan from Greece to Tibet and back it its quest.

The last poem in Lilac Cigarette in a Wish Cathedral (wherein, as Richard Howard aptly puts it in his trenchant introduction, "the hierophant smokes his lilac cigarette in a wish cathedral" that is each poem) is entitled "O," and moves from the crooning and screeching plea of a Whitmanic voice, "O my rooster's urge/ to spring voice loud" to the cranked-up ecstasy (bleeding sound into picture) of "dawn flushed/ crimson screaming o."

Pain and pleasure as elsewhere bleed into the mix, the poet lost into the rooster's urge to give rebirth to the whole mounting and morning landscape. In "Miniature," this transmutation of local scene into the mystique of poetic/ religious presence is effected not so much through the visual as through impactions of the aural, what Hopkins called the "inscape" of leaping vowels: "The pleasure of sounds innocently grasped/ A peacock in the eyes of the rain." This twisted and torqued little haiku of a poem depends on the "e" becoming "I" becoming "a" as much as upon the image transformation. The poem enacts, in "miniature," the mix of hearing and sounding that becomes the aesthetic medium of the "wish cathedral."

In a time still dominated by the locality of image (as in Williams) and the play of skeptical wit (Stevens, and his heirs like Ashbery), Magowan had always pursued something else, something closer to Breton or Michaux and the sources of magical incarnations in European surrealism as a kind of interior Orphic line. Magowan's book thus opens in Greece, and seeks the ecstasy of dance and music as tactic of self-loss. Later, "Orfeo" courts this lineage, where the poet (ancient to modern) descends to mount, "goes in a gorge/ Of pluming, spraying song." No gods or muse arises to help the sense of abandonment and self-loss amid the murmuring of deadly presence, "just a wingbeat to guide/ Murmurous wasp center, alone."

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